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=menor= smaller, younger, youngest
=menos= less, least
=menospreciado= _p. p. of_ =menospreciar=
=menospreciar= to underrate, despise
=merece= _3 sing. pres. ind. of_ =merecer=
=merecer= to deserve
=mereces= _2 sing. pres. ind._ =merecia= _1 and 3 sing. imp. ind. of_ =merecer=
=mes= _m._ month
=mesa= _f._ table; =poner la mesa= to set (lay) the table
=metamorfosis= _f._ metamorphosis, transformation
=meter= to put; =meterse= to get in; =meterse detras de= to get behind
=metio= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =meter=
=mezquino= mean, paltry, poor
=mi= my
=mi= me
=miedo= _m._ fear; =tener miedo= to be afraid
=mientras= while, as long as
=mieses= _f. pl._ crops
=mil= a thousand
=minuto= _m._ minute
=mio= mine, my; =el mio= mine
=mira= _3 sing. pres. ind._ =miraba= _1 and 3 sing. imp. ind. of_ =mirar=
=mirada= _f._ look, glance
=mirando= _pres. p. of_ =mirar=
=mirar= to look at; =mirar por= to look out of
=miren= _3 pl. pres. subj. of_ =mirar=; =mirenlo Vds.= look at him
=miro= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =mirar=
=miserable= wretched; _m._ wretched man
=miseria= _f._ poverty
=mismo= same; =lo mismo que= the same as, as well as
=modesto= modest
=modo= _m._ mode, manner; =de tal modo= in such a way; =del propio modo= in the same way
=molinero= _m._ miller
=momento= _m._ moment; importance
=mona= _f._ monkey
=moneda= _f._ coin
=montar= to mount
=monte= _m._ mountain
=monto= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =montar=
=mordaza= _f._ gag
=moribundo= dying
=morir=, =morirse= to die
=moriras= _2 sing. fut. ind._ =morire= _1 sing. fut. ind._ =morireis= _2 pl. fut. ind. of_ =morir=
=moro= _m._ Moor
=mosca= _f._ fly
=mosquito= _m._ mosquito
=motivo= _m._ motive
=mover=, =moverse= to move
=movere= _1 sing. fut. ind._ =movia= _1 and 3 sing. imp. ind. of_ =mover=
=movimiento= _m._ movement