
Cyclopedia of Telephony and Telegraphy Volume I Part 30

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A feature that is made much of in recently designed drops and jacks for magneto service is that which provides for the ready removal of the drop coil, from the rest of the structure, for repair. The drop and jack of the Western Electric Company, just described, embodies this feature, a single screw being so arranged that its removal will permit the withdrawal of the coil without disturbing any of the other parts or connections. The coil windings terminate in two projections on the front head of the spool, and these register with spring clips on the inside of the sh.e.l.l so that the proper connections for the coil are automatically made by the mere insertion of the coil into the sh.e.l.l.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 254. Western Electric Drop and Jack]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 255. Western Electric Drop and Jack]

Dean Type:--The combined drop and jack of the Dean Electric Company is ill.u.s.trated in Figs. 256 and 257. The two perspective views show the general features of the drop and jack and the method by which the magnet coil may be withdrawn from the sh.e.l.l. As will be seen the magnet is wound on a hollow core which slides over the iron core, the latter remaining permanently fixed in the sh.e.l.l, even though the coil be withdrawn.

Fig. 258 shows the structural details of the jack employed in this combination and it will be seen that the restoring spring for the drop is not the tip spring itself, but another spring located above and insulated from it and mechanically connected therewith.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 256. Dean Drop and Jack]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 257. Dean Drop and Jack]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 258. Details of Dean Jack]

Monarch Type:--Still another combined drop and jack is that of the Monarch Telephone Manufacturing Company of Chicago, shown in sectional view in Fig. 259. This differs from the usual type in that the armature is mounted on the front end of the electromagnet, its latch arm retaining the shutter in its normal position when raised, and releasing it when depressed by the attraction of the armature. As is shown, there is within the core of the magnet an adjustable spiral spring which presses forward against the armature and which spring is compressed by the attraction of the armature of the magnet. The night-alarm contact is clearly shown immediately below the strip which supports the drop, this consisting of a spring adapted to be engaged by a lug on the shutter and pressed upwardly against a stationary contact when the shutter falls. The method of restoration of the shutter in this case is by means of an auxiliary spring bent up so as to engage the shutter and restore it when the spring is raised by the insertion of a plug into the jack.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 259. Monarch Drop and Jack]

_Code Signaling._ On bridging party lines, where the subscribers sometimes call other subscribers on the same line and sometimes call the switchboard so as to obtain a connection with another line, it is not always easy for the operator at the switchboard to distinguish whether the call is for her or for some other party on the line. On such lines, of course, code ringing is used and in most cases the operator's only way of distinguishing between calls for her and those for some sub-station parties on the line is by listening to the rattling noise which the drop armature makes. In the case of the Monarch drop the adjustable spring tension on the armature is intended to provide for such an adjustment as will permit the armature to give a satisfactory buzz in response to the alternating ringing currents, whether the line be long or short.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 260. Code Signal Attachment]

The Monarch Company provides in another way for code signaling at the switchboard. In some cases there is a special attachment, shown in Fig. 260, by means of which the code signals are repeated on the night-alarm bell. This is in the nature of a special attachment placed on the drop, which consists of a light, flat spring attached to the armature and forming one side of a local circuit. The other side of the circuit terminates in a fixture which is mounted on the drop frame and is provided with a screw, having a platinum point forming the other contact point; this allows of considerable adjustment. At the point where the screw comes in contact with the spring there is a platinum rivet. When an operator is not always in attendance, this code-signaling attachment has some advantages over the drop as a signal interpreter, in that it permits the code signals to be heard from a distance. Of course, the addition of spring contacts to the drop armature tends to complicate the structure and perhaps to cut down the sensitiveness of the drop, which are offsetting disadvantages.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 261. Combined Drop and Ringer]

For really long lines, this code signaling by means of the drop is best provided for by employing a combined drop and ringer, although in this case whatever advantages are secured by the mechanical restoration of the shutter upon plugging in are lost. Such a device as manufactured by the Dean Electric Company is shown in Fig. 261. In this the ordinary polarized ringer is used, but in addition the tapper rod carries a latch which, when vibrated by the ringing of the bell, releases a shutter and causes it to fall, thus giving a visual as well as an audible signal.

_Electrical_. Coming now to the electrical restoration of drop shutters, reference is made to Fig. 262, which shows in side section the electrical restoring drop employed by the Bell companies and manufactured by the Western Electric Company. In this the coil _1_ is a line coil, and it operates on the armature _2_ to raise the latch lever _3_ in just the same manner as in the ordinary tubular drop.

The latch lever _3_ acts, however, to release another armature _4_ instead of a shutter. This armature _4_ is pivoted at its lower end at the opposite end of the device from the armature _2_ and, by falling outwardly when released, it serves to raise the light shutter _5_. The restoring coil of this device is shown at _6_, and when energized it attracts the armature _4_ so as to pull it back under the catch of the latch lever _3_ and also so as to allow the shutter _5_ to fall into its normal position. The method of closing the restoring circuit is by placing coil _6_ in circuit with a local battery and with a pair of contacts in the jack, which latter contacts are normally open but are bridged across by the plug when it enters the jack, thus energizing the restoring coil and restoring the shutter.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 262. Electrically Restored Drop]

A perspective view of this Western Electric electrical restoring drop is shown in Fig. 263, a more complete mention being made of this feature under the discussion of magneto multiple switchboards, wherein it found its chief use. It is mentioned here to round out the methods that have been employed for accomplishing the automatic restoration of shutters by the insertion of the plug.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 263. Electrically Restored Drop]

Switchboard Plugs. A switchboard plug such as is commonly used in simple magneto switchboards is shown in Fig. 264 and also in Fig. 235.

The tip contact is usually of bra.s.s and is connected to a slender steel rod which runs through the center of the plug and terminates near the rear end of the plug in a connector for the tip conductor of the cord. This central core of steel is carefully insulated from the outer sh.e.l.l of the plug by means of hard rubber bushings, the parts being forced tightly together. The outer sh.e.l.l, of course, forms the other conductor of the plug, called the sleeve contact. A handle of tough fiber tubing is fitted over the rear end of the plug and this also serves to close the opening formed by cutting away a portion of the plug sh.e.l.l, thus exposing the connector for the tip conductor.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 264. Switchboard Plug]

_Cord Attachment._ The rear end of the plug sh.e.l.l is usually bored out just about the size of the outer covering of the switchboard cord, and it is provided with a coa.r.s.e internal screw thread, as shown. The cord is attached by s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g it tightly into this screw-threaded chamber, the screw threads in the bra.s.s being sufficiently coa.r.s.e and of sufficiently small internal diameter to afford a very secure mechanical connection between the outer braiding of the cord and the plug. The connection between the tip conductor of the cord and the tip of the plug is made by a small machine screw connection as shown, while the connection between the sleeve conductor of the plug and the sleeve conductor of the cord is made by bending back the latter over the outer braiding of the cord before it is screwed into the shank of the plug. This results in the close electrical contact between the sleeve conductor of the cord and the inner metal surface of the shank of the plug.

Switchboard Cords. A great deal of ingenuity has been exerted toward the end of producing a reliable and durable switchboard cord. While great improvement has resulted, the fact remains that the cords of manual switchboards are today probably the most troublesome element, and they need constant attention and repairs. While no two manufacturers build their cords exactly alike, descriptions of a few commonly used and successful cords may be here given.

_Concentric Conductors._ In one the core is made from a double strand of strong lock st.i.tch twine, over which is placed a linen braid. Then the tip conductor, which is of stranded copper tinsel, is braided on.

This is then covered with two layers of tussah silk, laid in reverse wrappings, then there is a heavy cotton braid, and over the latter a linen braid. The sleeve conductor, which is also of copper tinsel, is then braided over the structure so formed, after which two reverse wrappings of tussah silk are served on, and this is covered by a cotton braid and this in turn by a heavy linen or polished cotton braid. The plug end of the cord is reinforced for a length of from 12 to 18 inches by another braiding of linen or polished cotton, and the whole cord is treated with melted beeswax to make it moisture-proof and durable.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 265. Switchboard Cord]

_Steel Spiral Conductors._ In another cord that has found much favor the two conductors are formed mainly by two concentric spiral wrappings of steel wire, the conductivity being reinforced by adjacent braidings of tinsel. The structure of such a cord is well shown in Fig. 265. Beginning at the right, the different elements shown are, in the order named, a strand of lock st.i.tch twine, a linen braiding, into the strands of which are intermingled tinsel strands, the inner spiral steel wrapping, a braiding of tussah silk, a linen braiding, a loose tinsel braiding, the outer conductor of round spiral steel, a cotton braid, and an outside linen or polished cotton braid. The inner tinsel braiding and the inner spiral together form the tip conductor while the outer braiding and spiral together form the sleeve conductor. The cord is reinforced at the plug end for a length of about 14 inches by another braiding of linen. The tinsel used is, in each case, for the purpose of cutting down the resistance of the main steel conductor.

These wrappings of steel wire forming the tip and sleeve conductors respectively, have the advantage of affording great flexibility, and also of making it certain that whatever strain the cord is subjected to will fall on the insulated braiding rather than on the spiral steel which has in itself no power to resist tensile strains.

_Parallel Tinsel Conductors._ Another standard two-conductor switchboard cord is manufactured as follows: One conductor is of very heavy copper tinsel insulated with one wrapping of sea island cotton, which prevents broken ends of the tinsel or knots from piercing through and short-circuiting with the other conductor. Over this is placed one braid of tussah silk and an outer braid of cotton. This combines high insulation with considerable strength. The other conductor is of copper tinsel, not insulated, and this is laid parallel to the thrice insulated conductor already described. Around these two conductors is placed an armor of spring bra.s.s wire in spiral form, and over this a close, stout braid of glazed cotton. This like the others is reinforced by an extra braid at the plug end.

Ringing and Listening Keys. The general principles of the ringing key have already been referred to. Ringing keys are of two general types, one having horizontal springs and the other vertical.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 266. Horizontal-Spring Listening and Ringing Key]

_Horizontal Spring Type._ Various Bell operating companies have generally adhered to the horizontal spring type except in individual and four-party-line keys. The construction of a Western Electric Company horizontal spring key is shown in Fig. 266. In this particular key, as ill.u.s.trated, there are two cam levers operating upon three sets of springs. The cam lever at the left operates the ordinary ringing and listening set of springs according to whether it is pushed one way or the other. In ringing on single-party lines the cam lever at the left is the one to be used; while on two-party lines the lever at the left serves to ring the first party and the ringing key at the right the second party.

In order that the operator may have an indication as to which station on a two-party line she has called, a small target _1_ carried on a lever _2_ is provided. This target may display a black or a white field, according to which of its positions it occupies. The lever _2_ is connected by the links _3_ and _4_ with the two key levers and the target is thus moved into one position or the other, according to which lever was last thrown into ringing position.

It will be noticed that the springs are mounted horizontally and on edge. This on-edge feature has the advantage of permitting ready inspection of the contacts and of avoiding the liability of dust gathering between the contacts. As will be seen, at the lower end of each switch lever there is a roller of insulating material which serves as a wedge, when forced between the two long springs of any set, to force them apart and into engagement with their respective outer springs.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 267. Vertical-Spring Listening and Ringing Key]

_Vertical Spring Type._ The other type of ringing and listening key employing vertical springs is almost universally used by the various independent manufacturing companies. A good example of this is shown in Fig. 267, which shows partly in elevation and partly in section a double key of the Monarch Company. The operation of this is obvious from its mode of construction. The right-hand set of springs of the right-hand key in this cut are the springs of the listening key, while the left-hand set of the right-hand key are those of the calling-plug ringing key. The left-hand set of the left-hand key may be those of a ring-back key on the answering plug, while the right-hand set of the left-hand key may be for any special purpose. It is obvious that these groups of springs may be grouped in different combinations or omitted in part, as required. This same general form of key is also manufactured by the Kellogg Company and the Dean Company, that of the Kellogg Company being ill.u.s.trated in perspective, Fig. 268. The keys of this general type have the same advantages as those of the horizontal on-edge arrangement with respect to the gathering of dust, and while perhaps the contacts are not so readily get-at-able for inspection, yet they have the advantage of being somewhat more simple, and of taking up less horizontal s.p.a.ce on the key shelf.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 268. Vertical Listening and Ringing Key]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 269. Four-Party Listening and Ringing Key]

_Party-Line Ringing Keys._ For party-line ringing the key matter becomes somewhat more complicated. Usually the arrangement is such that in connection with each calling plug there are a number of keys, each arranged with respect to the circuits of the plug so as to send out the proper combination and direction of current, if the polarity system is used; or the proper frequency of current if the harmonic system is used; or the proper number of impulses if the step-by-step or broken-line system is used. The number of different kinds of arrangements and combinations is legion, and we will here ill.u.s.trate only an example of a four-party line ringing key adapted for harmonic ringing. A Kellogg party-line listening and ringing key is shown in Fig. 269. In this, besides the regular listening key, are shown four push-b.u.t.ton keys, each adapted, when depressed, to break the connection back of the key, and at the same time connect the proper calling generator with the calling plug.

_Self-Indicating Keys._ A complication that has given a good deal of trouble in the matter of party-line ringing is due to the fact that it is sometimes necessary to ring a second or a third time on a party-line connection, because the party called may not respond the first time. The operator is not always able to remember which one of the four keys a.s.sociated with the plug connected with the desired party she has pressed on the first occasion and, therefore, when it becomes necessary to ring again, she may ring the wrong party. This is provided for in a very ingenious way in the key shown in Fig. 269, by making the arrangement such that after a given key has been depressed to its full extent in ringing, and then released, it does not come quite back to its normal position but remains slightly depressed. This always serves as an indication to the operator, therefore, as to which key she depressed last, and in the case of a re-ring, she merely presses the key that is already down a little way. On the next call if she is required to press another one of the four keys, the one which remained down a slight distance on the last call will be released and the one that is fully depressed will be the one that remains down as an indication.

Such keys, where the key that was last used leaves an indication to that effect, are called _indicating_ ringing keys. In other forms the indication is given by causing the key lever to move a little target which remains exposed until some other key in the same set is moved.

The key shown in Fig. 266 is an example of this type.

NOTE. The matter of automatic ringing and other special forms of ringing will be referred to and discussed at their proper places in this work, but at this point they are not pertinent as they are not employed in simple switchboards.

Operator's Telephone Equipment. Little need be said concerning the matter of the operator's talking apparatus, _i.e._, the operator's transmitter and receiver, since as transmitters and receivers they are practically the same as those in ordinary use for other purposes. The watch-case receiver is nearly always employed for operators' purposes on account of its lightness and compactness. It is used in connection with a head band so as to be held continually at the operator's ear, allowing both of her hands to be free.

The transmitter used by operators does not in itself differ from the transmitters employed by subscribers, but the methods by which it is supported differ, two general practices being followed. One of these is to suspend the transmitter by flexible conducting cords so as to be adjustable in a vertical direction. A good ill.u.s.tration of this is given in Fig. 270. The other method, and one that is coming into more and more favor, is to mount the transmitter on a light bracket suspended by a flexible band from the neck of the operator, a breast plate being furnished so that the transmitter will rest on her breast and be at all times within proper position to receive her speech. To facilitate this, a long curved mouthpiece is commonly employed, as shown clearly in Fig. 47.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 270. Operator's Transmitter Suspension]

_Cut-in Jack._ It is common to terminate that portion of the apparatus which is worn on the operator's person--that is, the receiver only if the suspended type of transmitter is employed, and the receiver and transmitter if the breast plate type of transmitter is employed--in a plug, and a flexible cord connecting the plug terminates with the apparatus. The portions of the operator's talking circuit that are located permanently in the switchboard cabinet are in such cases terminated in a jack, called an operator's _cut-in jack_. This is usually mounted on the front rail of the switchboard cabinet just below the key shelf. Such a cut-in jack is shown in Fig. 271 and it is merely a specialized form of spring jack adapted to receive the short, stout plug in which the operator's transmitter, or transmitter and receiver, terminate. By this arrangement the operator is enabled readily to connect or disconnect her talking apparatus, which is worn on her person, whenever she comes to the board for work or leaves it at the end of her work. A complete operator's telephone set, or that portion that is carried on the person of the operator, together with the cut-in plug, is shown in Fig. 272.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 271. Operator's Cut-in Jack]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 272. Operator's Talking Set]

Circuits of Complete Switchboard. We may now discuss the circuits of a complete simple magneto switchboard. The one shown in Fig. 273 is typical. Before going into the details of this, it is well to inform the student that this general form of circuit representation is one that is commonly employed in showing the complete circuits of any switchboard. Ordinarily two subscribers' lines are shown, these connecting their respective subscribers' stations with two different line equipments at the central office. The jacks and signals of these line equipments are turned around so as to face each other, in order to clearly represent how the connection between them may be made by means of the cord circuit. The elements of the cord circuit are also spread out, so that the various parts occupy relative positions which they do not a.s.sume at all in practice. In other words it must be remembered that, in circuit diagrams, the relative positions of the parts are sacrificed in order to make clear the circuit connections.

However, this does not mean that it is often not possible to so locate the pieces of apparatus that they will in a certain way indicate relative positions, as may be seen in the case of the drop and jack in Fig. 273, the drop being shown immediately above the jack, which is the position in which these parts are located in practice.

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