
My Abilities Come with Special Effects Chapter 637: Recruitment of the Six God Heavens (4)

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Chapter 637: Recruitment of the Six G.o.d Heavens (4)


Translator: Henyee Translations | Editor: Henyee Translations

“According to the records, the Treasure Realm can nurture a treasure seed, a treasure tree, and then a Dharma Fruit to advance to the Dharma Realm. Is that also fake?”

“Half true, half false. The Heaven Gate of the Spine Bone Treasure Tree, the magical pattern fruit of the dantian, and the divine engravings of the sea of consciousness. These are the three cores that lay the foundation for the Spirit Realm. When these three flowers gather at the top, you will have a chance to advance to the Spirit Realm.”

“In other words, above the Treasure Realm is the Spirit Realm. There’s no Dharma Realm in between?”

Yan Biyue nodded and said, “It’s too difficult to advance to the Spirit Realm. In this era where the Spiritual Droplet is gradually stabilizing, it’s almost impossible for people in most places in the entire Primordial Holy Dragon Sect to advance to the Spirit Realm. Therefore, in order to avoid turmoil and give everyone hope to advance, there’s the cla.s.sifications of the Mortal, Treasure, Dharma, Spirit, and Truth Realms.

Lin Yan tried his best to digest this shocking information.

The Treasure Realm was one step away from the Spirit Realm. If it was just simple difficulties, Lin Yan was not afraid.

After all, with the Golden Bodhi Scripture, he was not worried about his speed of improvement and talent.

However, the key was that Yan Biyue had just said it was impossible for people in most places in the Primordial Holy Dragon Sect to advance to the Spirit Realm!

Her tone was extremely firm and unquestionable, as if advancing to the Spirit Realm had nothing to do with talent, opportunity, strength, and so on. It was only related to the place she was talking about!

Then, he thought of her saying that if he did not go to the Six G.o.d Heavens, he could only be in the Treasure Realm for the rest of his life…

The answer was obvious.

“Could it be that one can only advance to the Treasure Realm in the Six G.o.d Heavens Battlefield?!”

“You’re quick on the uptake.”

Yan Biyue’s face was full of mischief. “The Spirit Realm is a realm where the body transforms into Spiritual Droplets and fantasies shine into reality. This realm requires extremely active and changeable Spiritual Droplets.

“This was an easy matter in the ancient times when the Spiritual Droplet had just invaded.

“But now, the frequency of Spiritual Droplets in the Primordial Holy Dragon Sect has stabilized. Therefore, it’s impossible for any Spirit Realm expert to be born in the entire Primordial Holy Dragon Sect.”

Lin Yan said solemnly, “Then can’t we let go of the restrictions and let some regions become places where we can advance?”

Unexpectedly, Yan Biyue looked at him as if he was an idiot.

“The entire Primordial Holy Dragon is a huge whole! It’s like offering your heart, liver, spleen, lungs, or kidneys as a nest for germs and poisonous insects. Are you willing? Not to mention the chaos of the Spiritual Droplets. It’s contagious. Human society, which has stabilized with great difficulty, can’t withstand another Spiritual Droplet turbulence.”

Lin Yan paused. “The Primordial Holy Dragon… is alive?”

“Yes and no. In short, the last Spirit Realm expert born in the Primordial Holy Dragon Sect was from two to three thousand years ago.”

Lin Yan was silent again.

“So what happens if I still say no?”

“Nothing much.” Yan Biyue smiled faintly. “It’s just that if you’re unwilling to fight for humans, everyone will despise you. Then, the entire Holy Fan a.s.sociation won’t welcome you anymore. In the end, they’ll make you pack your stuff and send you to a corner. Out of sight, out of mind.”

“Don’t worry, we won’t force you.

“After all, when entering the Six G.o.d Heavens Battlefield, there will be a Heavenly Reflection Mirror to evaluate you. If you aren’t willing, you will still be forced back.

“We hate coercion the most.”

Lin Yan was speechless.

So I have to take the initiative and partic.i.p.ate in the battlefield voluntarily?

“If you don’t meet the requirement of the Holy Fan a.s.sociation, what punishment will there be?”

“Then we’ll fill in as many Dharma Realm cultivators as we lack. For example, the previous person in my position had no choice but to fill in a spot in the Six G.o.ds Battlefield more than a hundred years ago.

“By the way, he died in less than two years.”

Lin Yan: “…Are you trying to scare me? If I refuse, who will fill the spot?”

Yan Biyue was still smiling. “The person is standing in front of you.”

“It’s you?”

Yan Biyue nodded. “That’s right. 1 was still worried about what to do. I didn’t expect a big baby like you to suddenly appear.”

Lin Yan was speechless.

Should he agree or reject it?

It seemed like he had a choice, but in fact, he had no choice!

Yan Biyue’s words were pleasant to hear. She would not force him, and he would not die if he rejected her.

But was that really the case?

In the past, had there ever been a genius who had rejected the offer?

How are they now?

Even if the Holy Fan a.s.sociation did not do anything in secret, being not welcomed by the entire Holy Fan a.s.sociation was equivalent to not being able to enter the mainstream society in the entire Astral World!

He didn’t even know how they would target him behind his back.

“It’s just… it’s just so annoying…”

However, if he did not agree to go, he would be in the Treasure Realm for the rest of his life!

Yan Biyue would not lie to him about the Dharma Realm and the Spirit Realm. Then, he would be stuck at the bottom of the Holy Fan a.s.sociation for the rest of his life!

It was impossible to turn things around!

If he wanted to take revenge, he had to become stronger. He had to enter the Six G.o.d Heavens and advance to the so-called Spirit Realm!


It was an endless cycle!

There was no choice at all.

After a long silence, Lin Yan said coldly, “What can 1 get?”

“Great! I love talking to smart people.”

Yan Biyue waved her palm gently, and Lin Yan’s figure suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already on the high platform, sitting on the tenth chair at the end of the ten chairs.

“Once you agree to partic.i.p.ate in the Six G.o.d Heavens Battlefield and pa.s.s the first test of the Heavenly Reflection Mirror, you will immediately become the tenth honorary leader of the Holy Fan a.s.sociation!”

No wonder there were ten chairs but nine leaders. It turned out that they had been preparing this all along.

“The honorary leader. What can I do?”

“To be able to do almost anything you want, anything.”

Yan Biyue’s lips curled into a devilish smile.. “Gong Yanqing, do you still remember?”

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My Abilities Come with Special Effects Chapter 637: Recruitment of the Six God Heavens (4) summary

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