
Boss Mo's Predestined Love Brought by Surrogacy Chapter 466 - Accident occurred

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Chapter 466 Accident occurred

Mo Yichen turned on the computer after hanging up the phone, and checked out the email from Uncle Mo.

He was reading the doc.u.ments carefully. Seeing that he was busy, Gu Yan didn’t bother him. She quietly sat on the sofa and waited him.

In fact, Gu Yan felt a little guilty. Mo Yichen managed a large group, but he ignored all affairs of his company and companied her.

Mo Yichen looked at the email sent by Uncle Mo. Just as Uncle Mo said, the planning case was exactly very important for Mo Group. If the case could be got successfully, Mo Group’s strength would be enhanced much further to the stage which no one could challenge.

Mo Yichen looked at the computer screen and was lost in thought.

He hadn’t been to the company for a long time and didn’t know how far the company had grown. However, Gu Yan’s studio hadn’t been on the right track, and there were plenty of affairs for Gu Yan to do. Gu Yan had been very exhausted for a long period of time, so he was really worried whether she could hold on after he left.

Mo Yichen was very struggling. One side was his own family business, and the other was his beloved woman’s job. Mo Yichen knew what was important, but he still felt guilty for Gu Yan because of the previous thing. He didn’t know how to make it up to her, so he could only accompany her for much longer.

Mo Yichen thought it over, and then decided to give up this planning case, handing it over to Uncle Mo completely. For such a long time, the company had been functioning normally without any problem, so Mo Yichen trusted Uncle Mo very much.

After making a decision, Mo Yichen told Uncle Mo the news.

Originally Uncle Mo was worried about Mo Yichen’s intervention. Thus, when he received the phone call from Mo Yichen, he relieved totally, with an un.o.bservable smile on his face.

“Yichen, don’t blame me for being cruel. I gave you a chance this time, but you didn’t take it. Now you can accompany with your sweetheart comfortably.”

Mo Yichen focused on Gu Yan’s studio now, but he didn’t know that his company was out of his control gradually.

Since Mo Yichen left the big case to Uncle Mo, he spent the whole day accompanying Gu Yan and fixing on her issues. He didn’t care about his company any more.

This was exactly what Uncle Mo wanted, and he knew that Mo Yichen had enough trust in him. Entrusting such a big case to him showed that Mo Yichen attached great importance to that girl, Gu Yan.

However, he still had to pretend to be loyal to Mo Yichen. He reported all things of the company to Mo Yichen as before.

One day, Uncle Mo called Mo Yichen again to report the work. However, Mo Yichen was really annoyed these days. He was busy to help Gu Yan every day, but Uncle Mo had to report to him everything else.

Obviously, Uncle Mo could make decisions by himself for some things, but he still reported many things, even some simply ch.o.r.es to Mo Yichen. Mo Yichen had given Uncle Mo enough rights, but he still had to ask about everything, which made Mo Yichen very impatient.

After Uncle Mo finished reporting, Mo Yichen finally told him, “Uncle, I have given you the right. You can handle the company’s affairs by yourself. I leave them all to you. I’ve been so busy lately. You can make decisions by yourself and don’t need to report to me.”

Mo Yichen’s words were exactly what Uncle Mo wanted. This was the purpose of Uncle Mo to report everything every day. He wanted to make Mo Yichen impatient so that he could get all the rights.

Uncle Mo said to Mo Yichen immediately, “OK. I will help you deal with all the affairs. I a.s.sure you to help run the company, and then you can do your things at ease.”

After hanging up the phone, Uncle Mo showed a sly smile. His conspiracy had succeeded. The reason that he reported everything was to make Mo Yichen feel troublesome and then take all the rights of the company into his hands.

After getting Mo Yichen’s authorization, Uncle Mo quickly thought about how to occupy all of Mo Yichen’s a.s.sets.

After thinking a while, he came up with a good idea suddenly. Now Mo Yichen was not in the company, and Mo Yichen’s followers had also been sent off. Moreover, Li Yunhong didn’t have an eye on him. How lucky he was!

At this time, Mo Yichen still took care of Gu Yan and helped her decorate the studio every day. He was totally unable to know the company’s recent condition because he was far away from it, and he also didn’t inquire about the company’s affairs happened recently actively. If he knew the recent changes in the company, he would be astonished. It would be too late when he knew that the company had undergone such a big change.

One day, Mo Yichen still got up early as usual to prepare breakfast for Gu Yan. After breakfast, they went to Gu Yan’s studio again.

The decoration was almost finished. Gu Yan wanted to finish it quickly, and then the studio could officially open. Thus, in recent days, they were busier than usual.

Gu Yan was also very strict in the decoration, and every detail must be kept improving, which Mo Yichen couldn’t stand sometimes. However, Gu Yan still insisted her strict requirements.

Mo Yichen not only should take care of Gu Yan every day, but also should help Gu Yan deal with the affairs of her studio, which made him feel a little bit powerless.

Seeing that Mo Yichen fell asleep as soon as he went home tiredly every day, Gu Yan felt very distressed. A dignified President of Mo Group got into this situation because of her.

As for the company, Gu Yan thought that Mo Yichen hadn’t been to the company for a long time, and he didn’t care about the company’s affairs every day. This situation couldn’t go on anymore. Although Gu Yan was a little reluctant to part with Mo Yichen, she also didn’t want Mo Yichen to give up his career because of her.

Thus, early the next morning, Gu Yan said to Mo Yichen, “Go back to the company and do what you ought to do. The studio was almost finished, and there are few things to do. You should go back to the company.”

Mo Yichen comforted Gu Yan, “It’s OK. Uncle Mo will take care of the company’s affairs. I have already handed over to him. Don’t worry. My main task now is to accompany you and finish the work of the studio. Then I can rest a.s.sured.”

Gu Yan said, “As a president, you can’t ignore the company all the time. Maybe people in your company can’t recognize you anymore when you come back. Is it still your company?”

Gu Yan had never ever thought that those words she said casually would actually happen.

“It’s possible. That’s my company. If they don’t regard me as boss, they can’t get salary. I will return to the company when your studio is on track.”

The preparatory work for Gu Yan’s studio was almost ready. It could start operation after decorating.

Except for the decoration, other works of the studio were easy, and just costed some times. However, the decoration of the company couldn’t make people look lackl.u.s.ter like other companies because it was a design company, so Gu Yan should spend a lot of time in design.

While Gu Yan was designing the decoration of the studio, Mo Yichen and her had to choose a suitable site.

This affair suddenly made them too busy and they instantly became two nine-to-five office workers, going out on time every morning and returning home late at night.

“Yichen, you really have been working hard lately, accompanying me to work for the studio.” Gu Yan said softly, lying in Mo Yichen’s arms.

Gu Yan was pretty exhausted now, and she seemed to use all her energy to say one word.

Mo Yichen was very tired. He touched Gu Yan’s hair, saying softly, “It doesn’t matter. No matter how hard and how tired I am for you, it’s worth, and let alone doing what you like with you.”

Gu Yan was an independent person, but it didn’t mean that she needed not a support. After all, Gu Yan was a woman.

Now Mo Yichen was accompanied her every day. They did the same thing, worked hard for the same goal, and worried about the same problem. Sometimes Gu Yan even felt that the current life was the life she wanted.

When waking up each day, she could see her favorite man lying next to her. Two people with 3 meals in 4 seasons, was the simple life that Gu Yan wanted.

It was not important for Gu Yan whether Mo Yichen was the President of the Mo Group or not. She concerned most that if he was her favorite man.

Gu Yan was not a material girl, so she chose to work in a humble dessert shop after leaving Mo Yichen, instead of agreeing to other people’s pursuits.

“Let’s go to see other places tomorrow, and try to choose one that you are satisfied with. It doesn’t matter if the studio opens late.” Mo Yichen said.

Gu Yan did not respond to Mo Yichen’s words for a long time. She had already fallen asleep when Mo Yichen looked at her.

Mo Yichen stared at Gu Yan, who was asleep on the sofa. He sat next to her, and gently moved a strand of hair that slipped on her cheek.

Looking at Gu Yan’s face, Mo Yichen couldn’t help kissing her. Then he shook his head gently.

“You are really a fool. How can you sleep on the sofa?” Mo Yichen bent over to hug Gu Yan, walking into the bedroom.

The next day, it was almost noon when Gu Yan woke up. The sunshine was spilling on the bed through the curtains.

Gu Yan rubbed her sleepy eyes, and then looked at the clock. She suddenly jumped out of the bed.

“Honey, you should wake me up earlier, so we can see more places today.”

Mo Yichen, who was making breakfast for Gu Yan, heard Gu Yan’s voice and stopped his work, “I think you were too tired last night. You fell asleep on the sofa when you got home, so I didn’t wake you up this morning and let you sleep more.”

Gu Yan hugged Mo Yichen’s waist, “It’s my fault. You should wake me up earlier afterwards.”

“Things need to be handled one by one. If you go on working in this way, you will fall ill before the studio is established.”

“Why have you been so nice to me?” Gu Yan raised her head and stared at Mo Yichen thoughtfully with a pair of large, watery eyes.

“Because I am your man in the rest of my life. Now get up and clean yourself up. Breakfast is ready.” Mo Yichen patted Gu Yan.

Soon, they went out after eating, and started a busy day again.

This period of time was really too busy. Gu Yan and Mo Yichen didn’t even have time to eat a good meal. Mo Yichen also didn’t have mind to take care of his company’s affairs.

They searched around and finally found a suitable office site. Gu Yan also liked it. Mo Yichen had no knowledge about choosing office site, so he couldn’t get a word. Gu Yan made all the decisions. As long as Gu Yan nodded and said yes, Mo Yichen would take out his bank card. After all, he was the shareholder.

“Yichen, I am satisfied with all aspects here, which are better than what we have seen before.”

“I also think so. The nearby traffic is convenient, and the location is not remote. Let us choose here?” Mo Yichen looked around.


Gu Yan and Mo Yichen finally made decision of a big deal after having been busy for so long, but there were still some things to do.

The decoration of the studio was another big task. Gu Yan liked to do all things by herself, so she wanted to design her own studio.

However, Mo Yichen insisted on letting other design companies do the design. After all, Gu Yan was very tired for this period of time. It didn’t matter for him to be tired, but when he saw Gu Yan was so tired, he felt guilty. However, Gu Yan’s words dispelled Mo Yichen’s thoughts.

“Our studio is engaged in design. If we invited other companies to design the appearance of our studio, it is not good for its operation. The design of a studio can show its strength, so it is better to design it by myself.”

Hearing Gu Yan’s words, Mo Yichen felt it reasonable. He considered the problem too simple before, so he followed Gu Yan’s decision.

“Come on. Let us wish our Designer Gu’s studio a prosperous future.” Mo Yichen raised his gla.s.s.

Now they finally had the opportunity to sit down and have a dinner quietly.

After dinner, they walked hand in hand on the street when the night came. They didn’t speak and enjoyed this rare ease and comfort.

As soon as coming home, Mo Yichen received a call from Uncle Mo, “Yichen, what have you been up to?”

“Just those things. What’s up?” Mo Yichen asked.

“There is a very important matter. Recently, our company has accepted a very important case, which has a great impact on the company. Therefore, I have sent all the doc.u.ments to your mailbox. Some things still need to be determined by you, the president.”

“No problem, I’ll have a look.”

Mo Cheng thought that Mo Yichen would directly hand over the case to him, but he didn’t expect that Mo Yichen wanted to take a look.

Uncle Mo still had a grudge because Li Yunhong didn’t trust him before and came to the company to investigate his affairs every day. Therefore, Mo Cheng hoped that Mo Yichen would not intervene in this case. In this way, he would have more control over the company.

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Boss Mo's Predestined Love Brought by Surrogacy Chapter 466 - Accident occurred summary

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