
Fires of St. John Part 25

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Thank you--thank you!!! [_Kisses_ Marie's _sleeve and dress, but when she would kiss her hand_, Marie _withdraws it quickly_.]


No, no! _Ne dosu ranka!_


All right, all right! You are fine lady. [_Looks about_.] Is the old man home, eh?


No, he is out.


That is good, that is good! He is an old devil--is the old man! All Prussians are devils. But he have fine house, he have! Like a prince!!!

[_Rubs her hand over table cover_.] Ah, nice shawl that would make---- [_Sees linen_.] And what fine linen--[_Motions to_ Marie.] Come here!


[_Approaching her_.] What do you want?


[_Pointing with thumb_.] Give me an drink--just an little drink!

[_Indicates with finger and thumb_.]

[_While_ Marie _turns to sideboard, she quickly takes two or three pieces of linen and with left hand holds them hidden under her ap.r.o.n_.]


[_After taking drink from Marie_.] Thanks, mine daughter, thanks!

[_After drinking, rubs her stomach_.] Ah, that's good, that's good!--Give me another! [Marie _fills another gla.s.s for her--she drinks it_.] Thank you, thank you!! But now I must be going!

[_In her anxiety to get out she drops one piece, while going to the door_.]


[_Horrified_.] Mo--mo--what were you trying to do?


[_Pretending surprise_.] My, my--just see! I found this out on the field. [_Picks it up and puts it under her arm_.]


Put that down, it is not yours.


[_Doing so_.] All right, all right--my--my--my----


Put down all you have!


I have no more, no, no more, I swear!


[_Goes quickly to door and calls_.] George!


[_Enters._] Well?


Give me some money! [_He gives her a gold piece_.] [Marie _to her mother_.] Here, here is money; now give me the linen----


[_Takes the money as she gives up the linen, greedily_.] A ducat! A whole ducat! A golden ducat! Mine daughter, thank you!


And now, go!


[_Goes anxiously to the door_.] Alright, alright!!!

[_Throws a kiss to_ Marie, _and quick exit_.]


[_Quickly takes key from board_.] George, take this key and lock the garden gate after her, so she does not return.

[George _exits_. Marie _looks after them, then slowly returns to the table, leans against same, and stares vacantly. Knock is heard at door L_.]


[_Mechanically_.] Come in!


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