
Falling For The Deputy Part 6

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She might be able to finagle an invitation through Red Harris. He seemed friendly.

Before she could make a coded note to follow up, Mack returned. Ms. Culpeppers not here. Sometimes my mother and father take her up to the house with them. He flipped open his phone.

Youre not going to check in person?

Only if they need me. He called but got no answer. Slowly, he put away his cell.

Itll be okay, she said. Its not as if youre bringing me home to meet the parents. She batted her eyes in mock flirtation.

He didnt answer. Instead, he drove up another long dirt road that ab.u.t.ted the Culpepper property. Freshly planted rows of something Chloe couldnt easily identify lined one side of the drive while hundreds of gnarled apple trees rose on the other, their blossoms blowing off in the wind. The horizon had turned an ominous pea-green.

What were those seedlings? she asked, getting out her notepad.

Why do you ask?

Because she didnt like the looks of that sky. And whenever she was nervousor frightened, or overwhelmedshe retreated to her security blanket, the gathering of facts.

Do your parents have a storm shelter? she asked, ignoring his question. She didnt want to be caught in a storm unprotected. To risk revealing a soft underbelly of fear to the deputy.

Mack sped up as a farmhouse in the middle of four huge oaks came into view. A woman stood at the open front door, waving frantically.

The hail began before Mack had a chance to turn off the engine. Large icy chunks clattered on the roof of the cruiser and bounced on the ground around them. The downpour quickly became so dense it almost obscured the woman in the doorway.

IIm staying right here, Chloe breathed.

No, youre not, Mack snapped over the increasing noise. Its too dangerous. Open the door and run toward my mother.

When Chloe stepped outside the cruiser, the hail hit her like buckshot. She froze, then felt a jacket thrown over her head. Mack hauled her toward the house.

My backpack! she cried.

Leave it! He nearly threw her up the steps and into the farmhouse. Inside, the wet jacket fell on the floor. The hail on the farmhouse tin roof sounded like a Broadway audition for Stomp.

Hurry! His mother pulled her through the house before she even had a moment to wipe the hair from her eyes. Funnel clouds have been spotted outside Brevard.

Mack urged Chloe down a flight of stairs. Somewhere a window broke. With a bang, he pulled the bas.e.m.e.nt door shut behind them. Is Miss Sarah with you? he asked.

Im here. Sarah Culpeppers worried voice could barely be heard over the storm. Though I dont know where Buster is.

When Chloe was able to catch her breath, she took in a dimly lit and rough-hewn room with shelf upon shelf of home-canned fruits and vegetables lining one of the walls. Sarah, wrapped in an old quilt, sat on one of two plank benches in a far corner of the room away from all that gla.s.s. A couple more quilts, a radio and several flashlights were on the bench by her side.

Wheres Pop? Mack asked.

In Asheville. Getting a part for the Cover yourself up, Mack cut her off as he grabbed a quilt and handed it to her. He handed Chloe the remaining one. And turn your faces to the wall. In case.

Chloe didnt need to be told that in case meant flying debris. Praying it wouldnt come to that, she draped the quilt over her head and around her shoulders.

Ms. Whittaker, she said before she turned her face to the wall, how did you know we were coming?

Im a mother, dear, the woman replied from her quilt coc.o.o.n.

Above them, they heard a tremendous thunderclap, then a crack and a hiss. Seconds later, the lights went out.

Move over, Mack ordered, sliding onto the bench next to Chloe.

Do you have a quilt? She reached out to pat him.

None left.

Here, share mine. She fumbled in the dark to throw a corner of hers over his bulk as the whole house seemed to vibrate and a couple hundred canning jars knocked against one another on the shelves.

Cover your d.a.m.ned head, he growled, pulling her roughly to his side and shielding her against his chest.

Mind your language, Sarah snapped as gla.s.s shattered nearby on the bas.e.m.e.nt floor.

I do hope thats not the rhubarb sauce I just put up, Macks mother fretted.

Chloe was glad for Macks steady heartbeat against her ear. It helped to regulate the wild fluctuations of her own. With his strong arms wrapped around her, she couldnt help but think everything would turn out okay. Even if she did end up with the mark of his badge permanently imprinted on her cheek.

As the minutesit seemed like hourswore on, the pitch-dark and the close, earthy smell of the bas.e.m.e.nt began to get to her. But every time she tried to surface for air, Mack wrapped her more tightly in the quilt.

Icantbreathe! she protested. She struggled under the suffocating covering, but when she couldnt find an opening and her air supply seemed to have dwindled to nothing, she sank her teeth into the first bit of flesh her mouth encountered.


A RE YOU CRAZY , WOMAN ? Mack glowered at Atherton, whose pupils were dilated in the glare of the flashlight his mother trained on them. More to the point, have you had your rabies shots?

Teeth marks circled the pad at the base of his thumb. Fortunately she hadnt broken the skin, or he would have driven her straight to the vet. What were you thinking?

You were suffocating me with your big ol arms around me!

Get a motel room, Miss Sarah cackled, switching on a second flashlight.

The creaking of timbers distracted him. The house was settling after its battle with the storm, which, as quickly as it had begun, had ended. Only going above would determine what kind of a storm it had beenhail only, wind shear or tornadoand the aftermath.

Glaring at his injured hand, he stood up.

His mother cleared her throat. He knew what was coming. Now that the danger had pa.s.sed, Southern manners would take over. Mack, honey, I dont believe you introduced your friend.

She was not his friend.

You dont know this is the reporter from the Sun? Miss Sarah cut in. I met her day before yesterday. She took pictures of Buster. I thought surely Mack would have brought her up to your place for supper by now.

That wasnt going to happen.

Im Lily Whittaker, his mother said to Atherton as she put down her flashlight to fold the quilts. I sure gave you a fine welcome to my home.

One I wont soon forget, Chloe replied. When she extended her quilt, her hand shook. Im Chloe Atherton.

Who, when it came to storms, wasnt quite as tough as she made out. And before Mack could stop himself, he began thinking of her not as Atherton, but as Chloe.

She loved my hermit bars, Miss Sarah declared. Wanted the recipe for publication, but its a family secret.

I made pecan sandies this morning, his mother said quickly. A secret Whittaker-family recipe. Mack knew a taste-off was forthcoming. Lets go above and see if anythings left of them. His mother swept the bas.e.m.e.nt with her flashlight, then sighed heavily. Those were jars of my rhubarb sauce that broke. Three, by the looks of it. Mind y alls step now.

Cautiously Mack climbed the bas.e.m.e.nt stairs, the women behind him. When he opened the door to the kitchen, he discovered a tree branch had broken the window over the sink. Wet debris covered the countertops and floor. Although brilliant sunshine now poured into the room, the air smelled acrid.

Looks like we have our work cut out for us. Miss Sarah headed directly for the broom closet.

As his mother moved through the other rooms, checking for further damage, Chloe stepped toward the back door.

Dont go outside, he warned. The powers off. There may be lines down.

But I want to get my backpack. Check my camera. She parted the flowered curtains to view the farmyard. Look, she said in awe.

Standing behind her, he saw a white landscape. Layers of hail, some stones the size of golf b.a.l.l.s, covered the yard, the farther fields and the orchard. The apple-tree branches were now bare. The vegetables, some recently planted, might survive, but with the blossoms ripped from the trees, there would be no fruit. Macks heart sank. Produce wasnt a hobby for the Whittakers. It was income his parents counted on.

It has a strange beauty, Chloe said.

Not to a farmer.

She turned to study him thoughtfully.

I need to get on the radio to headquarters, he said before she could offer up pity or even understanding. See whether this was an isolated cell or if we have a county-wide disaster on our hands. Ill bring you your backpack.

But you said there might be downed lines.

Mack knows what to do, his mother said, returning to the kitchen. You stay with us. With the power off, someone has to help drink up the milk with those pecan sandies.

He didnt like leaving Chloe to chat over milk and cookies with these two women. Theyd dangled single women in front of him more than once. He didnt know if Chloe was single, in a relationship or married, but his mother and Miss Sarah would know before he could even radio headquarters.

Another headache? his mother asked, smoothing his furrowed brow.

He pulled away from her touch. Any damage in the other rooms?

Not that I could see, she replied, clearly hurt. But I didnt check the attic. The hail most likely wreaked havoc on the roof.

And now the crop that would have paid for a new one was ruined. Keeping his parents afloat was one of the reasons hed joined the army reserves in addition to his law-enforcement work. Yet his paycheck was getting stretched thinner and thinner.

Chloe was monitoring this exchange with interest. Time to head outside. When Mack opened the kitchen door, hail skittered across the floor from the back stoop in much the same way he felt daily events skittering out of his control. If he was to cope, hed better find a few private moments to touch base with his AA sponsor.

Left in the kitchen with Lily and Sarah, Chloe felt as if shed been foisted off once again, but the circ.u.mstances didnt warrant her calling the deputy on it. Let me help, she said to the two women who were getting more cleaning supplies out of the closet.

No, Lily replied. Youre company.

I beg to differ, Chloe countered. When youve seen someones bas.e.m.e.nt, youre no longer a guest.

The two women laughed.

The childs right, Sarah said, handing Chloe a dustpan and a fox-tail brush. Top to bottoms my cleaning motto. Begin with the counters, but be careful of broken gla.s.s.

Setting a box of extra-strength trash bags on the kitchen table, Lily rummaged in her pocket. Coming up with a cell phone, she extended it to Chloe. Do you need to call home to see if your folks are all right?

N-no. Theyre in Atlanta. But thank you.

I admire how tough you young women are. Sarah stopped sweeping and leaned on the broom. I lived all my life within five miles of my kin. Couldnt imagine any other way.

Maybe she has family in the area, Lily suggested. Do you?

No. Chloe concentrated on scooping gla.s.s, melting hail and broken twigs from the counter into the dustpan. She wanted to steer talk away from herself, but without her notepad, tape recorder or camera, she was at a loss as to how to redirect the conversation. Its just me.

Any brothers or sisters back in Atlanta? Sarah asked.

This was the part that always required Chloe to inhale deeply and steel herself to utter one deceptively simple word. No.

Lily waited, holding a trash bag under the dustpan that Chloefrozenheld in her hand. Clearly, were making you uncomfortable with all our questions. Well stop pestering you.

Chloe forced her hand to dump the contents of the dustpan into the outstretched trash bag. Y-youre not Lilys not going to stop, Sarah said with a twinkle in her eye, until shes asked you one more question. Are you married?

Im not going to ask her that! Lily protested.

Only because I asked it for you. Sarah looked Chloe in the eye. Are you married?

That was an easy one. No.

The door opened, saving Chloe from any need to elaborate. At the sight of Mack, his mothers face lit up. How bad is it outside? she asked.

Handing Chloe her backpack, he appeared surprised to see her with her sleeves rolled up.

The hail dinged the cruiser pretty bad. But its all cosmetic, he said, turning slowly to his mother, his eyes lingering on Chloe. The same tree that broke this window took out the electrical wires to the house. I called the power company. The roof on the house looks okay, but the barns sustained considerable damage.

Oh, no. Your fathers equipment As soon as possible, Ill help him get a tarp on the roof.

What about the rest of the county? Chloe asked, checking in her backpack. Fortunately nothing had been harmed.

Kim Nash says the storm system has moved east. In its wake theres hail damage. Funnel clouds hop-scotched across the county. So far no reports of touch-down, but in patches of the national forest the tops of the trees are sheared off.

You have to go, of course, Lily said. Well be fine here.

Mack frowned. Chloes coming with me. Her articles about the work I do. And theres plenty of work out there.

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Falling For The Deputy Part 6 summary

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