
The Fake Rich Daughter Pampered By All Is A Famous Celebrity Chapter 1424: You'd Better Break Up With Xie Yunzhou

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Chapter 1424: You’d Better Break Up With Xie Yunzhou


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation | Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Shi Xi did not feel like eating anymore after eating half of it.

“What’s wrong? It’s not delicious?” Xie Yunzhou asked when he saw her put down her chopsticks.

“I’m afraid that I won’t be able to eat after I’m full.” Shi Xi propped her chin up and watched Xie Yunzhou cook.

“Eat slowly.” Xie Yunzhou divided the sweet and sour pork ribs into a small bowl and gave it to Shi Xi. At the same time, he ate the half of the fried banana that Shi Xi had not finished.

Shi Xi ate the sweet and sour pork ribs happily.


The auntie’s cooking was also very delicious.

However, she felt that Xie Yunzhou’s cooking was even better.

After eating the sweet and sour pork ribs, Shi Xi received a call from Hua Xuanhe.

She glanced at Xie Yunzhou and went outside to answer the call. “Yes? What’s wrong?”

“The doctor said that Ruoling’s leg can’t be saved. It needs to be amputated,” Hua Xuanhe said.

Shi Xi: “Oh my!”

Hua Ruoling had learned dancing before, and her favorite thing was her legs.

If it was amputated, Hua Ruoling would cry to death.

“Xie Yunzhou is too much!” Hua Xuanhe couldn’t help but say.

“He might not have done this, right?” Shi Xi was still eating the sweet and sour pork ribs made by Xie Yunzhou and spoke up for him.

“Other than him, who else could it be? You can’t be with someone like

him!” Hua Xuanhe lowered his voice and said angrily.

Hua Xuanhe felt that Xie Yunzhou had done this.

Shi Xi felt that this was not…

Forget it. Shi Xi felt that this might have been done by Xie Yunzhou.

Even if Xie Yunzhou acted like a househusband, it did not change the fact that he was originally a villain.

Shi Xi moved a little further away from the kitchen and whispered into the phone. “I’m going to eat first. I’ll visit Hua Ruoling in two days.”

Although Hua Ruoling probably did not want to see her, however, she still had to visit her.

Shi Xi: Polite Girl

“You’d better break up with Xie Yunzhou. I don’t know how to tell Aunt about this.” Hua Xuanhe had a headache.

“We’ll see.” Shi Xi replied perfunctorily.

“By doing this, he doesn’t put the Hua family in his eyes at all. Aren’t you afraid that he’ll do this to you one day?” Hua Xuanhe said angrily.

Shi Xi:”…”

She paused for a few seconds.

“I’m going to eat. Goodbye.” Shi Xi quickly hung up.

After calming down, Shi Xi returned to the kitchen.

“Who called you?” Xie Yunzhou asked casually.

“Hua Xuanhe.” Shi Xi observed Xie Yunzhou’s expression. “He said that Hua Ruoling got into a car accident. It looks like she’s going to have an amputation.” “Do you want to visit?” Xie Yunzhou tilted his head and asked her. His tone was calm, but it seemed to carry some concern.

“I’m going to the hospital tomorrow. Do you want to come with me?” Shi Xi asked uncertainly.

Xie Yunzhou’s eyes were cold. “I have a very important meeting tomorrow,” he said awkwardly.

“It’s okay. I’ll go by myself,” Shi Xi immediately replied.

She was really afraid that Xie Yunzhou would visit her in the hospital.

If he really went, he would probably be beaten up by Hua Xuanhe.

Well, it was more likely that Xie Yunzhou would beat Hua Xuanhe up.

Xie Yunzhou covered the pot lid and looked at Shi Xi in confusion. “You don’t seem happy?”

Hua Ruoling had framed Shi Xi many times, and she deserved this outcome.

Why was Xi Xi unhappy?

“It’s alright. There’s nothing to be happy about.” Shi Xi felt an invisible pressure and took half a step back.

“Haven’t you always been at odds with her? What’s wrong?” Xie Yunzhou walked forward and compressed Shi Xi’s s.p.a.ce.

Shi Xi had nowhere to retreat and was about to crash into the wall.

Xie Yunzhou held the girl’s waist to prevent her from hitting the wall. “Be careful.”

Shi Xi’s eyes were fl.u.s.tered..

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The Fake Rich Daughter Pampered By All Is A Famous Celebrity Chapter 1424: You'd Better Break Up With Xie Yunzhou summary

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