
Citadel Of Faith Part 13

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For it was a hundred years ago that a Faith, which had already been oppressed by a staggering weight of untold tribulations; which had sustained shattering blows in Mazindaran, Nayriz, ?ihran and Zanjan, and indeed throughout every province in the land of its birth; which had lost its greatest exponents through the tragic martyrdom of most of the Letters of the Living, and particularly of the valiant Mulla ?usayn and of the erudite Vahid and which had been afflicted with the supreme calamity of losing its Divine Founder; was being subjected to still more painful ordeals-ordeals which robbed it of both the heroic Hujjat and of the far-famed Tahirih; which caused it to pa.s.s through a reign of terror, and to experience a blood-bath of unprecedented severity, which inflicted on it one of the greatest humiliations it has ever suffered through the attempted a.s.sa.s.sination of the sovereign himself, and which unloosed a veritable deluge of barbarous atrocities in ?ihran, Mazindaran, Nayriz and _Sh_iraz before which paled the horrors of the siege of Zanjan, and which swept no less a figure than Baha'u'llah Himself-the last remaining pillar of a Faith that had been so rudely shaken, so ruthlessly denuded of its chief b.u.t.tresses-into the subterranean dungeon of ?ihran, an imprisonment that was soon followed by His cruel banishment, in the depths of an exceptionally severe winter, from His native land to 'Iraq. To these tribulations He Himself has referred as "afflictions" that "rained" upon Him, whilst the blood shed by His companions and lovers He characterized as the blood which "impregnated" the earth with the "wondrous revelation"

of G.o.d's "might."

Nor should the momentous character of the unique event, that may be regarded as the climax and consummation of this tragic period, be overlooked or underestimated, inasmuch as its centenary synchronizes with the termination of the sixteen-month interval separating the American Baha'i Community from the conclusion of its present Plan. This unique event, the centenary of which is to be befittingly celebrated, not only in the American continent but throughout the Baha'i world, and is destined to be regarded as the culmination of the Second Seven Year Plan, is none other than the "Year Nine," antic.i.p.ated 2,000 years ago as the "third woe"

by St. John the Divine, alluded to by both _Sh_ay_kh_ A?mad and Siyyid Kazim-the twin luminaries that heralded the advent of the Faith of the Bab-specifically mentioned and extolled by the Herald of the Baha'i Dispensation in His Writings, and eulogized by both the Founder of our Faith and the Center of His Covenant. In that year, the year "after Hin"

(68), mentioned by _Sh_ay_kh_ A?mad, the year that witnessed the birth of the Mission of the promised "Qayyum," specifically referred to by Siyyid Kazim, the "requisite number" in the words of Baha'u'llah "of pure, of wholly consecrated and sanctified souls" had been "most secretly consummated." In that year, as testified by the pen of the Bab, the "realities of the created things" were "made manifest," "a new creation was born" and the seed of His Faith revealed its "ultimate perfection." In that year, as borne witness by 'Abdu'l-Baha, a hitherto "embryonic Faith"

was born. In that year, while the Blessed Beauty lay in chains and fetters, in that dark and pestilential pit, "the breezes of the All-Glorious," as He Himself described it, "were wafted" over Him. There, whilst His neck was weighted down by the Qara-Guhar, His feet in stocks, breathing the fetid air of the Siyah-_Ch_al, He dreamed His dream and heard, "on every side," "exalted words," and His "tongue recited" words that "no man could bear to hear."

There, as He Himself has recorded, under the impact of this dream, He experienced the onrushing force of His newly revealed Mission, that "flowed" even as "a mighty torrent" from His "head" to His "breast,"

whereupon "every limb" of His body "would be set afire." There, in a vision, the "Most Great Spirit," as He Himself has again testified, appeared to Him, in the guise of a "Maiden" "calling" with "a most wondrous, a most sweet voice" above His Head, whilst "suspended in the air" before Him and, "pointing with her finger" unto His head, imparted "tidings which rejoiced" His "soul." There appeared above the horizon of that dungeon in the city of ?ihran, the rim of the Orb of His Faith, whose dawning light had, nine years previously, broken upon the city of _Sh_iraz-an Orb which, after suffering an eclipse of ten years, was destined to burst forth, with its resplendent rays, upon the city of Ba_gh_dad, to mount its zenith in Adrianople, and to set eventually in the prison-fortress of Akka.

Such is the year we are steadily approaching. Such is the year with which the fortunes of the Second Seven Year Plan have been linked. As the tribulations, humiliations and trials inflicted on the Cause of G.o.d in Persia, a century ago, moved inexorably towards a climax, so must the present austerity period, inaugurated a hundred years later, in the continent of America, to reflect the privations and sacrifices endured so stoically by the dawn-breakers of the Heroic Age of the Faith witness, as it approaches its culmination, a self-abnegation on the part of the champion-builders of the World Order of Baha'u'llah, laboring in the present Formative Age of His Faith, which, at its best, can be regarded as but a faint reflection of the self-sacrifice so gloriously evinced by their spiritual forbears.


The objectives of the Second Seven Year Plan, the concluding phase of which has synchronized with this period of nation-wide austerity, have, it must be recognized, been in the main, attained. The pillars which must needs add their strength in supporting the future House of Justice have, according to the schedule laid down, been successively erected in the Dominion of Canada and in Latin America. The European Teaching Campaign-the second outstanding enterprise launched, beyond the confines of the North American continent, in pursuance of the Mandate, issued by 'Abdu'l-Baha to Baha'u'llah's valiant "Apostles"-has not only achieved its original aims, but exceeded all expectations through the formation of a local spiritual a.s.sembly in the capital city of each of the ten goal countries included within its scope. The interior ornamentation of the Mother Temple of the West has, before its appointed time, been completed.

Other tasks, no less vital, still remain to be carried, in the course of a fast shrinking period, to a successful conclusion. The landscaping of the area surrounding a structure whose foundations and exterior and interior ornamentation have demanded, for so many years, so much effort and such constant sacrifice, must, under no circ.u.mstances, and while there is yet time, be neglected, lest failure to achieve this final task mar the beauty of the approaches of a national shrine which provide so suitable a setting for an edifice at once so sacred and n.o.ble. The responsibilities solemnly undertaken to consolidate and multiply the administrative inst.i.tutions throughout all the states of the Union-a task that has of late been allowed to fall into abeyance, and has been eclipsed by the spectacular success attending the shining exploits of the American Baha'i Community in foreign fields-must be speedily and seriously reconsidered, for upon the constant broadening and the steady reinforcement of this internal administrative structure, which provides the essential base for future operations in all the continents of the globe, must depend the vigor, the rapidity and the soundness of the future crusades which must needs be launched in the service, and for the glory of the Faith of Baha'u'llah, and in obedience to the stirring summons issued by the Center of His Covenant in some of His most weighty Tablets. Above all, the acc.u.mulating deficit which has lately again thrown its somber shadow on an otherwise resplendent record of service, must, through a renewed display of self-abnegation, which, though not commensurate with the sacrifice of so many souls immolated on the altar of the Faith of Baha'u'llah, may at least faintly reflect its poignant heroism, be obliterated, once and for all, from the record of a splendid stewardship to His Faith.

There can be no doubt-and I am the first to proudly acknowledge it-that, ever since the launching of the Second Seven Year Plan, and in consequence of unexpected developments both in the Holy Land and elsewhere, the American Baha'i Community, ever ready to bear the brunt of responsibility, under the stress of unforeseen circ.u.mstances, has considerably widened the scope of its original undertakings and augmented the weight shouldered by its stalwart members. At the World Center of the Faith, in response to the urgent call for action, necessitated by the imperative needs of the rising Sepulcher of the Bab, the formation of the Baha'i International Council, and the establishment of the State of Israel, as well as in the continent of Africa, where the appointed, the chief trustees of a divinely conceived, world-encompa.s.sing Plan could not well remain unmoved by the sight of the first attempts being made to introduce systematically the Faith of Baha'u'llah and to implant its banner amongst its tribes and races, the American Baha'i Community have a.s.sumed responsibilities well exceeding the original duties they had undertaken to discharge. This twofold opportunity that providentially presented itself to them, to contribute to the rise and consolidation of the World Center of their Faith, and to the spiritual re-awakening of a long-neglected continent, must, however, be exploited to the fullest extent, if the early completion of the most sacred edifice, next to the Qiblih of the Baha'i world, is to be a.s.sured, and if the executors of 'Abdu'l-Baha's Plan are to retain untarnished the primacy conferred upon them by its Author.

That primacy will be demonstrated and re-emphasized as the representatives of this privileged community take their place, and a.s.sume their functions, at each of the four Intercontinental Baha'i Teaching Conferences which are to be convened in the course of, and which must signalize, the world-wide celebrations of the Centenary of the Year Nine. Playing a preponderating role, as the custodians of a Divine Plan, in the global crusade which all the Baha'i national spiritual a.s.semblies, without exception, must, in various degrees and combinations, launch on the morrow of the forthcoming Centenary, and during the entire course of the ten-year interval separating them from the Most Great Jubilee, they must, upon the consummation of their present Plan, deliberate, together with their ally the Canadian National a.s.sembly, and their a.s.sociates, the newly formed National Spiritual a.s.semblies of Central and South America, on the occasion of the convocation of the approaching All-American Teaching Conference, on ways and means whereby they can best contribute to the establishment of the Faith, not only throughout the Americas and their neighboring islands, but in the chief sovereign states and dependencies of the remaining continents of the globe.


For unlike the First and Second Seven Year Plans, inaugurated by the American Baha'i Community, the scope of the Third Seven Year Plan, the termination of which will mark the conclusion of the first epoch in the evolution of the Master Plan designed by 'Abdu'l-Baha, will embrace all the continents of the earth, and will bring the central body directing these widely ramified operations into direct contact with all the national a.s.semblies of the Baha'i world, which, in varying degrees, will have to contribute their share to the world establishment of the Cause of Baha'u'llah, as prophesied by 'Abdu'l-Baha and envisioned by Daniel-a consummation that, G.o.d willing, will be befittingly celebrated on the occasion of the Most Great Jubilee commemorating the hundredth anniversary of the formal a.s.sumption by Baha'u'llah of His Prophetic Office.

The vision now disclosed to the eyes of this community is indeed enthralling. The tasks which, if that vision is to be fulfilled, must be valiantly shouldered by its members are staggering. The time during which so herculean a task is to be performed is alarmingly brief. The period during which so gigantic an operation must be set in motion, prosecuted and consummated, coincides with the critical, and perhaps the darkest and most tragic, stage in human affairs. The opportunities presenting themselves to them are now close at hand. The invisible battalions of the Concourse on High are mustered, in serried ranks, ready to rush their reinforcements to the aid of the vanguard of Baha'u'llah's crusaders in the hour of their greatest need, and in antic.i.p.ation of that Most Great, that Wondrous Jubilee in the joyfulness of which both heaven and earth will partake. 'Abdu'l-Baha, the Founder of this community and the Author of the Plan which const.i.tutes its birthright, to Whose last wishes its members so marvelously responded; the Bab, the Centenary of Whose Revelation this same community so magnificently celebrated, and to the building of whose Sepulcher it has given so fervent a support; Baha'u'llah Himself, to the glory of Whose Name so stately an edifice it has raised, will amply bless and repay its members if they but persevere on the long road they have so steadfastly trodden, and pursue, with undimmed vision, with unrelaxing resolve and unshakable faith, their onward march towards their chosen goal.

That this community, so young in years, yet withal so rich in exploits, may, in the months immediately ahead, as well as in the years immediately following this coming Jubilee, maintain, untarnished and unimpaired, its record of service to our beloved Faith, that it may further embellish, through still n.o.bler feats, its annals, is the dearest wish of my heart, and the object of my constant supplications at the Holy Threshold.

[November 23, 1951]


Deeply touched by reconsecration and readiness to sacrifice. Praying for fulfilment of your hopes. Advise allocate substantial portion of budget to meet continual needs arising at International Center of Faith.

[May 3, 1952]


My soul is uplifted in joy and thanksgiving at the triumphant conclusion of the Second Seven Year Plan immortalized by the brilliant victories simultaneously won by the vanguard of the hosts of Baha'u'llah in Latin America, in Europe and in Africa-victories befittingly crowned through the consummation of a fifty year old enterprise, the completion of the first Ma_sh_riqu'l-A_dh_kar of the western world. The signal success that has attended the second collective enterprise undertaken in the course of American Baha'i history climaxes a term of stewardship to the Faith of Baha'u'llah, of almost three score years' duration-a period which has enriched the annals of the concluding epoch of the Heroic, and shed l.u.s.ter on the first thirty years of the Formative Age of the Baha'i Dispensation.

So fecund a period has been marked by teaching activities unexcelled throughout the western world and has been distinguished by administrative exploits unparalleled in the annals of any Baha'i national community whether in the East or in the West. I am impelled, on the occasion of the anniversary of the Most Great Festival, coinciding with a triple celebration-the dedication of the Mother Temple of the West, the launching of a World Spiritual Crusade and the commemoration of the Birth of Baha'u'llah's Mission-to pay warmest tribute to the preeminent share which the American Baha'i Community has had in the course of over half a century in proclaiming His Revelation, in shielding His Cause, in championing His Covenant, in erecting the administrative machinery of His embryonic World Order, in expounding His teachings, in translating and disseminating His Holy Word, in dispatching the messengers of His Glad Tidings, in awakening royalty to His Call, in succoring His oppressed followers, in routing His enemies, in upholding His Law, in a.s.serting the independence of His Faith, in multiplying the financial resources of its nascent inst.i.tutions and, last but not least, in rearing its greatest House of Worship-the first Ma_sh_riqu'l-A_dh_kar of the western world.

The hour is now ripe for this greatly gifted, richly blessed community to arise and reaffirm, through the launching of yet another enterprise, its primacy, enhance its spiritual heritage, plumb greater depths of consecration and capture loftier heights in the course of its strenuous and ceaseless labors for the exaltation of G.o.d's Cause.

The Ten Year Plan, const.i.tuting the third and final stage of the initial epoch in the evolution of 'Abdu'l-Baha's Master Plan, which, G.o.d willing, will raise to greater heights the fame of the stalwart American Baha'i Community, and seat it upon "the throne of an everlasting dominion,"

envisaged by the Author of the Tablets of this same Plan, involves:

First, the opening of the following virgin territories, eleven in Africa: Cape Verde Islands, Canary Islands, French Somaliland, French Togoland, Mauritius, Northern Territories Protectorate, Portuguese Guinea, Reunion Island, Spanish Guinea, St. Helena and St. Thomas Island; eight in Asia: Caroline Islands, Dutch New Guinea, Hainan Island, Kazakhstan, Macao Island, Sakhalin Island, Tibet and Tonga Islands; six in Europe: Andorra, Azores, Balearic Islands, Lofoten Islands, Spitzbergen and Ukraine; and four in America: Aleutian Islands, Falkland Islands, Key West and Kodiak Island.

Second, the consolidation of the Faith in the following territories, six in Asia: China, Formosa, j.a.pan, Korea, Manchuria, Philippine Islands; two in Africa: Liberia and South Africa; twelve in Europe: the ten goal countries, Finland and France; three in America: the Hawaiian Islands, Alaska and Puerto Rico.

Third, the extension of a.s.sistance to the National Spiritual a.s.semblies of the Baha'is of Central and South America, as well as to the National Spiritual a.s.sembly of the Baha'is of Italy and Switzerland in forming twenty national spiritual a.s.semblies in the republics of Latin America and two in Europe, namely in Italy and Switzerland; the extension of a.s.sistance for the establishment of a national Haziratu'l-Quds in the capital of each of the aforementioned countries as well as of national Baha'i endowments in these same countries.

Fourth, the establishment of ten national spiritual a.s.semblies in the following European countries: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal, France and Finland.

Fifth, the establishment of a national spiritual a.s.sembly in j.a.pan and one in the South Pacific Islands.

Sixth, the establishment of the National Spiritual a.s.sembly of the Baha'is of Alaska.

Seventh, the establishment of the National Spiritual a.s.sembly of the Baha'is of South and West Africa.

Eighth, the incorporation of each of the fourteen above-mentioned national spiritual a.s.semblies.

Ninth, the establishment of national Baha'i endowments by these same national spiritual a.s.semblies.

Tenth, the establishment of a national Haziratu'l-Quds in the capital city of each of the eleven of the aforementioned countries, as well as one in Anchorage, one in Suva, and one in Johannesburg.

Eleventh, the erection of the first dependency of the first Ma_sh_riqu'l-A_dh_kar of the western world.

Twelfth, the extension of a.s.sistance for the purchase of land for four future Temples, two in Europe: in Stockholm and Rome; one in Central America, in Panama City; and one in Africa, in Johannesburg.

Thirteenth, the completion of the landscaping of the grounds of the Ma_sh_riqu'l-A_dh_kar in Wilmette.

Fourteenth, the raising to one hundred of the number of incorporated local a.s.semblies within the American Union.

Fifteenth, the raising to three hundred of the number of local spiritual a.s.semblies in that same country.

Sixteenth, the incorporation of spiritual a.s.semblies in the leading cities of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Spain and Portugal, as well as of the Spiritual a.s.semblies of Paris, of Helsingfors, of Tokyo, of Suva and of Johannesburg.

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