
Every-Day Errors of Speech Part 20

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=Medici=--med'e-chee or ma'de-chee, not med'i-see nor me-de'see.

=Minie= (Fr. Minie)--me-ne-a', not min'ne.

=Montague=--mon'ta-gu, not mon'tag.

=Moultrie=--moo'tre, not mol'tre.

=Muhlbach=--(Ger. Muhlbach). The u in the first syllable of this word is very difficult for those to p.r.o.nounce who are not German or French, and can not be well represented in English; but there is no need of coming so far from the mark as is generally done, especially in the last syllable. It is not mul'bak nor mel'bak; meul'bak is nearer correct.


=Mundt=--moont, not munt.

=Neumann=--noi'man, not nu'man.

=Ovid=--ov'id, not o'vid [Ovidius].

=Paganini=--pa-ga-nee'nee, not paj-a-nin'i.

=Pepin=--pep'in or pip'in, not pe'pin. French p.r.o.nunciation peh-pang'.

=Piccolomini=--pek-ko-lom'e-nee, not pik-ko-lo-mee'nee.

=Pliny=--plin'y, not pli'ny [Plinius].

=Ponce de Leon=--pon'cha da la-on', not ponss de le'on.

=Rachel=--ra-shel', not ra'chel as the English name. When a German name it is p.r.o.nounced rak'el.

=Richelieu=--resh'e-loo, not rich'e-loo.

=Rochefort=--rosh-for', not roch'fort.

=Rothschild=--ros'child or rot'shilt, not roth'child.

=Stael=--stal, stawl or sta-el', not stale.

=Strauss=--strowss, not strawss.

=Taliaferro=--tol'i-ver, not tal-i-fer'ro.

=Thiers=--te-air', not theers.


=Abomey=--ab-o-ma', not a-bom'ey nor a-bo'mey.

=Acapulco=--a-ka-pool'ko, not ak-a-pul'ko.

=Adriatic=--ad-ri-at'ik, not a-dri-at'ik.

=Afghanistan=--af-gan-is-tan', not af-gan-is'tan.

=Agulhas=--a-gool'yas, not a-gul'has.

=Aix-la-Chapelle=--akz-la-sha-pel', not a-la-sha-pel'.

=Alsace=--al-sa.s.s', not al'sas.

=Altai=--al-ti', not al'ta nor al'ti.

=Amherst=--am'erst, not am'herst.

=Amoor=--a-moor', not am'oor nor a'more.

=Antilles=--ong-teel', not an'-teelz.

=Araguay=--a-ra-gwi', not ar'a-gwa.

=Aral=--ar'al, not a'ral.

=Arkansas=--ar-kan'sas, not ar'kan-saw nor ar-kan-zaz.

=Asia=--a'she-a, not a'zhe-a.

=Bantam= (Java)--ban-tam', not ban'tam.

=Barbados= or =Barbadoes=--bar-ba'doz, not bar'ba-doz.

=Barbados=, a river of Brazil, is p.r.o.nounced bar-ba'doce.

=Bayou=--bi'oo or bi'o, not ba'u.

=Belfast=--bel-fast', not bel'fast.

=Beloochistan=--bel-oo-chis-tan', not bel-oo-chis'tan.

=Bingen=--bing'en, not bin'jen.

=Bombay=--bom-ba', not bom'ba.

=Bremen= (Germany)--brem'en or bra'men, not bre'men.

=Bremen= (U. S.)--bre'men.

=Buena Vista=--bwa'na vees'ta or bo'na vis'ta, not bu'na vis'ta.

=Buenos Ayres=--bo'nos a'riz or bo'nos airz, not bu'nos arz; Spanish p.r.o.nunciation, bwa'noce i'res.

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