
Trinity: Omniverse Traveling Cat 71 The Day Everything Would Change

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Before the badly scared boy could respond, something violently collide with the air a good meter above the flame, should it not have been stopped, the curse would have struck Alex in the chest.

"It's the last time I allow you to interfere Dumbledore, the next time I will retaliate!"

"You can't process with this duel, it illegal and charges will be brought against you!"

"h.e.l.lo! Remember, I have immunity from the Wisengamot for the duration of the tournament." Says Alex at Dumbles.

"You can't process! the Tournament takes precedent! It against the contract for champions to go against each other's!"

"You are clearly out of your deep Dumbles, magic has acknowledged my claim, thus this duel takes precedence on the tournament."

Dumbledore was running out of arguments in a situation that have degenerate out of control swiftly. It's was at this moment that a group of Aurors lead by Amelia and surrounding Fudge and his toad appears.

"What the meaning of this, Dumbledore?! The Ministry sensor has been going out of control" Half scream Fudge of fright when he sees the ominous shadows casts by the ink dark clouds on the ceiling.

"Mr.Evans just enact a Duel of Honor against Heir Potter."

"It's against the laws! Aurors, arrest him!"

Rushing without thinking, he sends Aurors to apprehend Alex. On his words, two Aurors a.s.signed to his guards made their way to the fire ring and cast a spell before continuing. Only to let out screams of agony as their flame freezing charms, well, didn't freeze the flame, burning them in the blue fire and leaving nothing behind. The audience was astonished at that, Hogwarts students that two Aurors just die, the rest that those two were stupid enough to think of being able to freeze them in the first place.

"You! I will have you jailed for this!" Shrillingly says Fudge while pointing AlexAex. The latter completely unbothered with the sorry excuse of a Minister look at the boy whose hope doesn't stop to rise, only to be crushed time after time.

"You better be ready, nothing short of a designed champion can save you of this situation."

At this, James immediately looks on his left, at a pair of red hairs precisely. Since he says those words loudly enough for all to hear, the two made their ways to the circle eagerly, thinking having finally had a chance to avenge their brother and father.

"I chose House Weasley at my champion!" Shout the boy before darting out of the circle safely, sighing in relief in doing so.

On their side, the two look at each other before stepping in without going aflame. All this happens under the eyes of the entire hall and no one stops them.

"Since the brat wants house Weasley as his champion, I will allow the two of you to face me together, who you're second?" Says Alex looking at James for the last part.

Before he could respond, Dumbledore who has made his way to Fudge spoke before everyone else.

"I will, it's time for someone to put an end at your madness before someone else will be injured."

"Very well. Susan?" Says girl turns her worried gaze to him when called. Seeing her expression, he smiled softly while stroking her cheek.

"I need a referee, will you?" Struck in her own world the girl nod at him absentmindedly."While I don't want to do this, I need a second, will one of you accept?" Ask Alex at Hermione and Luna.

"You won't need one but I will do it." Chirp Luna. Nodding at her, his gaze hardens while turning to the twin with already a wand in their hands.

"That is clear to both of you before we start. This is a duel of honor, the main dueller will face each other with only a single aim, the death of the other, no surrender, no mercy. It will be left to the second discretion to face the main dueller adversary or not and will submit to the same rules."

The silent hall was once again shocked, under those odd, Alex has very few chances of winning, should he do, he would have to face of Dumbledore of all people after! Hearing this, Fudge shut up, finally understanding the gravity of the situation. This was Susan's clue to act.

"Offended, as per the old laws, state your claim."

It was as much for the duellers than magic for the cause of the offense to be stated and stake claimed before the duel, leaving the last chance for both sides to retreat before the unavoidable.

"I, Alexander Daren Evans, née Harrison James Potter, claim grief against House Potter for willful breach on the Heirship of the House Potter, the willful endangerment of my life under magical blood bounding, willful and deliberate restriction of my magic under magical blocks, the willful and deliberate steal of the betrothal for the Heir and the Heir of House Bones, willful and deliberate colluding with outside force to plunder what was mine by birth and inheritance.

I claim grief against House Dumbledore for willful breach on the Heirship of the House Potter, the willful endangerment of my life under magical blood bounding, willful and deliberate restriction of my magic under magical blocks, the willful and deliberate steal of the betrothal for the Heir and the Heir of House Bones, being the outside force scheming to plunder what was mine by birth and inheritance.

I claim the end of House Potter for what it represents and claim back what was mine!"

A bright burst of green light flood the hall on his claim as thunder nearly burst everyone's eardrum. When the buzzing sound in their ear subsides, the silence break under the profanities against House Potter and Dumbledore from the older Purebloods while the adults where livid at the revelations and crimes the two Houses commit against Alex. Of all it was Dumbledore that was the most affected, escaping cardiac arrest by the skin of his teeth. He knows that even should he win, he is finished, the moment magic accepts his claim, all know that he spoke only the truth.

Susan was nearly bursting in joy, all that was left was him winning and she would be able to be with the man she loved without anything able to separate them other than Alex himself. Even without being from House Potter, the debt will carry and the contract will pa.s.s to him.

For the twins, nothing makes sense anymore, House Weasley has always been a va.s.sal of House Potter, going against their lord was the ultimate treachery only below murder, the very thing they eagerly accept. While he wasn't a Potter anymore, their fate was sealed the instant they enter the circle. Without anyone noticing, two runic circle traces in his palms and collapse, two lightning bolt rushing, striking the two and claiming the life of the forswearer.

The crowd froze at the sight, while mundane born couldn't help but thinks of a certain Naboo representant of the galactic council.

"Your turn Dumbledore, either step down or made your move, your choice."

While he knows his magical knowledge was nothing against the old wizard, his body was ways above him and would be able to react hopefully before the spell strike. He knows that the old codger knows wandless magic but nothing of the order to be a real use in this situation.

As predicted, the man raises its wand, even if Alex didn't have his. While staying silent, he moves his wand in a skillful and fluid motion.

His spell wasn't aimed at Alex but the fire around him. While he would have preferred water than fire, he wasn't in a position to chose.

While all of this was going through his mind, he lost Alex's sight, the time his brain absorb and compute his sight, the young boy was already in front of the old man, way too near for him do be able to do something.

Extending both palms against its ribcage, Alex completes his motion and runic circle. Because they were hidden by its chest, yet again, no one was able to see the circles. As soon as they collapse, magic transform and take the way he so wished through his art, sending a concentrated shockwave that shatters the old man weak bones, turning the organs inside to mush under the highly concentrated amounts of splinters size crushed bones.

Without organs able to perform their duty, he starts to chokes and suffers from heavy internal bleeding.

Not all understand what they were seeing when he falls on his knees as his eyes glazed before he collapses on the ground never again raising. As the last remaining of life exit his corpse, the ring dies down.

"I Alexander Daren Evans claim victory against my foes. As of today, House Potter is dead. As of today, House Peverell is dead. As of today, House Gryffindor is dead. What was mine is now mine, so I say, so mote it be!"

Answering his claim, the sky clear in a bolt of soundless lightning. Done with everything, Alex took Susan's hand with him and slightly tug as he walks, making her mechanically follow him toward the exit. With Luna doing the same for Hermione, the for vanish and h.e.l.l broke free in the all at the implication of the few last seconds.

Victor's gaze has long since turn serious at the display of magic previously, wandless magic is rare after all, seeing elemental wandless magic of this power? Few if any could boost to be able to such display. Seeing it from a fourteen-year-old boy that he will confront in less than three weeks? It terrifies him but was doing his best to not show anything, not that someone would care now.

For fleur, it was completely the opposite. Veelas are creatures of pa.s.sion and magic. While the other think they are s.l.u.ts and would sleep with anyone for s.e.x, it couldn't be furthest from the truth. Only Veela choosing to commit before founding their mate would slip in such depravity, bringing down with them the entire race reputation. Another misconception is that Veela blood loss in purity with each pa.s.sing generation, false. How could they still be Veela around otherwise? A Veela will always be a pureblood Veela, like every daughter she will birth.

As creatures of magic and pa.s.sion, they routes all around the world in order to found their mate. She herself choose to partic.i.p.ate in the off chance that he would be in England. As they would mate with magical beings, Hogwarts was the only destination for those land.

When she arrived, she couldn't help but be disappointed, the isle was the last place inside Europe for her before she needs to go oversea to found her mate. Worst, the island was full of l.u.s.tful inbreed little s.h.i.t. Not a single of them was able to resist her allure and fall on each other in front of her.

Because of this, Veela has long since cultivated the art of controlling their emotions in order to rein in their short temper. With the reputation few of them had bring to the entire race, they couldn't help but appears stand-offish, otherwise they would be taken advantage of. Once tainted, a Veela wouldn't be able to found her mate and would sink in s.e.xual pleasure in order to fill the sensation of nothingness inside them, but be forever unable to do so.

When her name came from the goblet, she regains a little of hope. If she was chosen as champion, then, if he was present here, so would her mate. As the previous Bulgarian name came out of the goblet, she dismisses him, already knowing it wasn't him. When the Hogwarts champion came in the antechamber, her rising hope crash down, now knowing she would need to go further away.

Her throughs were interrupted when the professors and Headmasters irrupt in the room, clearly worried and angry, a levitating boy following them. She didn't pay attention to the worm for more than a second. The boy was pathetic, a low amount of magic, and a one-tracked mind like the rest of the others one here, even worst.

While they spoke, she was starting to plan for a trip to a different school in America, perhaps working for the goblin, she should gain a few opportunities to travel to different interesting places. Her throughs was once against interrupted when it was question of a fifth champion.

'Fifth? This tournament has turned in a complete joke.'

Not willing to lost time anymore, she had shut her surrounding down until it was time to return to her room in the carriage. Not knowing what would hit the following morning.

Like any others from Beauxbatons, she had rejoined the great hall for breakfast or what past for it there. Feeding on a few toasts she completely froze when she feels something approaching, something powerful and dangerous. She only breaks free of the hold it has on her when like the rest of the hall hear a squeal of joy.

The moment she sees it, her instinct scream at her and she could barely restrain herself. He was nothing like the other, a monster among sheep, a sun in the night sky, oozing raw power like nothing along with this animal aura. She has found the only candidate that even roost her instinct but she holds herself, she needs to know before even thinking of approaching him, not that it was easy for her.

He pa.s.ses her first test without knowing it, brushing off her full blast allure while being just next to her without even knowing!

On the following days, she could see more and more of Alex. When she heard his name, she uses anything at her disposition to know all about him, her parents fully supporting her, knowing that it was time for her to quit the family and devote herself to her mate if she could found him. Like her, they were worried that she still hadn't found him. So when she contacts the enclave to found information on him, her mother does everything she can to help her daughter.

What she found was few, the boy was three years younger, surprising her since he seems already mature, but what was three years when the most average wizards live for at least 150? With the amount she could feel from him, he would easily live until 300 if nothing happens to him in between.

When she read that he was sent to Azkaban and the reason, she couldn't help but became happier and happier, that dreaded place didn't seem to have an impact on him even after three years! As time pa.s.s she caught herself thinking more and more to him, knowing that he was the one, and she only needs a few minutes alone with him to seal her fate. Those same minutes where dreaded one for her, knowing that should she be rejected, she wouldn't be able to live with it.

So she hesitates to speak to him. While, like any Veela, she possesses a perfect physic and was largely endowed is the right place, but it was her future mate and she couldn't help the nervousness and other dark emotions stop her to speak to him.

But all this became irrelevant today, she saw him going against a powerful wizard and crush him like an ant, what was eating her was his interaction with the red hair. A Veela would never steal another mate and when she ear that he already have a betrothal contract with her, her hope nearly shatters.

She needs to speak with him, she needs to know, even if it hurt, she needs it, she needs him.

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Trinity: Omniverse Traveling Cat 71 The Day Everything Would Change summary

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