
My Abilities Come with Special Effects Chapter 625: Slut, Pervert, Loser (2)

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Chapter 625: s.l.u.t, Pervert, Loser (2)


Translator: Henyee Translations | Editor: Henyee Translations

Lin Yan turned around.

“The wormhole pa.s.sageway is a spatial distortion.” Zhou Wenlin’s mouth didn’t move, but his voice sounded. “Especially in a large wormhole pa.s.sageway, the huge distortion will allow you to temporarily enter the high-dimensional level. Therefore, you can see… things infinitely far away.”

“Infinitely far away? How far?”

This Mind Connection Technique method was very simple. Lin Yan learned it without experimenting.

On the other hand, Zhou Wenlin looked surprised again.

Of course, it was easy to transmit sound through spiritual vibrations.

However, the difficult part was to do it in the wormhole.

Not only because of the spiritual pressure in the wormhole, but also because the environment in the wormhole would greatly suppress the efficiency of the transmission of spiritual energy.

In other words, it required an extremely powerful spiritual strength to overcome this loss and successfully teleport the spiritual fluctuation out.

Even Chang Ming could not do this!

He turned to look at Chang Ming. As expected, Chang Ming’s face was also filled with shock and disbelief.

As for Hu Ji and Jin Hao, they were only able to maintain their basic mobility. It was already good enough that they had not fainted.

Zhou Wenlin suppressed his shock and explained, “Infinitely far away is beyond the Primordial Holy Dragon Sect!”

“In other words, what I just saw is real?!”

“That’s right. We usually call them Outer G.o.ds. Due to the difference in spiritual frequency, they can almost be said to be completely incompatible existences with us. Note that I’m talking about existence, not life. The difference between them and us might be even greater than the difference between us and rocks.”

Lin Yan was silent.

After the Spiritual Droplet was added to this world, it was completely impossible to gauge it with physics.

The difference was even greater than the difference between a person and a stone. In other words, that thing might not even be made of matter?

An illusion turning into reality?

The Spiritual Droplet indeed had such an unbelievable effect.

He calmed himself down.

The journey was not long, at least no longer than the previous three wormhole pa.s.sage journeys.

When the spatial distortion slowly returned to normal, the wormhole tunnel shrank into a ball again behind him. Lin Yan knew that he had arrived.

In front of him was an unbelievably huge platform.

The ground of the platform was completely white jade. It was so bright that one could even see their own reflection from the ground.

It kept spreading forward, at least dozens of kilometers long, but he could see its edge at a glance, indicating that this plane was not a curve, but a real plane.

There was no sun in the sky, but it was extremely bright. The light it emitted was gentle but not dazzling.

Upon closer inspection, it was as if a hemispherical lid was pressing down on his head.

At the center of this plane was a pitch-black wormhole.



Suddenly, there were two sounds of vomiting. Jin Hao and Hu Ji staggered and half-knelt on the ground, vomiting non-stop.

Moreover, at this moment, the veins on their foreheads were bulging, and the spiritual power on their bodies kept appearing. It was obvious that their mental states were not normal. Even their Treasure Images were about to be unleashed.

“Step back a little. You have to experience this kind of scene every time.”

Lin Yan followed Zhou Wenlin and Chang Ming and retreated a long distance.

They saw that Hu Ji and Jin Hao’s minds were in chaos. They directly activated their Treasure Images and transformed into giants!

“Hu Ji! You’re mine!”

“Get out of here, you wet-behind-the-ears brat!”

“Hu Ji! I want you!”

“Let go of me! I, Hu Ji, only want the strongest man! You’re only fit to be a tool! Get lost!”

As their Treasure Images were close, they saw each other at the beginning.

The power of the wormhole pa.s.sageway was actually so huge. Jin Hao actually ignored it and pounced on Hu Ji. His huge arm of the Treasure Image began to tear at Hu Ji’s Treasure Image as if it was tearing her clothes!

Hu Ji struggled with all her might as she mocked Jin Hao.

As the two of them fought, the Treasure Images even made a vomiting posture. Waves of vomit formed by spiritual power spat out from the Treasure Images’ mouths and splashed on the other party’s Treasure Image.

It dyed the two Treasure Images smelly!

A Treasure Image was originally a body of flesh and blood made of spiritual power, so it naturally could vomit.

Moreover, as long as the owner of the spiritual power did not relax, the physical form of the spiritual power would not dissipate.

Chang Ming:”…”

He looked speechless. “Bad luck!”

It was normal to fight, so he just wanted to have fun.

However, Jin Hao was actually going to rape Hu Ji on the spot?

If he caused some trouble, there would be a huge problem!

Chang Ming looked up at the bright sky.

After all… the three of them were not the only ones watching these two people have fun!

He immediately jumped up. Light circulated on the surface of his body. In an instant, he opened a huge Treasure Image that was 400 to 500 meters tall. He grabbed Jin Hao, who was crawling on Hu Ji, and threw him away!

With a boom, Jin Hao smashed into the white jade ground from afar, creating a huge pit.

However, it was unknown what material this white jade land was made of, but there were no cracks at all. Moreover, the pit quickly began to recover.

It made Lin Yan remember…

On Green G.o.d Planet, he had seen similar materials before. They were driven by spiritual pattern arrays. It was the city in the fog. He had seen it in the Martial Arts Tournament.

He could not help but look nostalgic. He did not know how Xiaozhi and the rest were doing now.

The distance was too far. Even if he sensed the tiger servants and the Formless Clones, he could only vaguely tell that they were safe for now..

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My Abilities Come with Special Effects Chapter 625: Slut, Pervert, Loser (2) summary

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