
Cyclopedia of Telephony and Telegraphy Volume I Part 4

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In the open country, telephone lines consist of bare wires of copper, of iron, of steel, or of copper-covered steel supported on insulators borne by poles. If the wires on the poles be many, cross-arms carry four to ten wires each and the insulators are mounted on pins in the cross-arms. If the wires on the poles be few, the insulators are mounted on brackets nailed to the poles. Wires so carried are called _open wires_.

In towns and cities where many wires are to be carried along the same route, the wires are reduced in size, insulated by a covering over each, and a.s.sembled into a group. Such a bundle of insulated wires is called a _cable_. It may be drawn into a duct in the earth and be called an _underground cable_; it may be laid on the bottom of the sea or other water and be called a _submarine cable_; or it may be suspended on poles and be called an _aerial cable_. In the most general practice each wire is insulated from all others by a wrapping of paper ribbon, which covering is only adequate when very dry. Cables formed of paper-insulated wires, therefore, are covered by a seamless, continuous lead sheath, no part of the paper insulation of the wires being exposed to the atmosphere during the cable's entire life in service. Telephone cables for certain uses are formed of wires insulated with such materials as soft rubber, gutta-percha, and cotton or jute saturated with mineral compounds. When insulated with rubber or gutta-percha, no continuous lead sheath is essential for insulation, as those materials, if continuous upon the wire, insulate even when the cable is immersed in water. Sheaths and other armors can a.s.sist in protecting these insulating materials from mechanical injury, and often are used for that purpose. The uses to which such cables are suitable in telephony are not many, as will be shown.

A wire supported on poles requires that it be large enough to support its own weight. The smaller the wire, the weaker it is, and with poles a given distance apart, the strength of the wire must be above a certain minimum. In regions where freezing occurs, wires in the open air can collect ice in winter and everywhere open wires are subject to wind pressure; for these reasons additional strength is required.

Speaking generally, the practical and economical s.p.a.cing of poles requires that wires, to be strong enough to meet the above conditions, shall have a diameter not less than .08 inch, if of hard-drawn copper, and .064 inch, if of iron or steel. The honor of developing ways of drawing copper wire with sufficient tensile strength for open-air uses belongs to Mr. Thomas B. Doolittle of Ma.s.sachusetts.

Lines whose lengths are limited to a few miles do not require a conductivity as great as that of copper wire of .08-inch diameter. A wire of that size weighs approximately 100 pounds per mile. Less than 100 pounds of copper per mile of wire will not give strength enough for use on poles; but as little as 10 pounds per mile of wire gives the necessary conductivity for the lines of the thousands of telephone stations in towns and cities.

Open wires, being exposed to the elements, suffer damage from storms; their insulation is injured by contact with trees; they may make contact with electric power circuits, perhaps injuring apparatus, themselves, and persons; they endanger life and property by the possibility of falling; they and their cross-arm supports are less sightly than a more compact arrangement.

Grouping small wires of telephone lines into cables has, therefore, the advantage of allowing less copper to be used, of reducing the s.p.a.ce required, of improving appearance, and of increasing safety. On the other hand, this same grouping introduces negative advantages as well as the foregoing positive ones. It is not possible to talk as far or as well over a line in an ordinary cable as over a line of two open wires. Long-distance telephone circuits, therefore, have not yet been placed in cables for lengths greater than 200 or 300 miles, and special treatment of cable circuits is required to talk through them for even 100 miles. One may talk 2,000 miles over open wires. The reasons for the superiority of the open wires have to do with position rather than material. Obviously it is possible to insulate and bury any wire which can be carried in the air. The differences in the properties of lines whose wires are differently situated with reference to each other and surrounding things are interesting and important.

A telephone line composed of two conductors always possesses four princ.i.p.al properties in some amount: (1) conductivity of the conductors; (2) electrostatic capacity between the conductors; (3) inductance of the circuit; (4) insulation of each conductor from other things.

Conductivity of Conductors. The conductivity of a wire depends upon its material, its cross-section, its length, and its temperature.

Conductivity of a copper wire, for example, increases in direct ratio to its weight, in inverse ratio to its length, and its conductivity falls as the temperature rises. Resistance is the reciprocal of conductivity and the properties, conductivity and resistance, are more often expressed in terms of resistance. The unit of the latter is the _ohm_; of the former the _mho_. A conductor having a resistance of 100 ohms has a conductivity of .01 mho. The exact correlative terms are _resistance_ and _conductance_, _resistivity_ and _conductivity_. The use of the terms as in the foregoing is in accordance with colloquial practice.

Current in a circuit having resistance only, varies inversely as the resistance. Electromotive force being a cause, and resistance a state, current is the result. The formula of this relation, Ohm's law, is

C = E/R

_C_ being the current which results from _E_, the electromotive force, acting upon _R_, the resistance. The units are: of current, the ampere; of electromotive force, the volt; of resistance, the ohm.

As the conductivity or resistance of a line is the property of controlling importance in telegraphy, a similar relation was expected in early telephony. As the current in the telephone line varies rapidly, certain other properties of the line a.s.sume an importance they do not have in telegraphy in any such degree.

The importance that these properties a.s.sume is, that if they did not act and the resistance of the conductors alone limited speech, transmission would be possible direct from Europe to America over a pair of wires weighing 200 pounds per mile of wire, which is less than half the weight of the wire of the best long-distance land lines now in service. The distance from Europe to America is about twice as great as the present commercial radius by land lines of 435-pound wire. In other words, good speech is possible through a mere resistance twenty times greater than the resistance of the longest actual open-wire line it is possible to talk through. The talking ratio between a mere resistance and the resistance of a regular telephone cable is still greater.

Electrostatic Capacity. It is the possession of electrostatic capacity which enables the condenser, of which the Leyden jar is a good example, to be useful in a telephone line. The simplest form of a condenser is ill.u.s.trated in Fig. 28, in which two conducting surfaces are separated by an insulating material. The larger the surfaces, the closer they are together; and the higher the specific inductive capacity of the insulator, the greater the capacity of the device. An insulator used in this relation to two conducting surfaces is called the _dielectric_.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 28. Simple Condenser]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 29. Condenser Symbols]

Two conventional signs are used to ill.u.s.trate condensers, the upper one of Fig. 29 growing out of the original condenser of two metal plates, the lower one suggesting the thought of interleaved conductors of tin foil, as for many years was the practice in condenser construction.

With relation to this property, a telephone line is just as truly a condenser as is any other arrangement of conductors and insulators.

a.s.sume such a line to be open at the distant end and its wires to be well insulated from each other and the earth. Telegraphy through such a line by ordinary means would be impossible. All that the battery or other source could do would be to cause current to flow into the line for an infinitesimal time, raising the wires to its potential, after which no current would flow. But, by virtue of electrostatic capacity, the condition is much as shown in Fig. 30. The condensers which that figure shows bridged across the line from wire to wire are intended merely to fix in the mind that there is a path for the transfer of electrical energy from wire to wire.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 30. Line with Shunt Capacity]

A simple test will enable two of the results of a short-circuiting capacity to be appreciated. Conceive a very short line of two wires to connect two local battery telephones. Such a line possesses negligible resistance, inductance, and shunt capacity. Its insulation is practically infinite. Let condensers be bridged across the line, one by one, while conversation goes on. The listening observer will notice that the sounds reaching his ear steadily grow less loud as the capacity across the line increases. The speaking observer will notice that the sounds he hears through the receiver in series with the line steadily grow louder as the capacity across the line increases. Fig.

31 ill.u.s.trates the test.

The speaker's observation in this test shows that increasing the capacity across the line increased the amount of current entering it.

The hearer's observation in this test shows that increasing the capacity across the line decreased the amount of energy turned into sound at his receiver.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 31. Test of Line with Varying Shunt Capacity]

The unit of electrostatic capacity is the _farad_. As this unit is inconveniently large, for practical applications the unit _microfarad_--millionth of a farad--is employed. If quant.i.ties are known in microfarads and are to be used in calculations in which the values of the capacity require to be farads, care should be taken to introduce the proper corrective factor.

The electrostatic capacity between the conductors of a telephone line depends upon their surface area, their length, their position, and the nature of the materials separating them from each other and from other things. For instance, in an open wire line of two wires, the electrostatic capacity depends upon the diameter of the wires, upon the length of the line, upon their distance apart, upon their distance above the earth, and upon the specific inductive capacity of the air.

Air being so common an insulating medium, it is taken as a convenient material whose specific inductive capacity may be used as a basis of reference. Therefore, the specific inductive capacity of air is taken as unity. All solid matter has higher specific inductive capacity than air.

The electrostatic capacity of two open wires .165 inch diameter, 1 ft. apart, and 30 ft. above the earth, is of the order of .009 microfarads per mile. This quant.i.ty would be higher if the wires were closer together; or nearer the earth; or if they were surrounded by a gas other than the air or hydrogen; or if the wires were insulated not by a gas but by any solid covering. As another example, a line composed of two wires of a diameter of .036 inch, if wrapped with paper and twisted into a pair as a part of a telephone-cable, has a mutual electrostatic capacity of approximately .08 microfarads per mile, this quant.i.ty being greater if the cable be more tightly compressed.

The use of paper as an insulator for wires in telephone cables is due to its low specific inductive capacity. This is because the insulation of the wires is so largely dry air. Rubber and similar insulating materials give capacities as great as twice that of dry paper.

The condenser or other capacity acts as an effective barrier to the steady flow of direct currents. Applying a fixed potential causes a mere rush of current to charge its surface to a definite degree, dependent upon the particular conditions. The condenser does not act as such a barrier to alternating currents, for it is possible to talk through a condenser by means of the alternating voice currents of telephony, or to pa.s.s through it alternating currents of much lower frequency. A condenser is used in series with a polarized ringer for the purpose of letting through alternating current for ringing the bell, and of preventing the flow of direct current.

The degree to which the condenser allows alternating currents to pa.s.s while stopping direct currents, depends on the capacity of the condenser and on the frequencies of alternating current. The larger the condenser capacity or the higher the frequency of the alternations, the greater will be the current pa.s.sing through the circuit. The degree to which the current is opposed by the capacity is the reactance of that capacity for that frequency. The formula is

Capacity reactance = 1 /_C_[omega]

wherein _C_ is the capacity in farads and [omega] is 2[pi]_n_, or twice 3.1416 times the frequency.

All the foregoing leads to the generalization that the higher the frequency, the less the opposition of a capacity to an alternating current. If the frequency be zero, the reactance is infinite, _i.e._, the circuit is open to direct current. If the frequency be infinite, the reactance is zero, _i.e._, the circuit is as if the condenser were replaced by a solid conductor of no resistance. Compare this statement with the correlative generalization which follows the next thought upon inductance.

Inductance of the Circuit. Inductance is the property of a circuit by which change of current in it tends to produce in itself and other conductors an electromotive force other than that which causes the current. Its unit is the _henry_. The inductance of a circuit is one henry when a change of one ampere per second produces an electromotive force of one volt. Induction _between_ circuits occurs because the circuits possess inductance; it is called _mutual induction_.

Induction _within_ a circuit occurs because the circuit possesses inductance; it is called _self-induction_. Lenz' law says: _In all cases of electromagnetic induction, the induced currents have such a direction that their reaction tends to stop the motion which produced them_.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 32. Spiral of Wire]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 33. Spiral of Wire Around Iron Core]

All conductors possess inductance, but straight wires used in lines have negligible inductance in most actual cases. All wires which are wound into coils, such as electromagnets, possess inductance in a greatly increased degree. A wire wound into a spiral, as indicated in Fig. 32, possesses much greater inductance than when drawn out straight. If iron be inserted into the spiral, as shown in Fig. 33, the inductance is still further increased. It is for the purpose of eliminating inductance that resistance coils are wound with double wires, so that current pa.s.sing through such coils turns in one direction half the way and in the other direction the other half.

A simple test will enable the results of a series inductance in a line to be appreciated. Conceive a very short line of two wires to connect two local battery telephones. Such a line possesses negligible resistance, inductance, and shunt capacity. Its insulation is practically infinite. Let inductive coils such as electromagnets be inserted serially in the wires of the line one by one, while conversation goes on. The listening observer will notice that the sounds reaching his ear steadily grow faint as the inductance in the line increases and the speaking observer will notice the same thing through the receiver in series with the line.

Both observations in this test show that the amount of current entering and emerging from the line decreased as the inductance increased. Compare this with the test with bridged capacity and the loading of lines described later herein, observing the curious beneficial result when both hurtful properties are present in a line.

The test is ill.u.s.trated in Fig. 34.

The degree in which any current is opposed by inductance is termed the reactance of that inductance. Its formula is

Inductive reactance = _L_[omega]

wherein _L_ is the inductance in henrys and [omega] is _2_[pi]_n_, or twice 3.1416 times the frequency. To distinguish the two kinds of reactance, that due to the capacity is called _capacity reactance_ and that due to inductance is called _inductive reactance_.

All the foregoing leads to the generalization that the higher the frequency, the greater the opposition of an inductance to an alternating current. If the frequency be zero, the reactance is zero, _i.e._, the circuit conducts direct current as mere resistance. If the frequency be infinite, the reactance is infinite, _i.e._, the circuit is "open" to the alternating current and that current cannot pa.s.s through it. Compare this with the correlative generalization following the preceding thought upon capacity.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 34. Test of Line with Varying Serial Inductance]

Capacity and inductance depend only on states of matter. Their reactances depend on states of matter and actions of energy.

In circuits having both resistance and capacity or resistance and inductance, both properties affect the pa.s.sage of current. The joint reaction is expressed in ohms and is called _impedance_. Its value is the square root of the sum of the squares of the resistance and reactance, or, Z being impedance,

------------------------- / 1 Z = / R^{2} + ---------------- / C^{2}[omega]^{2}

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