
Dragonvein: Book One Part 9

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"Now tell me one more thing and I'll let you get to sleep." He locked eyes with her. "Who is Jared?"

"No one," she replied, but her lie was obvious as she turned her head away.

"You can tell me," he a.s.sured her. "I won't say anything to Ethan if you don't want me to."

After a moment her eyes shifted to Ethan's sleeping silhouette, then back to Jonas. "He runs a brothel. I used to work for him."

His eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched. "Doing what?"

"I'm a thief remember? I used to steal things and give him part of what I took."

Jonas relaxed somewhat. "And what did you get in return for this?"

"Protection," she replied. "The guards and the daiva dealers left me alone."

"Why did you run? What changed?"

Kat's lips quivered. "I I became a woman."

It took Jonas a moment to understand what she was getting at. "You mean, you bled?"

She nodded. "I tried to hide it, but Jared found out anyway. Mildred hid me here for a few days until I was able to slip out of the city unseen."

"And now that he knows you're back, what will happen?"

"He'll try to force me to do daiva until I can't live without it." The fear in her voice was increasing with each word. "Then he'll...he'll make me one of his girls."

Jonas grunted with a combination of anger and disgust. "Then Mildred is right. You should leave right away."

"I can't," she replied. "Hank was a member of the Hareesh. No one can get out for now. Not until things calm down."

Jonas didn't bother to ask about the Hareesh. Obviously they were some sort of criminal organization. Gazing down at her frail form, he thought that Kat had told him enough for now.

He stood up and gave her a stern look. "I want you to stay with us until I tell you differently. Understand?"

She c.o.c.ked her head. "Why? I thought you didn't want me around?"

"I don't," he replied. "But there are some things I just can't abide." He returned to his cot. "Don't think this means I've changed my mind about you. You're still nothing but a thieving street urchin."

"And you're still a worthless, mean hearted servant," she shot back, though without very much conviction in her voice.

Jonas fought back a smile as he lay down. But the moment quickly pa.s.sed. It was taking a great effort to quell the rage he felt for this Jared fellow. To force a young girl into becoming a wh.o.r.e was...unforgivable. Such crimes would have been severely punished when Lord Dragonvein lived.

He squeezed his eyes tightly shut. Absolutely unforgivable.

Chapter Four.

The morning brought the sounds of a bustling city into the small room. Jonas was already up and waiting patiently for the others to rouse.

Ethan rubbed his eyes and stretched. "I don't know about you, but I'm starving. I hope Mildred remembers to bring us some food. "

Jonas made no reply to this comment. Instead, he said quite abruptly: "I think we should keep Kat with us for a while longer."

Ethan c.o.c.ked his head. "I thought you said..."

"I know what I said. But we may need her help. She knows the city, and we don't."

"For how long?" Ethan asked.

"Until we reach the next town. She got us in. We might need her to get us out again."

"Have you asked her if she even wants to come along?"

"No, he hasn't," Kat's voice chipped in. She was still lying with her back to them. "And being that my debt is now paid, tell me why I should go anywhere with you?"

"You don't have to come if you don't want," said Ethan.

She rolled over to look at them. "And if I don't, you'll both end up dead." She sat up and scratched her head vigorously. "I figure that you lied about having papers, so you'll be needing fakes. I can tell you where to get them. And I know which guards are honest and which ones can be bribed."

"So you'll stay?" Ethan asked.

"For now," she answered through an exaggerated yawn.

A short time later Mildred came down with a tray bearing three bowls of porridge and cups of honeyed water.

"I'm going to the market later," said Mildred. "But I'll leave the back door open for you."

"Don't bother," Kat said. "I won't be coming back."

Mildred nodded. "Good." She turned to Jonas. "Will you get her out of the city?"

"If I can, I will," he replied. "You have my word."

Mildred gave Kat a final embrace. "You take care, young lady."

"I will," she promised.

Ethan and Jonas thanked Mildred for her help yet again before she left, then hungrily set about their breakfasts. Once done, Kat led them back up onto the street. By now it was already mid-morning and hundreds of people were swarming along the sidewalks and avenues.

"Miltino is more populated than I remember," remarked Jonas. He was doing his best to follow Kat as she headed west.

"Lately people have been coming in from the country looking for work," she told him over her shoulder. "Easy pickings for a good thief."

Jonas frowned. "You will kindly refrain from stealing while you're in our company. We don't need the trouble."

Kat flashed a mischievous grin. "I'll do my best." She held up a coin purse. The strings had been cut. "Starting now."

Ethan couldn't help but be impressed. He had not seen her do anything, yet she had been able to swipe a purse with both he and Jonas never more than a few feet behind her.

Jonas grumbled. "Don't make me regret this."

She tossed the purse to Ethan and winked. "I won't."

After a few blocks the houses gave way to small shops and taverns. Vendors of every description were noisily calling out their wares, while street musicians and beggars blocking the walkway made it impossible to move swiftly.

Kat halted in front of a small inn with a sign that read The Heart's Haven. "The inn keeper here won't ask too many questions as long as you keep to yourself," she told them. "And the food's not bad either."

Jonas eased past her and opened the door. She stepped in behind him, closely followed by Ethan.

Only a few lanterns hanging from hooks on the wall illuminated the large room, and it took a moment for Ethan's eyes to adjust to the dim light. To his left, three long dining tables had been placed side by side next to a smoke-stained fireplace. The walls were spa.r.s.ely decorated with faded paintings and placards, and the clanking of pots and pans carried out from a door just beyond the front desk where a tall, thin man stood reading a tattered book.

He looked up and put down his book. "Three of you, is it?"

Jonas nodded.

"Three coppers per night for one room, five for two," he continued. "Breakfast and dinner are included, but if you want midday meals it's extra."

"Sounds fair," said Jonas.

"That's in advance," he added.

Jonas produced two silver coins. "I'm not sure how long we'll be staying."

The man jingled the coins in his hand and shrugged. "As long as you need." He reached beneath the counter and retrieved a couple of keys. "Follow me."

He led them to the far end of the dining hall and through a narrow door. Their rooms were only a few doors down on the right. The innkeeper handed Jonas the keys.

"You've missed breakfast," he said. "And dinner won't be 'til sundown."

Jonas nodded, then gave the man an extra copper who took it without courtesy.

The rooms were barren of decor, each furnished with only one large bed, a chair, and a single dresser. Kat raced inside the first one and jumped on the bed, bouncing playfully on her knees. "I think you two have some shopping to do," she said. "I'll be fine here."

"Shopping for what?" asked Ethan.

"Clothes," Jonas told him.

Ethan took stock of his ill-fitting attire. Yes. It was bad enough that his face looked like he had been in a prize fight. He did not need to give the appearance of having stolen someone else's clothes as well.

After stowing their small packs in the next room, they left the inn together. It didn't take long to find shops well suited to their needs. Ethan still had the coins Kat had swiped, and though he felt a bit guilty, used them to purchase a few comfortable shirts, pants, decent walking boots, and a new dagger.

It was well into the afternoon before they were finished, and the thought of supper had both of their stomachs growling as they made their way back to the inn. On drawing close, they saw a short, thin man with stringy black hair and dark complexion standing beside the front door. He was wearing a red shirt with white pants and well-shined boots, all clearly tailored to fit. In one hand he held a mug, while the other was fidgeting with a small silver knife.

Ethan tensed. There was something about him - something sinister that warned him this was a man not to be taken lightly, in spite of his slight build. Jonas slowed his pace.

The man caught sight of the duo approaching and flashed a toothy smile. "Ah. You must be the companions of my dear friend Kat." He looked them up and down. "You fit the description perfectly."

Ethan now regretted not changing his clothes in the shop. Jonas had suggested that he do so, but the lack of a private changing room had allowed his modesty to get the better of him.

"Kat?" said Jonas. "I don't know anyone by that name."

The man chuckled and drained his mug. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Jared. She might have mentioned me."

Jonas' eyes were burning. "Like I said, I don't know anyone named Kat."

Ignoring the obvious lie, Jared continued: "When you see her, tell her that she needs to come see me...soon." He glanced at Jonas' sword, his tone now turning dark and menacing. "That's a very nice blade you have there. I wonder...can you use it?"

With the implied threat still hanging, he tossed the empty mug at Jonas and strode briskly away.

Ethan watched as Jared disappeared into the crowded walkway. Jonas threw the mug down, shattering it to pieces.

"b.l.o.o.d.y lowlife sc.u.m," he snarled.

They hurried inside and headed directly for Kat's room. It was empty.

"She must have gotten out before he arrived," Ethan said, the relief in his voice clear.

"No," came a voice from behind him. It was Kat. Her smile was unable to hide the fear in her eyes. "When Jared came I hid under the bed."

Ethan looked at her incredulously. "Didn't he look there?"

She shrugged. "Nope. Must be my lucky day."

"I need to have a word with the innkeeper," Jonas growled. His face was tight as he stalked away.

Kat jumped on the bed. "It's not the innkeeper's fault. Jared doesn't take no for an answer."

"Well, at least he didn't find you," Ethan said. "What does he want anyway?"

She frowned. "I don't care what he wants. I'm finished with him."

Ethan could sense that she didn't wish to speak further on the matter, so he let it drop. Jonas returned a few minutes later with a satisfied look on his face.

"We need to acquire travel papers as soon as possible," he announced.

Kat directed him to a tavern and told him to inquire with a bartender named Loni.

"It's best you stay here with Kat in case this Jared fellow returns," Jonas said before leaving. "If I don't make it back by morning...well...just get out of Miltino and stay hidden as best you can until I find you."

Once he had gone, Ethan stepped out briefly to collect their meals. They ate together in Kat's room, though conversation was guarded. It was clear that neither of them wished to divulge too much information.

Several hours pa.s.sed. By now, Ethan was growing increasingly concerned that Jonas had not yet returned. Kat, on the other hand, had fallen asleep with a tiny smile on her face.

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Dragonvein: Book One Part 9 summary

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