
Crazy Stupid Obsession Part 3

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Decklan may have had a strict rule about f.u.c.king the same girl more than once, before Kimber of course, but I'm a firm believer that a good p.u.s.s.y is a good p.u.s.s.y, no matter how many times you f.u.c.k it.

Jenny is my favorite go to. She's a feisty ginger that likes it rough and will take it any way I want to give it to her. While the women willing to let me stick my c.o.c.k in them are a dime a dozen, very few are as adventurous as Jenny and right now, that's exactly what I need.

The phone rings for a third time before her bubbly voice comes across the line.

"Well if it isn't Gavin Porter." I can hear the smile in her voice.


"I haven't heard from you in weeks. I was starting to think you were tired of me," she jokes.

"You busy?" I waste no time with pleasantries.

"Not at all." Her voice drops low.

"I'll be there in fifteen."

"Come on up. The door's unlocked," she purrs.

She's clearly not the least bit disturbed that I'm calling her for s.e.x at ten thirty in the morning. Just another reason why she's the number I chose to call and not any of the others that I have lined up.

I end the call without another word, grabbing my keys off the back counter. Crossing toward the front, I slide the lock into place and then head out back where my truck is parked.

I may not be able to shake Harlee Travers out of my f.u.c.king head, but I am d.a.m.n sure I can f.u.c.k her out of it.

Chapter Four.

Gavin Sweat pours off my back as I pound relentlessly into Jenny from behind, taking her so forcefully that she can barely manage to keep her feet planted on the ground. I roll my hips, letting the pleasure crawling up my spine take hold.

I ignore the voice in the back of my head; the one telling me that no matter how hard I f.u.c.k this girl, I won't be able to shake the nagging feeling that has plagued the pit of my stomach for the last month. But that doesn't mean I'm not desperate to try. I increase my speed, my body now teetering on the verge of exhaustion.

Jenny gives me no indication that she can tell something is off. It's been less than ten minutes and already she is falling apart below me for the second time. Her o.r.g.a.s.m causes her to clench down around me, making her already tight p.u.s.s.y feel even tighter. I dig my fingers into her hips and thrust harder, losing myself in the sound of our two bodies slamming together; in the cries of pleasure sounding from beneath me.

It's f.u.c.king exhilarating.

A low growl forms at the base of my throat as I feel the build finally start to creep its way up. Harder and harder I plunge until finally I feel myself explode, spilling my load into the too tight condom.

Two more thrusts and I collapse down onto Jenny's back, my breath coming in short spurts as I try to catch it.

"That was..." Jenny pants out. "That was..." She tries again. "f.u.c.k me, Gavin." She sighs into the mattress, turning her head to the side.

Without a word, I push up. Pulling my softening erection from her, I slide off the condom and drop it into the trash can that sits next to her bedside table. Snagging my pants from the floor, I have both legs in and am sliding the material over my hips before she even makes an attempt to move.

"Where are you going?" She seems disappointed.

"I got s.h.i.t to do." It's not a lie but it's not the complete truth either.

Sure I've got s.h.i.t to do but not for a few hours and even then I'm sure I could get out of it. Working the bar is not a requirement; I do it because I love it. I love the simplicity of it. It's probably my favorite part of owning the bar.

"You can't stay an hour longer?" She rolls to her back, her small, perky t.i.ts on full display. "I think I could persuade you." She gives me a wicked smile, her tongue darting across her bottom lip.

"Told ya, got s.h.i.t to do." I finally locate my shirt tucked half way under the bed. Leaning down, I s.n.a.t.c.h it up, throwing it over my head in a matter of seconds.

"I'll call you later." I throw her a backward glance before quickly exiting the bedroom, not sticking around to hear what I'm sure she was about to say.

I'm downstairs and pushing my way outside before I even have my jacket all the way on, determined to get the f.u.c.k out of here as quickly as possible.

It's nothing Jenny did, of course, she was f.u.c.king incredible per usual. It's more of where my f.u.c.king head is at right now. What the f.u.c.k is wrong with me? I haven't been myself since my last exchange with Harlee that night at the cemetery. While I think of her less and less as the days pa.s.s, Kimber mentioning her this morning was like striking a match to the box, and suddenly everything came back to life.

I don't want to f.u.c.king picture her with another man, let alone have to witness it happen right in front of me. I was looking forward to the party Thursday night. Now I wish like h.e.l.l I could find a way to get out of going altogether.

How does one go about getting out of a party they are hosting?

Climbing in my truck, I fire the engine to life and crank up the heat. Unfortunately, only cold air billows from the vents because the vehicle hasn't had a chance to heat up. It's f.u.c.king freezing outside today despite the sun shining brightly overhead.

Dropping my head to the cold leather of the steering wheel, I let out a frustrated growl. What the f.u.c.k is it about this girl that has me so f.u.c.king obsessed with her?

Sure she's beautiful, but she's not the only f.u.c.king pretty female in the world. So what is it exactly that has me so strung up and not able to shake her?

I guess there's only one way to find out...

I have to f.u.c.k her again. I have to look into those beautiful eyes and watch her come undone with my c.o.c.k deep inside her. I have to know once and for all why she seems to have this f.u.c.king hold on me.

With that, my tension relaxes. The heaviness seems to float away and for the moment, I feel somewhat normal again. I can't believe it took me so long to come to this conclusion. Maybe that's the issue. She's the only woman I have ever denied myself.

I have only been trying to stay away from her to not make Decklan's life any more difficult, but given that he seems to be doing better than ever, I think it's safe to a.s.sume he couldn't care less what I do.

Besides, I can only take this so far before I lose my f.u.c.king s.h.i.t. My nature is revolting against me. I am not built to deny myself what I want and as such, this is my punishment.

"Then go f.u.c.k her, you stupid f.u.c.k." I can hear exactly what Decklan would say if I went to him with this issue. He knows me better than anyone. He knows I am incapable of holding out forever. Honestly, I'm surprised I've lasted this long.

The fact that she has a boyfriend doesn't hinder my resolve in the least. She may be his right now, but come Thursday night it will be my c.o.c.k buried inside of her.

"What the f.u.c.k?" The words fall from my mouth as my baby sister Charlie walks into the foyer and hits me with a brilliant smile. "What the h.e.l.l happened to you?" I can't believe how grown up she looks.

"Good to see you, too, a.s.s." She smiles widely before throwing her arms around my neck. "G.o.d I've missed you." She squeezes me incredibly tight.

"I've missed you, too," I admit, smiling down at her the moment she releases her grip on me. "What the f.u.c.k are you doing home?" I ask, sliding out of my jacket before tossing it onto the armchair that sits just inside the living room.

"I just needed a break." She lets out a slow breath, tucking a strand of long dark hair behind her ear.

She looks like the Charlie I remember but then completely different at the same time. She seems so much older, more mature. There's an air of heaviness that seems to surround her. Something that I've never noticed before.

I open my mouth to question the clear change in her but before I can get a word out she squeals, her eyes darting somewhere behind me. I turn just in time to see her slender, short frame disappear into Decklan's embrace.

"Decklan Taylor, as I live and breathe." She releases him, stepping back to get a good look at him.

He smiles down at her with the type of love you would expect to see between a brother and a sister. No, they aren't blood, but they might as well be. Decklan is not just my brother, he is hers as well. I know how much she helped him after Conner's death. There's no doubt that the feeling between the two of them is mutual.

"Charlie, I'd like you to meet Kimber." Charlie's eyes dart to the beautiful blonde at Decklan's side.

"Mom told me you had a girlfriend. I didn't believe her." She says more to Kimber than to Decklan. "It's so nice to meet you." She pulls Kimber into a hug like she's known her for years.

"It's nice to meet you, too," Kimber gets out, clearly taken aback by my sister's affection.

Kimber has already met my other sister, Mia. Let's just say she's not quite so warm and fuzzy. More like a judgmental b.i.t.c.h if you ask me. It's apparent that Charlie is not at all what Kimber was expecting.

"What's up, man?" I nod in Deck's direction as Charlie turns back toward me.

"What's up?" He reaches out, knocking his fist against mine.

"Oh G.o.d, you guys are still doing that fist b.u.mp nonsense," Charlie chimes in, her dark eyes bouncing back and forth between the two of us.

"Why mess with a good thing?' I shrug.

"Good to see some things never change." She giggles. "Come on, Kimber." Charlie snags her hand and drags her away from Decklan. "I'm dying to hear all about how the two of you met."

Kimber throws Decklan a surprised and somewhat scared expression as she is toted away by my younger sister. He shakes his head on a laugh, throwing her a playful wink.

"Does she seem weird to you?" I ask Deck the moment they disappear around the corner.

"Like she's trying too hard?" Decklan speaks exactly where my mind is at.

"Yep. Something's not right with her."

"I mean, we've only seen her once in three years, Gav. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Time changes people," Decklan interjects.

"Yeah, no s.h.i.t." I throw him a sideways glance.

He's changed more than anyone over these past few months. I sure as s.h.i.t never expected him to be the first one to settle down with just one woman and yet, here he is.

"Just give her some time to get re-acclimated," he adds, ignoring my statement. "It's gotta be weird being back here after all this time. Did she say why she left New York?"

"Nope. Of course, I only got here about three minutes before you, so we haven't really had the chance to talk."

"Well you know your sister, if she wants you to know, you'll know. If she doesn't, then you won't." He shakes his head on a laugh.

"What's with you tonight?" I give him a curious glance.

He seems almost giddy and Decklan doesn't get giddy. h.e.l.l, up until a couple months ago he barely even f.u.c.king smiled.

"Nothing." His smile fades as he tries to reign himself in.

"f.u.c.k you, dude, you're a horrible liar."

"Who's a liar?" Paxton appears out of nowhere, stepping up next to Decklan to join in on the conversation.

"When the f.u.c.k did you get here?" I turn toward him.

"Just now," he answers without looking in my direction. "Now what are we talking about?"

"Decklan over here smiling like a giddy school girl?" I gesture to Deck who rolls his eyes and laughs.

Standing in the living room of the house I grew up in, I think this is the first time we have all been under this same roof together since before Dad pa.s.sed. It seems weird, how much things have changed. And yet oddly enough it almost feels like nothing has changed all at the same time.

Decklan manages to change the conversation from him to Paxton without even skipping a beat. Before I know it we are doubled over laughing as Paxton retells the story of when my mom caught him whacking it in the bathroom one night.

"I couldn't f.u.c.king help it. I hadn't gotten off in like three days," he interjects through his laughter.

"So you thought it was a good idea to sneak into a bathroom at your best friend's house and beat it?" Decklan holds his stomach as another bout of laughter rolls through him.

"No doubt. f.u.c.k, dude, did you ever think to lock the door?" I tack on.

"f.u.c.k you, guys." Paxton shoves my shoulder.

"Please tell me you're not talking about what I think you are." My mom appears in the doorway, even smaller and more pet.i.te than Charlie, wiping her hands on the light blue ap.r.o.n draped around her neck.

"Hi, Rosie." Paxton's laughter dies off instantly as he gives my mom an apologetic smile.

"Boys." She shakes her head, her auburn hair tied back so tightly it doesn't move as she does. "Well come on you three. Dinner's gonna be cold by the time you lot get in there." She gestures for us to head into the dining room.

Paxton drops a kiss on her forehead as he pa.s.ses and then Decklan pulls her in for a hug before he too disappears down the hall.

"How are you, my boy?" Mom stops me before I can pa.s.s, pinning her blue eyes directly on my matching ones.

"I'm good, Mom." I give her a warm smile before kissing her cheek. "Besides the fact that I'm starving." I drop my arm over her shoulder and walk with her into the dining room.

Various conversations and laughter dance around us as we enter, and I take a moment to soak it all in. Having Charlie and Paxton both back home seems strange but incredible at the same time. It feels good having everyone back together again. It's been far too long since our family has really felt whole.

Chapter Five.

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Crazy Stupid Obsession Part 3 summary

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