
Good Calories, Bad Calories Part 45

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It's always dangerous, when chal enging beliefs that are so pa.s.sionately embraced, to acknowledge that you have paid attention to the skeptics who preceded you. This can be used as evidence that you are exceedingly gul ible and wil believe anything you read. Nonetheless, I concede that I indeed took seriously and am grateful for the efforts of those who trod portions of this path before me: in particular, Russel Smith, Uffe Ravnskov (and his International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics), Wolfgang Lutz, James Le Fanu, and Thomas Moore on the relationship between cholesterol and heart disease; Alfred Pennington, Herman Tal er, and Robert Atkins on the subject of diet and weight; and Peter Cleave and John Yudkin, who came closest to putting it al together. I read the works of these authors with skepticism, but no more or less than that of other contributors to the literature. The book that may have been most influential in altering my perspective and yet never made it into this text, for reasons of narrative flow and length rather than relevance, was Weston Price's 1939 cla.s.sic Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects.

Drafts of this book were read in part or in whole and corrections suggested by Robert Bauchwitz, John Benditt, Kenneth Carpenter, Michael Eades, Richard Feinman, Mark Friedman, Richard Hanson, David Jacobs, Cynthia Kenyon, Ron Krauss, Mitch Lazar, Jamie Robins, Bruce Schechter, Jeremy Stone, Clifford Taubes, Nina Teicholz, and Eric Westman. I am deeply grateful to al these individuals for their time, their efforts, and their ac.u.men. Any errors in either fact or form, however, remain mine alone. I would also like to thank the literal y hundreds of researchers, clinicians, and public-health authorities who took the time to speak with me at length, many of whom did so repeatedly, even though they fundamental y disagreed with articles I had already written on this subject.

I am grateful to Colin Norman and Tim Appenzel er for their invaluable help and encouragement at Science on the series of investigations that took me ever more deeply into the questionable practices of preventive medicine and public health. I'm grateful to Hugo Lindgren and Adam Moss, both formerly of The New York Times Magazine, for taking the chance on the very controversial article-"What If It's Al Been a Big Fat Lie?"-that led directly to the work on this book.

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