
Falling For The Deputy Part 19

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He and Whittaker are in one of the cells, Kim replied. Looking for who knows what. The sheriff said for you to go on back.

Cells? She didnt remember any prisoners housed here.

Before the detention center was built, the only lockup was in this building. Now the old jails used for storage. Kim pointed toward the back. Hang a right by the meeting room and follow the musty odor.

She didnt need to follow the odor. She was led by the sound of Macks and Sheriff McQuires heated discussion.

Its obviously not back here, Mack said, his voice full of irritation.

It is. Keep looking, Garrett replied.

What makes you think we even have one?

June said she remembered it being presented to some senator back in the eighties.

Terrific. Twenty years ago. Besides, if it was presented to the senator, wouldnt he or she have it?

It was a symbolic presentation.

And what would make you want to dig it out now? Ow! Macks complaint devolved into a series of mumbled curses.

I thought it would be a nice gesture. There was somethingveiled amus.e.m.e.nt?in the sheriffs tone that didnt translate as wholly official.

Its unnecessarily corny, Mack groused.

Hi, Chloe said, coming upon a junk-filled cell and the two lawmen. One exasperated, and one, yes, obviously amused. Kim said Id find you here.

Hey! Garrett spread his arms in welcome, a broad smile on his face. Mack continued his diligent search for what hed seconds ago dismissed as unnecessarily corny. Come on in, the sheriff urged. Maybe you have better eyes than we do.

Mack sucked in his breath and beetled his brows as if he thought the sheriff had gone bonkers.

What are you searching for? Chloe asked, squeezing into the cell.

A ceremonial key to the town, Mack muttered.

Garretts walkie-talkie went off. Loud and clear, Kims voice rang out. Did Chloe find her way back there?

She did.

Then you have a phone call.

Excuse me, the sheriff said, brushing past Chloe and stepping into the hallway. You two keep looking.

I dont think we need to stay back here, Mack said. To search for a d.a.m.ned I think you do. Garrett slammed the cell door shut with a startling clang, locked it and pocketed the key with a dramatic flourish.

McQuire! Mack roared, knocking over a stack of boxes as he charged the door. What do you think youre doing?

Giving you two some time to work out your differences.

This is ridiculous! In a panic Chloe grabbed the cold metal bars. How long do you intend to keep us here?

As long as necessary. The sheriff looked at his watch. The Families First presentation is scheduled to start in twenty-five minutes. But it wont happen without you. Now you could choose to hold up those good folks, but Im counting on the altruism Ive observed in both of you to broker some kind of meeting of the minds before one.

He turned on his heel and left Chloe and Mack locked together.

Amid shoulder-high stacks of boxes and the smell of old cardboard, Chloe suddenly experienced the beginnings of claustrophobia. When McQuire had been in the cell, thered been barely enough room for the three of them to stand still. Now, with two, the s.p.a.ce seemed even smaller. All this paper and not a brown bag to breathe into.

I dont know what he expects, Mack said, his back to her.

He expects us to make peace. Chloe leaned against the bars and sighed. She was none too optimistic about the prospect.

Mack turned to face her. There was longing in his eyes. No. I think he expects more than that.

Shed fallen for that look once before. And what had it gotten her? Great s.e.x, yeah, but heartache afterward.

Lacking paper-bag therapy, she exhaled sharply several times in a row. It appears you havent been run out of town because of my article, she said at last, trying for light. Trying for adult. Trying to pretend Mack hadnt meant more to her than a pa.s.sing physical attraction.

No, he replied. Im still on the force. But sadly, I think were scheduled to segue right from the grant presentation to canonization.

She fought back a smile. Tell me that the article wasnt a mistake.

Okay, the article wasnt a mistake. The hitch in his voice told her the admission cost him. The grant will be able to help people like Tanya Donahue and her kids more consistently than I ever could on my own.

Allowing you to see Tanya and the others as friends and family rather than penance?

He flinched. Low blow, but one I deserve.

Do you mean that, or are you using your get-out-of-jail-free card?

His laugh sounded more like a hoa.r.s.e bark. I dont know why, but Ive missed your constant probing.

Well, Im angry at you, Whittaker. You left me.

He stooped to pick up the boxes hed tipped over. You told me not to come back.

Uh-uh. She poked his shoulder. Waited until he stood up and faced her. I said if you left, you wouldnt come back. I knew if you couldnt stay and work out our differences of opinion, there wasnt much hope for us.

I dont think its a simple matter of differences of opinion. We see the world differently. You think full disclosure. I think, hey, lets maintain some privacy.

No. I think lets communicate. Lets get the facts on the table. Lets look the truth square in the eye. You think walls.

Is that what you want in a relationship? Full disclosure?

Communication. Yes. Definitely.

When he caught her eye, his expression was full of doubt. Did you ever call your parents?

Chloe took a step backward. Because of the frank talk Mack and she had had in Junes B and B, Chloe had eventually built up enough courage to phone her parents. To talk about Claire. To apologize for distancing herself from the two people she loved fiercely.

Chloe? Her name on Macks lips startled her.

I did call them.

All irritation seemed to drain from his body. He reached out to touch her arm. How did that work out?

It was painful. She twisted the hammered-silver ring on her finger. Athertons arent the touchy-feely sort. She fought back tears to look at him. But you were right. It was necessary. Puzzled by his forbidding expression, she asked, Whats wrong?

Not so much wrong, as earth-shattering. He began to pace the cramped quarters. Here I hated your article, but it turned out great for the community. You didnt want to make that phone call, but because of it, you might have a shot at being happy.

When his pacing began to drive her nuts, she put out a hand to stop him. What are you trying to say?

I dont know, Atherton. Maybe we work better as a team. What do you say?

Frankly I dont know, she replied, suddenly feeling very warm and wondering if she should peel off a layer of her new outfit. Ive pretty much kept people at arms length in the past. Looking away from him, she ran a finger along the crossbar of the cell door and came up with a ski-cap of dust. She shook it off. And that didnt work out. So Im open to new suggestions.

There was a long, awkward pause before Mack said, Im not perfect.

Boy, do I know that. Inappropriate laughter welled up inside her, and she cleared her throat several times to regain her self-control. If I even considered partnering with you, Id have to expect nothing less than a roller-coaster ride.

Look at me, please, he said softly.

She did and saw that he seemed to be struggling for self-control, too.

Youre not perfect yourself, he said. Id have to worry when I brush my teeth if its going to make the next days paper.

Get over yourself, Whittaker. Youre yesterdays news. Although, as he stood in front of her, broad-chested in that perfectly pressed uniform, his eyes flashing, Chloe doubted that he or his story would ever grow old to her.

And Im glad to be out of the limelight, he said. Do you think now we could?

Could what?

You know.

She stepped forward to slip her arms around his waist. The only you know that I know has taken place between us shouldnt take place again in a former jail-cell-turned-closet.

I recognize this tactic, Atherton. He slipped his arms around her shoulders. Youre forcing me to communicate.

Mmm-hmm. She was beginning to like the new semi-cooperative Mack. And call me Chloe.

Do you think now we could see each other? he asked, gazing down at her.

I wont consider it unless you answer one more question. She felt his muscles tense beneath her fingertips.

Yes? There was warning in the one syllable.

How did you break your nose?

Football. Okay, so the new openness hadnt necessarily made him an orator. Now, answer my question. Can we see each other? Seriously.

I hope not too seriously, she replied, laying her cheek against his chest. Relishing the steady beat of his heart. I found a place online to buy bath crayons by the case.

He tipped her chin upward, then lowered his mouth to hers and told her everything he hadnt put into words.

Behind them, someone cleared his throat. Chloe and Mack broke apart to find Sheriff McQuire outside the cell, examining his watch. Sixteen minutes, four seconds to a resolution. Theres hope for you two.

There was more than hope. Call it reporters intuition, but Chloe felt that here was the potential for a lifelong challenge. And she wouldnt have to remain objective.


R ACHEL SLID TWO SERVINGS of gooseberry pie onto the diner table.

Hey, Whittaker, Breckinridge said on her way out the door. Im glad to see you signed up for the fall softball league. With our lousy record, we could use an ace.

Chloe squeezed Macks fingers. You signed up for a softball league? How social.

Yeah, well, some people think Ive found a good influence. Id like to talk about that.

Tanya burst into the diner and made a beeline for their table. I have the best news, yall, she said as she slid into the booth next to Chloe. Ive come from the board of education offices, and this year Im going to be a cla.s.sroom aide in Pete and Emmas school. We can all ride together, and well have the same hours and same vacations. And my sister says sh.e.l.l babysit Wayans.

Thats terrific! Chloe exclaimed.

Mack noticed how, now that he didnt see Tanya as part of some necessary atonement for Nates death, he could sit back and relish her growing happiness. As a friend.

That friend looked under the table. Oops, I kicked your backpack over, Chloe. She reached down to right it, but came up with a pair of pink, hand-crocheted baby booties. What have we here? she asked, dangling the yarnwork high above the table and glancing first at Chloe, then at Mack.

Mack began to do some backwards math.

These? Chloe replied, calmly retrieving them from Tanya. Im going to do a human-interest story on Kate Ingalls up in Beechams Hollow. Without any kind of fanfare, she crochets booties, caps, sweaters and blankets for babies in orphanages. From North Carolina to halfway around the world.

Mack felt unaccountably disappointed.

Tanya got up to spread her job news to Rachel and the other diner patrons.

Are you okay? Chloe asked.

He fingered one of the tiny booties. Do you see kids anywhere in your future?

After playing Wii with Rory, Im beginning to. But Im still not sure of them when theyre the size of Pete and Emma and Wayans. Do you suppose I could start with a teenager and work backwards?

I have an idea. What if we babysit Tanyas kids for an evening? Let her go out to celebrate her new job.

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Falling For The Deputy Part 19 summary

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