
Every-Day Errors of Speech Part 6

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=Hearth-stone=--harth'stone, not herth'stone.

=Heather=--heth'er, not heth'er. Worcester gives heth'er as the p.r.o.nunciation.

=Heinous=--ha'nus, not he'nus, hen'yus nor han'yus.

=Herb=--erb, not herb.

=Herbaceous=--her-ba'shus, not er-ba'shus.

=Herbage=--erb'ej or herb'ej, not her'baje.

=Heroine=--her'o-in, not he'-ro-ine nor he'ro-in.

Worcester gives the first and the last of the above.

=Heroism=--her'o-izm, not he'ro-izm. Worcester sanctions both.

=Hieroglyphic=--hi-er-o-glif'ik, not hi-er-o-grif'ik.

=Hindoostanee=} =Hindustani= } hin-doo-stan'ee, not hin-doo'stan-ee. Worcester's orthography is _Hindostanee_ and _Hindostany_, but the accent is on the penult as above.

=Homage=--hom'aje, not om'-aje.

=Homeopathy=--ho-me-op'a-thy, not ho'me-o-path-y.

=Homeopathist=--ho-me-op'a-thist, not ho'me-o-path-ist.

=Hooping-cough=--hoop'ing-cough, not hoop'ing-cough.

Spelled =Whooping-cough=, also.

=Horizon=--ho-ri'zon, not hor'i-zon.

=Horse-radish=--horse-rad-ish, not horse-red-dish.

=Hough=--hok, not huff. To disable by cutting the sinews of the ham. As a noun, the word means the joint at the lower portion of the leg of a quadruped; written =hock=, also.

=Houri=--howr'y, not owr'y. A nymph of paradise.

=Hovel=--hov'el, not huv'el.

=Hundred=, as spelled, not _hun'derd_.

=Hydropathy=--hi-drop'a-thy, not hi'dro-path-y.

=Hydropathist=--hi-drop'a-thist, not hi'dro-path-ist.

=Hygiene=--hi'ji-ene, not hi-geen' nor hi'geen.

Worcester authorizes the first and last.


=Ill.u.s.trate=--il-lus'trate, not il'lus-trate.

=Ill.u.s.trated=, =ill.u.s.trating=, =ill.u.s.trative= and =ill.u.s.trator=, are likewise accented on the second syllable.

=Imbroglio=--im-brol'yo, not im-brol'yo.

Worcester says im-brol'ye-o.

=Immobile=--im-mob'il, not im-mo'bil nor im-mo'bile.

=Imperturbable=--im-per-tur'ba-ble, not im-per-too'ra-ble, nor im-per'tu-ra-ble. Incapable of being disturbed.

=Implacable=--im-pla'ka-ble, not im-plak'a-ble.

=Impotent=--im'po-tent, not im-po'tent. =Impotency= and =impotence= are accented similarly.

=Improvise=--im-pro-vize', not im'pro-vize.

=Incognito=--in-kog'ni-to, not in-con'i-to nor in-cog-nish'o. =Incog= is an authorized abbreviation.

=Incognita=, is a female in disguise.

=Indiscretion=--in-dis-kresh'un, not in-dis-kre'shun.

=Indissoluble=--in-dis'so-lu-ble, not in-dis-sol'u-ble. =Indissolubly=, etc.

=Industry=--in'dus-try, not in-dus'try.

=Infinitesimal=--in-fin-i-tes'i-mal, not in-fin-tes'i-mal.

=Ingenious=--in-jen'yus, means possessed of genius; skillful, etc.

=Ingenuous=--in-jen'yu-us, means n.o.ble, open, frank, generous, etc.

=Inquiry=--in-kwi'ry, not in'kwi-ry.

=Inveigle=--in-ve'gle, not in-va'gle. =Inveigler= (in-ve'gler) and =inveiglement= (in-ve'gle-ment).

=Irate= i-rate', not i'rate. Worcester gives the latter.

=Irrational=--ir-rash'un-al, not ir-ra'shun-al.

=Irrationally= (ir-rash'un-al-ly), etc.

=Irrecognizable=--ir-re-kog'ni-za-ble, not ir-rek'og-ni-za-ble.

=Irrelevant=, not _irrevelant_. Not applicable; not suited.

=Isingla.s.s= i'zing-gla.s.s, is a kind of gelatine prepared from the sounds or air-bladders of certain fish, and is used in jellies, for clarifying liquors, etc.; while the transparent substance, frequently called _isingla.s.s_, which is used in the doors of stoves and lanterns, is really _mica_, a mineral that admits of being cleaved into thin plates.

=Isolate=--is'o-late, not i'so-late. =Isolated= (is'o-la-ted), etc. Worcester gives iz'o-late, etc.

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