
Butterflies and Moths Part 55

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=Noctuae.= Scarce Marvel-du-jour (_Orion_) Genus _Acronycta_ Powdered Wainscot (_Albovenosa_) Most of the species of genus _Leucania_ Flame Wainscot (_Flammea_) Silky Wainscot (_Maritima_) Small Rufous (_Rufa_) Mere Wainscot (_h.e.l.lmanni_) Concolorous (_Extrema_) Flame (_Putris_) Genus _Xylophasia_ Bird's Wing (_Scabriuscula_) Small Mottled Willow (_Exigua_) Bordered Gothic (_Reticulata_) Feathered Ear (_Leucophaea_) Large Nutmeg (_Sordida_) White Colon (_Albicolon_) Cabbage (_Bra.s.sicae_) Dot (_Persicariae_) Rustic Shoulder Knot (_Basilinea_) Union Rustic (_Connexa_) Dusky Brocade (_Gemina_) Double Lobed (_Ophiogramma_) Genus _Miana_ Treble Lines (_Trigrammica_) Mottled Rustic (_Morpheus_) Rustic (_Taraxaci_) Pale Mottled Willow (_Quadripunctata_) Reddish Buff (_Caliginosa_) Marsh Moth (_Pal.u.s.tris_) Brown Rustic (_Tenebrosa_) Turnip (_Segetum_) Heart and Dart (_Exclamationis_) Light-feathered Rustic (_Cinerea_) Sand Dart (_Ripae_) Garden Dart (_Nigricans_) Lover's Knot (_Strigula_) Double Dot (_Augur_) Flame Shoulder (_Plecta_) Double-spotted Square-spot (_Triangulum_) Ingrailed Clay (_Festiva_) Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing (_Fimbria_) Large Yellow Underwing (_p.r.o.nuba_) Gothic (_Typica_) Heart Moth (_Oo_) Genus _Dianth[oe]cia_ Broad-barred White (_Serena_) Small Angle Shades (_Luc.i.p.ara_) Angle Shades (_Meticulosa_) Green Arches (_Prasina_) Grey Arches (_Nebulosa_) Silvery Arches (_Tincta_) Pale Shining Brown (_Advena_) Northern Arches (_Exulis_) Genus Hadena (nearly all) Lychnis Shark (_Lychnitis_) Starwort Shark (_Asteris_) Cudweed Shark (_Gnaphalii_) Camomile Shark (_Chamomillae_) Shark (_Umbratica_) Genus _Habrostola_ Burnished Bra.s.s (_Chrysitis_) Plain Golden Y (_Iota_) Beautiful Golden Y (_Pulchrina_) Silver Y (_Gamma_) Scarce Silver Y (_Interrogationis_) Genus _Anarta_ Small Yellow Underwing (_Tenebrata_) Bordered Straw (_Peltigera_) Bordered Sallow (_Umbra_) Spotted Sulphur (_Trabealis_) Four-spotted (_Luctuosa_) Family _Erastriidae_ Purple Marbled (_Ostrina_) Small Marbled (_Parva_) Small Purple-barred (_Viridaria_) Mother Shipton (_Mi_) Burnet Noctua (_Glyphica_) Black Neck (_Pastinum_) Family _Herminiidae_ Family _Hypenidae_

=Geometrae.= Little Thorn (_Advenaria_) Brimstone (_Luteolata_) Speckled Yellow (_Macularia_) Orange (_Prunaria_) Barred Red (_Prosapiaria_) Scorched Wing (_Dolobraria_) Lunar Thorn (_Lunaria_) Peppered (_Betularia_) Speckled Beauty (_Angularia_) Genus _Boarmia_ Square Spot (_Consonaria_) Brindled White-spot (_Luridata_) Grey Birch (_Punctularia_) Blotched Emerald (_Pustulata_) Small Gra.s.s Emerald (_Viridata_) Common Emerald (_Strigata_) Nearly all the family _Acidaliidae_ Genus _Bapta_ Peac.o.c.k (_Notata_) Rannoch Geometer (_Brunneata_) Brown Silver-line (_Petraria_) Barred Umber (_Pulveraria_) Grey Scalloped Bar (_Belgiaria_) Frosted Yellow (_Limbaria_) Bordered White (_Piniaria_) Drab Geometer (_Murinata_) Black-veined (_Lineata_) Gra.s.s Wave (_Strigillaria_) Clouded Magpie (_Sylvata_) Scorched Carpet (_Adustata_) Clouded Border (_Marginata_) Twin-spot Carpet (_Didymata_) Grey Mountain Carpet (_Caesiata_) Striped Twin-spot Carpet (_Salicata_) Green Carpet (_Viridaria_) Genus _Emmelesia_ Most of the Pugs (_Eupithecia_) Small Seraphim (_s.e.xalisata_) Seraphim (_Halterata_) Yellow-barred Brindle (_Viretata_) Shaded Broad-bar (_Variata_) Ruddy High-flier (_Ruberata_) Purple Bar (_Ocellata_) Beautiful Carpet (_Albicillata_) Genus _Melanippe_ Royal Mantle (_Cucullata_) Flame (_Rubidata_) Genus _Coremia_ Yellow Sh.e.l.l (_Bilineata_) Fern (_Tersata_) Oblique Carpet (_Vittata_) Small Waved Umber (_Vitalbata_) Scalloped Sh.e.l.l (_Undulata_) Brown Scallop (_Vetulata_) Short-cloak Carpet (_Picata_) Broken-barred Carpet (_Corylata_) Common Marbled Carpet (_Truncata_) Small Ph[oe]nix (_Silaceata_) Small Mallow (_Limitata_) Belle (_Plumbaria_) Oblique-striped (_Virgata_) Treble Bar (_Plagiata_) Pale Grey Carpet (_Griseata_) Chimney Sweep (_Atrata_)


The number of species on the wing in July is even greater than in June.

b.u.t.terflies are very numerous, some being second broods of double-brooded species, and others late single-brooded insects.

_Sphinges_ are beginning to fall off, and so are the _Bombyces_, but the _Noctuae_ and _Geometrae_ are slightly on the increase.

As regards the Micros, a good number of fresh species may be expected, all the groups exhibiting a marked increase in the total number on the wing with the exception of the _Tineae_.

Sugaring is likely to pay well this month, and many moths may be attracted by light. Tree trunks and fences should be well examined.

Pupae may certainly be taken, but unless the collector is particularly desirous of obtaining the pupae of insects known to be now pa.s.sing through that stage, he will probably do better by looking after imagines.

Larvae, however, may well receive a little attention, providing the setting of b.u.t.terflies and moths leave a little leisure for other employments. Beating by day, and searching by both day and night, even if carried on only occasionally, will probably supply you with as many species as you can accommodate in your gla.s.ses and cages.

The b.u.t.terflies of the month are:

Swallow Tail (_Machaon_) Black-veined White (_Crataegi_) Large White (_Bra.s.sicae_) Small White (_Rapae_) Green-veined White (_Napi_) Wood White (_Sinapis_) Brimstone (_Rhamni_) Dark Green Fritillary (_Aglaia_) High Brown Fritillary (_Adippe_) Silver-washed Fritillary (_Paphia_) Heath Fritillary (_Athalia_) Comma (_C-Alb.u.m_) Large Tortoisesh.e.l.l (_Polychloros_) Small Tortoisesh.e.l.l (_Urticae_) Peac.o.c.k (_Io_) Painted Lady (_Cardui_) White Admiral (_Sibylla_) Purple Emperor (_Iris_) Marbled White (_Galatea_) Northern Brown (_aethiops_) Speckled Wood (_Egeria_) Grayling (_Semele_) Meadow Brown (_Ianira_) Large Heath (_t.i.thonus_) Ringlet (_Hyperanthes_) Marsh Ringlet (_Typhon_) Small Heath (_Pamphilus_) Brown Hairstreak (_Betulae_) White-letter Hairstreak (_W-Alb.u.m_) Dark Hairstreak (_Pruni_) Purple Hairstreak (_Quercus_) Green Hairstreak (_Rubi_) Small Copper (_Phl[oe]as_) Silver-studded Blue (_aegon_) Common Blue (_Icarus_) Chalk-hill Blue (_Corydon_) Holly Blue (_Argiolus_) Mazarine Blue (_Semiargus_) Small Blue (_Minima_) Large Blue (_Arion_) Small Skipper (_Thaumas_) New Small Skipper (_Lineola_)

The moths of July include the following species:

=Sphinges.= Privet Hawk (_Ligustri_) Bedstraw Hawk (_Galii_) Eyed Hawk (_Ocellatus_) Poplar Hawk (_Populi_) Humming Bird Hawk (_Stellatarum_) Hornet Clearwing of Poplar (_Apiformis_) Hornet Clearwing of Osier (_Crabroniformis_) Welsh Clearwing (_Scoliiformis_) Red-belted Clearwing (_Myopiformis_) Red-tipped Clearwing (_Formiciformis_) Six-belted Clearwing (_Ichneumoniformis_) Genus _Ino_ Burnets (_Trifolii_, _Lonicerae_ and _Filipendulae_)

=Bombyces.= Tortrix (_Undula.n.u.s_) Large Green Silver-lined (_Bicolorana_) Short-cloaked (_Cucullatella_) Most of the family _Lithosiidae_ Tiger (_Caia_) Ruby Tiger (_Fuliginosa_) Buff Ermine (_Lubricipeda_) White Ermine (_Menthastri_) Wood Swift (_Sylva.n.u.s_) Northern Swift (_Velleda_) Goat Moth (_Ligniperda_) Leopard (_Pyrina_) Brown Tail (_Chrysorrh[oe]a_) Yellow Tail (_Similis_) Satin (_Salicis_) Reed Tussock (_C[oe]nosa_) Black Arches (_Monacha_) Vapourer (_Antiqua_) Lackey (_Neustria_) Ground Lackey (_Castrensis_) Oak Eggar (_Quercus_) Drinker (_Potatoria_) Sallow Kitten (_Furcula_) Poplar Kitten (_Bifida_) Lobster (_f.a.gi_) Pale Prominent (_Palpina_) c.o.xcomb Prominent (_Camelina_) Buff Tip (_Bucephala_) Buff Arches (_Derasa_) Peach Blossom (_Batis_) Figure of Eighty (_Octogesima_) Poplar Lutestring (_Or_) Lesser Satin (_Duplaris_)

=Noctuae.= Marbled Green (_Muralis_) Marbled Beauty (_Perla_) Grey Dagger (_Psi_) Miller (_Leporina_) Poplar Grey (_Megacephala_) Grisette (_Strigosa_) Coronet (_Ligustri_) Knot Gra.s.s (_Rumicis_) Scarce Dagger (_Auricoma_) Light Knot Gra.s.s (_Menyanthidis_) Brown Line Bright Eye (_Conigera_) Double Line (_Turca_) Clay (_Lithargyria_) Wainscots (_Littoralis_, _Impudens_, _Comma_, _Impura_, _Pallens_, _Phragmitidis_, _Maritima_, _Rufa_, _Bondii_, _Neurica_) Ear Moth (_Nict.i.tans_) Flame (_Putris_) Genus _Xylophasia_ Antler (_Graminis_) Straw Underwing (_Matura_) Most of Genus _Mamestra_ Genus _Miana_ Haworth's Minor (_Haworthii_) Treble Lines (_Trigrammica_) Genus _Caradrina_ Brown Rustic (_Tenebrosa_) Archer's Dart (_Vestigialis_) Pearly Underwing (_Saucia_) Heart and Dart (_Exclamationis_) Heart and Club (_Corticea_) Sand Dart (_Ripae_) Coast Dart (_Cursoria_) Garden Dart (_Nigricans_) Streaked Dart (_Aquilina_) True Lover's Knot (_Strigula_) Stout Dart (_Obscura_) Dotted Rustic (_Simulans_) Northern Rustic (_Lucernea_) Ashworth's Rustic (_Ashworthii_) Most of Genus _Noctua_ Genus _Triphaena_ Copper Underwing (_Pyramidea_) Mouse (_Tragopogonis_) Old Lady (_Maura_) Suspected (_Suspecta_) Dismal (_Upsilon_) Olive (_Subtusa_) Genus _Calymnia_ Dusky Sallow (_Ochroleuca_) Marbled Coronet (_Nana_) Genus _Hecatera_ Minor Shoulder Knot (_Viminalis_) Small Angle Shades (_Luc.i.p.ara_) Genus _Aplecta_ Dark Brocade (_Adusta_) Shears (_Dentina_) Nutmeg (_Trifolii_) Pale-shouldered Brocade (_Thala.s.sina_) Silver Cloud (_Conspicillaris_) Lychnis Shark (_Lychnitis_) Wormwood Shark (_Absinthii_) Family _Plusiidae_ Beautiful Yellow Underwing (_Myrtilli_) Marbled Clover (_Dipsacea_) Four-spotted (_Luctuosa_) Rosy Marbled (_Venustula_) Marbled White-spot (_Fasciana_) Small Purple-barred (_Viridaria_) Red Underwing (_Nupta_) Light Crimson Underwing (_Promissa_) Dark Crimson Underwing(_Sponsa_) New Black-neck (_Craccae_) Family _Herminiidae_ Family _Hypenidae_

=Geometrae.= Swallow-tail (_Sambucaria_) Dark-bordered Beauty (_Parallelaria_) Bordered Beauty (_Apiciaria_) Orange (_Prunaria_) Light Emerald (_Margaritaria_) Barred Red (_Prosapiaria_) Lilac Beauty (_Syringaria_) Early Thorn (_Bilunaria_) Scalloped Oak (_Elinguaria_) Genus _Cleora_ Genus _Boarmia_ Annulet (_Obscuraria_) Scotch Annulet (_Obfuscaria_) Black Mountain Moth (_Coracina_) Family _Geometridae_ Golden-bordered Purple (_Muricata_) Waved Carpet (_Sylvata_) Dingy Sh.e.l.l (_Obliterata_) Welsh Wave (_Cambrica_) Most of the _Acidaliae_ Blood Vein (_Amataria_) Family _Macariidae_ Latticed Heath (_Clathrata_) Bordered Grey (_Ericetaria_) Common Heath (_Atomaria_) Rest Harrow (_Ononaria_) Vestal (_Sacraria_) Gra.s.s Wave (_Strigillaria_) Family _Zerenidae_ Twin-spot Carpet (_Didymata_) Grey Mountain Carpet (_Caesiata_) Yellow-ringed Carpet (_Flavicinctata_) Beech-green Carpet (_Olivata_) Green Carpet (_Viridaria_) Genus _Emmelesia_ Pugs (_Linariata_, _Oblongata_, _Succenturiata_, _Pernotata_, _Isogrammaria_, _Virgaureata_, _Innotata_, _Subnotata_, _Absinthiata_, _Tenuiata_, _Subciliata_, _Rectangulata_) Chestnut-coloured Carpet (_Simulata_) Shaded Broad Bar (_Variata_) Pine Carpet (_Firmata_) July High-flier (_Sordidata_) Genus _Melanthia_ Genus _Melanippe_ Flame (_Rubidata_) Red Carpet (_Munitata_) Large Twin-spot Carpet (_Quadrifasciaria_) Yellow Sh.e.l.l (_Bilineata_) Fern (_Tersata_) Oblique Carpet (_Vittata_) Many-lined (_Polygrammata_) Dark Umber (_Rhamnata_) Short-cloak Carpet (_Picata_) Marsh Carpet (_Sagittata_) Common Marbled Carpet (_Truncata_) Dark Marbled Carpet (_Immanata_) Netted Carpet (_Reticulata_) Ph[oe]nix (_Prunata_) Chevron (_Testata_) Northern Spinach (_Populata_) Barred Yellow (_Fulvata_) Barred Straw (_Dotata_) Spinach (_a.s.sociata_) Dark Spinach (_Comitata_) Small Mallow (_Limitata_) Belle (_Plumbaria_) Chalk Carpet (_Bipunctaria_) Oblique-striped (_Virgata_) Manchester Treble Bar (_Paludata_) Treble Bar (_Plagiata_) Pale Grey Carpet (_Griseata_) Chimney Sweep (Atrata)


Although there is a very appreciable falling off in the number of species on the wing during August, yet there remains plenty of work for the lepidopterist.

Many of the b.u.t.terflies of July continue to fly during the whole or part of this month, and several fresh species commence their flight. August, too, may be looked upon as _the_ month for second broods, and an opportunity now arises for searching for some of the species that were missed at the time of their early appearance in May. Clover and lucerne fields should be well worked.

A few _Sphinges_ and a number of the _Bombyces_ are still on the wing.

The _Noctuae_ are on the decrease, but there are yet nearly a hundred species (including the rarer ones) at large.

These last may be taken at sugar in considerable numbers, and it is interesting to note that two of the Vanessas (_Atalanta_ and _Cardui_) may be caught sipping on your baited trees during the daytime.

_Geometrae_ and Micros fall off very considerably this month, but these, as well as moths of the other groups, may be taken from tree trunks and palings. Light traps may also be used with much success during August.

Fallen fruits should be examined for the larvae that feed within them; and late in the month ripe fruit will supply food to the lovers of sweets.

Ivy blossom should be well worked at night; and clover and lucerne fields form admirable hunting grounds for moths at night, especially just after rain.

Larvae are to be obtained in abundance by beating and searching, the latter process being conducted by night as well as by day.

The following is the list of imagines for August:

=b.u.t.terflies.= Swallow Tail (_Machaon_) Large White (_Bra.s.sicae_) Small White (_Rapae_) Green-veined White (_Napi_) Bath White (_Daplidice_) Wood White (_Sinapis_) Pale Clouded Yellow (_Hyale_) Clouded Yellow (_Edusa_) Brimstone (_Rhamni_) Queen of Spain (_Latona_) Dark Green Fritillary (_Aglaia_) High Brown Fritillary (_Adippe_) Silver-washed Fritillary (_Paphia_) Genus _Vanessa_ White Admiral (_Sibylla_) Purple Emperor (_Iris_) Marbled White (_Galatea_) Northern Brown (_aethiops_) Speckled Wood (_Egeria_) Wall (_Megaera_) Grayling (_Semele_) Meadow Brown (_Ianira_) Large Heath (_t.i.thonus_) Small Heath (_Pamphilus_) Brown Hairstreak (_Betulae_) Purple Hairstreak (_Quercus_) Small Copper (_Phl[oe]as_) Tailed Blue (_Baetica_) Silver-studded Blue (_aegon_) Brown Argus (_Astrarche_) Common Blue (_Icarus_) Clifden Blue (_Bellargus_) Chalk-hill Blue (_Corydon_) Holly Blue (_Argiolus_) Mazarine Blue (_Semiargus_) Dingy Skipper (_Tages_) New Small Skipper (_Lineola_) Lulworth Skipper (_Actaeon_) Large Skipper (_Sylva.n.u.s_) Silver-spotted Skipper (_Comma_)

=Sphinges.= Death's-head Hawk (_Atropos_) Convolvulus Hawk (_Convolvuli_) Bedstraw Hawk (_Galii_) Striped Hawk (_Livornica_) Humming Bird Hawk (_Stellatarum_) Red-tipped Clearwing (_Formiciformis_) Six-belted Clearwing (_Ichneumoniformis_)

=Bombyces.= Round-winged Muslin (_Senex_) Muslin (_Mundana_) Footmen (_Muscerda_, _Lutarella_, _Griseola_) Wood Swift (_Sylva.n.u.s_) Brown Tail (_Chrysorrh[oe]a_) Yellow Tail (_Similis_) Satin (_Salicis_) Gipsy (_Dispar_) Black Arches (_Monacha_) Vapourer (_Antiqua_) Lackey (_Neustria_) Ground Lackey (_Castrensis_) Oak Eggar (_Quercus_) Gra.s.s Eggar (_Trifolii_) Drinker (_Potatoria_) Hook Tips (_Lacertinaria_, _Falcataria_, _Binaria_, _Cultraria_) Chinese Character (_Glaucata_) Sallow Kitten (_Furcula_) Poplar Kitten (_Bifida_) Prominents (_Camelina_, _Trilophus_, _Ziczac_) Lesser Lutestring (_Diluta_)

=Noctuae.= Marbled Green (_Muralis_) Marbled Beauty (_Perla_) Grey Dagger (_Psi_) Scarce Dagger (_Auricoma_) Wainscots (_Musculosa_, _Albipuncta_, _Impura_, _Pallens_, _Fulva_, _Cannae_, _Arundinis_, _Geminipuncta_, _Neurica_, _Lutosa_) Frosted Orange (_Ochracea_) Genus _Hydr[oe]cia_ Slender Clouded Brindle (_Scolopacina_) Feathered Brindle (_Australis_) Feathered Gothic (_Popularis_) Antler (_Graminis_) Straw Underwing (_Matura_) Genus _Luperina_ Confused (_Furva_) Small Clouded Brindle (_Unanimis_) Crescent (_Leucostigma_) Common Rustic (_Didyma_) Anomalous (_Anomala_) Mottled Rustic (_Morpheus_) Pale Mottled Willow (_Quadripunctata_) Archer's Dart (_Vestigialis_) Shuttle-shaped Dart (_Puta_) Pearly Underwing (_Saucia_) Crescent Dart (_Lunigera_) Heart and Dart (_Exclamationis_) Coast Dart (_Cursoria_) Garden Dart (_Nigricans_) White-line Dart (_Tritici_) Streaked Dart (_Aquilina_) Square-spot Dart (_Obelisca_) Heath Rustic (_Agathina_) Portland (_Praec.o.x_) Stout Dart (_Obscura_) Dotted Rustic (_Simulans_) Plain Clay (_Depuncta_) Setaceous Hebrew Character (_C-Nigrum_) Barred Chestnut (_Dahlii_) Small Square-spot (_Rubi_) Six-striped Rustic (_Umbrosa_) Grey Rustic (_Castanea_) Square-spot Rustic (_Xanthographa_) Genus _Triphaena_ Mouse (_Tragopogonis_) Old Lady (_Maura_) Mountain Rustic (_Hyperborea_) Suspected (_Suspecta_) Olive (_Subtusa_) Double Kidney (_Retusa_) Angle-striped Sallow (_Paleacea_) Genus _Calymnia_ Dusky Sallow (_Ochroleuca_) Grey Chi (_Chi_) Large Ranunculus (_Flavicincta_) Feathered Ranunculus (_Lichenea_) Crescent (_Bimaculosa_) Great Brocade (_Occulta_) Beautiful Brocade (_Porphyrea_) Golden-rod Brindled (_Solidaginis_) Herald (_Libatrix_) Scarce Burnished Bra.s.s (_Chryson_) Burnished Bra.s.s (_Chrysitis_) Gold Spot (_Festucae_) Scarce Bordered Straw (_Armigera_) Four-spotted (_Luctuosa_) Clifden Nonpareil (_Fraxini_) Red Underwing (_Nupta_) Dark Crimson Underwing (_Sponsa_)

=Geometrae.= Dark-bordered Beauty (_Parallelaria_) Bordered Beauty (_Apiciaria_) Purple Thorn (_Tetralunaria_) Scalloped Oak (_Elinguaria_) Canary-shouldered Thorn (_Alniaria_) Dusky Thorn (_Fuscantaria_) September Thorn (_Erosaria_) August Thorn (_Quercinaria_) Dotted Carpet (_Glabraria_) Annulet (_Obscuraria_) Scotch Annulet (_Obfuscaria_) Family _Ephyridae_ Small Dusty Wave (_Virgularia_) Mullein Wave (_Marginepunctata_) Small Blood Vein (_Imitaria_) Common White Wave (_Pusaria_) Vestal (_Sacraria_) Yellow Belle (_Ochrearia_) Straw Belle (_Gilvaria_) Currant (_Grossulariata_) _Autumnaria_ Haworth's Carpet (_Unifasciata_) Bordered Lime Speck (_Succenturiata_) Pugs (_Virgaureata_, _Campanulata_, _Indigata_, _Constrictata_, _Expallidata_, _Sobrinata_, _Variata_) July High Flier (_Sordidata_) Carpets (_Bicolorata_, _Montanata_, _Fluctuata_, _Berberata_) Yellow Sh.e.l.l (_Bilineata_) Gem (_Fluviata_) Oblique Carpet (_Vittata_) Many-lined (_Polygrammata_) Tissue (_Dubitata_) Common Marbled Carpet (_Truncata_) Ph[oe]nix (_Prunata_) Chevron (_Testata_) Northern Spinach (_Populata_) Barred Yellow (_Fulvata_) Barred Straw (_Dotata_) Small Mallow (_Limitata_) Chalk Carpet (_Bipunctaria_) Treble Bar (_Plagiata_) Broom Tip (_Rufata_)


The number of species on the wing is now considerably lower, yet there is a good deal to be done both with b.u.t.terflies and moths.

Many of the former are worn and ragged, but good fresh specimens of some species may be taken. Clover and lucerne fields and the flowery borders of corn fields remain very attractive.

Tree trunks and palings should be searched as before. Sugar still attracts numbers of the _Noctuae_; and ivy blossom should be examined at night whenever an opportunity offers itself.

September is a good month for larva hunting. Most of the species that pupate in the autumn are now full fed, and will undergo the change to the chrysalis state shortly after they have been housed, thus giving but little trouble to the entomologist. The day feeders may be beaten or swept from their food plants, but, of course, the nocturnal species are best discovered by searching at night.

Some have already 'gone down' for the winter, and, consequently, pupa hunting may be started. However, as there is yet much to be done with imagines and larvae, it may, perhaps, be better to leave the pupae alone till about the end of the month, especially as many of the larvae have not yet had time to complete their transformation.

The list of imagines for September includes:

=b.u.t.terflies.= Clouded Yellow (_Edusa_) Brimstone (_Rhamni_) Queen of Spain (_Latona_) Comma (_C-Alb.u.m_) Large Tortoisesh.e.l.l (_Polychloros_) Small Tortoisesh.e.l.l (_Urticae_) Peac.o.c.k (_Io_) Camberwell Beauty (_Antiopa_) Red Admiral (_Atalanta_) Painted Lady (_Cardui_) Speckled Wood (_Egeria_) Wall (_Megaera_) Grayling (_Semele_) Large Heath (_t.i.thonus_) Small Heath (_Pamphilus_) Small Copper (_Phl[oe]as_) Common Blue (_Icarus_) Clifden Blue (_Bellargus_) Chalk-hill Blue (_Corydon_) Holly Blue (_Argiolus_)

=Sphinges.= Death's-head Hawk (_Atropos_) Convolvulus Hawk (_Convolvuli_) Humming Bird Hawk (_Stellatarum_)

=Bombyces.= Tortrix (_Undula.n.u.s_) Crimson Speckled (_Pulch.e.l.la_) Vapourer (_Antiqua_) Pale Oak Eggar (_Crataegi_) Lesser Lutestring (_Diluta_)

=Noctuae.= Figure of Eight (_Caeruleocephala_) Small Wainscot (_Fulva_) Bullrush (_Arundinis_) Large Wainscot (_Lutosa_) Frosted Orange (_Ochracea_) Rosy Rustic (_Micacea_) Feathered Brindle (_Australis_) Beautiful Gothic (_Hispidus_) Antler (_Graminis_) Flounced Rustic (_Testacea_) Hedge Rustic (_Cespitis_) Haworth's Minor (_Haworthii_) Anomalous (_Anomala_) Shuttle-shaped Dart (_Puta_) Dark Sword Gra.s.s (_Suffusa_) Pearly Underwing (_Saucia_) Turnip (_Segetum_) Heart and Dart (_Exclamationis_) Autumn Rustic (_Glareosa_) Mouse (_Tragopogonis_) Red-lined Quaker (_Lota_) Yellow-lined Quaker (_Macilenta_) Genus _Anchocelis_ Genus _Xanthia_ Centre-barred Sallow (_Xerampelina_) Double Kidney (_Retusa_) Genus _Polia_ Black Rustic (_Nigra_) Green-brindled Crescent (_Oxyacanthae_) Marvel-du-jour (_Aprilina_) Angle Shades (_Meticulosa_) Flame Brocade (_Flammea_) Brindled Green (_Protea_) Genus _Calocampa_ Genus _Xylina_ Herald (_Libatrix_) Gold Spot (_Festucae_) Silver Y (_Gamma_) Scarce Bordered Straw (_Armigera_) Clifden Nonpareil (_Fraxini_) b.u.t.toned Snout (_Rostralis_)

=Geometrae.= Bordered Beauty (_Apiciaria_) Brimstone (_Luteolata_) Genus _Eugonia_ November (_Dilutata_) Autumnal (_Filigrammaria_) Juniper Pug (_Sobrinata_) Shaded Broad Bar (_Variata_) Slender-striped Rufous (_Lapidata_) Tissue (_Dubitata_) Carpets (_Siderata_, _Miata_, _Immanata_) Chevron (_Testata_) Mallow (_Cervinata_) Streak (_Spartiata_)


As there is very little winged life this month, and the larvae have nearly all sought out their winter quarters, special attention may be given to pupae. The earlier this work is started after the insects have completed their change the better. If left late, many pupae will have been destroyed by floods, moles, &c., and a prolonged series of frosty days may render digging unproductive if not impossible. Again, it must be remembered that some larvae are not yet down, and by digging at the roots of the trees on which they are feeding, you are preparing an acceptable bed for the late species, for the pupae of which you may call again in about a month.

Larvae may be obtained by beating and searching as before, but this work should be done as early in the month as possible, since but few are feeding after the first week or so.

b.u.t.terfly catching is now practically over, only a few of the late species and the hybernators being on the wing, and these only on mild days.

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Butterflies and Moths Part 55 summary

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