
Celta: Heart Choice Part 36

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Stachys swayed. T'Reed steadied him.

Straif raised Mitch.e.l.la's fingers to his lips and bowed over them. Energy sizzled to her core. Then he tucked her hand into his elbow. "GentleLady Clover, I found your ward hardy and healthy and have returned Antenn to your Family. He is at the Clover Compound."

"Thank you, GrandLord. My heart is eased at the knowledge." She wanted to throw herself in his arms and rain kisses over his face, question him in detail about Antenn, but the situation prevented it.

He glanced at the three. "Again, you remind those of the Councils of my usefulness in retrieving lost ones," he said. "And pray that the great Flair I have for tracking doesn't die with me."

That should certainly give his detractors pause, even when they thought of him pursuing his quest. But it only reminded Mitch.e.l.la that, HeartMate or not, he would never HeartBond with her. She didn't know if she could bear the pain. Though the project of restoring the Residence was almost done, she had Antenn back. She might be able to squeeze a few more days and nights with Straif into her life before they both moved on. After all, she'd never made love to him as a HeartMate.

"Blessings upon you," T'Reed said. He set an arm around Stachys, and they disappeared. GentleLady Kudzu slipped away.

Mitch.e.l.la's mind spun with dizziness, with Straif's familiar scent mixing with the odor of burning logs.

"I'm sorry you had to endure that," Straif waved at the papyrus still on the small desk. "I 'ported as soon as I realized something was wrong-I was at your Family's place."

She grabbed at him. Found herself trembling in his arms, holding back sobs.

"Shhhhh." He patted her back. "It's all right. We are all back safe and sound."

"Antenn is all right?"

"Not a scratch on him. Though you might find him more mature than he was when he left. We came to an understanding."

"You're all right." Her hands measured the strength of his back, stroked his sides, went to his b.u.t.t.

He choked. "Antenn's on his way by glider. He'll be here in a few minutes, but I want you in my bed, now. We'll 'port. Hold on tight."

She wanted nothing more to be able to do that forever. When they came together, she ravished him. And when they shared the waterfall, she touched him with tenderness. Earlier she'd thought she'd never made love to him as if he were a beloved HeartMate, linked with her. But she'd been wrong. She'd loved him like that since their first kiss.

Hand-in-hand they walked to the front door together, but in the entry hall, the Residence announced, "An incoming message from Nuada's Sword for you, T'Blackthorn, it starts 'Good News'."

Mitch.e.l.la's stomach clutched. She twisted her fingers from Straif and pasted on a calm smile. "Sounds like you might finally have succeeded in your quest." She brushed her lips against his cheek. "Go check on the message, I need to meet Antenn."


She didn't turn back, just waved a hand and walked forward. When she got outside the Residence, she raced to the gates, wanting the pumping of blood in her head to drown out thought.

Antenn arrived in a hired glider. The rain had stopped, the clouds had blown away, leaving the bright sunlight of a perfect spring day. The warmth of the sun on her face, sinking into her clothes, steadied her. She inhaled, held her breath, and when she exhaled, she sent the negative emotions that had lodged in her-anxiety, fear, despair, anger-away with her breath.

Antenn hadn't fully emerged from the vehicle when she scooped him up in a tight hug, tears running down her face again.

"The Clovers have already set my punishments for running away!" he announced, but clutched at her, too.

She was glad her family had dealt with the disobedience, because she'd be too hard on him for the worry he'd put her through, or too soft because he was back and safe. She set him on his feet and knew that she'd never pick him up like a boy again, he had matured.

Sniffling, she patted his shoulder. "Welcome home, child of my heart."

"If I'm the child of your heart, why didn't you adopt me!" he cried, then turned his face, but not before Mitch.e.l.la saw his own tears.

She was stunned. She'd never known he wanted that. Never known, until now, how much she wanted that legal connection between them. Had she been punishing herself for not being fertile?

She pressed some softleaves into Antenn's hand, waited until he discreetly wiped his face, then walked with him up the gliderway. "It's too late to go to the GuildHall today, but first thing tomorrow we'll go to the Clerk of the Councils and start the adoption process."

He lifted his face. "We will?"

Mitch.e.l.la took his hand and squeezed his fingers. "Yes. I don't know why I didn't adopt you before. I guess I thought you wouldn't want to give up your own name, or put yourself completely under my authority."

Antenn scowled and rubbed his nose. "Nothing special about the Moss name or bloodlines. I don't know if there are any more of us . . . my two uncles went south to the continent of Brittany a long time ago." He sniffed, then blew his nose again. "I don't care if I'm a Moss. I'd rather be a Clover."

"You'd have plenty of family, then. Interfering family."

"I might like that. And as for your authority over me. Huh. Better you than the entire legal system, than SupremeJudge Ailim Elder. The Clovers said they had to do some fast talking to her." He slowed his pace. "You've always been kind-"

"Even before I loved you." She smacked a kiss on his cheek.

He smiled, and it nearly broke her heart, it was so pleased and hopeful. Tears stung behind her eyes. "You are my son." She hugged him tight, released him.

"Right." The word was an admiring echo of Straif. Antenn looked up to T'Blackthorn's Residence. "It's very beautiful. But it's empty. Very sad, too."

She swallowed hard. "Yes." There would be no children from Straif and her. He wanted children of his blood desperately, as desperately as she once longed to carry a child inside herself. But the boy standing before her proved as nothing else that blood didn't matter. She cleared her throat. "Antenn?"

"Yes?" He glanced up at her-goodness, he'd grown and she hadn't noticed. Soon he'd pa.s.s his apprenticeship tests and become a journeyman.

"I'm happy with the two of us as a family. But do you think we might consider a younger brother or sister for you?"

His face clouded, and she knew she'd spoken too soon.

"Maybe. Just us, for now, though, right?"

She set a hand on his shoulder. "Yes, my son."

He flushed. "Let's go back to T'Blackthorn's Residence. I think we should look for a place of our own, too."

Straif came out and stood on the front steps, face impa.s.sive.

Antenn nodded to him, said under his breath, "I like him. He's a good man, but you are hurting each other too much."

"The project and the affair will be over soon." Again she sucked in a deep breath. "Finding our own rooms is a good idea. Why don't we look in MidCla.s.s Lodge where Trif lives?"

"Trif! Oh, sure." He grinned. "Trif is fun to be with."

So she took the hand of the boy who would be in her future, walked up the steps, and lightly kissed the man who would soon be in her past.

Dinner that evening was the most pleasant they'd spent together. Straif said nothing about his news from Nuada's Sword, so Mitch.e.l.la pushed it to the back of her mind and refrained from mentioning that she and Antenn would be looking for lodgings.

She had announced with great pride that Antenn and she would be filing formal adoption papers, and Straif seemed genuinely pleased. He called for a small bottle of champagne and toasted them. Even Antenn got a sip of the sparkling wine in celebration.

After dinner, Antenn dragged off to his suite and Mitch.e.l.la checked on him a little later. Relief tore at her heart. She blinked back tears as he fell asleep before her eyes. Straif put a hand on her shoulder, then stepped even closer, until his body brushed hers. Her eyes dried, and she became exquisitely aware of him. "Antenn is excellent in the wild. I thought you should know."

She turned and buried her face in the crook of his neck, laughed. "As if I ever want him out of the safety of Druida ever again."

Straif patted her, and though his body was reacting to hers, the bond between them pulsed only with slightly s.e.xual feelings. He seemed distracted.

"I see what you mean by an ocean phase."

Emotions under control, Mitch.e.l.la stepped away, slipping her fingers down to link with his. Straif's gaze was on the rolling surf of Maroon Beach. He c.o.c.ked his head. "Live audio?"


"The wall is an illusion, though."

"I've set the spell to make the waves correspond with the height and force of the audio."

"Excellent." He strolled into the sitting room, again looking at the beach, then his attention focused on her. She felt it in the sparks shooting through their bond. "But then you do everything most excellently." He took her hand and cupped it behind her, shaping her fingers around his s.e.x. Shuddered. "Lord and Lady, I've missed you. More than I could ever say." He nibbled below her ear.

The waves had entered her blood, become pulsing desire.

"Straif, your cuz, Tinne Holly, has arrived by glider," the Residence said.

Straif exhaled a soft groan by her ear.

"Exactly what I didn't want to do tonight. Talk duels." He took a pace back. "Where shall we have this discussion?" he whispered.

She turned to face him, shooed her hands so that he'd leave the suite, let Antenn sleep. Outside in the corridor, she said, "I'm invited?"

He grasped both of her hands, lifted one, then the other to his lips. "I want you with me all night."

Mitch.e.l.la cleared her voice to address the Residence. "Please guide Tinne Holly to the Large Sitting Room."

Straif pressed her against the wall and took her mouth. Using lips and tongue, he kissed her until she shuddered, until he trembled, until the Residence announced in a loud voice that Tinne was waiting for them. Mitch.e.l.la got the impression that Straif, too, felt that these were the last days of their loving. The open house was next week. When they broke the kiss, she trailed her fingers over his cheek before preceding him down the stairs and into the Large Sitting Room.

The Large Sitting Room was the closest thing to a mains.p.a.ce that Mitch.e.l.la could fashion in such an elegant Residence. With a glance she made sure the room looked welcoming. Satisfaction unfurled in her. The room was versatile enough to handle rambunctious children as well as an intimate gathering of FirstFamily Lords and Ladies.

And Tinne Holly was the most ornamental thing in the chamber. Tall, with white-blond hair and gray eyes, he was every bit as handsome as his brother, Holm. Now the Holly-Heir, he appeared more serious than he'd been a year ago. He was just a year or two older than Trif, but he'd matured. But then, the broken vow affected everyone in T'Holly Household.

Tinne's marriage wristbands glowed golden, that had probably settled him, too. With a twinge, Mitch.e.l.la thought that Trif might be considering marriage. As was usual with more than ordinary Flair, she'd connected with her HeartMate during her last Pa.s.sage.

When Tinne saw Mitch.e.l.la, he bowed with all the Holly grace and charm, then greeted his cuz, Straif, with a raised eyebrow and the words, "I heard you took my name in vain today when the delegates of the Councils visited here. Always a cause for strife, Straif."

Straif winced. "My cuz, here, spares no pitiful attempt to use my name in a pun at every opportunity. All my life."

Mitch.e.l.la smiled, they weren't too different from her brothers. She nodded to Tinne, then sat on a twoseat.

Straif went to the discreet liquor cabinet at the side of the room and took out warmed brithe brandy for Tinne and chilled wine for her and himself from the small no-time storage.

"It seems to be a Holly quality, making strategic entrances after trips in the wilds," Straif said. "You had a dramatic one yourself. I was there." He sat down next to Mitch.e.l.la and played with her fingers as he sipped his wine.

Tinne smiled crookedly. "You would turn my words against me." He sipped the brandy. "Good vintage." Pointedly scanning the room, he said, "A lovely, well-cared for room, as is everything I saw inside the Residence. The grounds still need work, but I'd say you're well on the way to proving you're a fine GrandLord. Despite your little trip, and the matter of a duel. I did hear right, I'm to second you in a duel?"

Straif winced again. "I forgot to send you a note, didn't I?"

Sitting down in a wingchair, Tinne crossed his ankles. "There are expected procedures for such matters of honor. One of them is notifying the men who are going to organize the duel."

"Cave of the Dark G.o.ddess." Straif ran a hand through his hair. "I've been too long gone from Druida."

"I think everyone would agree with that," Tinne said. He uncrossed his feet and stretched his legs. "Have you thought who else would be your second? It is customary to have two."


"My sire offered but I think the Captain of the Council would be a bit too intimidating for Stachys Betony." Tinne's face hardened. "Besides, T'Holly doesn't deserve any fun."

"Fun!" Mitch.e.l.la choked on her wine and stared at the men. Suddenly she realized that she was in the company of two FirstFamily n.o.blemen. She might think of them acting like her brothers, might pretend to understand them, might be able to decorate a room in which they'd be comfortable, but their mind-sets were far too different for her to comprehend-their traditions, their status, their Flair.

Tinne sighed. "Just the reason why one doesn't discuss the details of duels before Ladies who are not warrior trained." He looked at Straif with reproof.

"Sorry." Straif partially hid his smile behind his gla.s.s. He was enjoying the discussion.

Maybe the reason she didn't understand them wasn't because they were from ancient and n.o.ble FirstFamily lines. Maybe it was because they were men. But she'd always had a good handle on men. Then again, no Clover had ever fought a duel.

"How about T'Ash as your other second?" Tinne asked.

Straif grunt. "I don't think so."

"Who, then? It's not as if you have a number of close friends here in Druida." When he spoke next, it was quietly. "Most of those who attended your Ritual wanted alliances and favors. You don't have many close friends at all."

"I'm working on that." Straif finished his wine. "Let's keep it in the Family. The T'Holly Family. Why not G'Uncle Tab?"

"Why not?" Tinne grinned. "He'd be honored. I don't think he's partic.i.p.ated in a formal duel in forty years. He'll love this." Throwing back his head, he laughed, and Mitch.e.l.la saw traces of the careless youth he'd once been. "Lady and Lord, with G'Uncle Tab in charge, this duel will be so proper it will be the talk of Druida for decades. Tab will show everyone how a duello of honor is handled. My sire will be so envious that he is not invited."

"You should get over this bitterness, Tinne," Straif said.

"And you should get over your obsession for finding a cure for your line. Don't give advice if you don't want to hear some."

Mitch.e.l.la decided a friendly comment was called for. "How's your wife?" she asked Tinne.

He smiled and relaxed back into his chair. "Genista is very well. We are doing fine, even with the tension in the Residence." He drank the last of his brandy, stood, gave a half-bow to Mitch.e.l.la, and clapped Straif on the shoulder. "I'll let Tab contact you about everything if you don't have specific ideas about time and place?"

"No." Straif stood, and Mitch.e.l.la rose.

"The duel will only be for first blood, I presume. Your honor will be satisfied at that?"

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Celta: Heart Choice Part 36 summary

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