
Trinity: Omniverse Traveling Cat 90 An Then Shall Rise The Hunter

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When we entered the chamber, all I could see my left was a ginormous wall made of semi-translucent crystal reflecting a rainbow-colored ray of light. In the middle of this, a hulking ma.s.s of flesh curled up on itself barely visible. By the glint in Ais' gaze, I could see that he would be ready to exit the wall.

The second we fully enter the room, an unnatural silence falls before a single crack crisply resound on the wall. By the second more cracks could be heard, each time the s.p.a.ce between two shorten before they could be seen on the wall in front of the goliath.

As Ais was reading her blade Deseparate, I put my backpack on the ground, taking out three long Knives. Those were the last of my creation, after the ten floors, the skins of the monster became to thick for my magical steel blades to properly cut, and one of them have already broken under the strike of a minotaur before.

Taking my full form after sliding the backpack against the far wall and changing the sheath, I take out the new blades. Glittering in a clear blueish-silvery grey, those ones were longer than the previous one.

While the handle was the same ten centimeters made of st.u.r.dy wood, the blade was nothing like the previous one, thirty centimeters long. I don't know why, but here platinum was discarded for the stronger material found in the lower floor.

As a G.o.ddess of smithing, I would have thought that Hephaistos would know its value but I was clearly mistaken. Was it due to the lack of modern science? I don't know but I take full advantage of this by buying the available stock of platinum ore.

The metal wasn't my aim, but the trace of the element it contains. Mixed with the strongest stable crystal I could produce yet, level four, I extract all the osmium I can and go for the perfect mix with t.i.tanium I can.

Those two metal were already one of the strongest natural metal I know, mixing the magical crystal allowed me to push it further yet with 'unbreakable' enchantment, 'strengthening' enchantment and 'sharpening' enchantment.

The blade had a tapered form, and even wide on the two-third of the straight, one-sided blade, before widening in crescent moon-shape. On the bevel was inscribe a 'fire concentration' and 'shape control' runes lines running from the tip to the belly until the choil.

Just as the monster rex came crushing through the crystal wall, I subconsciously activate my 'Sacred fire'. the arctic blue splotches on my fur, hair, ears, and tail ignite in the blueish-white fire before connecting teach others in mystical tribal lines.

At the same time, the runes on the bevel illuminate and a fire edge form on the metal one lengthening it of few centimeters.

But I see nothing of this, all my concentration on the goliath looking at us like he was affronted by our rebelling. Ais dared the first, rising her rapier, cutting deeply in the goliath arm flesh that struck the place she stood on a few seconds before.


Roaring in pain at the wound, his second hand came crashing on her, only to have it finger clearly cut by the super-heated razor-sharp edge of Alex kife, before his tail wrap around the wounded wrist.

With a pull of the muscle at its base, the tail rolls on it while keeping a tight grip, making the third knife held at its end to separated it from the rest of the arm.

Deprived of its two hands, and howling, it rears its head while taking aim at Ais, who was running the length of its greyish arm. Before he could release his howl, Alex dash to its feet, his three knives bitting deeply in the flesh before separating it from the rest of its body.

Unbalanced by the sudden loss of its feet, the howl barely grazes Ais, leaving an only minor scratch on her body as she jumps and strikes the left eye.

As he falls on it back, deprived of three of the end of its limbs, Alex jump, taking the support of the damaged leg. While still in the air, he starts to spin on himself, extending his arm and tail at the last moment, craving a perfect circle on its torso before taking support on it for a las jump.

As Alex was taking the flesh protecting the core with him, Ais, in a back somersault land on it, the blade cutting deep in it and strike the last blow of the vanish goliath.

The fight did last more than two minutes and was only witnessed by the three still processing what just happen. A monster rex wasn't a joke, even the first one was a level 4, that it was taken down by a lone level 5 and level 1 under three minutes was just ridiculous.

While in the expedition, they let the weaker member take care of it to gather Extalia, but even with a group of eight-level 2 and a supervising level 5, they would have a need at least half an hour to take it down.

What they didn't know was that Alex was greatly helped with his weapon, other than that, it was only due to his excellent sense and reaction capacity that he was able to barely keep up with Ais, giving the best support he could.

As it vanishes, it only leaves the meter high core and a single tooth behind. Even while her face was still expressionless, he could see the ambers of her exhilaration on taking it down with him, slowly dying.

Taking hold of the crystal, he leaves the teeth for Gareth. The instant he exits the slope leading down to the gra.s.sland, a window pop up, bring a smile on his face.

{[Hidden Objective: Side. "Safe!"

The Dungeon is a dangerous place, if not careful, one could easily lose his life.

Condition: Reach the 18 floors.

[Completed, unclaimed]

'Claim the reward CS'


He feels a single ripple in his mind before he could feel again the familiar connection to the wards of the territory. He could also feel that everything has been running a similar time basis there. Leaving for later, he plops down on the ground, soon joins with the three top as Ais was already at his side.

Without a word he take out a large bento box from the bag, along with four other. While they have seen them in the shop they didn't put to much attention on them. Unbothered by their gaze, he pushes on the small crafted crystal maintained above a grove by three thin metal strip.

As the magic bleed in the craved rune cl.u.s.ter, the crystal burst into a fine powder, dispersing in the wind. Taking the lid off, a plume of steam rise for the mouth-watering sight and entrancing odor.

He was about to eat when he sees the other four looking at him.

"Take them, I bring them to you in the first place." Said him while giving a glance at the plied four boxes in front of him. Without waiting for the three other, Ais take one before looking at Alex.

"Just give a slight push on the crystal, it will fall in the groove and heated the inside of the box."

Doing as he says, she was soon rewarded with a steaming homemade meal. A little more septical, Riviera actually takes off the lid before, seeing the same meal but cold, imitating the two and opening it one again, she shakes her head, abandoning the idea to understand how he was doing this.

As the two other males were eating in silence, Alex takes out a similar skin that he one on Riviera side, throwing it at Gareth. Raising a brow, the dwarf uncrook it before giving a light sniff. When his face brightens and takes a large gulp, Finn has an idea of what was inside. He was about to ask something when a wooden mug just land in his and riviera's lap. On his side, he takes another skin, pouring water for him and Ais.

Done with his meal, he starts to take out crystals, leather, and a coil of tread, crafting soon the pouches for the others.

"Now that it out of the way, what about that." Say him while pointing with his thumb at the goliath core behind him.

"You did kill it along with Ais, so you see with her." Say, Finn

Looking at say, girl, she t.i.tled her head on the side, scrunching cutely her brows.


"You are sure? How about the teeth?"

"For you."


Taking an even larger coil, as large as his bag and four-time higher, making the other eye bugle at the ridiculous scene, before fusing the two. While the core vanishes, only their-fourth of the coil has been changed, leaving hundred of meters of tread staking on the floor. Taking one Lygerfang's skin, metal ingot, crystals of different sizes, he starts to trans.m.u.te the pouch.

After ten minutes, Alex was still trans.m.u.ting them, as they could see the material, slowly morphing, adapting different shapes and forms, drifting out as other materials came in.

At the twenty minutes mark, the pouch finally form. Made of Lygerfang's skin, the cater bottom and corner were covered in magic steel. The eight corners had embedded cubic Crystals while lines of tread and crystal could be seen running on the pouch's external structure.

They could easily understand by just it look and the time he takes to create it that the pouch wasn't like the other. When he takes five more minutes to create another, it became evident.

"Sorry but for this one, I won't make another. I think I will also need to put in another price altogether, it too different from the other after all."

"How much different?" Ask Riviera intricate.

"THe pouch, unlike the other won't hold more than five crystal, the structure of the core is completely different from that of normal monster. I was able to have a shrinking feature to the exterior of the pouch to reduce the size of the core to store it. You will also need to touch the core directly with the pouch to absorb it and finally, it will run on your own magic to activate, the core inside is only to support the enchantment. Its maximum capacity before needing maintenance is also five cores. For the moment it's the maximum I can do. If I want to take it further, I will need better material."

"How much would you think to ask for it?" Ask Finn


Would it be another normal pouch they would pluck their hair at the price but it is a monster rex core, it alone was worth more, so it wasn't really farfetched for them. As they were thinking, he takes Ais's hand, p.r.i.c.ks her finger, making a drop of blood fall on the crystal at the top, binding it to her.

"Here you go, because you had been a good girl and didn't cry, take this as well."

His action had completely stunned them, more so that Ais didn't react and let him go with it. When he takes a large pink fluffy ball out of his bag, her eyes grew a little while an exited glint lit in her gaze.

"It's a Jigglypuff, it's a good singer but since is voice will induce slumber, he will take it as an affront and will doodle on your face with ink that a nightmare to wash away."

He pa.s.ses to her the half meter round fluff ball, letting her bury her face in the smooth fur.

Once their little break taking its end, they start to make the travel backward, taking advantage of their new pouches, they merrily slaughter their way back with and Ais Wallenstein sporting a fluffy pink ball in her back.

Seeing that the pouches work wonder, giving them more time without having to pick them up, they agree to Alex's request and explore a little of each floor they were pa.s.sing. When they return to the first floor, Alex vanishes for a second before coming back with a golden egg in his hand.

The three couldn't help but shake their head at the luck of Alex see and dispatch the Jack bird even before they could spot it. Unseen to them, another group see it. Separating at the cross between the block, Alex made his way back to the shop without going to the guild. On his way, he was b.u.mped by a little form wearing a white and red hood.

"Sorry, sir." Was all it says before scurrying away.

'What are you playing at, Lily?'

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Trinity: Omniverse Traveling Cat 90 An Then Shall Rise The Hunter summary

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