
Eureka Part 6

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I have before said that "Attraction and Repulsion being undeniably the sole properties by which Matter is manifested to Mind, we are justified in a.s.suming that Matter _exists_ only as Attraction and Repulsion-in other words that Attraction and Repulsion _are_ Matter; there being no conceivable case in which we may not employ the term Matter and the terms 'Attraction' and 'Repulsion' taken together, as equivalent, and therefore convertible, expressions in Logic."[14]

[14] Page 37.

Now the very definition of Attraction implies particularity-the existence of parts, particles, or atoms; for we define it as the tendency of "each atom &c. to every other atom" &c. according to a certain law. Of course where there are _no_ parts-where there is absolute Unity-where the tendency to oneness is satisfied-there can be no Attraction:-this has been fully shown, and all Philosophy admits it.

When, on fulfilment of its purposes, then, Matter shall have returned into its original condition of _One_-a condition which presupposes the expulsion of the separative ether, whose province and whose capacity are limited to keeping the atoms apart until that great day when, this ether being no longer needed, the overwhelming pressure of the finally collective Attraction shall at length just sufficiently predominate[15]

and expel it:-when, I say, Matter, finally, expelling the Ether, shall have returned into absolute Unity,-it will then (to speak paradoxically for the moment) be Matter without Attraction and without Repulsion-in other words, Matter without Matter-in other words, again, _Matter no more_. In sinking into Unity, it will sink at once into that Nothingness which, to all Finite Perception, Unity must be-into that Material Nihility from which alone we can conceive it to have been evoked-to have been _created_ by the Volition of G.o.d.

[15] "Gravity, therefore, must be the strongest of forces."-See page 39.

I repeat then-Let us endeavor to comprehend that the final globe of globes will instantaneously disappear, and that G.o.d will remain all in all.

But are we here to pause? Not so. On the Universal agglomeration and dissolution, we can readily conceive that a new and perhaps totally different series of conditions may ensue-another creation and irradiation, returning into itself-another action and reaction of the Divine Will. Guiding our imaginations by that omniprevalent law of laws, the law of periodicity, are we not, indeed, more than justified in entertaining a belief-let us say, rather, in indulging a hope-that the processes we have here ventured to contemplate will be renewed forever, and forever, and forever; a novel Universe swelling into existence, and then subsiding into nothingness, at every throb of the Heart Divine?

And now-this Heart Divine-what is it? _It is our own._

Let not the merely seeming irreverence of this idea frighten our souls from that cool exercise of consciousness-from that deep tranquillity of self-inspection-through which alone we can hope to attain the presence of this, the most sublime of truths, and look it leisurely in the face.

The _phaenomena_ on which our conclusions must at this point depend, are merely spiritual shadows, but not the less thoroughly substantial.

We walk about, amid the destinies of our world-existence, encompa.s.sed by dim but ever present _Memories_ of a Destiny more vast-very distant in the by-gone time, and infinitely awful.

We live out a Youth peculiarly haunted by such dreams; yet never mistaking them for dreams. As Memories we _know_ them. _During our Youth_ the distinction is too clear to deceive us even for a moment.

So long as this Youth endures, the feeling _that we exist_, is the most natural of all feelings. We understand it _thoroughly_. That there was a period at which we did _not_ exist-or, that it might so have happened that we never had existed at all-are the considerations, indeed, which _during this youth_, we find difficulty in understanding. Why we should _not_ exist, is, _up to the epoch of our Manhood_, of all queries the most unanswerable. Existence-self-existence-existence from all Time and to all Eternity-seems, up to the epoch of Manhood, a normal and unquestionable condition:-_seems, because it is_.

But now comes the period at which a conventional World-Reason awakens us from the truth of our dream. Doubt, Surprise and Incomprehensibility arrive at the same moment. They say:-"You live and the time was when you lived not. You have been created. An Intelligence exists greater than your own; and it is only through this Intelligence you live at all."

These things we struggle to comprehend and cannot:-_cannot_, because these things, being untrue, are thus, of necessity, incomprehensible.

No thinking being lives who, at some luminous point of his life of thought, has not felt himself lost amid the surges of futile efforts at understanding, or believing, that anything exists _greater than his own soul_. The utter impossibility of any one's soul feeling itself inferior to another; the intense, overwhelming dissatisfaction and rebellion at the thought;-these, with the omniprevalent aspirations at perfection, are but the spiritual, coincident with the material, struggles towards the original Unity-are, to my mind at least, a species of proof far surpa.s.sing what Man terms demonstration, that no one soul _is_ inferior to another-that nothing is, or can be, superior to any one soul-that each soul is, in part, its own G.o.d-its own Creator:-in a word, that G.o.d-the material _and_ spiritual G.o.d-_now_ exists solely in the diffused Matter and Spirit of the Universe; and that the regathering of this diffused Matter and Spirit will be but the re-const.i.tution of the _purely_ Spiritual and Individual G.o.d.

In this view, and in this view alone, we comprehend the riddles of Divine Injustice-of Inexorable Fate. In this view alone the existence of Evil becomes intelligible; but in this view it becomes more-it becomes endurable. Our souls no longer rebel at a _Sorrow_ which we ourselves have imposed upon ourselves, in furtherance of our own purposes-with a view-if even with a futile view-to the extension of our own _Joy_.

I have spoken of _Memories_ that haunt us during our youth. They sometimes pursue us even in our Manhood:-a.s.sume gradually less and less indefinite shapes:-now and then speak to us with low voices, saying:

"There was an epoch in the Night of Time, when a still-existent Being existed-one of an absolutely infinite number of similar Beings that people the absolutely infinite domains of the absolutely infinite s.p.a.ce.[16] It was not and is not in the power of this Being-any more than it is in your own-to extend, by actual increase, the joy of his Existence; but just as it _is_ in your power to expand or to concentrate your pleasures (the absolute amount of happiness remaining always the same) so did and does a similar capability appertain to this Divine Being, who thus pa.s.ses his Eternity in perpetual variation of Concentrated Self and almost Infinite Self-Diffusion. What you call The Universe is but his present expansive existence. He now feels his life through an infinity of imperfect pleasures-the partial and pain-intertangled pleasures of those inconceivably numerous things which you designate as his creatures, but which are really but infinite individualizations of Himself. All these creatures-_all_-those which you term animate, as well as those to whom you deny life for no better reason than that you do not behold it in operation-_all_ these creatures have, in a greater or less degree, a capacity for pleasure and for pain:-_but the general sum of their sensations is precisely that amount of Happiness which appertains by right to the Divine Being when concentrated within Himself_. These creatures are all, too, more or less conscious Intelligences; conscious, first, of a proper ident.i.ty; conscious, secondly and by faint indeterminate glimpses, of an ident.i.ty with the Divine Being of whom we speak-of an ident.i.ty with G.o.d. Of the two cla.s.ses of consciousness, fancy that the former will grow weaker, the latter stronger, during the long succession of ages which must elapse before these myriads of individual Intelligences become blended-when the bright stars become blended-into One. Think that the sense of individual ident.i.ty will be gradually merged in the general consciousness-that Man, for example, ceasing imperceptibly to feel himself Man, will at length attain that awfully triumphant epoch when he shall recognize his existence as that of Jehovah. In the meantime bear in mind that all is Life-Life-Life within Life-the less within the greater, and all within the _Spirit Divine_."

[16] See pages 102-103-Paragraph commencing "I reply that the right," and ending "proper and particular G.o.d."


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Eureka Part 6 summary

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