
Falling For The Deputy Part 11

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I was out of line back there, he said, his tone robotic. Im the last person who should question how someone else chooses to live her life. When he handed her the backpack, the look in his eyes said he had too many of his own ghosts to deal with. He didnt want to be saddled with hers. I have to run to Brevard to pick up an office supply order. You riding along?

No, she replied quickly. Hannahs doing a fire-safety talk at the seniors center. I think Ill take that in.

Suit yourself. But get some rest this afternoon before we meet back here at nine tonight.

She bunched her brows in question.

Surveillance? he added. You still interested?

Y-yes. She dug deep for her lapsed detachment. I need to see all aspects of the department.

As Mack walked away from her toward his patrol car, Chloe wondered if he wasnt a distorted mirror image of herself. The thought made her feel twelve again and defenseless.

P AY ATTENTION ! R ORY shouted as he swung the Nintendo Wii remote like a tennis racket.

You pay attention, Mack returned. To those pants of yours. He gave his thirteen-year-old G.o.dsons fashionably low-slung pants a tug while returning the serve. His ball lobbed into the stands, hitting a spectator.

Hey! No messin with my uni! Rory protested, clutching his sagging pants and laughing. With the living-room rugs rolled up, the two were jockeying for position in front of the McQuires television. If you cant play fair, Ill have to get Red to take your place.

No, thanks, the farm manager called from the Whistling Meadows kitchen where he was playing cards with Geneva. I get enough exercise with my ch.o.r.es. I dont need to be standing in front of a TV screen, swinging at an imaginary ball. Used to be, you swatted at things that werent there, they put you in the funny farm.

Rory served again before Mack could get his remote in the air. Game! Set! Match! the boy crowed.

This was Friday game night, something Mack knew Rory looked forward to every week, but Mack couldnt concentrate. The upcoming surveillance preyed heavily on his mind. Rory was beating him without even trying.

The teenager put down his handheld device to brush his floppy brown hair out of his eyes. Maybe youre low on fuel, he said. Lets go get some nachos.

Mack followed his G.o.dson into the kitchen where the boy put a bowl of cubed cheese and salsa into the microwave. Mack snagged a couple of tortilla chips while they waited for the concoction to melt.

Two more days till Dad and Samantha get home, Rory said, hopping from foot to foot. I cant wait. I want to know if they visited Nottingham and Sherwood Forest. He spread his long, skinny body horizontally along the counter, making Mack suspect the kid didnt have a bone in his body.

Geneva cleared her throat. That counter is not a sofa, she warned.

Rory shot her a heart-melting grin and the hand sign for I love you. The microwave dinged, and he bolted upright.

Mack was always amazed at how well-adjusted Rory was, despite the complications of his blended and extended family. The kid spent the school year with Garrett, his father, and vacations with Noelle, his mother, a banker now working in London, England. When Garrett and Samantha had decided to marry, theyd had Rorys wholehearted support. In turn, theyd chosen spring break in London for their wedding so that Rory could be best man and still spend time with his mother. Rory flew home when the sheriff and his bride set out for their honeymoon. A seasoned traveler at thirteen, the kid was as down-to-earth as they came.

Back in the day when hed wanted kids, Mack had hoped for one like Rory.

I said were picking em up at the airport Sunday at one. Red had raised his voice to get Macks attention.

You going to be able to make the reception at the fire hall? Geneva asked.

Ill be there, Mack replied, although these days large crowds made him jumpy.

Gin! Geneva slapped her cards on the table, much to Reds disgust. I hear that reporter whos been tailing you will be there. Were gonna have coverage.

I hope it doesnt spook Samantha, Red groused, referring to the ugly week the paparazzi had spent camped out in Applegate trying to make a story out of the sheriff and the hotel heiress.

Sh.e.l.l be cool, Rory said as he pulled the melted-cheese concoction out of the microwave and placed it on the table. You shouldve seen her in London. We got to see the d.u.c.h.ess at work, he said, using Reds favorite nickname for Samantha. Nothing got her fl.u.s.tered.

Ah, love. Geneva sighed as she shuffled the deck of cards.

More like a solid connection to law enforcement, Red remarked dryly. Those media types learned not to mess with the sheriff.

Youd pick up on that angle, you old fool, Geneva retorted, dealing. You havent an ounce of romance in you. Her words were tart, but the smile she bestowed on Red was sweet.

As Rory poured sodas for everyone, he winked at Mack. When the housekeeper had moved with Garrett and Rory to Samanthas farm, the farm manager had found a new kick in his step.

Looks like youre the next one to walk down the aisle, Geneva said to Mack. The woman knew no boundaries. Unlike Red who, with the help of Samantha, had taken Mack in when hed reached the lowest, most alcohol-drenched point in his life. Red knew not to push too far, and now he nudged Geneva under the table.

She ignored him. I mean, arent you the last unattached deputy in the department?

That I am, Mack replied, putting a plate of cutup veggies and the bowl of tortilla chips on the table next to the dip. With no plans to change my status, he declared, plunking himself down in an empty chair and taking up Rorys unspoken challenge to see who could put away the most food the fastest.

What about the reporter? Geneva persisted. I caught a glimpse of her. Shes cute enough.

You ever hear of conflict of interest? Mack asked around a mouthful of cheesy chip. Tonight Rory was beating him at food intake, too. Any romantic involvement would look like I was trying to sway the outcome of her story.

Youre mighty sure of your persuasiveness. Geneva harrumphed. Besides, if you were interested in the girl, well, this a.s.signment isnt going to last forever. With a sly smile, Geneva surveyed the hand shed dealt herself.

It made Mack uncomfortable to admit that thought had crossed his mind. On more than one occasion. But earlier today, when hed crossed the line, her look of betrayal was an additional pain he didnt need.

He glanced at the clock. An hour and forty-five minutes to go before he had to meet her at headquarters.

Im going to check on the llamas, Rory said, pushing himself back from the table. You want to come with me?

Sure. Anything to get away from discussing his marital status and romantic involvement. Or lack thereof.

Cleanup on aisle five, Geneva snapped, fanning her cards toward the littered table.

Rory shrugged. I thought maybe you and Red might want the rest.

Theres not enough left for a dieting mouse, Red grumbled as Rory and Mack quickly cleared and wiped down their end of the table.

As the two stepped outside into the cool night, Mack could hear Geneva say, Honey, I made us pimento-cheese sandwiches and some banana pudding The spring peepers were giving full voice to their shrill mating song. The scent of woodsmoke drifted through the valley. There wasnt a cloud in the starry sky. The temperature had already dropped dramatically, forecasting a cold and uncomfortable surveillance.

Rory walked across the barnyard to lean on the inner pasture fence. Within seconds a llama appeared out of the darkness. Hey, Percy. Want some carrot? He dug into his pocket. Samantha will be home in two days, and you wont be able to have breakfast with Red in the bunkhouse.

Mack chuckled. The curmudgeonly old farmer had fallen for these strange creatures Garretts wife had introduced.

Samantha says we might be getting another llama, Rory said, his voice filled with excitement. For me. The original six would still be used for trekking, but I could train the new one and enter him in regional compet.i.tions.

Rory wanted more than anything to be a country vet. As he talked on about the prospect of caring for his very own llama, Mack thought of how lucky this kid was. With twonow threeloving parents, a safe community, the certainty that hed go to school, the opportunity to travel.

Unlike the kids Mack had met in Iraq.

I need to shove off, he said abruptly. I want to shower before my shift.

Okay. Rory gave Percy the last of the carrot slices. Im gonna make sure the rest of the herd has plenty of hay. Its supposed to get cold tonight. Im glad the shearer hasnt come yet.

If I dont see you before, Ill definitely see you at the reception on Sunday.

You bet!

Mack poked his head in the kitchen door to say his goodbyes to Geneva and Red, then hit the road. He didnt return to headquarters directly. Although he did want to shower before his shift began, he had plenty of time. He needed to be alone for a bit. Without the inevitability of running into other deputies in the barracks. Or the possibility that Chloe would show up early. Even hanging out with Rory, Red and Genevaold friendswas painful after a while.

Sometimes he felt like a fraud.

He left the county two-lane to follow a logging road that ended at an abandoned quarry. He shut off the engine to gaze out over the water-filled pit with its reflection of stars and the rising moon. After hed returned from Iraq, for the six months hed lost himself in alcohol, hed tramped this county on foot. Now he couldnt go anywhere that wasnt tainted by dark memories.

Samantha had finally dragged him to AA. Red had put him up in the bunkhouse. Garrett had saved his job for him in the department, then urged him to move into the barracks. And now that he was back on the force, now that he was off the booze and could look a person in the eye and carry on a conversation, everyone thought the old Mack was back.

But the old Mack was dead.

And no one had stepped in to fill the void.

Dammit. His sponsor had warned him to avoid being alone as much as possible. Not to go over and over old territory. That was a slippery slope toward the first drink.

He turned the key in the cruisers ignition. h.e.l.l, there were real bad guys to be collared. Much easier than fighting ghosts.

D RESSED IN LAYERS OF WARM clothing, Chloe sat in the small, downstairs waiting area. She didnt know what to expect tonight. Not after Mack had turned the tables on her this morning.

Shed spent the day regaining her balance. After attending Hannah Breckinridges fire-safety talk at the seniors center, Chloe had made a point of interviewing all the deputies in depth. Maybe concentrating on Mack had been a mistake.

Ready to go? Mack stood over her, dressed in sweats and carrying a large thermos. It was the first time shed seen him out of uniform. His hair was damp and he smelled of soap, but he needed a shave and looked more than a bit dangerous.

G-great minds think alike, she stammered, holding up her own thermos. Weak, Chloe, she thought. Really weak.

As she bent to pick up her backpack, he put his hand on her shoulder. Not tonight. This is an ongoing investigation. Youre not to take photos or write about specifics. You can write about procedure and your impressions after the fact, but nothing that might identify this operation.

I understand.

He took what was essentially her toolbox and stowed it next to the night dispatcher behind the front desk. Now she felt exposed.

She followed him down Main Street to an old, beatup truck parked in front of the drugstore. Hop in, he said.

She was immediately disconcerted by the closeness of the cab and the bench seats. And retrofitted seat belts. And a gearshift on the steering column. How old is this thing?

I learned to drive on it, he said. When I was in middle school.

You drove when you were in middle school?

Hey, the sheriff was with me.

But youre the same age.

Welcome to rural America. I think my father might have learned to drive on it, too.

As Chloe digested that personal tidbit, they drove to the county fairgrounds outside town where hundreds of cars were parked around several exhibition buildings. It seemed the entire population of Colum County had shown up here tonight.

Livestock auction, Mack said, stopping next to the largest building. It should be winding down in a couple hours. The character were looking for is supposed to be making the rounds here.

Whats the name?

You dont need to know that. Were only on lookout tonight. Hes sure to make connections. Well pick up his trail and see where he goes and who he sees. Its so early in the investigation, we may run into a dead end.

Chloe followed Mack into a brightly lit exhibition hall that smelled of cigarette smoke and animals. There were cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, goats, donkeys, llamas and poultry for sale. While an auctioneer held forth in a central ring, people milled about the livestock pens on the periphery. Mack guided her to a crowded section of the bleachers, presumably so they wouldnt draw attention to themselves. Although Chloe couldnt fathom how a deputy sheriffa local boy, to bootcould expect to have much luck as an undercover agent. Not here.

But Mack wasnt acting particularly secretive.

Who or what are we looking for? she whispered once theyd sat down.

He ignored her, a sure signal to be silent. Her bad. For all she knew, the perp could be sitting right behind them.

Thats a fine-looking cow, she said in her sweetest voice, pointing to a great lummox being led into the ring. Can we buy it, dear? I get so tired of running to the store for milk.

Someone in a seat ahead of them sn.i.g.g.e.red.

If you get milk out of that steer, darlin, Mack drawled, putting his arm around her and pulling her tightly against his side, youd better call the Guinness Book of World Records. Now hush.

Sadly he released her. Against all reason, she liked being close to him. Liked the almost circus atmosphere of the auction. Liked pretending they were a couple. That was an admission that didnt need to make it to print.

Mack put his mouth to her ear. Across the ring, he whispered, his breath hot. Keep your eye on the guy with the John Deere cap and the Tar Heels sweatshirt.

She saw him. He didnt look like a farmer. With his hat on backward, he looked like a college kid. A computer geek, even. Who worked the crowd like a politician. From their seats in the bleachers, they could easily monitor his movements without attracting notice. Throughout the proceedings, people snapped photos of livestock on their cell phones and text-messaged furiously before making bids. Mack took several pictures of the guy in the green cap.

Around 1:00 a.m., when the auction was winding downand she could no longer feel her backsidethe subject hooked up with another man and headed for the exit. Pretending he was interested in a hog penned near the two, Mack snapped a quick photo.

Lets get some air, he said, rising and stretching. At the exit he leaned against the wide door frame and pulled her close to him again. Pretend youre gazing at the stars, he instructed, his voice low and far too s.e.xy.

It wasnt hard to get lost in the ruse. The night was cold and crystal clear. Macks embrace was warm and strangely comforting. Shed always been a woman to take care of herself, but if she needed to pretend, she could take a few minutes to lean on this strong man.

All too quickly, Mack urged her toward his pickup. Apparently he hadnt gotten lost in the make-believe. Had actually been paying attention to business.

He revved the engine and turned the heater up, but didnt leave the parking lot.

What are we waiting for? she asked.

Country surveillance is more difficult than city surveillance. Theres not much traffic to blend into. We have to be cautious.

Dont they know you already?

Not personally. The guy in the John Deere caps from Charlotte. We dont have a sheet on the other one.

Whats John Deere driving?

Over there. Mack pointed through the windshield to a muscle car covered with primer and stripped of its chrome. The Camaro.

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Falling For The Deputy Part 11 summary

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