
Every-Day Errors of Speech Part 22

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=Poughkeepsie=--po-kip'see, not po-keep'see.

=Quebec=--kwe-bek', not kwe'bek.

=Queretaro=--ka-ra-ta'ro, not kwer-e-ta'ro.

=Sahara=--sa-ha'ra or sa'ha-ra, not sa-ha'ra nor sa-har'a.

=San Diego=--san-de-a'go, not san-di-e'go.


=Sangamon=--sang'ga-mon, not sang-gam'on.

=San Joaquin=--san-Ho-a-keen', not san'jo'a-kwin.

=Shang-Hai=--shang-hi', not shang'-ha nor shang'-hi.

=Siam=--si-am' or se-am', not si'am.

=Sumatra=--soo-ma'tra, not soo-ma'tra nor soo-mat'ra.

=Swabia=--swa'bi-a, not swaw'be-a.

=Taliaferro=--tol'e-ver, not tal-i-a-fer'ro.

=Toulouse=--too-looz', not too-looss'.

=Truxillo=--troo-Heel'yo, not trux-il'lo.

=Tyrol=--tir'ol or te-rol', not ti'rol.

=Ulster= (Germany)--ool'ster, not ul'ster. =Ulster= (Ireland and U. S.)--ul'ster.

=Valenciennes=--va-long-se-enn', not va-len-se-enz'.

=Valparaiso= (Chili)--val-pa-ri'so, not val-pa-ra'zo.

=Valparaiso= (U. S.)--val-pa-ra'zo.

=Venezuela=--ven-ez-wee'la or va-neth-wa'la, not ven-ez-oo-e'la.

=Vevay=--ve-va', not ve'va.

=Vosges=--vozh, not vos'jez.

=Worcester=--woos'ter, not as spelled. =Worcestershire= (woos'ter-shir).

=Wyandot= or =Wyandotte=--wi-an-dott', not wi'an-dot.

=Wyoming=--wi-o'ming, not wi'o-ming.

=Yang-tse-kiang=--yang-tse-ke-ang', not yang'ste-ki'ang.

=Yo Semite=--yo-sem'e-te, not yo'se-mite.

=Zanzibar=--zan-ze-bar', not zan'ze-bar.


=Ada=--a'da, not ad'a.

=Agnes=--ag'nez, not ag'ness.

=Alphonso=--al-phon'so, not al-phon'zo.

=Artemas=--ar'te-mas, not ar-te'mas.

=Augustine=--aw-gus'tin, not aw'gus-teen.

=Basil=--baz'il, not ba'sil nor bas'il.

=Bernard=--ber'nard, not ber-nard'.

=Bernard= (French)--beR-naR'.

=Cecily=--ses'i-ly, not se'si-ly.

=Chloe=--klo'e, not klo.

=Darius=--da-ri'us, not da'ri-us.

=Deborah=--deb'o-rah, not de-bo'rah.

=Eben=--eb'en, not e'ben.

=Eleanor=--el'e-a-nor, not el'en-or.

=Esther=--es'ter, not es'ther.

=Eva=--e'va, not ev'a.

=Frances=--fran'sez, not fran'sess nor fran'sis.

=Giles=--jilz, not gilz.

=Hosea=--ho-ze'a, not ho'se-a.

=Ivan=--iv'an, not i'van. =Ivan= (Russian)--e-van'.

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