
Dragonvein: Book One Part 29

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Jonas tried to hide a smile. "Just tell her to stay out of trouble."

"I will."

They chatted for a while longer, but Ethan could see that Jonas was still not completely recovered. He began politely excusing himself.

"Can I speak to Ethan alone for a moment before he goes?" Jonas asked Birger.

The dwarf eyed him suspiciously, but left the room anyway.

"Something is wrong," whispered Jonas once he caught sound of him descending the stairs. "I've been around n.o.bles and kings most of my life. King Halvar is planning something."

"Markus thinks so too," said Ethan.

"Then you should be careful what you say, and who you say it to. You and Markus should try to find out as much as you can about the city. It might help if we need to flee."

Ethan nodded. "I'll do my best."

On their way back to the manor, Ethan spent most of the time recalling his meetings with King Halvar. But no matter how hard he tried, aside from the monarch's general animosity, he could find nothing else in his words or actions that invited suspicion.

After returning to his room, he told Kat and Markus about his audience with the king, and of Jonas' condition. Markus was deeply concerned that Jonas shared his suspicions. Kat, on the other hand, insisted that all serious talk be put aside, commenting that she hated being confined to just a few rooms and how it would be nice to explore the city.

As if a prayer had been answered, Lady Thora arrived at Ethan's room just before dinner. He and Markus bowed, while Kat gave her a formal curtsy.

"I see you have some training in etiquette, young lady," Thora remarked. "That is good."

"To what do we owe the pleasure?" asked Markus.

"Which of you men is this girl's guardian?"

The pair looked at each other, then back to Thora, neither knowing how to respond.

"I see," said Thora. "Then I take it you wouldn't object if she spent some time with me and my family."

"I I suppose not," stammered Ethan. "That's really up to her."

Thora fixed her gaze on Kat. "Well?"

"Well what?" Kat responded.

"Would you like to spend some time with me and see a bit more of the city?"

She shot a look at Ethan, then shook her head. "I had better stay here."

"I a.s.sure you that he will be just fine without you," Thora said. "You can return here each evening if you wish to see that he's being taken care of."

Kat looked again at Ethan, as if expecting him to object, knitting her brow when he didn't.

"My dear," Thora continued, "The council's debate is likely to go on for several weeks, and King Halvar will not allow you to leave this area until it has concluded. I can't imagine that a young girl like you would prefer to remain cooped up in here the entire time."

"You should go," said Markus. "It beats sitting around doing nothing."

"What will I be doing?" asked Kat.

"I've read much about humans over the years," she replied. "I would be very interested to spend time with one. That you also happen to be a young lady is more than I can resist. I can show you the city, and in return you can tell me about human customs. When I'm forced to take part in the council meetings you can spend time with my two granddaughters. They are excited to meet you as well."

Kat thought for a moment, then nodded. "Thank you, Lady Thora. I would be pleased to accept your invitation."

Thora smiled. "Then it's settled. I'll send for you in the morning."

She bowed and left.

"Sounds like fun," Ethan said to Kat. "That's just what you wanted."

The remark was meant to be encouraging. But her response was far from what he expected. After glaring furiously at him, she stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

"I'm eating alone," she shouted from the corridor.

Ethan stood there with a perplexed look on his face. "What the h.e.l.l was that all about?"

"She has a crush," said Markus. "She wanted you to say she should stay here with you...and you didn't."

Ethan groaned. "I wish she'd leave it alone. She's way too young for me."

Markus laughed. "Too young now, maybe. But you wait. There's only a few years' difference. I bet she'll grow up to be a real beauty. Then you'll be wishing you had been nicer."

"I am nice," Ethan protested. "It's just that I don't want her to get the wrong idea."

His friend slapped him on the back. "Poor little Romeo."

Ethan shot him an irritated look. "That's not funny."

Markus laughed even harder. "Sure it is."

Chapter Eighteen.

As the days pa.s.sed, Ethan felt himself becoming increasingly anxious. With only dwarf books to read and his movements confined, the room that had at first impressed him so much was now starting to feel more and more like yet another prison cell.

To make matters worse, his dreams were becoming ever more vivid. No matter where they were supposed to be taking place Earth, Lumnia, or those in-between places that only make sense in a dream they would be filled with visions of dragons dying and people being slaughtered. Each time he woke he would be gasping for breath, still feeling the intense pain of the dragons in his heart.

Kat was spending most of her time with Lady Thora and her two granddaughters. However, she did still make sure to spend at least a short period each evening with him.

From what she had heard while outside the manor, the city was utterly divided. Some believed that Ethan was indeed there to fulfill the prophecy. Others refused to accept it. Tensions were rising, occasionally erupting into open hostility.

Kat told him Thora was growing concerned that the matter should be settled soon, otherwise things might even turn violent. If that were to happen it would give King Halvar more reason than ever to oppose Ethan and those dwarves who were willing to fight.

"We should just go," he said to Markus one morning over breakfast after nearly two weeks of isolation. "You said you could find us work on the coast, didn't you?"

Markus frowned. "I doubt they will allow us to leave now. This prophecy of theirs has everyone in an uproar. It looks to me as if we're stuck here until they can figure it out."

"I guess you're right," Ethan sighed. "But it makes me uneasy the way they're all looking to me for their salvation. They seem to think I'm some sort of all powerful mage like my father. But I'm not. And who knows if I ever will be."

"You'll never convince them otherwise," said Markus. "Belief is a funny thing. If they believe you can save them, there's not much anyone can do to change their minds. From what I've heard, these people have suffered for so long, they're desperate for hope. Any hope. And that's what you are to them. Hope."

He regarded Ethan for a moment, then cracked a smile. "You've just been sitting around here too long. It's not good to be looking inside your own head every day. It can drive a man crazy."

That night, while Ethan lay staring at the ceiling, dreading another nightmare that sleep would surely bring, a light knock sounded on his door.

He growled with irritation. "I'm trying to sleep, Kat! Go to bed!"

The door opened, revealing Lady Thora. The sight of her entering jerked Ethan upright. He immediately scanned the room for sight of his clothes.

"Kat is spending the night at my home," she said. "Get dressed. We must talk. Time is short."

Ethan hesitated. But it soon became evident that Lady Thora cared little for human modesty. Grabbing his blanket, he wrapped it around his waist. His clothes were piled up in a corner beside the dresser. Doing his best to keep himself covered, he slipped them on.

"Your boots as well," she instructed. "You'll be leaving in a few minutes."

Thora took a seat at the table while Ethan donned his boots.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"We are not going anywhere," she replied, gesturing for him to sit.

"Then where am I going?"

"I'm afraid King Halvar has decided to take matters into his own hands. Actually, I think he intended to all along and was just waiting for the right time. He has sent a.s.sa.s.sins to murder you and your friends. If you stay here, you will be dead by morning."

The hair on the back of Ethan's neck stood up. "Why would he do that?"

"He is convinced that you will bring an end to the dwarves. When he brought you before the council last time, he had hoped your words would sway more members to his side. Unfortunately for him, your youth and inexperience was overcome by your heart and conviction. At this point, only two others still support him. And as his support on the council fades, so does his support among the people. Soon he will stand alone and be forced to concede."

"Can't you stop him?"

"I'm afraid that King Halvar is determined. He is willing to risk his throne to see you dead."

She leaned in and focused her gaze. "I am not warning you now because I am convinced you are the answer to our problems. In fact, I have to admit that the king has a valid point. There are no dragons heralding the end of Shinzan's rule. Your arrival may be a false hope. And though brave you may be, you are no mage. You cannot find victory without magic and there is no one alive who can instruct you."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Flee," she replied. "Take your friends and flee as far and fast as you can. I ask only one thing of you. Leave Kat here with me."

Ethan furled his brow. "With you? Why?"

"She has no business on such a perilous journey. And wherever you go, death is sure to follow. I can protect her. King Halvar would not dare to harm a child, human or no. Particularly one protected by a member of the council."

Ethan thought for a moment and then nodded his consent. "Please see that she is safe."

Thora smiled and bowed her head. "You have my word. You know, she's quite taken with you. A pity she is not a bit older. She would make a devoted wife in time. And unless I miss my guess, she possesses a few magical talents as well."

"Yes, she does," he confirmed.

"All the more reason for her to stay. She would be hunted in the human world." Thora rose from her seat. "Now gather your belongings. Birger has already taken the one called Jonas near the pa.s.sage where you will be leaving. He is waiting with your other friend outside."

Just as she turned for the door, Ethan stopped her. "Can I asked you something?"

Thora nodded.

"Why are you helping us?"

"Because King Halvar is wrong," she replied flatly. "Even if you are not the one to fulfill the prophecy, you bring us hope. That is something we desperately need. And I'm helping Kat because I'm a grandmother, and that's what grandmothers do."

The moment Thora had left the room, Ethan quickly packed his things. As she had told him, Birger and Markus were waiting just outside his door. Markus appeared calm, but Birger was obviously on edge. His eyes darted back and forth nervously and his hand was planted firmly on the handle of the axe hanging from his belt.

"It's about time," he complained. "They'll be here any minute."

After taking one final look down the hall, he set off at a fast walk. "There's no way to depart from the manor unseen," he told them. "But it will take time for the king's guards to figure out which way you've left the city. Hopefully by then we'll be far enough ahead of them to escape."

"So you're coming with us?" asked Ethan.

"Only as far as the exit to the mountain," he replied.

"Are you going to get in trouble for helping us?"

"Possibly. But I think that once news of King Halvar's attempt on your life gets out, I'll soon be forgiven."

While making their way through the manor they pa.s.sed a fair number of servants and various other dwarves. All took notice of them, their eyes drawn especially by the rapid pace that Birger was setting. So fast was it, Ethan was forced into a jog several times just to keep up.

After they were clear of the manor he could see Birger relaxing somewhat. They first headed east, then south through a series of side streets and alleyways until Ethan was hopelessly lost. There were a few dwarves about, but Birger was able to spot them in time to alter their course and avoid detection.

After more than an hour they reached the outer edge of the city. Beyond was an area of flat rock, which ended in a sheer cliff wall that rose high beyond Ethan's sight. In spite of their peril, his mind boggled at the thought of how long it must have taken to dig out a cavern large enough to house such a grand city.

Jonas was waiting near a small building. As well as his pack, he had with him all of their weapons.

"I was getting worried," he said. He put on the short sword that Ethan had taken from the slain soldier and handed him his own elegant blade. "You'd better take this. You'll get more use out of it than I ever will."

Ethan strapped on the sword. "Let's hope not."

Birger led them right up to the cliff face, then over to a spot where there was a small opening in the rock. "This way is not widely known to anyone but the miners," he said. "It should buy us some time."

"I think not," called a voice from inside the tunnel.

The group instantly drew their weapons and backed several steps away from the entrance. A few seconds later a lone dwarf emerged. His red beard was tied in a single braid, as was his waist length hair. He wore black leather armor and carried a large, two-handed axe. He glowered at Birger while resting the weapon on his shoulder.

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Dragonvein: Book One Part 29 summary

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