
Trinity: Omniverse Traveling Cat 119 Ripples

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Still around a third of a mile away, he aims slightly higher and shoots. As the bolt activate on it own, vanishing the empty cartridge in the stock, and reload the rifle, he could see the bullet tear a chunk of the man throat, spreading blood on his surprised crewmembers.

Three shouts later, all four men manning the cannon were down, two dead, the two others rapidly losing their blood by the large gash in their neck.

Putting the rifle done, he resume is rowing, coming closer to the ship. Landing on a small band of sand on the sh.o.r.e, he rapidly jumps out, taking his two knives as the rest of the crew, having sighted him, came down.

Gazing at the increasing number of grunts, he counts 9 of them, 13 if he counts the downed one. Not a large number, but seeing the size of the monstrosity she calls a ship, it was already a good number.

He was sure it was Alvida crew, he could see the sided skull with a heart in the middle on the dark flag. Say woman doesn't seem to be anywhere for the moment, but that was fine, he wanted to see how he could far against men of this world.


On the other side, the crewmates were starting to sweat a little. The man was enormous, around two meters and a half. It wasn't a size you see every day and he wasn't that thin either. If they could consider themself fit, more than your average man, the one on the other side was muscled.

The wicked-looking white-blue, half-meter long blade he had drawn wasn't adding to their courage. They were far more intelligent than most would say them to be. Being a pirate under a 5,000,000B wanted pirate, they had learned to see the small detail about one strength.

Even without having a bounty on his head, the man they were facing was strong, perhaps not as their captain, but way out of their league, that why they didn't attack until then, more so after seeing him snipe four of them from a third of a mile away!


As the stalemate continues, Alex chooses to be the tiebreaker. Launching at them, he takes into every reaction. When his two knives behead two of them and strike a third, they didn't seem to still react.

The sudden hot liquid splashing them seems to extirpate them of their stupor, but they had already lost a third of their number and soon two other. While he was taking his blades out of their fleshy sheath, one of them had pointed his gun at him.

'too slow.' Think him as he tilts his head on the side a fraction of second before the hammer came down and ignite the power.

As the bullet barely graze his neck, ruffling his hair, his left knife had sectioned the man wrist and the right entered his head.

'Four down, five to go.'

Spinning on himself while lowering his centre of gravity, two others were gutted by the descending blades. Pushing them away by a backflip, his foot striking the men with his boots, he draws one of his knives to an incoming man with a power-strike of his blade. While still in motion, he catches the pistol and it's still attached hand, shouting the furthest.

'Six down, three to go.'

Lunging at the rest of the pirates the moment he lands, he catches by the hand, a wide strike from a frightening pirate, plunging the blade into his crewmate, shouting the last one. Sneaking around, one of his tail retrieve the drawn knife, lodging it into the still held man in the neck, and twist.


Letting the wide-eyed dead man fall, Alex looked around.

'Weak, the east blue pirates are too weak. They were supposed to be among the strongest in the surrounding.'

-You can't judge them with your criteria. In this part of the world, the only pirate that will give you some fight are the three highest bounties, if you don't snipe them down.-

Hearing the soft sound of crunched sand, he turned his head, seeing another dingy accosting near his own. The figure on it was barely fitting in, sinking it deeper in the sand.


Looking at Alvida, I could see the similarity with the manga. Seeing her sweating body in the heat and effort was far from complimenting her already clashing pink, strained, shirt. Her gaze sees to fix on me for a few seconds before taking in the rest of her past crew.

Screaming away at me, she burst the small boat as she runs to me her mace high in the air.

'Time to see if I fare against her.'

Accepting the challenge, I pour everything I had in my sprint, my arms ready to strike.

Being a short bank of sand, we were facing each other in a few second. The moment she brings down her mace, my closed fist were already sinking in her stomach. It was the first time that I was striking something that fat, and I know that I won't be doing it again any time soon.

I could see the comical ripple of her fat from the shock. Her mace was left behind while her body was propelled away. It wasn't anything like Luffy, sending her miles away, but I could see her body vanish to the other side of the island, above the tree.

"Time to loot!"

Starting by the concrete shed not far, I could see an already diminished supply of food, all vanishing in my storage. The second one was smaller and contain few barrels, opening them, most had water but some were so cheap alcohol, from the strong odour.

Closing them, I store them away. Looking around, I couldn't see any strong trail on the ground around.

'They must live in the ship, only coming down to store and restock. Turning at the downed men, I trans.m.u.te them into fertilizer, spreading it on the gra.s.ses around will storing the weapons and roll of fabric from their clothes.

Boarding the ship, I loot anything on the deck, throwing the bodies in the water for some sharks. The cannon would be useful for me so I keep them. Looing inside of the ship, I could see that they were rather poor. Only founding around 15,000B from the men quarter. Storing everything that I can make my hand on, I was soon only left with Albida room.


Pink, all over, from the hull to the mast, interior like the exterior, everything was pink. Shaking my head, I loot the entire room without looking, rapidly making my way out. Done, the monstrosity was changed into a large wooden beam and stored.

Only left with the boat she returns with, I could see a cracked barrel, still leaking water, and the bloodied corpse of a pinkette.

-Seems that it was the boy they blow early.-

"Hum, wait does it me that..." I had barely touched the barrel that a window pops up.

{[Hidden Objective: Side. "Sunken Plot."]

Monkey D. Luffy, while a kind boy, is a moron, take care of the boy anyways you see fit.

Objective: Join the boy in is crew; take him in your crew Or take care of the problem.

Feeling a sinking feeling in my chest, I tore the cracked barrel open, only to see a second corpse, on in a sleeveless red shirt, blue short and sandal, a straw hat full of water on his back.

'CS, remember the cracking soon before we land?'



-Oh, boy, Garp will be p.i.s.sed.-

'Claim the reward, they're nothing to do about it anymore.'

I take the straw hat, storing it while cleaning any evident that Monkey D. Luffy had existed in this world.

"What do ..."

Not understanding it at first, I rapidly look in the goods taken from Alvida, and sure, I found a light purple melon-like fruit sporting swirls on it.

{[Fruit: Gomu-gomu no mi

Type: Paramecia.

-What now?-

"I have gained a map of the surrounding waters from Alvida, and the necessaries gears to navigate in the good the direction."

Taking it, I could see that the island wasn't that far from Sh.e.l.l town it was the nearest.

Boarding my small boat, I start to make my way to the town, knowing that since Luffy appears, Zoro should already be there. While I don't count on doing everything similar, there isn't much to do differently from the start. Nami his a must, as Sanji is. Usopp can stay and sprout all the lies he wants on his island, but I will need cash and a juicy 16,000,000B bounty there.

As a seen opponent, I might gain his skill as a bonus if I take him down.

Looking at the compa.s.s and the direction on the map, I start to sail to Sh.e.l.l town.


3 view POV

While not having any real experience on navigation, Alex had long side learn the basic in the HP world. From the map, he had deduced that it wouldn't take more than a few hours to join the island. Not wanting to take any risk, he starts to grow rather than let the current take him.

The estimation was made for a boat needing to depend on wind to move, rowing, Alex would arrive sooner.


As he was hoping, five hours later, the outline of the highly slope island with the two twoers of the marine base was starting to come to sight. Adjusting his position a little, he docks on the pier, among other embarkation.

As he made his way in the city, more than one gaze turns at him. Towering over the taller by at least 60 centimetres he was far from pa.s.sing unnoticed. Looking around, in case something was worth, he spots a little girl with a wicker basket, trying to sneak off by the back door of a restaurant.


Thinking knowing the pig-tail sporting little girl, he follows her. When they exit the city, and near it outskirt, where the base was, his suspicion was answered. Looking a little from afar, he saw her take the wooden ladder from the bushes, putting it against the wall and climb, peek around every step.

As she vanishes to the other side, Alex approaches the wall, put his hand on the edge and pull. Being only 2m50 high, they weren't a real obstacle. Looking in the inside of the base, he sees the first difference in this world. Rather than Zoro, A busty dark-blue haired young woman was tied to the post. By her gaunt look, the dark circle beneath her eyes and the dirtied and slightly torn stat of her clothes, she seems to be here for quite a time already.


"Onee-chan, I made you onigiri." Say the little girl proudly displaying her creation the girl tied to the post.

Seeing the little girl defy the order of the marines made her worried, looking around, she sight, seeing that none was around.

"Rika, I have told you already, you shouldn't come here, it dangerous." Say her as kindly as her raspy voice let her.

"But onee-chan..." Start' her, her eyes watering, only for them to hear the wire rack being open on the obnoxious voice of a snot noised boy squeaking.

"Tut tut tut, what have we here? A trespa.s.ser feeding a prisoner? You know that I will have to execute you now. Hiehiehiehie"

Hearing the voice and creepy laugh of Hermep, both turn to look at the three entering the ground with horror. Rika because of the boy, and the other for the little girl life.

From the wire rack, two soldiers walking a step behind a dark purple, near-black suit, wearing boy with the worst blow shaped haircut now with hime-style bangs. Shamelessly taking one of the onigiris from the shaking Rika, he bites in, before spitting it at the young girl face, stomping on the rest.

"You're worthless sleazebag! Haven't you any shame, spatting the food she made on her face!" Shoot her, nearly broking her voice after all the days of starvation.

The sole response she earns was a backhand slap before he gropes one of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"You know, nothing of this would have happened if you had followed my order like a good girl." Grin perversely the boy, leering at her chest, before ripping the tattered cloth. He was about to do the same with her bra, only for rika to stomp on his foot.

"Let Onee-chan alone your bully!"

Howling at his crushed toes, he looks murderously at the angry little girl.

"You! You dare to attack me! The son of Captain Morgan! I had enough of you, you too, shoot the trespa.s.ser!" Shoot him at Rika before turning at the two soldiers, pointing at the once again shaking the little girl." Let see how mommy will react when I'll send you body back!"

Following the order, the two men rise their rifle, aiming at the shivering little girl who had closed her eyes.

"Hermep, don't do that! Leave Rika alone!" Tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

Hearing her, her turn at here, a lecherous grin splitting his face.

"You know what I want, Kuina."

"Alright, I will sleep with you, but let her out of this." Hearing the broken tone of Kuina, he burst into a mad cackling.

"Hiehiehiehie, to think that the feared 'pirate huntress' would take the burn for a little girl, how chivalrous." Say him, before his look turns vicious. "But you should have done what I wanted from the start, now, a little girl will die because you refused the first time I ordered you to do so." Finish in in a faked sad tone, mocking Kuina, taking pleasure into the aggrieved look on her face."Do it!"

"No!" Scream Kuina, fighting to broke her bonds when she hears the sound of the hammer clicks. Her gaze locked on the squirming and sobbing form of the balled Rika, her hand on her hears.

'No, Rika! I can't let her die! I should have let him have his way with me the first time he threatened her, but...! It's doesn't matter anymore, no matter who, please save her.'

She was devasted at the consequence, her father had warned her that some were ready to do anything for power, money or l.u.s.t. She just never thoughts that the son of a marine would abuse his father' position to steal, **** and murder.

While she knows pirates where sc.u.m, she had always thought that marines were righteous, now she learns too late that power, no matter who was holding it would corrupt, at the price of a little girl life.

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Trinity: Omniverse Traveling Cat 119 Ripples summary

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