
Dai Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu Vol 7 Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Peace and Karma

The rumours and information that Vois Fiurelle had leaked out, seemed to stir up the world.

As if it had pa.s.sed through some form of organizing first, the information that the Anti-Roland Coalition released expanded under various sources.

What was added, was the content about the ugly and fierce Demon King.

Regarding the atrocious battle, the content about the huge spider that was dealt away with the demon’s control.

The content about the demon only needing to huffing a curse, and killing hundreds of thousands of Geihlficlant soldiers.

The news about how Gastark, which had been heading south with their strong stance, had been unable to handle the demon.

Looking at the report that was written from rumours and truths, Sion Astal muttered to himself.

A slight grin appeared.

“…The Demon King, Ryner Lute?”

He said.

Under that well-groomed silver hair, was a pair of golden eyes that were currently filled with a little exhaustion.

Wearing the white battle armour that was specially used by the king of Roland and originally designed for the purpose of standing on the battle field, he, by himself, sat on a chair and was reading files in front of the table where they discussed the war.

The place where he was now, was roughly in the middle of the southern part of the continent—a fortress of the area that was originally known as the Autonomous Holy City of Ca.s.sla.

He was sitting in the large foyer of the fortress and he was reading reports from various places.

In a place slightly north of here, there was a fierce battle going on.

The place called the People’s District of Urd which was initially governed by Ca.s.sla, was s.n.a.t.c.hed away by one of the countries in the middle of the continent, the Remrus Empire.

Claugh and Calne and the others were frantically defending against the Remrus army—that was the current situation.



Sion looked at the map spread out on the strategy table.

Looking at the territory of Remrus that was encroaching the southern part of the continent,

“…It seems that it wouldn’t be easy, for us to proceed…”

He murmured.

And the Remrus Empire seemed like a slightly, no, it was a very odd country.

Until half a year ago, it was still known as the Holy Land of Veiohl, but in that half a year, there were major changes to the internal system.

It was said that in a place where there was nothing, the son of G.o.d was born, and obtained the throne of the king.

With respect to the name of the son of G.o.d, the country had changed its name to the Remrus Empire.

And then Remrus Empire, was then said to be a country chosen by G.o.d, and was blessed with eternal peace—


No matter how it was looked at, it was only a country that was supported with words that were lies, suppressing the People’s District of Urd which was protected by twenty thousand Ca.s.sla soldiers, moving one step forward in the conflict with the Roland forces that Sion themselves led.

It seemed that they had used some Rhule Fragmei that Sion himself was not aware of, other than that,


Other than that, in the alternate universe where Sion had been alone, another person had appeared.

It was the person himself who was called the son of G.o.d, Remrus.

Of course that person was not human. Like Sion who was not a human, that person was not a human.

He had seven eyes and six arms.

He was a complete monster.

That monster spoke, it seemed to know about Sion, no, it seemed that it even knew about the Hero in Sion.

Lightly calling Asruld Roland.

It said it did not want to fight with a mad war G.o.d that only wished for despair.

Then, it said excitedly.

“You, still know nothing, right? Even though you wanted to trap me from earlier. You haven’t completely merged with Asruld. If you really want to merge with it, you would not speak to me. Because you will hate me who is underhanded, then I will subsequently be killed immediately. Because my forte does not lie in illusions, but spells. So you who understands me, wouldn’t give me time to use spells.”

It had said.

Then as that person—Remrus had said.

Sion, and Lucile had made a mistake. Facing the spell that Remrus cast, Lucile became unable to move.

Now, Lucile was moving frantically to release the spell, but in this time period, Sion had become defenseless.

The G.o.ddesses, the monsters that they used, and then, Remrus who had attacked with the spell, now had to be dealt with by Sion alone.

And Sion himself, understood that he couldn’t win Remrus.

Just having the shadow of Remrus causing the situation to become like this, if he fought with the actual body,


If he fought with that person called the son of G.o.d, he had to wait until Lucile was revived.

At least he had to wait until he had gained the power of the Fallen Mad Hero, that Hero—before that, Lucile’s power could not be missed.

And the G.o.ddess had used the curse of Humans to stop the Hero, that was extremely powerful. If the Humans were not weakened, if they didn’t turn into Human α, he would be unable to regain his original power.

Unable to gain the huge power that could destroy everything.

So now, with the Remrus Empire as Roland’s enemy, they had entered a difficult battle.

Even if his subordinates had won on the battle field, but as long as Remrus himself appeared and cast a spell on Sion, everything would end.

Before Lucile got rid of the spell and came back, he could not progress too much.

And in that time,


In that time, something astonishing had happened in the Middle Continent.

A demon was born.

A Demon King was born.

It was said that that demon, was called Ryner Lute.

It was said that he had the same name as his old friend.

Then Sion,

“…It can’t be, Ryner was faster in establishing his name in the Central Continent… I really didn’t think of that.”

He muttered, feeling genuinely happy.

Then in a moment he thought of it.

Only in that short moment he recalled.

The times he spent with him.

The times when Ryner laughed foolishly, made a ruckus, yelling that he was bored to death every day.

Shouting something like, Sion you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, I’m going to kill you.

And Sion laughed.

Looking at the gentle demon making a fuss at his side, he laughed.

Ah, how boring, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, I’m really, absolutely, going to kill yoooooou, Ryner had always shouted this, but in the end he had frantically helped with his work—Sion thought of his friend’s face and laughed.



He remembered that the two of them had constantly looked down on this country’s matters, from the highest place in the Roland castle.

The duo had worked tirelessly through day and night for a few days, and because of this, their heads were aching badly. Let’s go to the roof top to relax, he had forgotten who had suggested this, anyway the two of them had climbed up to the roof.

Then, they looked down at this country.

Ryner had his usual sleepy expression,

“This scenery, it really looks like it’s a mirage…”

He said, then apologized to me.

“…I’m sorry.”

In the beginning Sion didn’t know what that person was talking about.

But Ryner continued,

“… What I said in the past, that, I stand corrected.”

“Eh? What did you say?”

Sion had asked, as Ryner looked down at this country, looked down at the capital of Roland, he said.

“…It’s not a mirage.”

Ryner spoke.

This country had changed.

The originally mad country, has changed after you became king.

And Sion, to this,


I had replied.

As if sighing he had replied.

“…It is a mirage, Ryner, at that time I had said ‘without losing a single comrade’, right. But… But now, only a few comrades have survived? For the sake of the vision I described, exactly, how many comrades have died? Exactly how many…”

But Ryner interrupted me.

“Even if that’s the case… Sion, even if it’s like what you said, this isn’t a mirage. This country has changed, without you, this country would still be in the darkness.”

He had said this, and looked down to the streets of the city, using his usual tired eyes, and seemingly unmotivated, soothing expression.

Then he said,

“…That’s already, enough.”

He spoke.

“You’re already, very hard working. I’m very clear about this point. So, don’t use that kind of working method as if you’re blaming yourself…”

He said.

“It’s already enough, this country has changed a lot. Even if you relax a little, it wouldn’t turn back into what it was like in the past.”

He said.

“So if you make mistakes again, if you can’t do better… it isn’t necessary to make the opposition feel scared. Now, look, me, Ferris, we’re both here… and the others? That, red haired idiot, that pervert who likes older women, there are many companions here… it’s alright, this country, is already fine. You don’t have to worry alone by yourself. This country is changing now, and it is progressing in a good direction.”

Ryner had said.

And that Ryner, that person, was also no longer by his side.


Sion stared at the battle discussion table unseeingly, using tired golden eyes, to look at the files and maps. But nothing was reflected in his eyes, no image was reflected in them.

The only thing that was in his mind, was the scenes of those happy times.

In that moment, only that scene was imprinted deeply in his mind.


Naturally, he didn’t plan to say something stubborn like, I want to return to those times.

Because he had abandoned that himself.

Because he had always lied to Ryner, hurting him, and in the end abandoned him.

But, it is said that he doesn’t plan to give up on me even though I’m like this.

It’s said that he didn’t plan to give up on something so depressing.

That person had even wrote a message for me to be well.

Sion now still kept that paper with the message on it.

He kept the message that was written by that person who didn’t like to give up.

Ryner had wrote this.

Even though it was a piece of paper it could pa.s.s on that unmotivated air, it was written.

“So now, even though I do not know what you have been caught up in, but I will go to your side. On that rainy day, didn’t I say that? I can’t give up on you. I said I would do it and I will. So in order to save you, I will come to your side, to save you. For this, I am slightly motivated. This is from someone who is born to destroy the word ‘motivated’! I will shout this in the direction of your castle. Is it funny? Do you hear it? Ma, it’ll probably snow tomorrow. Anyway putting this lame joke aside… I will come back to your side. Even though I don’t know how much energy I have to burn up for this, but in order to have something important to me, I will come. So before that, be mentally prepared and wait. I will make you regret that moment when you didn’t kill me. You, have always talked to yourself as you despaired, and took up everything upon yourself. I was by your side as you nearly cried, I, but I… clearly took you as my best friend…”

When he read this letter, he completely didn’t know what this person was planning to do.

How could he return to my side? Someone as unmotivated as him, who would only uncaringly have afternoon naps every day, how could he return to my side? I completely didn’t understand.

But, it was said that Ryner had become a demon in the Middle Continent.

It was said that he had become the Demon King who could kill hundreds of thousands of people.

It was said that someone who clearly hated people dying had killed people, and, had become a king.

What exactly, was that for?


Of course I wouldn’t be so foolish to think it was for me.


But even if that was the case.

“…Is your path, that one?”

Sion murmured.

“Then, further down that path, will you meet me…?”

He muttered.

“…Even if we’ve become enemies… Even if we will fight against each other on the battle field… Even so, as long as we can meet again… that is something to look forward to.”

He happily murmured.

At this moment,

“…Your Majesty”

A dark, cold voice spoke.

Then Sion looked up, and turned his head.

In the entrance of the hall, Froaude stood there with numerous armed soldiers with him.

Those subordinates were holding a girl. Her arms were tied up, and not only that, her shoulders were held firmly.


She had curly tea-coloured hair, and tea-coloured eyes, the black armour revealed pale soft and tender skin.

That was a battle armour that was made from a material that Sion had never seen before.

Looking at the girl, and the armour she wore, Sion asked.

“…Is she a spy? Or a.s.sa.s.sin?”

Froaude replied.

“She says she is an amba.s.sador, she came to negotiate a treaty.”

“An amba.s.sador?”


“From where?”

As he asked this, Sion thought about it, at least he could confirm it wasn’t a request from Remrus to stop the war.

Because Remrus had already broke the promise once. Before this war, Remrus had requested an alliance with Roland.

And then after that he had attacked when they were unprepared.

Because he had broken the promise once, so he couldn’t have sent an amba.s.sador.

Then, which country was it?

Sion didn’t think she was an amba.s.sador from a small country, because now, Roland was suppressed by Remrus. The small countries had requested to enter the large countries protection range so that they wouldn’t be involved in the war, under this situation, there probably wouldn’t be any country that wanted to join up with Roland’s side.

Roland had already conquered the southern continent, so the amba.s.sador should be from somewhere near Remrus.

Then, “…Is it someone from Geihlficlant?”

Sion asked Froaude.

If that was the case then that would be possible. In the period that they had lost a large amount of manpower from the war with Gastark, the Anti-Roland Coalition led by Ryner had attacked Geihlficlant’s territory.

And they had broken the territory into northern and southern parts.

The southern part seemed to have no one related to the royal family, and because there was some conflict over the issue of the throne, now, Geihlficlant was in a terrible state.

If it was left like this then there would be a self-destructive conflict, and if they were also attacked by the Remrus Empire at this time, now, they would not be able to withstand it.

That meant, Geihlficlant was facing a threat now.

In order to do something, seeking Roland’s strength—this was something easy to understand.

And this opportunity was just right, it benefited the Roland army by allowing them to enter the Central Continent, and enter a difficult battle with Remrus Empire. In order to defeat Remrus, even if it was Geihlficlant that had been split, it was the helping power that Roland wanted.

And because Geihlficlant understood this, so they sent out an amba.s.sador recently, Sion had thought initially.



But Froaude said.

“She’s not an amba.s.sador from the Geihlficlant Empire, Your Majesty.”

“…She’s not?”


“Then which country’s amba.s.sador is she?”

At this moment, the girl lifted her head to look at Sion.


“…I am, an amba.s.sador from the People’s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet.”

She said.

Sion tilted his head slightly.

“…The People’s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet… I haven’t heard of that before… Is it a small country in the Central Continent?”

The girl nodded.

“Yes, it’s a small country, so it’s no problem if Your Majesty doesn’t know about it. And, it was just recently formed.”

“…A new country?”

“If I say it’s the country built by the Anti-Roland Coalition, I think you’ll understand.”

She said.

Sion narrowed his eyes, then glared at her.


But that girl didn’t take note of Sion’s expression. No, she didn’t even look in his direction. Only, speaking what she had been commanded to say, in order to accomplish her mission as an amba.s.sador.

But, who had ordered her to say that?

Because of whose orders, had she come here?

It was said that the king of the Anti-Roland Coalition was a demon.

It was said that the demon was called Ryner Lute.

Then, this person,

This person was here on Ryner’s orders…

The girl opened her mouth.

As if reading from a prepared script, she said,

“As everyone has heard, the ones who destroyed hundreds of thousands of Gastark’s soldiers that were fighting with the Geihlficlant Empire, was us.

She said.

“The ones who made the Gastark Empire who has been expanding south retreat is also us.”

She said.

“I trust that everyone has heard of these two matters, but we seem to have something that is far more powerful than what everyone can comprehend. By relying on that power, we have decided to build a country using this opportunity. This country is named the People’s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet.”

She said this.

“Then, seizing this chance to build a country, we want to extend a treaty to the world to build peace.”

To this, Sion asked.

“A peace treat…?”

“Yes, I think many countries have already noticed, on the current battle ground, there is an old weapon that has abnormally strong power called the Rhule Fragmei being used…”

Sion interrupted her.

“You don’t have to explain what is Rhule Fragmei. But, are you explaining this to the countries all over the world?”

He asked.

The girl nodded.

“Yes, in order to stop the usage of such dangerous weapons that can potentially destroy the world on the battle field, we are proposing a peace treaty…”

But, Sion interrupted her again, saying.

“Fools! By allowing the whole world to know of the existence of this weapon, what peace treaty do you want to talk about! If you do this every country will use Rhule Fragmei…”

“No, it wouldn’t become like that, this is the purpose of the peace treaty.”

“Who would follow that treaty…”

But the girl interrupted him.

“At least my country plans to follow it. We will not use such immoral weapons like the Rhule Fragmei on the battle field again. And we hope that your country can do this, for peace.”

“For peace? You say peace? What a joke, you…”

But the girl stopped him, saying.

She said with a shallow smile.

“Your Majesty, what are you shouting about, how can you yell angrily, the whole world is watching”


“The whole world is watching. Will you enter this peace treaty, or not? Of course it doesn’t matter if you don’t partic.i.p.ate. You must think the world is yours, right? From the south and north, the king that will rely on the power of killing. No matter how you are called a hero in the south, if you choose wrongly here, this will decide your image in the Central Continent. Then, if that’s the case, what will it become? The people in the Central Continent will bow under the wild barbaric king who doesn’t want to enter the peace treaty? Do you think, after today you can progress north with only power?”


“If that’s the case, it doesn’t matter, anyway we didn’t think we could gain the approval of all the countries. But in the Central Continent, there are many countries who have agreed to this treaty…”

But, Froaude said,

“That’s your plan? Every country can’t possible reply immediately to such an important problem. Of course if you thought that something as absurd as rumours about the demon can threaten them then it’s a different story.”

He said sarcastically, but the girl smiled.

“Of course we’ve threatened some. This is obvious. The so-called negotiations, is something that is done after threats. Then timid countries will join in. Progressively, then large countries will also… this treaty has also garnered the approval of the Ertolia Republic.”

Hearing that, Sion was annoyed.

That the Ertolia Republic had approved of this treaty, Sion understood immediately. To Ertolia that had been late in gathering the Rhule Fragmei, of course they were quick in doing this.

Then, the Geihlficlant Empire that had lost power would definitely, give their approval.

That meant, these two great countries would support this treaty.

If that was so, then in the Central Continent, almost two thirds of the countries would agree with this treaty.

In this case that was more than half.

More than half of the countries had entered this treaty under that fake claim of “peace”.

This was under the suggestion of the Anti-Roland Coalition—no, the People’s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet.

But what were these people, chasing after? Why, did they want to prohibit the usage of Rhule Fragmei?

Of course if it were Ryner, he probably hoped for this.

If it were that person, he could suggest prohibiting this weapon.

But, the people of the People’s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet, had used Rhule Fragmei to s.n.a.t.c.h away the territory of Geihlficlant.

Or it was the previous body, the organization called Anti-Roland Coalition, that had already used the Rhule Fragmei in combat. Naturally using Rhule Fragmei, to kill people. Originally they could use that power to gain Geihlficlant.

That meant, under the excuse of already using the Rhule Fragmei to build their country, they suggested a world-wide prohibition of it.

But, the world that knew of the existence of such a weapon, couldn’t resist using it.

Men, would use Rhule Fragmei.

If a convenient instrument was placed before them, men would be unable to resist and use it.

And, the more hopeless situation they were in, the more they would mistakenly use it.

So before the knowledge of this power spread in the world.

Before using this power to ignite a war, Roland originally planned to progress into the Central Continent.

If they had to use Rhule Fragmei to attack, there would be an unimaginable number of sacrifices, so he had initially wanted to enter the Central Continent, without anyone noticing.


No, there were already enough sacrifices.

Roland and Remrus had attacked each other because they used Rhule Fragmei, causing a considerable number of sacrifices.

It was same in the north.

It was said that in the battle with the Gastark Empire and Geihlficlant Empire, with only one shot, hundreds of thousands of people had died.

It was said that although something like that had happened before, everything had ended already, but something like that had happened.

Then using that power, these people separated the world.

The world started to desperately search for this power.

Every country, possibly out of fear, or out of l.u.s.t, or out of rage, or out of sadness, started to frantically search for Rhule Fragmei.

And then, used it.

The used the weapon that could kill.

So people died.

And it became a large number of deaths.

As long as they thought about it they would understand why it had turned out this way.

If every country had such large power, then there wasn’t any power that could suppress this.

So what occurred was a ma.s.sacre.

An unstoppable ma.s.sacre.

Perhaps, in the end nothing would be left.

Then Sion glared at the girl.

“…Then, who was the one who suggested the peace treaty? It probably isn’t your king—Ryner Lute who suggested it?”

The girl looked at Sion.

“No, everything is the thoughts of my liege…”

“Shut up!”

“No matter what Your Majesty thinks, the king of the People’s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet is Ryner Lute-sama…”

“I told you to shut up! And you are wrong. If we stop here, we’ll hinder you. If I stop here, the world will be crumble and be swallowed up by the G.o.ddesses…”

But Sion stopped, then used a sharper expression to glare at the girl.

“…Or are you, the subordinates of the G.o.ddesses…? What are you planning to do to Ryner?”

He asked.

To this question, the girl smiled even more happily.

“…Although I do not know of the thing called G.o.ddess that Your Majesty spoke of… But my master informed me, if Your Majesty uttered the phrase G.o.ddess, then he instructed me to say this.”

She said.

Then Sion,

“Before that, tell me the name of your master who ordered you. Your master isn’t Ryner, right? Who is it? Vois…?”

But ignoring his words, the girl continued to speak. It seemed she had memorized what she was supposed to say.

“—I apologize, Sion”

She said.

“You seem to have done too much”

She said.

“You killed my companions, so I, will definitely not forgive you. If you don’t give up on the Rhule Fragmei… If you continue to be mad, if you continue to be mad to this extent because of the curse of the Hero, then I will look to you as an enemy…”

The girl said.

She spoke what her master had ordered to do in one breath.



To this, Sion had nothing to say.

If you are mad until this extent.

If you continue to be mad to this extent, then take me as your enemy, Ryner had said that once.

That was the original sentence.

Indeed, he had already killed Ryner’s companions. To the Nelphan soldiers and the squad that was escaping with Ryner, he had used the Rhule Fragmei.

So he understood that Ryner would be mad, he understood he would break his ties with him.

But, even so,

“…The one who would say that, is not Ryner.”

Sion said in a low voice.

But to this question, the girl did not reply.

“Then my mission is completed, release me…”

“No. Tell me you real master’s name. Is it Vois? Or is it, the G.o.ddess?”

But, the girl looked at him with a pitying vague expression.

“Even if you threaten me, you can’t get answers from me. I came here after accepting a spell. If I tell you something other than what I have been ordered to do, the curse will activate, and I will die.”

“I see. But at least, Ryner will never do that.”


“Ryner… that guy…”

But at this moment,

“Your Majesty”

Froaude called out to him.

Sion narrowed his eyes in slight anger and looked to the direction of the voice.

Do not waver without a reason, and give your enemy information.

Then Sion stopped. He felt unhappy that he had revealed the weakness in his heart to his subordinates.

“…Release the girl, we cannot get any other information from this person.”

He ordered, then the soldiers who were restraining her let go of her.

Then she nodded to Sion.

“Will you give me your reply to whether you will partic.i.p.ate in the peace treaty?”

To this question, Froaude replied.

“We will keep our opinion. Of course that doesn’t mean we wouldn’t enter. At least let us consider…”

“I’m not asking you, my master ordered me to listen to the reply from the King Sion Astal. Now, please personally reply me, Your Majesty.”


“Will you enter? Or not?”


To this, Sion glared at the girl, and after seemingly keeping silent as if he were thinking—

“…We join it”

At this point,

Froaude raised his hand, he held a dagger in his hand, the blade of the dagger pierced the girl’s neck, and she collapsed soundlessly.

Then Sion widened his eyes and shouted,

“Froaude! You?!”

But Froaude coldly, carrying a demon-like dark expression,

“We will keep our opinion, Your Majesty. We still cannot join this treaty.”

“But there is no need to kill…”

“There is. This woman saw Your Majesty waver, if she reported this then it would be bad.”


“Anyway she was already cursed, she was useless to us. But if we sent her head back, then that would show that even if they say Ryner Lute’s name, Your Majesty would be unwavering.”

Sion glared at Froaude and said,

“…Because I wavered, so you killed her?”

But Froaude shook his head.

“No, Your Majesty. Our king, wouldn’t waver because of something as trivial as this.”


“Then, please let me take care of the issues after this. Let me cover up this matter.”

Froaude said.

To this, Sion asked,

“How are you planning to cover this up?”

Froaude pointed to the girl’s corpse.

“In her body, there was a magic that was supposed to make her self-implode and kill Your Majesty—let us spread this out. Because Your Majesty was attacked, so we killed her. Then warn the kings of various countries to beware of a.s.sa.s.sins from the People’s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet.”

“But even if we do that it wouldn’t be solved. Every country already know of the existence of Rhule Fragmei…”

“Yes, there’s that. Every country knows of that existence… but we have already been prepared for this. Thus we proceeded with the human experiments—modified soldiers, isn’t that true?”


“So that even though every country can use Rhule Fragmei, our country can still have the advantage, Your Majesty changed Roland.”

Then Sion looked at Froaude.

“But this too… even if this is the case, small countries will use Rhule Fragmei after today”


“The sacrifices will increase.”


“Even if you spread the lie that the girl was an a.s.sa.s.sin, the countries that have already joined the peace treaty…”

“They can’t possibly read through our intentions. But, this will arouse distrust. It will create confusion. What the People’s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet did to us, we will do it too.”

Saying that, Froaude commanded the subordinates to take care of the girl’s corpse.

Then looking at Sion, he continued,

“They are different from us. We who have gathered under the Hero King Sion Astal, are different. The Anti-Roland Coalition? Vois Fiurelle? Heh, heh heh, anyway it is a troop that was gathered for money, right? Then, a seed of distrust can destroy it.”

So Sion asked,

“Then what do we do?”

Froaude replied mildly.

“…We ourselves, will meet with Ryner Lute. Speaking truthfully, even if it is me, I do not think that the People’s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet is something that Ryner Lute will do. Then the key to breaking the organization lies here. Ryner Lute and the one manipulating from behind the scenes, Vois Fiurelle—the country that has two kings. Pull one of them off the stage.”

Saying that, Froaude bowed to him, turned around, and then quickly walked out of the hall, but stopped again.

He turned around.

“Ahah, speaking of which, Your Majesty, can I do the same thing like Vois Fiurelle?”

Sion asked suspiciously,

“The same thing? What does that refer to?”

Froaude had a shallow smile, a deep, dark smile like a demon.

“…Making use of the love Ryner Lute has for you. Like what the subordinate of Vois Fiurelle did, if I twist your words, and destroy Ryner Lute’s heart. Then make him kill Fiurelle, is that possible?”

He asked this.

Then Sion,


A smile appeared on his face, he asked.

“If I say no, will you give up?”

Then Froaude had a slightly happy smile,


Then he bowed his head again, and walked out of the hall.

Sion looked at his figure.

He looked at the figure of his subordinate who wanted to kill Vois and Ryner.


But at this moment, another human walked into the hall.

It was a girl.

She was around fifteen years old.

She had pretty features and beautiful amber hair that touched her shoulders.

A slim body, blue eyes—

Sion knew this girl.

She was the younger sister of a youth who had been Sion’s secretary.

Eslina Folkal.

Before the war began she was Calne’s a.s.sistant officer, but as of now she was working steadily in the capital of the Runa Empire, slightly down south, as a civil servant in the conquered land.

But why did she appear here?


No, why she came here, he knew the reason already.

So Sion asked. Before Eslina, who had a tearful expression, entered the hall and opened her mouth,

“…Are you here because of Calne?”

He has asked.

“…I am sorry for leaving Runa and going against your orders. But once I heard the People’s District of Urd that Calne-san had been protecting had been occupied by the Remrus Empire… that all the soldiers situated in the People’s District of Urd had been killed, this rumour…”


“But, but, Calne-san is here, right? He should have retreated successfully, and joined back with the main army, right?”


“Please tell me that is the case… is it? Calne-san he… can’t be dead… right…”

Her voice was trembling because of the words she spoke, her expression had contorted too. She pressed her chest forcefully, squeezing out her voice.

An expression as if she were about to cry.

She had an expression that said she would immediately break down here.

Sion looked at her face.

Her brother had been killed, then this time, she could possibly lose a superior who had always accompanied her, she trembled because of this.

No, Calne and Eslina could possibly be dating. Otherwise she wouldn’t waver.

Because the two of them had always been together, so it could be possible that was the case.

Then, she could lose an important person again.

Because of war.

Because of this mad world.



Of this, useless king.

Thinking about his lack in power, Sion’s expression twisted too.

He couldn’t protect anyone. It was always because of the lack in power, and he was unable to protect his important people.

Ryner, Kiefer, Toni, Fahl, Tyle, Fiole, Calne, Eslina… Mother… even himself!

Everyone was crying, shouting, as they died, but I couldn’t do anything to protect them.

They were clearly calling for me to save them.

Everyone, had shouted for me to save them, but I couldn’t protect them… He hated himself.

He really hated his helplessness.

But, he couldn’t reveal such an expression.

Because he had revealed such an expression earlier, it had caused a girl to be killed. He only showed his weak side a little, but many things were too late to take back.

So, progress.

So, he could only step over this and progress.

So, Sion looked at Esline and smiled,

“…Calne, is not dead.”

He said.

And Eslina raised her face, her face shone, at the same time, the tears she had been holding back poured forth.

“Then, then…”

But Sion interrupted her, continuing.

“But, he has been kidnapped by the Remrus Empire.”

“…How can that…”

“But relax, I have ordered my subordinate to infiltrate Remrus and rescue Calne. They are very talented… Because they are extremely talented, so Calne will definitely be fine.”

He said.

But Eslina looked at him with a slightly doubtful expression.

And, Sion said,

So as not to say anything outside of this, he said again,

“It’ll be alright, trust me.”

He smiled as he said.

Of course, Eslina’s expression did not brighten at this.

This was to be expected.

Her lover had been kidnapped by the opposing country.

And Calne was not an ordinary soldier, but a Major General of Roland. In order to gain information from Roland, he would surely undergo intensive torture.

And after that, the useless Calne, would continue to be used, and perhaps be killed as a demonstration?

No matter what, Calne’s future was not optimistic.

A minute… no, even they were late by a second in rescuing him, Calne could possibly be killed.



Sion was no longer worried about Calne.

Of course, because Remrus Empire was a disgusting country ruled by a monster, wanting to save him was not so easy.

According to the report that Luke had submitted about Remrus, the people of that country could have had been affected by a brainwashing spell.

That meant, if he sent someone who had no ability carelessly, he could be brainwashed in return, causing a backfire in his plans.

But, even if that was indeed the case, Sion was not worried about Calne, because he had sent his best subordinate.

It wasn’t because the most talented spy in the whole of Roland, Luke Stokkart was in Remrus.

It wasn’t because Luke would save Calne.

Luke who was only a human, was not Remrus’s opponent.

But Sion had sent a different subordinate.

Another a.s.sa.s.sin.

Another spy.

He had sent a different monster into Remrus.



Sion smiled.

No, this smile, was fake.

He was always uneasy, fearful of being tortured by pain.

But for the sake of Eslina who was looking into his eyes, looking at him uneasily, he smiled, and looked at the maps on the battle discussion table again.

He looked at the country that Claugh and Miller were fighting now.

He looked at the Remrus Empire that Luke and countless other teams had infiltrated.


Then the scene changed to the north.

Further up north from the former Autonomous Holy City of Ca.s.sla and People’s District of Urd where the Roland army was stopped.

In a country called the Country of G.o.d in the southern part of the Central Continent.

The country where the chosen people of G.o.d lived.

The scenery of this country, seemed to be covered with a layer of fog.

Of course, because it was transparent, although the eyes could not see it, but there was something there.

It was like a thin layer of peace.

A disgusting, fake stability.

Looking at the membrane of the Rhule Fragmei that covered this country,

“…Ah~ A strong magic was cast… It’s really done carelessly. If it’s such a strong power, humans will become abnormal.”

She said.

The place where she was, was on the roof top of a church in the Remrus Empire.

No, it should be said she was on a sharp spire.

From there, she looked down at the entire Remrus.

Because the wind was strong, normally speaking it wouldn’t be possible to stand in that sort of place, but she didn’t care. She looked around, as she was blown at by the wind.

She surveyed the Remrus Empire.

She surveyed this large land that was governed by brainwashing magic.


Then every time she looked at this scenery, her caramel-coloured ponytail would sway slightly.

Large and round eyes, a small body. On that small body there was something like battle armour.

But, it couldn’t be seen which country she belonged to.

Then, she heard a voice.


The voice of a man calling her sounded.

Then she looked down.

They were Human αs.

They were her subordinates, Human αs called Lach, Lear, Moe.

They were looking at her worriedly.

“It’s, it’s dangerous, please come down!”

“Wh-what will happen if you fall!?”

“We’ll be lectured by Luke-senpai!”

Hearing that, she laughed.

She laughed with an innocent expression.

She laughed with a flirtatious expression.

Then she ignored her subordinates’ voices, and surveyed the Remrus Empire again.

“…Then then, although I heard most of it… But this way everything has changed into something strange, what shall we do?”

She muttered.

“What do you think? Remrus Remuld Aarqued? Can you end the show in the end?”

She murmured.

“Sion Astal rejected the seduction and didn’t embrace me… The Lonesome Demon Ryner Eris Reed has been separated into two in the time that we were unaware of… In the end, it’s that. At the same time when we G.o.ddesswent mad, this. Ahah, although you are not a G.o.ddess… But, at the same time when we went mad…”

She murmured.

“Who created the G.o.ddess, and after which because it was too troublesome, created the Hero to destroy the G.o.ddess, but the Hero was mad too. In order to stop the mad Hero, they created us Human α… This time Humanhas gone mad, and new scenarios are developing… and such. What is going on? Although we say it’s mad, mad, but this world, doesn’t it have sensible people?”

She muttered.

Of course this voice didn’t spread. No, so that it wasn’t spread out, she kept control over her voice, controlling how far it spread.

Not only that, she had set up a barrier, so that her presence was not felt by Remrus Remuld Aarqued.

“Ma, even though I am also mad because of love, I have no right to talk about other people…”

She pressed a hand to her chest. She pressed on her small chest. She felt her chest, and could feel her heart beating, the sound of it beating.

Feeling the emotions of the original owner of this body stirring.

This voice was extremely warm, comfortable. And following that voice, was the feelings of this body’s owner, despair, like entered her body.

This body shouted that it loved Ryner.

It yelled that it loved Ryner Lute.

It yelled that it loved humans.

It yelled that it loved every companion.


This body was frantically yelling useless things.

But even though it was something useless,


It was also extremely adorable.

It was always like that.

Really, I am always like that.

I can see the important meaning in useless things.

I can see the beauty in useless things.

And in the end even though there is no change, but I betrayed the G.o.ddesses, interfered in the love between the Hero and the Demon.

Although I helped that pitiful love, the body that Humans created,

“…This time, let me support this lady’s love.”

She murmured.

This Human had a strong love that was rare in the current world.

If she were given up on then she would cry out, this body strongly loved the man called Ryner Lute.

If it were for Ryner Lute, she could die.

If Ryner Lute laughed, it didn’t matter if he were s.n.a.t.c.hed away by other women.

Ryner Lute, Ryner Lute. Ryner, Ryner, Ryner… that Human continued to say.

Then her face reddened slightly.

Every time this resounding feeling entered her body, she would have the same feelings as that Human.

She released a small, small breath.


She tried saying.

Immediately her heart had a reaction.

Her heart jumped strongly.

Then she tried sighing again,


Then she laughed.

She laughed happily.

A flirtatious, innocent, beautiful smile appeared.

“… This Human created me, I can mostly absorb her feelings… This…”

She said.

“…This, is very interesting.”

She said.

“Why can this be controlled, the G.o.ddesses thought. Why can something like this be controlled, the Demon and Hero thought. Why can such a strong emotion… To organisms that can hold such beautiful emotions, they clearly shouldn’t be able to control…”

In the end, the world events had become odd.

Initially the G.o.ddesses wanted to do this.

Initially the Hero wanted to do this.

This time it was the Humans that planned to change everything.

The events that were uncontrollable had expanded, and it was unknown what kind of ending it would have.

It was different from normal.

When had this started from?

I do not know.

Was it started by a man called Lieral, yelling don’t kill my son, who resisted fate?

Or was it started by the eldest son of the Eris family, who ate the Demon Eris in order to protect his younger sister and became the Devourer Lucile?

Or was it started by the Hero who didn’t kill the Lonesome Ryner?

I do not know.

No one knows.

But, she thought.

In the end, no one is able to control anything, she thought.

But, everyone is trying to live frantically.

Everyone is desperately yelling about love.


“…Ahah, it’s like this”

She said.

To her chest.

To her heart.

She who had been called the G.o.ddess of Reincarnation, said with a satisfied expression.

“…It’s like that… that you want to stay by Ryner Lute’s side… that must be outside the expected events. No one knows of the story that is being created.”

Saying that, she laughed.

She could already feel that her words were slowly changing.

Her consciousness was being devoured by the Human that should have been controlled completely.

Her consciousness was slowly being devoured, collapsed, and merged with the Human that had been created to be manipulated.

Like how Sion Astal was devouring the Fallen Mad Hero Asruld Roland, this Human is also… devouring me, taking, and merging with my consciousness.

Of course I can defend against this.

It was even easy to erase this Human’s consciousness, because she had done that before.



She didn’t resist.

Because this seemed interesting.

Because this seemed pleasant.

Because if she could merge with this girl who was emotionally wealthy and filled with love, it was an extremely satisfying matter.

So she laughed, she laughed happily.

“…Ahah…ahah, I…. I originally thought after being embraced by Asruld, being devoured… becoming Lonesome Ryner’s thing… This way, Lonesome Ryner and Demon Eris will be unable to become one. If he can gain me,Lonesome Ryner himself will gain everything… That means now, I can change the events. I can change everything. But why is that? Why is that? Why is there something like this? Why can someone like me who is an idiot, turn my back on everything?”

After asking that, she asked herself.

“…Ahahaha, ahaha, it must be, like this. Because I’m mad. I’m mad because of love.”

Saying that, she patted her chest.

Then, the beating of her chest stopped. She stopped the feelings of the Human that were forcefully entering her.

And then started to move.

The movements of the feelings, were even slower than just now.

And even so, even so,

“…One third has already been merged”

She laughed.

Ahaha she laughed.

Using a gentle expression like a child she laughed.

This expression, was something that this Human’s body had. Innocent, a very cute smile that made everyone want to be gentle to her.

She laughed with that expression.

“But, please hold on. Let me move with my own consciousness for a little longer. Just a little longer, a little longer, I will create a path that is beneficial for the person you love, then your consciousness will take over…”

She said.

Then she turned her head, using that rhythm to make it seem like she was going to fall off the spire because of the strong wind.


She cried.

Then her subordinates,

“W-we’re coming now, captain!”

“Wait…Moe, go up quickly!”

Hearing that, she laughed, she laughed happily. As she fell from the spire, she used several magicks. And her body floated up lightly.

“I tricked you~ Were you shocked? Humans?”

She landed before her subordinates, and laughed.

Then her subordinates looked at her with wide, surprised expressions, what was she doing? They asked, but they only received laughter that went heh heh as their answer.

“I’m amazing right~”

She raised her chest.

Then everyone praised that she was really amazing, really amazing.

It was only praise, but her body—this Human’s body, felt satisfied.

To this simple structure, she laughed.

She laughed.



The G.o.ddess of Reincarnation Milk Ephillet laughed.

“Then, it’s almost time to meet up with Luke. Then after we break out Calne Kaiwal… we’ll cut this country’s king—Remrus Remuld Aarqued into large chunks!”

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Dai Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu Vol 7 Chapter 3 summary

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