
Fragile Eternity Part 31

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Bananach paused. She stared into the distance, but didn't share her visions of destruction. She smiled in horrific glee. "No, I've not lost yet."

Then she strode away through the garden with her entourage, and in her wake were charred footsteps and bleeding flowers.


Seth walked into Niall's home. Niall hadn't ever wanted him to be there, but that was before. When I was mortal. Things had changed.

No one stopped Seth. He was a declared Friend of the Dark Court, welcome among them, protected by their last breaths if necessary.

"Brother," Niall said as Seth approached the dais.

The throngs of Dark Court faeries watched openly. Seth saw threads of Ly Ergs and glaistigs woven together. Then the picture blurred. Bananach. My aunt. Seth couldn't see her threads, but he felt her somewhere in the world.

"I need your help." Seth didn't bow, but he lowered his gaze respectfully. He was a faery now, and chosen brother or not, Niall was still king.

"Say the word. If it's not against the good of my court"-Niall sat straighter in his throne-"I'll always help you."

Seth looked up and caught Niall's gaze. "I'm the High Queen's own. For eternity, I'll spend a part of my life with her in Faerie. I'm the Summer Queen's beloved. But it is your help I need now. Sorcha's made me faery and given me gifts. I would do what's best for her now."

"Supporting the High Court's need for order is not what's best for the Dark Court," Ani said from somewhere to his left. The half-Hound, half-mortal girl had dreams of chaos that her king and court restricted.

"Neither's protecting the Summer Court's pet," grumbled one of the thistle-fey.

Protectively, Chela moved closer to Seth.

During the long pause, Seth stared only at Niall-whose threads were so myriad that that they might as well be invisible. The Dark King waited, hopeful in a way that he didn't even realize. If Seth couldn't see so truly, he'd believe that Niall's raising his hand was a casual gesture. It wasn't. It was both fearful and excited. "Tell me what you want."

"To train with Gabriel's Hounds. Sometimes setting things to order requires blood." Seth let his gaze drift across the a.s.sembled Dark Court fey and then back to their king. "I need to know how to defend myself and to wound others. I need to know how to hunt. Will you help me?"

"It would be an honor," Niall said. "If the Hounds agree?"

Gabriel laughed. Chela smiled. Faeries grinned and nodded.

Seth did bow then. He saw the threads of possibilities all around him. As long as he didn't tell them that it was Bananach he intended to hunt, he'd find much help here.

"Welcome home, brother." Niall stepped forward and embraced him. "This change suits you well."

It did. Seth had a purpose now. And a chance at eternity with Ash.


This book would not have happened without the insights and pa.s.sion of Anne Hoppe. Thank you for believing in my characters and for sharing the journey. These books are yours as much as they are mine.

Everything I have in my life-including writing-is possible because I was fortunate enough to find a partner who fills in my empty s.p.a.ces. Loch, you give me the courage and the faith to try to do more than I thought I could. Thank you for being here with me through the travels, the weird hours, the odd questions, and the overall panic-and-glee roller coaster.

Part of writing is filling the well. My ever-patient son convinced me to journey to far reaches to hang out with puffins. My wise daughter reminded me to take nights off for Buffy marathons. For these and so many other reasons, you two remain the center of my universe.

My parents continue to offer support every step of the journey. I couldn't do any of this without the wisdom and love you've given me over the years.

A few of the usual suspects were also invaluable during the past year plus. Jeaniene Frost continues to be steadfast in her role as critique partner and dear friend. Melissa Dittmar saved my sanity and organized my universe. Alison Donalty and Mark Tucker completely spoiled me with yet another fabulous cover. Patrice Mich.e.l.le offered insightful remarks on the text. Mark Del Franco, Kelly Kincy, Vicki Pettersson, Rachael Morgan, Jason Falivene, Kerri Falivene, and Dean Lorey all shared sanity and words of wisdom. Friends like you are a treasure. Thank you, all.

Grat.i.tude must go also to my wonderful readers. Extra thanks goes to those of you who've taken time to come out and meet me, as well as the readers on www.wickedlovely.com and my own web forum (especially Maria, Jennifer, Meg, Tiger, Pheona, Michaela, and Raven) for indulging my chatter urges.

You have all inspired me to keep trying to do better. Thank you.


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