
Crazy Stupid Obsession Part 14

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"I'm not your mother." A smile spreads across her face as she steps up to the counter on the opposite side of us, immediately reaching for the scotch. "Drinking the good stuff tonight I see." She sets the bottle down and turns her eyes to Decklan. "You okay?" She mouths even though we are all looking at her to see what she's saying.

I flip my eyes to Deck who nods yes and reaches for her hand which she willingly extends to him.

"We didn't wake you did we?" he asks, closing his fingers around hers.

"No. I'm used to sleeping through the noise. You three have nothing on a packed bar." She leans forward, resting her elbows on the bar directly across from Decklan. "So what are we talking about?" She eyes the three of us curiously.

"Gavin's in love," Paxton blurts, throwing the attention my way.

"What the f.u.c.k, dude," I object. "What the f.u.c.k happened to keeping s.h.i.t in the circle?" I ask, referring to the fact that what we say to each other stays with us and only us.

"Duh," Kimber's response pulls my attention back to her. "Don't look at me like that. You're so obvious it's almost a little pathetic." She grins playfully. "But if it makes you feel any better, I think the only person more clueless than you is Harlee." Her smile widens.

"Well thank f.u.c.k for that." I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose between my fingers as I feel the effects of a small headache working its way in.

"Come on, I'll drive you two home," Kimber offers, releasing Decklan's hand.

"You don't have to do that," he immediately interjects.

"Considering they've been here drinking all night, yes, yes I do," she insists. "I can take Gavin's truck. I'll drop them off and then bring the truck back here until later."

"I'll just follow you over and bring you back on my bike." The moment the words leave Decklan's mouth, Kimber c.o.c.ks her head to the side and narrows her eyes at him.

"Nope, you're right. I'm going to go upstairs and try to sleep it off," he says without her having to say another word.

"Now that's what you call b.a.l.l.s deep," I tease the moment he slides out of the bar stool.

"Yeah. Yeah. f.u.c.k you. I know I'm whipped," he says, stepping directly in front of Kimber. "And I wouldn't have it any f.u.c.king other way." He plants a deep kiss on her lips.

I immediately look away, as does Paxton, suddenly feeling like I'm intruding on a very private moment. I've seen Deck make out with countless girls, but there's something very different about seeing him kiss a woman he loves. It's more intimate and private. For the first time in my life, I'm actually able to relate. The thought makes me miss Harlee even more than I already do.

"You can look now." Kimber pulls my attention back to where she's standing, a wide smile plastered across her face. "You, bed." She opens the door leading upstairs and ushers Decklan through it, pushing the door shut behind him. "You two, come on." She gestures toward the back entrance.

"f.u.c.k. Now I really feel like a f.u.c.king teenager again," I whine, pushing off my stool.

"But Mom, I'm not ready to leave yet," Paxton continues the joke, calling after her as she pushes open the back door.

Sunshine filters into the bar and for the first time, I realize that it's daylight outside. f.u.c.k... Where did the time go?

"Don't make me tell you twice." She purposely tries to make her voice sound more parental, pulling the back door shut as soon as we're all outside.

I squint into the bright sun, following Kimber as she leads the way toward my truck that's parked toward the back of the lot.

"You know, you don't have to drive us home. I can call a cab," I object when she holds her palm out for my keys.

"I realize this, but it's a five-minute drive and there's no sense in paying an arm and a leg for a cab when I can just take you really quick." She nods when I drop the keys in her hand.

"Now get in," she orders, waiting until both Paxton and I are in the cab of the truck before climbing in.

"You realize you're still in your pajamas right?" I ask, just now noticing that she's wearing one of Decklan's old t-shirts, a pair of ratty looking plaid pajama bottoms, and thick pink house shoes. She didn't even bother to put on a jacket despite the fact that it's freezing this morning.

"And?" She gives me a look that says she couldn't care less before sticking the key in the ignition and firing the truck to life.

"Girls." Paxton looks at Kimber and then back to me before shrugging.

"I'm sorry. Would you rather I go get dressed before driving your two drunk a.s.ses home?" she nips playfully.

"Sorry, Mom," Paxton jokes, shrinking down in the seat.

"Boys." She sighs, shaking her head as she pulls the truck out of the parking lot and heads in the direction of my condo.

Chapter Sixteen.

Harlee I look up from the textbook laying in my lap when a loud knock sounds against the door to my dorm room. Looking at the clock on my bedside table, I see it's just after eight in the evening. Not sure who it could be, I drop the book next to me on the bed and push into a stand, quickly reaching the door just as another knock echoes through the room.

Sliding the lock, I crack the door open just enough so that I can see into the hallway, letting it fall the rest of the way open the moment his blue eyes find mine.

"What are you-" I start to ask but before I can finish my sentence, Gavin quickly steps forward, his mouth immediately closing down on mine.

The contact instantly silences my attempt to speak as he backs me into my dorm room and kicks the door closed behind him.

"G.o.d, I f.u.c.king missed you," he growls against my lips, deepening the kiss as his hands immediately go for the band of my yoga pants.

His fingers slide inside the elastic waist moments before he rips them and my panties down in one quick tug.

As much as him showing up unannounced is a surprise to me, it takes my body no time at all to adjust to his presence. Within seconds I can feel the familiar buzz start to work its way through my limbs, the fire of his touch sending heat spiraling through my entire body.

"I just couldn't wait any longer." He breaks away from my mouth just long enough to pull my hooded sweatshirt over my head and toss it to the floor.

"f.u.c.k me," he rasps as his eyes trace down my chest, taking in my bare torso. "You're so f.u.c.king beautiful." His lips dip to my neck, his tongue flicking across the base of my throat.

I let my head fall back, my hands tangling in his hair as I anchor my arms around his neck.

"I can't wait another second to be inside you." His mouth finds mine again as he backs me toward the bed.

The moment the mattress. .h.i.ts the back of my knees, I collapse on top of it, Gavin coming down directly on top of me. Kicking my pants the rest of the way off, I wrap my legs around his waist, moaning when he grinds his erection into me through the material of his jeans.

I pull at his shirt, sliding it over his head when he pulls back slightly to make the task easier for me. My fingers trace the defined muscles of his chest, sliding lower along his abs as he hovers above me, his arms holding up the brunt of his weight.

I flip my hand up, palming his erection which causes him to close his eyes as he grinds into my touch. The look of pure l.u.s.t in his eyes when they finally open again sends a whole other wave of desire coursing through me.

I unb.u.t.ton his pants, ripping open the zipper before helping slide them off his hips. The moment his erection springs free, I wrap my hand around it, sliding it from the base to the tip. He groans again, this time, his eyes not leaving mine.

Lining him up at my entrance, he pauses, looking down at me curiously.

"It's okay, you can do it," I rea.s.sure him, letting him know that I'm protected and that I trust him.

His eyes burn even wilder when the realization finally sinks in and he immediately thrust forward, filling me so full so quickly that I can't help but cry out from the sudden overwhelming feeling that spurs through me.

"Oh f.u.c.k," he breathes, dropping his face into my neck as he pulls out and thrusts back in. "f.u.c.k, baby, you feel so f.u.c.king good." He stills for a moment to really allow himself to feel me bare around him.

"So f.u.c.king good," he repeats, his mouth finding mine as he slowly starts moving in and out of me.

I didn't realize how much different it would feel having him inside of me like this, with no barrier between us. There are no words to describe how incredible it is to feel every inch of him pumping inside of me, seeing the pleasure my body is giving him when he pulls back and meets my gaze.

That's when it hits me, the first wave. It builds and builds making me feel like my body might split apart at any moment. I close my eyes but Gavin forces them back open, taking me by the chin.

"Eyes on me. I want to watch you." He thrusts harder, his words and movements splitting the last thread holding me together in two.

I fall apart beneath him, struggling not to turn away from his gaze as the pleasure crashes through me over and over again. I can see his control faltering almost instantly. A wildness takes over his gaze as he pounds into me relentlessly, his gaze still firmly holding mine.

I'm still riding out the last remaining pleasure of my o.r.g.a.s.m when he finds his release as well, spilling himself inside me. A different kind of pleasure takes hold of me and I rock my hips, meeting him thrust for thrust until he finally collapses down on top of me. His lips immediately go to my neck, trailing soft kisses across my flesh as we both work to catch our breath and compose ourselves.

"Holy f.u.c.k." I can feel his smile against my skin.

"Yeah," I agree, the word just a whisper.

"Holy f.u.c.k," he repeats, happiness evident in his voice. "That was..." He pulls back to look at me, his face hovering just inches above mine. "f.u.c.k." He shakes his head slightly. "You're f.u.c.king incredible." He smiles, dropping his mouth to mine.

He kisses me deeply for several long moments, his softening erection coming to life again still buried deep inside me. He moves slightly, testing to see my reaction to his eagerness to go again.

Fortunately for him, I was ready to go again before the first time was even over. Smiling against his mouth, I raise my hips, egging him forward. It doesn't take long before he's moving in and out of me, his pace slow and steady while his lips remain on mine.

The first time was all about satisfying the hunger building inside of both of us, having been nearly a week since we've seen each other. But this time, this is something so much more intense on a completely different level.

He slides his tongue against mine, rolling his hips as my fingers tangle into his hair. My entire body feels like a wind-up toy. He keeps spinning my dial over and over, just waiting for the moment when he can release me and watch me roll straight over the edge.

"Harlee." His word is just a whisper against my lips as I feel his body once again start to go rigid around me. His muscles clench and tighten as he continues his slow, controlled movements.

"Do it," I urge him forward, my body already hanging on the edge for the past several minutes.

That's all it takes and in one deep groan into my mouth he lets go of his release, my o.r.g.a.s.m following directly behind. I wrap my arms around his neck and hold on for dear life, our teeth clattering together as we swallow up the cries of pleasure blending between the two of us.

It's the most intense and overwhelming o.r.g.a.s.m I've ever had, and I know one hundred percent that it has everything to do with the fact that it's no longer just s.e.x with Gavin. There's a deeper meaning, a need to claim not only each other's bodies but each other's hearts as well.

When Gavin relaxes down on me this time, there are no words said. In fact, neither of us seems to be in any hurry to do anything but enjoy the aftermath of what we just shared. We are beyond words now. My body has already told him everything he needs to know.

I am his... As if there was ever any question to begin with.

"I'm so happy you're here." I snuggle against Gavin's chest, still not believing this is real.

The whole situation feels more like a fantasy than anything that could actually happen, especially to me. I'm simply not this lucky. And yet, here he is; laying in my bed, warm beneath my touch. I'm so lost in this man, it's hard for me to determine where I end and he begins.

"Me too." He lays a kiss on the top of my head, tightening his grip on me. "I'm sorry to show up without calling, but not seeing you wasn't a f.u.c.king option." He laughs lightly, the sound vibrating beneath my cheek.

"I would expect no less." I smile, finally coming to terms with the fact that this man is going to do what he wants when he wants and be d.a.m.ned if anyone is going to tell him otherwise.

It's one of the things I have come to love about him the most. His fearlessness. His drive. His unwavering determination.

"So I have a confession." He shifts slightly so he can look down at my face. "I also came here to ask you something." He tilts my chin up before laying a light kiss to my mouth. "I was hoping you would join me for lunch tomorrow at my mom's house." His words instantly send my heart galloping against my ribcage. "I thought you'd have a harder time saying no to me in person." He rubs his nose against mine.

"What?" I pull back slightly, not able to hide my surprise.

Are we at that point already? He's ready for me to meet his mom? I'm not sure if I should be excited or scared s.h.i.tless, but I'm suddenly feeling a little bit of both.

"I know it seems like a big step but it's completely casual, I swear. Decklan and Kimber are going. Paxton will probably stop by. I doubt any of my other family will be there with the exception of maybe Charlie, and even then I'm not sure about her."

"I..." I start but he cuts me off before I can get more than the one word out.

"I thought it would be a nice way to kind of ease you in. To be honest, my family can be a bit nuts, and the last thing I want to do is overwhelm you," he rambles.

It isn't until this exact moment that I see how nervous he is. It seems odd, watching a man like Gavin clearly struggle to do something as simple as inviting me to his mom's house for lunch. This knowledge instantly calms any reservations I may have had about it.

"I'd love to," I cut him off just as he opens his mouth to say more.

"Yeah?" He smiles down at me, a wide boyish grin that causes my breath to catch in my throat.

"Yes," I say, pushing up to kiss his jaw.

"So I have to ask you something else." He tucks me back against his chest, his tone falling more serious. "You and Bryan, it's over right?" His question causes my chest to constrict in panic, and I blurt my answer before really thinking it through.


I try to hide the sudden tremble that runs through me at the lie. I mean, it's not entirely untrue. In my mind, Bryan and I are over. Now whether or not he knows it is a different story entirely.

I haven't had the opportunity to talk to him since our dinner two nights ago and as horrible as I feel for not just doing it then, I feel even worse now spewing my lies to Gavin. What the f.u.c.k is wrong with me? I'm normally a very straightforward, honest person, but this situation has turned me into a person I can barely stand to look at in the mirror.

I don't know where my hesitation is stemming from. I want Gavin. I know I want Gavin. I just can't seem to bring myself to utter those words to Bryan.

Is it because I'm afraid of hurting him? Because a part of me isn't ready to let him go? Because I'm still unsure about Gavin's true intentions? I'm not really sure at this point. Maybe it's a little bit of all of them.

Gavin accepts my answer without question, shifting me to my side so he can tuck in behind me. He drops his face into my hair, pulling my back as close to his chest as he can get it. He lets out a deep sigh, relaxing into the mattress.

I lay there for what feels like an eternity, staring out into the darkness of the room; my mind swirls with the truth of my lies. I don't know at what point Gavin slipped off to sleep, only that his breathing eventually slowed and evened.

I listen to each intake of air, counting the seconds between each breath as he sleeps peacefully behind me. The reality of how much I love this man is staggering. Even listening to him breath makes my heartbeat quicken.

I have to tell Bryan. I have to tell him as soon as possible. I can't risk jeopardizing Gavin's trust. I won't. As much as I don't want to hurt Bryan, the thought of hurting Gavin is even more crippling.

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Crazy Stupid Obsession Part 14 summary

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