
Forbidden Fruit Part 8

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"Why, Phoebe, what do you mean? Look at my affair, how stiff it is as soon as you kissed me," pulling out Mr. Pego to broad daylight.

"For shame, Master Percy! the girls might see you, they are close by in the garden," and then taking me into her sitting-room, she blushingly explained in me the custom of women, as the Bible calls it.

"We can't do anything to-day, dearie, the three girls are about; it is holiday time and I never expected you."

"Oh, my Lord! what shall I do if I can't f.u.c.k some one? How I should like a game with your girls, and to feel their little c.u.n.ts, even if I could not f.u.c.k them: look, Phoebe I've got six sovereigns in my pocket, you shall have it all, if you let me have a spree with them."

How her eyes glistened at the sight of so much gold, probably more than she had ever seen in her life before.

"Why, Percy, you are worse than an old man. Mr. Jones, our parson, is a bad'un, but you beat him. Three at once, oh my! He only fingers Patty now and then, but says the others are too young. Patty doesn't half like it, you know, but then it's a good thing for me, as when I go and row the parson about it he always squares me with half a sov, so I just smacks Patty's a.r.s.e well and threaten to murder her if she says a word to any one. It won't do to kill the goose that lays golden eggs, but we must be careful. They are sure to be in mischief, so I will just run out and catch them at it. Then won't I let you see their pretty little a.r.s.es well slapped; and it will make your c.o.c.k stand--like a fine poker as it is. I generally have a family slapping after dinner on Sundays, it makes Peter so randy to see their little c.u.n.ts and rosy red a.r.s.es!

Then I do get a rare rogering I can tell you, but not so good as yours, dear."

She soon fetched them in from the garden, all flushed and crying, having dropped on them just as the two younger ones were fighting Patty, and had boxed their ears all round. "Now, you little scratch cats, just wipe you faces and see how I will tingle your naughty b.u.ms before Mr. Percy, that will just make you nicely ashamed of yourselves."

Little Sue--the youngest, about ten--hid her face in her hands, she was so shamefaced to see me; but Phoebe brusquely, as if in great temper, first wiped their hands and faces with a wet towel, then noticing the disorder of their little frocks, proceeded to divest them of everything, till they stood reduced to their smocks, shoes, and stockings.

"Did you ever see such dirty, bad behaved girls, such naughty little things, Master Percy? Oh, I don't know how to keep my hands off them, no slapping would half punish them enough," she said, dragging Sue across her lap. "Look at the dirt all up to her knees and thighs, she must have been crawling on the ground. Oh, you dirty young s.l.u.t!"

Smack, smack, smack, on her plump little thighs: the child screaming: "Oh mother! Mother don't Oh, don't, I will be better! Oh! I will!" as Phoebe still more exposed the quivering b.u.m to my gaze, slapping Sue's bottom without mercy. It was indeed a sight to excite any one, as I could see everything, the crack of her bottom, and just inside that the little hairless slit opening a wee bit every time she writhed and twisted under that painful slapping.

Almost throwing the child from her, Phoebe, seeming in a terrible temper, proceeded to serve Minnie, the next one, in the same manner, whilst I took Sue on my knee to soothe her and kiss the tears from her eyes, pa.s.sing my hands under her smock to feel the beautifully firm flesh all over her palpitating and still quivering body. But although fondling the little chit, and taking every possible liberty fingers could indulge in, my eyes followed every slap that the mother almost savagely laid on to Minnie's pretty bottom. Lovely sight to watch the tearful, screaming girl, with her nut-brown face, which made a lovely contrast to the whiteness of her skin below and the rosy red look of the well-spanked b.u.m. "There, there, there," she said, out of breath, as the last three hard slaps were laid on to her screaming victim. "Now go to Mr. Percy to comfort your smarting a.r.s.e, if he can."

"Poor little darling, Minnie, come to me, dear, and let Percy kiss your tears away. Never mind if I have seen your naughty b.u.m, you won't fight Patty any more, will you?"

Her crimsoned, dark face, gave me a peculiar pleasure as I looked at it, so drawing her close to my lips, I kissed her cheeks and sucked her mouth till the little thing quivered with emotions she had never felt before, which increased more and more as I placed one of her little hands inside my trousers, making her feel my awfully stiff member.

"Oh, what is that, Mr. Percy?" she lisped. "Will it hurt me?"

"No, my pet; pa.s.s your hand over it, backwards and forwards; it is so nice for me. Don't be afraid. Don't you like me to tickle you as well?"

"Yes, yes," she said in a whisper, a still deeper blush coming over the brown face: "I do, it makes me feel hot all over and forget the smart of my bottom," returning kiss for kiss with girl-like ardour, "and it makes me love you so, Oh! I do love you, Percy, dear."

"What's that you have got, Min?" said Sue. "See the rosy red head as the skin rubs back. Let me feel it, do."

"Yes, do, Sue. Kiss it and play with it. Your soft, little hands will just do the trick for me."

Almost directly the spend came in a flood of spouting jets, right over Sue's face and both their hands, whilst the sight of it seemed to drive their mother wild, as struggling with the big Patty, to get at the girl's backside, she tore her smock off her, and, getting hold of a thin cane, began to cut poor girl's bottom without mercy, each cut raising a fiery-looking mark, which soon puffed up into a regular weal.

Her victim screamed fearfully, but it did not effect her mother, who seemed carried away by her l.u.s.tful fury, and the cottage being quite isolated, no one was at all likely to hear anything. At length she laid Patty on a bed which was in a recess screened by curtains, which she drew aside, and as the poor girl lay on her face, sobbing as if her heart would break, Phoebe called me to inspect the effects of her handiwork.

The bottom still quivered, and the weals were beginning to turn a darker red colour, and would probably be blue when a day old.

"Look! Look! Mr. Percy," said she, "haven't I just punished well. I guess Mr. Jones would about like that sight and to put his fingers in the crack as she lays there."

"Ah!" I replied, "poor thing. Let me kiss it for her. My tongue is far better than any parson's finger, and will soon make her forget all the pain."

"Kneel up, quick Patty, across the bed, with your knees on the edge, so Mr. Percy can kiss where I have hurt you. Now be sharp about it, or you will get the cane again."

She was too frightened not to do so at once. Besides she knew I was kind to the others, and her delicate, wealed b.u.m was a thing to pity, but full of delight for me. My tool was again standing furiously, and I had thrown off both jacket and vest. There was just the slightest suspicion of down growing on the unfledged cunny, which was quivering and glistening on the pretty rose-like, pinky opening, as if the little b.i.t.c.h had actually had a slight emission. Mad with l.u.s.t, I glued my lips first to that delicious-looking little p.u.s.s.y and sucked for all I was worth, whilst Phoebe, kneeling down, had my, p.r.i.c.k in her warm mouth, which I f.u.c.ked in and out of as her tongue did its duty by rolling round its head. Patty squirmed in ecstasy. Phoebe sucked, and I spent a flood of love juice down her throat, whilst the two little ones, not to be out of the game, had pulled down my trousers and lifted my shirt behind, so as to pat and kiss my bottom, one on each side, making indeed a voluptuous experience for me.

"When a little recovered from the excitement of the foregoing tableaux, Phoebe made each of the girls take the head of my member in their mouths and suck it a little, whilst their hands fondled the bag of precious stones below, and when I was sufficiently worked up for another bout, she sat on the edge of the bed, standing Patty quite naked on a footstool between her knees, with her b.u.t.tocks presented to me, said:

"Now, sir, I know you won't be satisfied till you have her, so put your randy affair in behind, along the parting of her bottom, and f.u.c.k as if you were really in her little c.u.n.t. Nip your thighs well together, Patty; it won't hurt you, and be as nice as you can about it, then you will feel and enjoy the pleasure."

Following her directions, I pushed along the crack straight under her b.u.m, and felt Phoebe's hand grasp the head of my member each time it was pushed home; Patty, by her mother's directions, working her bottom to meet each thrust, and add to the illusion. My emission all went into the palm of Phoebe's hand, she rubbing it all up under the girl's little c.u.n.t. This was the end of that day's fun, and Phoebe a.s.sured me we might go a little further another time, and that there was no fear of the girls telling tales, as they were too much afraid of what their little a.r.s.es would suffer if they did.

Nothing of moment happened for a short time after this, till going one day unexpectedly to stables, I heard Patty's voice talking to her brother, who was our groom. The window was open and one corner being shaded by the foliage of a Virginia creeper, I could both have a good peep and hear everything.

"Well, you do look after your brother, Pat: only I wish you had brought something stronger than the housekeeper's mild ale," he was saying.

"She says beer, this hot weather, is bad for everybody, especially young people, it makes their blood hot, so they get into mischief. What does she mean, George?"

"Well, girls are something like Master Percy's little mare there: do you see how she is twitching her tail--it isn't the flies, there's none in the stable--and I expect you feel something like that, don't you, Pat, now and then?"

She blushed up to her eyes, but said, innocently enough: "Tell me what you mean, George, why does she frisk her tail so?"

"She wants the horse, and I expect you do, too, this warm weather."

"Oh, you wretch, to talk like that as if girls ever think such things.

It's all because you young fellows are always trying to ruin us girls."

"Yes Pat, and if you were not my sister you would never get out of this stable all right, I'd horse you to your heart's delight."

"Don't be so rude, George, you make me feel quite all-overish like.

There, don't kiss and squeeze me so: for shame, to do that to your own sister!" as he clasped her round the body, pressing her to his bosom, and smothered her face with kisses, as his hands were feeling the girl's plump, firm b.u.t.tocks.

She did not struggle much, but it made her heave one of those deep-drawn sighs, which too plainly told it was all over with her.

"Oh, George, don't, if you were some other nice young man as good-looking as yourself I would not answer for what might happen just now, you made me have such a funny feeling."

"Between your legs, wasn't it, Pat? you're just like Master Percy's little mare, see how excited she gets when I touch her!" Keeping his arm round her waist, he drew the trembling girl close up to the hind quarters of the mare, then releasing his arm, he stroked the beautiful creature's rump with his hand, till the mare's tail whisked more than ever. Presently he put his fingers right into the mare's c.u.n.t, and worked them by thrusting in and frigging the twitching lips of that hyper-sensitive organ to the evident delight of the beast, to judge from the way she stood to allow it: at first his fingers simply glistened with the moisture of the aperture, which could be seen contracting and twitching spasmodically as his fingers increased the animal's excitement, till a gush of horsey lubricity sent quite a flood of thick creamy looking stuff all over his hands, the mare giving quite a low whinney from excess of pleasure.

"Poor thing, she wanted it. Don't you think so, Pat?" he said, wiping his hands on a handkerchief.

This scene appeared to drive all sense off modesty out of Patty's mind, for with a laugh on her flushed face she replied: "Not more than you do, George, my boy, to look at something swelling inside your breeches.

I believe you have often horsed that mare yourself."

"Maybe I have, she makes me so randy swishing her tail about and stinging my face as I rub her down."

"How I should have liked to see that, and shall just find a peep-hole to watch how you go on. It will be rare fun if you don't know."

"How about yourself, Pat? If you could peep at that, you may as well look at this now; what do you think of your brother's c.o.c.k, my dear?"

as he let out to full view a fine standing tool of nearly eight inches long and thick in proportion, with the foreskin well turned back behind the fiery, ruby-coloured head.

It was plain to see there was incest in the air, she was all of a tremble, yet did not withdraw her hand when he made her touch his rampant tool, which seemed to strangely fascinate her.

"Although we are brother and sister, why shouldn't I have you as well as any other fellow! How con I help loving you the same as any one else? Men and women are the only animals who think it wrong; they were never told not to marry their mother or their sister; that little mare there would only be too pleased if she could just have father or brother to satisfy her warm feelings. There's no harm in it, Pat; only parsons make out everything is so wicked, even f.u.c.king, the greatest pleasure G.o.d ever gave us. Never mind them. Come on my girl, I must have it, I'm just wild for a put in!" at the same time gradually pushing her towards a long, broad, padded stool which stood in one corner, and was his usual seat when polishing the bits or harness, &c.

"What a shame? Do spare me, George, you know I can't help myself, you are so strong," as she sank on the stool and he pushed her backwards full length on it, his hands rapidly raising her skirts till I could see the thighs I knew so well, exposed nearly up to her nest, which was still hidden by the rucked-up drawers. Somehow she still kept her hand clasped on his member, and as he ruthlessly stretched her legs apart, getting between them, pushing aside the chemise which hid the object of his l.u.s.t, she ingenuously managed to direct his dart to the spot, murmuring: "Pray don't be rough, don't hurt me, George love, and you shall have your will of me."

He was certainly pushing for all he was worth, but clever girl as she was didn't want him to think he was not the first to take advantage of her virginity so her hand still retaining its grasp of his instrument, she squirmed and sighed: "Oh, oh, oh, its breaking! Stop you'll kill me, George!" then artfully letting him go, "Ar-r-r-re! Oh, you've forced it!" as he drove in till his hair rubbed against hers. She heaved her b.u.t.tocks in ecstasy to meet his thrilling pushes, and in the midst of their excitement I slipped through the door and was close behind them, delightedly watching George's p.r.i.c.k as it plunged in and out of Miss Patty's foaming little c.u.n.t just as they both seemed to spend together.

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Forbidden Fruit Part 8 summary

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