
Trinity: Omniverse Traveling Cat 39 A Normal Sunday

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The day pa.s.ses peacefully for Alex being Sunday, he was able to stay in his room the entire day, between the books that he constantly absorbs from the manor and the mundane world copied through elf magic from Library across the world, he delves as much as possible in Pa.r.s.elrune.

Is objective for the moment was the creation of a magic circle that would serve as a base and replaces this world cl.u.s.ter, in particular, the heart of the magic circle. Since he was able to engrave a three runic circle, a single rune circle should be possible too.

The first part has been easy, he successfully transcribes quite a few runes. The problem is that it was in a constant active state, one of his attempts was a stunner runic circle. By transcribing the rune 'Stupefix' and circling it the runic circle, it has lightened to a bright red color, showing it's successful activation. The problem was that it was constant and he has no means to control or take it as he would be stunned. Another problem was that he couldn't control the output of the rune. Since it runs off ambient magic, if he was ever to be cut for magic it would be useless, thus he came to the idea of a magic circle structure.

By weaving circle on the circle, he would be able to obtain one. But for this to work, he needs to be able to wave circle on it that would not disrupt the initial run, so he need do code those external circle. Because of this, it would multiply the difficulty of the runic circle and he would need to alter each one every time the situation his different.

It was only due to the immense amount of knowledge he has absorbed and the fact that it was his own family magic that he was able to do it, being instantly guided in the right path. In an entire day of nonstop work, he was able to create the first layer. When he takes a better look at it, he facepalmed at the simplicity of it.

'Why wanting to make it complex when it can be simple.'

-You shouldn't be hard on yourself bro, it, not everyone who can create a new system of magic on their own in a single day, even if it only in its infancy it still groundbreaking discovery! Will, you test it?-

'Yes, I need to know.'

Calling Bilby and informing him of what he would attempt and be on guard if anything goes wrong and act upon it. When he learned what would be attempted, the elf was overexcited, being able to witness even just an attempt of new magic was a blessing few have been blessed with.

Calming himself, he traces slowly in the air the first rune. But the moment he relaxes the influx of the Lumos spells the rune crumble. Already knowing it wouldn't be simple he starts again but for the same result. Again and again, he attempts but fails each time without any stop. While he continues to fail, his drawing speed had slowly improved each time, keeping his mind afloat as not everything was lost.

'Why it won't work, it has worked for... the door! I was doing wrong since the start, I was attempting to integrate an already existing system in my own, why if rather than 'Stupefix' I only need the core, a 'stunner'...'

Fire up from the possibility, the next rune appear in a second, the instant it appears, the rune counterclockwise rotated, the last traced point of the rune emitting a brighter light. The moment it completes its rotation, a ring of light was surrounding the rune, trapping it inside, and stabilize its existence.

"It's worked... it's worked!" Alex explodes in joy at his achievement while CS and Bilby were owed by the floating runic circle proving the birth of yet another magic system in the world. Before the euphoria of the instant completely drown him, he rapidly made appear a rain of Galleon on the floor before slamming both hands on the floor of his room. Un a flash of blue lightning arcs, the Evans clan coat of arm merges with the stone floor in a perfect slab of stone and gold.

Standing in the center of the circle, his expression turns grave as he let magic run free in his body.

"I Alexander Daren Evans, call upon the judgment of my ancestors, the magical races and magic itself for the work of my blood and magic to weight the claim of Clan Evans has the sole owner of the magic lay upon them, may they judge this one for his act!"

As the pledge run with his voice filled with magic, the entire castle rumble as a blinding light was emitted from the ritual circle on the ground. He could feel the immense amount of magic feeding the circle as the light brighten more and more. Outside, every single soul has felt the castle rumble and was starting to panic and the younger becoming hysteric for the ginormous amount of magic being felt converging in the castle itself, making them think that they were under attack.

Every magical means of communication completely shut off because of the chaotic magic fluctuation. In the Ministry of magic, the sensor in the DMLE has blown off, the grid put in the entire island to track the activity of the under usage of Magic have fried the instant the ritual circle has lit up and chaos was ensuring in the department as no one knows what was happening. The only one who has the faintest idea of what they were under was the department of mystery who was in frenzy trying to locate the foul who have the gall to attempt a ritual they have tried to erase from the annal of history due to the consequence of the failure who it would bring. When they see that they couldn't locate it they could only wait for the result and prepared to diminish as most as possible the damage.

Unaware that he has plonged the wizarding Britain in chaos, Alex waits as the light receding and let place to the one summoned by the ritual appear. On is right, a frail-looking elderly appear, seeming lose for a moment before his gaze land on him, the circle and the still ongoing light. Saying nothing he waits for the other to came.

At his right, the tallest goblin Alex ever seen was the next. Clad in full regalia, he could guess of the goblin ident.i.ty. The next one to come was a wrinkled blind centaur who appear to be ready to kick the bucket any second, strangely stood straight and strongly. Lastly, the largest group appears, made of the ancestor he has already see the day he pledges his loyalty to the Evans clan along with the ghost of Salazar.

Being the oldest present, the wizard takes a step forth and spoke.

"We have been summoned to judge the advent or fall of one of my own, that the one responsible came forth and state his claim!"

Taking a deep breath, knowing full well the consequence of his act, Alex takes a step as the wizard return to his original place.

"I Alexander Daren Evans came forth before the elder and ask for their judgment as to the claim of magic for my Clan."

"You do not ask us to witness but judge? Don't you think your a little too arrogant, young wizard? The fate of your entire Clan his in your hand, should we found you lacking, you would be purged of your magic and your Clan history wiped of the history and your name disgraced for centuries, are you ready to bear such heavy responsibility?" Ask the goblin in a stoic voice filled with the promise of vengeance should he fail.

Unflinching, he sustains the penetrating gaze of the goblin. "I do." Immediately, he could feel a deep feeling of pride and wariness from his ancestors, knowing that he could do it but still worried for their descendants.

"Then process young wizard, the centaur race shall witness the prediction of the start and witness the miracle we were promised finally appear." The ethereal voice of the centaur ring as his milky white eyes shown of bright light. With a simple nod from his ancestors, he takes another step, being in the center of the ritual circle under the expecting gaze of all.

Now that he knows what he needs to do, he knows that he could easily create a three-layered runic circle without any error. Closing his eyes, joining his index and middle finger, they all gasp when their tips shined of a deep emerald light before tracing in the air. When they see that he was able to trace in the air, shivers run down their back as a completely unknown rune starts to appear. The moment of its completion, it starts spinning.

Completely immersed in his magic, three other runes start to appear around the first, and as the second circle was forming he starts to trace the following runes. Pouring all his will, magic, and feeling in his act, he opens his palm and pushes on the center rune as the last circle from. The instant the two connect, the central rune spun counterclockwise and shine strongly, and the light flow in the second circle, who spin clockwise and shine, before the last circle was filled with magic and activate, spinning counterclockwise.

As the entire runic circle activates, it immediately shrinks in the first ring and a water ball the size of is head appear out of the still present unique circle. Under the eyes of the shaking judges, he actually brings the ball to his mouth, gulping a good quant.i.ty of it, all know that you can't ingest conjured food and no existing spell could give this result. When he clenched his hand, the circle shatter, and the water fell on the ground, proving this was actual water all along.

After a complete silence of a few seconds, the old wizard spoke again after they each look at the other.

"We have witnessed your claim and recognize the legitimate claim of Clan Evans for its own magic. So mote it be!"

""So mote it be!"" as the three judges acknowledged the claim, the ritual circle shine again as magic recognize his right. At this moment, a large pulse of magic could be felt in the entire island and a certain department was once again in a complete frenzy as a new magic was born and they don't have the single clue on it.

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Trinity: Omniverse Traveling Cat 39 A Normal Sunday summary

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