
Cosmos: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe Part 9

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Events of this nature, resulting either from deflection occasioned by disturbing ma.s.ses or primevally intersecting orbits, must have been of frequent occurrence in the course of millions of years in the immeasurable regions of ethereal s.p.a.ce; but they must be regarded as isolated occurrences, exercising no more general or alternative effects on cosmical relations than the breaking forth or extinction of a volcano within the limited sphere of our Earth.

A third interior comet, having likewise a short period of revolution was discovered by Faye on the 22d of November, 1843, at the Observatory at Paris. Its elliptic path, which approaches much more nearly to a circle than that of any other known comet, is included within the orbits of Mars and Saturn. This comet, therefore, which, according to Goldschmidt, pa.s.ses beyond the orbit of Jupiter, is one of the few whose perihelia are beyond Mars. Its period of revolution is 7 29/100 years, and it is not improbable that the form of its present orbit may be owing to its great approximation to Jupiter at the close of the year 1839.

If we consider the comets in their inclosed elliptic orbits as members of our solar system, and with respect to the length of their major axes, the amount of their eccentricity, and their periods of revolution, we shall probably find that the three planetary comets of Encke, Biela, and Faye are most nearly approached in these respects, first, by the comet discovered in 1766 by Messier, and which is regarded by Clausen as identical with the third comet of 1819; and next, by the fourth comet of the last-mentioned year, discovered by Blaupain, but considered by Clausen as identical with that of the year 1743, and whose orbit appears, like that of Lexell's comet, to have suffered great variations from the proximity and attraction of Jupiter. The two last-named comets would likewise seem to have a period of revolution not exceeding five or six years, and their aphelia are in the vicinity of Jupiter's...o...b..t. Among the comets that have a period of revolution of from seventy to p 109 seventy-six years, the first in point of importance with respect to theoretical and physical astronomy is Halley's comet, whose last appearance, in 1835, was much less brilliant than was to be expected from preceding ones; next we would notice Olbers's comet, discovered on the 6th of March, 1815; and, lastly, the comet discovered by Pons in the year 1812, and whose elliptic orbit has been determined by Encke. The two latter comets were invisible to the naked eye. We now know with certainty of nine returns of Halley's large comet, it having recently been proved by Laugier's calculations*, that in the Chinese table of comets, first made known to us by Edward Biot, the comet of 1378 is identical with Halley's; its periods of revolution have varied in the interval between 1378 and 1835 from 74.91 to 77.58 years, the mean being 76.1.

[footnote] *Laugier, in the 'Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Academie', 1843, t. xvi., p. 1006.

A host of other comets may be contrasted with the cosmical bodies of which we have spoken, requiring several thousand years to perform their orbits, which it is difficult to determine with any degree of certainty. The beautiful comet of 1811 requires, according to Argelander, a period of 3065 years for its revolution, and the colossal one of 1680 as much as 8800 years, according to Encke's calculation. These bodies respectively recede, therefore, 21 and 44 times further than Ura.n.u.s from the Sun, that is to say, 33,600 and 70,400 millions of miles. At this enormous distance the attractive force of the Sun is still manifested; but while the velocity of the comet of 1680 at its perihelion is 212 miles in a second, that is, thirteen times greater than that of the Earth, it scarcely moves ten feet in the second when at its aphelion. This velocity is only three times greater than that of water in our most sluggish European rivers, and equal only to half that which I have observed in the Ca.s.siquiare, a branch of the Orinoco.

It is highly probable that, among the innumerable host of uncalculated or undiscovered comets, there are many whose major axes greatly exceed that of the comet of 1680. In order to form some idea by numbers, I do not say of the sphere of attraction, but of the distance in s.p.a.ce of a fixed star, or other sun, from the aphelion of the comet of 1680 (the furthest receding cosmical body with which we are acquainted in our solar system), it must be remembered that, according to the most recent determinations of parallaxes, the nearest fixed star is full 250 times further removed from our sun than the comet in its aphelion. The comet's distance is only 44 p 110 times that of Ura.n.u.s, while 'a' Centauri is 11,000 and 61 Cygni 31,000 times that of Ura.n.u.s, according to Bessel's determinations.

Having considered the greatest distances of comets from the central body, it now remains for us to notice instances of the greatest proximity hitherto measured. Lexell and Burckhardt's comet of 1770, so celebrated on account of the disturbances it experienced from Jupiter, has approached the Earth within a smaller distance than any other comet. On the 28th of June, 1770, its distance from the Earth was ony six times than of the Moon. The same comet pa.s.sed twice, viz., in 1769 and 1779, through the system of Jupiter's four satellites without producing the slightest notable change in the well-known orbits of these bodies. The great comet of 1680 approached at its perihelion eight or nine times nearer to the surface of the Sun than Lexell's comet did to that of our Earth, being on the 17th of December a sixth part of the Sun's diameter, or seven tenths of the distance of the Moon from that luminary. Perihelia occurring beyond the orbit of Mars can seldom be observed by the inhabitants of the Earth, owing to the faintness of the light of distant comets; and among those already calculated the comet of 1729 is the only one which has its perihelion between the orbits of Pallas and Jupiter; it was even observed beyond the latter.

Since scientific knowledge, although frequently blended with vague and superficial views, has been more extensively diffused through wider circles of social life, apprehensions of the possible evils threatened by comets have acquired more weight as their direction has become more definite. The certainty that there are within the known planetary orbits comets which revisit our regions of s.p.a.ce at short intervals -- that great disturbances have been produced by Jupiter and Saturn in their orbits, by which such as were apparently harmless have been converted into dangerous bodies -- the intersection of the Earth's...o...b..t by Biela's comet -- the cosmical vapor, which, acting as a resisting and impeding medium, tends to contract all orbits -- the individual difference of comets, which would seem to indicate considerable decreasing gradations in the quant.i.ty of the ma.s.s of the nucleus, are all considerations more than equivalent, both as to number and variety, to the vague fears entertained in early ages of the general conflagration of the world by 'flaming swords', and stars with 'fiery streaming hair'. As the consolatory considerations which may be derived from the calculus of probabilities address themselves to reason and to p 111 meditative understanding only, and not to the imagination or to a desponding condition of mind, modern science has been accused, and not entirely without reason, of not attempting to allay apprehensions which it has been the very means of exciting. It is an inherent attribute of the human mind to experience fear, and not hope or joy, at the aspect of that which is unexpected and extraordinary.*

[footnote] *Fries, 'Vorlesungen uber die Sternkunde', 1833, s. 262-267 (Lectures on the Science of Astronomy). An infelicitously chosen instance of the good omen of a comet may be found in Seneca, 'Nat. Quest.', vii., 17 and 21. The philosopher thus writes of the comet: "Quem nos Neronis princ.i.p.atu latissimo vidimus et qui cometis detraxit infamiam."

The strange form of a large comet, its faint nebulous light, and its sudden appearance in the vault of heaven, have in all regions been almost invariably regarded by the people at large as some new and formidable agent inimical to the existing state of things. The sudden occurrence and short duration of the phenomenon lead to the belief of some equally rapid reflection of its agency in terrestrial matters, whose varied nature renders it easy to find events that may be regarded as the fulfillment of the evil foretold by the appearance of these mysterious cosmical bodies. In our own day, however, the public mind has taken another and more cheerful, although singular, turn with regard to comets; and in the German vineyards in the beautiful valleys of the Rhine and Moselle, a belief has arisen, ascribing to these once ill-omened bodies a beneficial influence on the ripening of the vine. The evidence yielded by experience, of which there is no lack in these days, when comets may so frequently be observed, has not been able to shake the common belief in the meteorological myth of the existence of wandering stars capable of radiating heat.

This material taken from pages 111- 147

COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1 by Alexander von Humboldt

Translated by E C Otte

from the 1858 Harper & Brothers edition of Cosmos, volume 1 --------------------------------------------------

From comets I would pa.s.s to the consideration of a far more enigmatical cla.s.s of agglomerated matter -- the smallest of all asteroids, to which we apply the name 'a?rolites', or 'meteoric stones',* when they reach our atmosphere in a fragmentary condition.

[footnote] * (Much valuable information may be obtained regarding the origin and composition of a?rolites or meteoric stones in Memoirs on the subject, by Baumbeer and other writers, in the numbers of Poggendorf's 'Annalen', from 1845 to the present time.) -- Tr.

If I should seem to dwell on the specific enumeration of these bodies, and of comets, longer than the general nature of this work might warrant, I have not done so undesignedly. The diversity existing in the individual characteristics of comets has already been noticed. The imperfect knowledge we possess of their physical character renders it p 112 diifficult in a work like the present, to give the proper degree of circ.u.mstantiality to the phenomena, which, although of frequent recurrence, have been observed with such various degrees of accuracy, or to separate the necessary from the accidental. It is only with respect to measurements and computations that the astronomy of comets has made any marked advancement, and, consequently, a scientific consideration of these bodies must be limited to a specification of the differences of physiognomy and conformation in the nucleus and tail, the instances of great approximation to other cosmical bodies, and of the extremes in the length of their orbits and in their periods of revolution. A faithful delineation of these phenomena, as well as of those which we proceed to consider, can only be given by sketching individual features with the animated circ.u.mstantiality of reality.

Shooting stars, fire-b.a.l.l.s, and meteoric stones are, with great probability, regarded as small bodies moving with planetary velocity, and revolving in obedience to the laws of general gravity in conic sections round the Sun.

When these ma.s.ses meet the Earth in their course, and are attracted by it, they enter within the limits of our atmosphere in a luminous condition, and frequently let fall more or less strongly heated stony fragments, covered with a shining black crust. When we enter into a careful investigation of the facts observed at those epochs when showers of shooting stars fell periodically in c.u.mana in 1799, and in North America during the years 1833 and 1834, we shall find that 'fire-b.a.l.l.s' can not be considered separately from shooting stars. Both these phenomena are frequently not only simultaneous and blended together, but they likewise are often found to merge into one another, the one phenomenon gradually a.s.suming the character of the other alike with respect to the size of their disks, the emanation of sparks, and the velocities of their motion. Although exploding smoking luminous fire-b.a.l.l.s are sometimes seen, even in the brightness of tropical daylight,* equaling in size the apparent p 113 diameter of the Moon, innumerable quant.i.ties of shooting stars have, on the other hand, been observed to fall in forms of such extremely small dimensions that they appear only as moving points or 'phosph.o.r.escent lines.'**

[footnote] *A friend of mine, much accustomed to exact trigonometrical measurements, was in the year 1788 at Popayan, a city which is 2 degrees 26'

north lat.i.tude, lying at an elevation of 5583 feet above the level of the sea, and at noon, when the sun was shining brightly in a cloudless sky, saw his room lighted up by a fire-ball. He had his back to the window at the time, and on turning round, perceived that great part of the path traversed by the fire-ball was still illuminated by the brightest radiance. Different nations have had the most various terms to express these phenomena: The Germans use the word 'Sternschnuppe', literally 'star snuff' -- an expression well suited to the physical views of the vulgar in former times, according to which, the lights in the firmament were said to undergo a process of 'snuffing' or cleaning; and other nations generally adopt a term expressive of a 'shot' or 'fall' of stars, as the Swedish 'stjernifall', the Italian 'stella cadente', and the English 'star shoot.' In the woody district of the Orinoco, on the dreary banks of the Ca.s.siquiare, I heard the natives in the Mission of Vasiva use terms still more inelegant than the German 'star snuff.' ('Relation Historique du Voy. aux R?gions Equinox.', t. ii., p. 513.) These same tribes term the pearly drops of dew which cover the beautiful leaves of the heliconia 'star spit.' In the Lithuanian mythology, the imagination of the people has embodied its ideas of the nature and signification of falling stars under n.o.bler and more graceful symbols. The Parc, 'Werpeja', weave in heaven for the new-born child its thread of fate, attaching each separate thread to a star. When death approaches the person, the thread is rent, and the star wanes and sinks to the earth. Jacob Grimm, 'Deutsche Mythologie', 1843, s. 685.

[footnote] ** According to the testimony of Professor Denison Olmsted, of Yale College, New Haven, Connecticut. (See Poggend., 'Annalen der Physik', bd. x.x.x., s. 194.) Kepler, who excluded fire-b.a.l.l.s and shooting stars from the domain of astronomy, because they were, according to his views, "meteors arising from the exhalations of the earth, and blending with the higher ether," expresses himself, however, generally with much caution. He says: "Stell cadentes sunt materia viscida inflammata. Earum aliqu inter cadendum absumuntur, aliqu ver in terram cadunt, pondere suo tract.

Nec est dissimile vero, quasdam conglobatas esse ex materia fculent?, in ipsam auram theream immixta: exque a?theris regione, tractu rectilineo, per a?rem trajicere, ceu minutos competas, occult? causa motus utrorumque." -- Kepler, 'Epit. Astron. Copernican', t. i., p. 80.

It still remains undertermined whether the many luminous bodies that shoot across the sky may not vary in their nature. On my return from the equinoctial zones, I was impressed with an idea that in the torrid regions of the tropics I had more frequently than in our colder lat.i.tudes seen shooting stars fall as if from a height of twelve or fifteen thousand feet; that they were of brighter colors, and left a more brilliant line of light in their track; but this impression was no doubt owing to the greater transparency of the tropical atmosphere*, which enables the eye to penetrate further into distance.

[footnote] *'Relation Historique', t. i., p. 80, 213, 527. If in falling stars, as in comets, we distinguish between the head or nucleus and the tail, we shall find that the greater transparency of the atmosphere in tropical climates is evinced in the greater length and brilliancy of the tail which may be observed in those lat.i.tudes. The phenomenon is therefore not necessarily more frequent there, because it is oftener seen and continues longer visible. The influence exercised on shooting stars by the character of the atmosphere is shown occasionally even in our temperate zone, and at very small distances apart. Wartmann relates that on the occasion of a November phenomenon at two places lying very near each other, Geneva and Aux Planchettes, the number of the meteors counted were as 1 to 7. (Wartmann, 'M?m. sur les Etoiles filantes', p. 17.) The tail of a shooting star (or its 'train'), on the subject of which Brandes has made so many exact and delicate observations, is in no way to be ascribed to the continuance of the impression produced by light on the retina. It sometimes continues visible a whole minute, and in some rare instances longer than the light of the nucleus of the shooting star; in which case the luminous track remains motionless. (Gilb., 'Ann.', bd. xiv., s. 251.) This circ.u.mstance further indicates the a.n.a.logy between large shooting stars and fire-b.a.l.l.s.

Admiral Krusenstern saw, in his voyage round the world, the train of a fire-ball shine for an hour after the lluminous body itself had disappeared, and scarcely move throughout the whole time. ('Reise', th. i., s. 58.) Sir Alexander Burnes gives a charming description of the transparency of the clear atmosphere of Bokhara, which was once so favorable to the pursuit of astronomical observations. Bokhara is situated in 39 degrees 48' north lat.i.tude, and at an elevation of 1280 feet above the level of the sea.

"There is a constant serenity in its atmosphere, and an admirable clearness in the sky. At night, the stars have uncommon l.u.s.ter, and the Milky Way shines gloriously in the firmament. There is also a never-ceasing display of the most brilliant meteors, which dart like rockets in the sky; ten or twelve of them are sometimes seen in an hour, a.s.suming every color -- fiery red, blue, pale, and faint. It is a n.o.ble country for astronomical science, and great must have been the advantage enjoyed by the famed observatory of Samarkand." (Burnes, 'Travels into Bokhara', vol. ii. (1834), p. 158.) A mere traveler must not be reproached for calling ten or twelve shooting stars in an hour "many," since it is only recently that we have learned, from careful observations on this subject in Europe, that eight is the mean number which may be seen in an hour in the field of vision of one individual (Quetelet, 'Corresp. Math?m.', Novem., 1837, p. 447); this number is, however, limited to five or six by that diligent observer, Olbers. (Schum., 'Jahrb.', 1838, s. 325.)

p 114 Sir Alexander Burnes likewise extols as a consequence of the purity of the atmosphere in Bokhara the enchanting and constantly-recurring spectacle of variously-colored shooting stars.

The connection of meteoric stones with the grander phenomenon of fire-b.a.l.l.s -- the former being known to be projected from the latter with such force as to penetrate from ten to fifteen feet into the earth -- has been proved, among many other instances, in the falls of azzzuerolites at Barbotan, in the Department des Landes (24th July, 1790), at Siena (16th June, 1794), at Weston, in Connecticut, U. S. (14th December, 1807), and at Juvenas in the Department of Ardche (14th June, 1821). Meteoric stones are in some instances thrown from dark clouds suddenly formed in a clear sky, and fall with a noise resembling thunder. Whole districts have thus occasionally been covered with thousands of fragmentary ma.s.ses, of uniform character but unequal magnitudes, that p 115 have been hurled from one of these moving clouds. In less frequent cases, as in that which occurred on the 16th of September, 1843, at Kleinwenden, near M?hilhausen, a large a?rolite fell with a thundering crash while the sky was clear and cloudless. The intimate affinity between fire-b.a.l.l.s and shooting stars is further proved by the fact that fire-b.a.l.l.s, from which meteoric stones have been thrown have occasionally been found, as at Angers, on the 9th of June, 1822, having a diameter scarcely equal to that of the small fire-works called Roman candles.

The formative power, and the nature of the physical and chemical processes involved in these phenomena are questions all equally shrouded in mystery, and we are as yet ignorant whether the particles composing the dense ma.s.s of meteoric stones are originally, as in comets, separated from one another when they become luminous to our sight, or whether in the case of smaller shooting stars, any compace substance actually falls, or, finally, whether a meteor is composed only of a smoke-like dust, containing iron and nickel; while we are wholly ignorant of what takes place within the dark cloud from which a noise like thunder is often heard for many minutes before the stones fall.*

[footnote] *On 'm?teoric dust', see Arago, in the 'Annuaire' for 1832, p.

254. I haave very recently endeavored to show, in another work ('Asie Centrale', t. i., p. 408). how the Scythian saga of the sacred gold, which fell burning from heaven, and remained in the possession of the Golden Horde of the Paralat (Herod., iv., 5-7), probably originated in the vague recollection of the fall of an a?rolite. The ancients had also some strange fictions (Dio Ca.s.sius, lxxv., 1259) or silver which had fallen from heaven, and with which it had been attempted, under the Emperor Severus, to cover bronze coins; metallic iron was however, known to exist in meteoric stones. (Plin., ii., 56.) The frequently-recurring expression 'lapidibus pluit' must not always be understood to refer to falls of a?rolites. In Liv., xxv., 7, it probably refers to pumice ('rapilli') ejected from the volcano, Mount Alba.n.u.s (Monte Cavo), which was not wholly extinguished at the time. (See Heyne, 'Opuscula Acad.', t. iii., p. 261; and my 'Relation Hist.', t. i., p. 394.) The contest of Hercules with the Ligyans, on the road from the Caucasus to the Hesperides, belongs to a different sphere of ideas, being an attempt to explain mythically the origin of the round quartz blocks in the Ligyan field of stones at the mouth of the Rhone, which Aristotle supposes to have been ejected from a fissure during an earthquake, and Posidonius to have been caused by the force of the waves of an inland piece of water. In the fragments that we still possess of the play of schylus, the 'Prometheus Delivered', every thing proceeds, however, in part of the narration, as in a fall of a?rolites, for Jupiter draws together a cloud, and causes the "district around to be covered by a shower of round stones". Posidonius even ventured to deride the geognostic myth of the blocks and stones. The Lygian field of stones was, however, very naturally and well described by the ancients. The district is now known as 'La Crau.' (See Guerin, 'Mesures Barom?triques dans les Alpes, et M?t?orologie d'Avignon', 1829, chap. xii., p. 115.)

p 116 We can ascertain by measurement the enormous, wonderful, and wholly planetary velocity of shooting stars, fire-valls and meteoric stones, and we can gain a knowledge of what is the general and uniform character of the phenomenon, but not of the genetically cosmical process and the results of the metamorphoses. If meteoric stones while revolving in s.p.a.ce are already consolidated into dense ma.s.ses,* less dense, however, p 117 than the mean density of the earth, they must be very small nuclei, which surrounded by inflammable vapor or gas, form the innermost part of fire-b.a.l.l.s, from the height and apparent diameter of which we may, in the case of the largest, estimate that the actual diameter varies from 500 to about 2800 feet.

[footnote] *The specific weight of a?rolites varies from 1.9 (Alais) to 4.3 (Tabor). Their general density may be set down as 3, water being 1. As to what has been said in the text of the actual diameters of fire-b.a.l.l.s, we must remark, that the numbers have been taken from the few measurements that can be relied upon as correct. These give for the fire-ball of Weston, Connecticut (14th December, 1807), only 500; for that observed by Le Roi (10th July, 1771) about 1000 and for that estimated by Sir Charles Blagden (18th January, 1783) 2600 feet in diameter. Brandes ('Unterhaltungen'

bd.i., s. 42) ascribes a diameter varying from 80 to 120 feet to shooting stars, and a luminous train extending from 12 to 16 miles. There are, however, ample optical causes for supposing that the apparent diameter of fire-b.a.l.l.s and shooting stars has been very much overrated. The volume of the largest fire-ball yet observed can not be compared with that of Ceres, estimating generally so exact and admirable treatise, 'On the Connection of the Physical Sciences', 1835, p. 411.) With the view of elucidating what has been stated in the text regarding the large z?rolite that fell into the bed of the River Narni, but has not again been found, I will give the pa.s.sage made known by Pertz, from the 'Chronicon Benedicti, Monachi Sancti Andre in Mont Soracte', a MS. belonging to the tenth century, and preserved in the Chigi Library at Rome. The Barbarous Latin of that age has been left unchanged. "Anno 921, temporibus domini Johannis Decimi pape, in anno pontificatus illius 7 visa sunt signa. Nam juxta urben Romam lapides plurimi de clo cadere visi sunt. In civilate qu vocatur Narnia tam diri ac tetri, ut nihil aliud credatur, quam de infernalibus locis deducti essent. Nam ita ex illis lapidibus unus omnium maximum est, ut decidens in flumen Narnus, ad mensuram unius cubiti super aquas fluminus usque hodie videretur. Nam et ignit.i.ta ut pene terra contingeret. AliAnno 921, temporibus domini Johannis Decimi pape, in anno pontificatus illius 7 visa sunt signa. Nam juxta urben Romam lapides plurimi de clo cadere visi sunt. In civilate qu vocatur Narnia tam diri ac tetri, ut nihil aliud credatur, quam de infernalibus locis deducti essent. Nam ita ex illis lapidibus unus omnium maximum est, ut decidens in flumen Narnus, ad mensuram unius cubiti super aquas fluminus usque hodie videretur. Nam et ignit ita ut pene terra contingeret. Ali cadentes," etc. (Pertz, 'Monum. Germ. Hist.

Scriptores', t. iii., p. 715.) On the a?rolites of gos Potamus, which fell, according to the Parian Chroniccle, in the 78 1 Olympiad, see B?ckh, 'Corp. Inscr. Graec', t. ii., p. 302, 320, 340; also Aristot., 'Meteor.', i., 7 (Ideler's 'Comm.', t. i., p. 404-407); Stob., 'Eel. Phys.', i., 25, p.

508 (Heeren); Plut., 'Lys.', c. 12; Diog. Laert., ii., 10; and see, also, subsequent notes in this work. According to a Mongolisn tradition, a black fragment of a rock, forty feet in height, fell from heaven on a plain near the source of the Great Yellow River in Western China. (Abel R?musat, in Lam?therie, 'Jour. de Phys.', 1819, Mai p. 264.)

The largest meteoric ma.s.ses as yet known are those of Otumpa, in Chaco, and of Bahia, in Brazil, described by Rubi de Celis as being from 7 to 7 1/2 feet in length. The meteoric stone of gos Potamos, celebrated in antiquity, and even mentioned in the Chronicle of the Parian Marbles, which fell about the year in which Socrates was born, has been described as of the size of two mill-stones, and equal in weight to a full wagon load. Notwithstanding the failure that has attended the efforts of the African traveler, Brown, I do not wholly relinquish the hope that, even after the lapse of 2312 years, this Thracian meteoric ma.s.s, which it would be so difficult to destroy, may be found, since the region in which it fell is now bcome so easy of access to European travelers. The huge a?rolite which in the beginning of the tenth century fell into the river at Narni, projected between three and four feet above the surface of the water, as we learn from a doc.u.ment lately discovered by Pertz. It must be remarked that these meteoric bodies, whether in ancient or modern times can only be regarded as the princ.i.p.al fragments of ma.s.ses that have been broken up by the explosion either of a fire-ball of a dark cloud.

On considering the enormous velocity with which, as has been mathematically proved, meteoric stones reach the earth from the extremest confines of the atmosphere, and the lengthened course traversed by fire-b.a.l.l.s through the denser strata of the air, it seems more than improbable that these metalliferous stony ma.s.ses, containing perfectly-formed crystals of olivine, labradorite, and pyroxene, should in so short a period of time has been converted from a vaporous condition to a solid nucleus. Moreover, that which falls from meteoric ma.s.ses, even where the internal composition is chemically different, exhibits almost always the peculiar character of a fragment, being of a prismatic or truncated pyramidal form, with broad, somewhat curved faces, and rounded angles. But whence comes this form, which was first recognized by Schreiber as characteristic of the 'severed'

part of a rotating planetary body? Here, as in the sphere of organic life, all that appertains to the history of development remains hidden in obscurity. Meteoric ma.s.ses become luminous and kindle at heights which p 118 must be regarded as almost devoid of air, of occupied by an atmosphere that does not even contain 1/100000th part of oxygen. The recent investigations of Biot on the important phenomenon of twilight* have considerably lowered the lines which had, perhaps with some degree of temerity, been usually termed the boundaries of the atmosphere; but processes of light may be evolved independently of the presence of oxygen, and Poisson conjectured that a?roliteswere ignited far beyond the range of our atmosphere.

Numerical calculation and geometrical measurement are the only means by which as in the case of the larger bodies of our solar system, we are enabled to impart a firm and safe basis to our investigations of meteoric stones.

[footnote] *Biot, 'Trait? d'Astronomie Physique' (3me ?d.), 1841, t.

i., p. 149, 177, 238, 312. My lamented friend Poisson endeavored, in a singular manner, to solve the difficulty attending an a.s.sumption of the spontaneous ignition of meteoric stones at an elevation where the density of the atmosphere is almost null. These are his words: "It is difficult to attribute, as is uaually done, the incandescence of a?rolites to friction against the molecules of the atmosphere at an elevation above the earth where the density of the air is almost null. May we not suppose that the electric fluid, in a neutral condition, forms a kind of atmosphere, extending far beyond the ma.s.s of our atmosphere, yet subject to terrestrial attraction, although physically imponderable, and consequently following our globe in its motion? According to this hypothesis, the bodies of which we have been speaking would, on entering this imponderable atmosphere, decompose the neutral fluid by their unequal action on the two electricities, and they would thus be heated, and in a state of incandescence, by becoming electrified." (Poisson, 'Rech. sur la Probabilit? des Jugements', 1837, p. 6.)

Although Halley p.r.o.nounced the great fire-ball of 1686, whose motion was opposite to that of the earth in its...o...b..t,* to be a cosmical body, Chadni, in 1794, first recognized, with ready acuteness of mind, the connection between fire-b.a.l.l.s and the stones projected from the atmosphere, and the motions of the former bodies in s.p.a.ce.**

[footnote] *'Philos. Transact.', vol. xxix., p. 161-163.

[footnote] **The first edition of Chlandni's important treatise, 'Ueber den Ursprung der von Pallas gefundenen und anderen Eisenma.s.sen' (On the Origin of the ma.s.ses of Iron found by Pallas, and other similar ma.s.ses), appeared two months prior to the shower of stones at Siena, and two years before Lichtenberg stated, in the 'G?ttingen Taschenbuch', that "stones reach our atmosphere from the remoter regions of s.p.a.ce.' Comp., also, Olbers's letter to Benzenberg, 18th Nov., 1837, in Benzenberg's 'Treatise on Shooting Stars', p. 186.

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