
Czechoslovak Fairy Tales Part 27

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"Here I am," she called while she was yet some distance away. "You were to have lizard stew today but, see, I am bringing you my own dinner!"

Then she told him what she had heard Yezibaba say to her father.

"Today she almost brought you your dinner herself, for she suspects that I have been helping you. If she knew that I really had she would kill you."

"Dear Ludmila," Raduz said, "I know very well that without you I am lost! How can I ever thank you for all you have done for me?"

Ludmila said she didn't want thanks. She was helping Raduz because she was sorry for him and loved him.

Then she took Yezibaba's wand and struck the rocky cliff. At once, instead of the bare rock, there were sacks of grain and a millstone that worked merrily away grinding out fine flour. As you watched, the flour was kneaded up into loaves and then, pop went the loaves into a hot oven and soon the air was sweet with the smell of baking bread.

Raduz begged Ludmila to stay and talk to him, but she remembered that the old witch was waiting for her and she hurried home.

The next morning Raduz carried the baked loaves to Yezibaba. She sniffed at them suspiciously and then her wicked heart nearly cracked with bitterness to think that Raduz had accomplished his third task.

But she hid her disappointment and pretending to smile, she said:

"I see, my dear boy, that you have been able to do all the tasks that I have set you. This is enough for the present. Today you may rest."

That night the old witch hatched the plot of boiling Raduz alive. She had him fill a big cauldron with water and put it on the fire. Then she said to her husband:

"Now, old man, I'm going to take a nap but when the water boils wake me up."

As soon as Yezibaba was asleep Ludmila gave the old man strong wine until he, too, fell asleep. Then she called Raduz and told him what Yezibaba was planning to do.

"You must escape while you can," she said, "for if you are here tomorrow you will surely be thrown into the boiling cauldron."

But Raduz had fallen too deeply in love with Ludmila to leave her and now he declared that he would never go unless she went with him.

"Very well," Ludmila said, "I will go with you if you swear you will never forget me."

"Forget you? How could I forget you," Raduz said, "when I wouldn't give you up for the whole world!"

So Raduz took a solemn oath and they made ready to flee. Ludmila threw down her kerchief in one corner of the house and Raduz' cap in another. Then she took Yezibaba's wand and off they started.

The next morning when the old man awoke, he called out: "Hi, there, boy! Are you still asleep?"

"No, I'm not asleep," answered Raduz' cap. "I'm just stretching."

Presently the old man called out again: "Here, boy, hand me my clothes."

"In a minute," the cap answered. "Just wait till I put on my slippers."

Then old Yezibaba awoke. "Ludmila!" she cried. "Get up, you lazy girl, and hand me my skirt and bodice."

"In a minute! In a minute!" the kerchief answered.

"What's the matter?" Yezibaba scolded. "Why are you so long dressing?"

"Just one more minute!" the kerchief said.

But Yezibaba, who was an impatient old witch, sat up in bed and then she could see that Ludmila's bed was empty. That threw her into a fine rage and she called out to her husband:

"Now, old man, what have you got to say? As sure as I'm alive that good-for-nothing boy is gone and that precious daughter of yours has gone with him!"

"No, no," the old man said. "I don't think so."

Then they both got up and sure enough neither Raduz nor Ludmila was to be found.

"What do you think now, you old b.o.o.by!" Yezibaba shouted. "A mighty good and loyal and obedient girl that daughter of yours is! But why do you stand there all day? Mount the black steed and fly after them and when you overtake them bring them back to me and I'll punish them properly!"

In the meantime Raduz and Ludmila were fleeing as fast as they could.

Suddenly Ludmila said: "Oh, how my left cheek burns! I wonder what it means? Look back, dear Raduz, and see if there is any one following us."

Raduz turned and looked. "There's nothing following us," he said, "but a black cloud in the sky."

"A black cloud? That's the old man on the black horse that rides on the clouds. Quick! We must be ready for him!"

Ludmila struck the ground with Yezibaba's wand and changed it into a field. She turned herself into the growing rye and made Raduz the reaper who was cutting the rye. Then she instructed him how to answer the old man with cunning.

The black cloud descended upon them with thunder and a shower of hailstones that beat down the growing rye.

"Take care!" Raduz cried. "You're trampling my rye! Leave some of it for me."

"Very well," the old man said, alighting from his steed, "I'll leave some of it for you. But tell me, reaper, have you seen anything of two young people pa.s.sing this way?"

"Not a soul has pa.s.sed while I've been reaping, but I do remember that while I was planting this field two such people did pa.s.s."

The old man shook his head, mounted his steed, and flew home again on the black cloud.

"Well, old wiseacre," said Yezibaba, "what brings you back so soon?"

"No use my going on," the old man said. "The only person I saw was a reaper in a field of rye."

"You b.o.o.by!" cried Yezibaba, "not to know that Raduz was the reaper and Ludmila the rye! How they fooled you! And didn't you bring me back just one stalk of rye? Go after them again and this time don't let them fool you!"

In the meantime Raduz and Ludmila were hurrying on. Suddenly Ludmila said:

"I wonder why my left cheek burns? Look back, dear Raduz, and see if there is any one following us."

Raduz turned and looked. "There's nothing following us but a gray cloud in the sky."

"A gray cloud? That's the old man on the gray horse that rides on the clouds. But don't be afraid. Only have ready a cunning answer."

Ludmila struck her hat with the wand and changed it into a chapel.

Herself she changed into a fly that attracted a host of other flies.

She changed Raduz into a hermit. All the flies flew into the chapel and Raduz began preaching to them.

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Czechoslovak Fairy Tales Part 27 summary

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