
All The Weyrs Of Pern Part 27

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Retracing his steps to the hall, he threw open the wide double leaves of the main door, blinking at the brilliance of the early-morning sun. The hold faced northeast, as a southern hold should, and an early breeze ruffled the thick cushion of dust on the floor. With that light to help him, he found the windows, which were set far above his head; he also found the long pole that opened them. He had opened five of the ten large windows before his eyes fell on the s.p.a.ce above them.

Golanth! You should see this! It's amazing!

See what? Where are you now? Is there room for me?

"I-th-think so." F'lessan heard his own stammer echo back from the vaulted ceiling, a ceiling that had been decorated in brilliantly colored murals that had lost nothing of their brightness. And he now knew part of the story they depicted. "This ought to shut up the doubters-an independent verification of what Aivas told us!" he murmured, more to himself than to Golanth, as he gave the walls a fleeting glance before beginning a more studied perusal. So involved did he become with the mural scenes that it took him a moment to realize that the scrabbling noise he heard was Golanth's claws on stone.

This door is not wide enough for me, Golanth said, sounding distinctly annoyed. F'lessan glanced around and stifled a guffaw. Golanth had got head and neck through the opening, but not his ma.s.sive shoulders. Golanth said, sounding distinctly annoyed. F'lessan glanced around and stifled a guffaw. Golanth had got head and neck through the opening, but not his ma.s.sive shoulders.

"You're not stuck, are you?" the bronze rider asked solicitously.

They could have made the door a little bit higher and wider, since they made it as big us they did.

"I don't really think they had dragons of your size in mind when they built it, Golanth. But can you see the murals? There's even a scene about dragons-right overhead. Oh, you can't quite see it, but these murals are amazing. There are panels for every major event-" F'lessan pointed out the appropriate panels as he explained. "The actual landing in the shuttle craft; the ones in Ship Meadow; and yes, there are sleds just like the one down below; and the building of holds, and people working the land, and then Thread. They did that panel too graphically. Turns my stomach just to look at it. They've got lots of sleds, and smaller craft, and flamethrowers and-ah, high up in the ceiling, they've even got Rukbat and all its planets. If only we'd found this place a long time ago..." F'lessan was silent a long moment, his eyes moving from one beautifully painted panel to the next. "They'll all want to see this place," he said at length with infinite satisfaction. "We did good, Golanth, dear heart. And we were first here!"

He looked around one last time, deciding not to investigate further so that others might have the pleasure of seeing the place as it had been left. Then he carefully closed the windows.

Golanth, crammed into the doorway, had been trying to see what he could. As F'lessan approached him, he carefully backed out onto the broad shelf that jutted out from that level. F'lessan closed the doors behind him, marveling at the workmanship that allowed the heavy metal to pivot so easily after so many centuries of disuse. He gazed up at the sweep of the hold: three more levels of windows were visible.

"Neither weyr nor hold but it would serve," F'lessan said, remembering the point of his search. "That is, once the artifacters and Craftmasters get their look-in."

Dragons would find this spot eminently suitable, F'lessan, Golanth a.s.sured him. Golanth a.s.sured him. There is the river, which is deep, clear, and tasty to drink, and there are many ledges that face the sun all the day long. There is the river, which is deep, clear, and tasty to drink, and there are many ledges that face the sun all the day long. The bronze dragon swung his head to left and right to bring those places to F'lessan's notice. The bronze dragon swung his head to left and right to bring those places to F'lessan's notice. This would make a very good Weyr indeed. This would make a very good Weyr indeed.

"And so we shall report."


THE DISCOVERY OF Honshu was partially eclipsed by S'len's discovery of eighteen usable s.p.a.ce suits in the Yokohama EVA Yokohama EVA ready room. In Master Robinton's opinion, Aivas had received that news with a great deal more excitement than he had displayed when hearing about Honshu's state of preservation. Aivas said that the suits gave his schedule considerably more flexibility and dispensed with some rather awkward and possibly dangerous alternatives. However, some folk in the Smithcraft, and many in the Harper Hall, considered Honshu the more important, and certainly more immediately useful, discovery. ready room. In Master Robinton's opinion, Aivas had received that news with a great deal more excitement than he had displayed when hearing about Honshu's state of preservation. Aivas said that the suits gave his schedule considerably more flexibility and dispensed with some rather awkward and possibly dangerous alternatives. However, some folk in the Smithcraft, and many in the Harper Hall, considered Honshu the more important, and certainly more immediately useful, discovery.

While Aivas was revising his plan, Jancis and Hamian were appointed by Master Fandarel to inventory the tools at Honshu and, if their use was not immediately apparent, to decide what function they had had. Aivas did take time to print out a manual for the sled, out of respect for the keen interest shown, but added the qualifier that any such investigations were esoteric since he could give no a.s.sistance in powering it. That provoked some resentment in those who felt that aerial transportation should not be restricted to dragonriders and "a chosen few."

Aivas's reb.u.t.tal to that accusation was to enumerate all the skills and technological improvements-which most of those same complainants objected to in theory-that would be necessary to necessary to produce powered aerial vehicles, including the development of an alternative and reliable power source. produce powered aerial vehicles, including the development of an alternative and reliable power source.

"The settlers used power packs," Aivas reminded them. The subject had arisen before. "These units were rechargeable, but no recharging mechanism survived."

"But can't you tell us how to make the power packs?"

"There are two kinds of science," Aivas began in his oblique fashion. "Practical and theoretical. With practical, engineers use only what is known-and proved to work in the everyday world-to achieve certain predicted and predictable results. Theoretical science, on the other hand, pushes at the boundaries and laws that are known to work-and sometimes even steps outside of them. For the projects you have been working on, you already had enough background and know-how to learn the necessary science to follow my instructions. But for some things-such as the alien power packs-Pern, simply has not the technology or the science to understand the theories well enough to apply them practically."

"In other words, we're stuck with this world and what's in it?" Jaxom asked.

"Precisely. And it is up to you to work this out for yourself, or to gain help from Lytol rather than from this facility."

And that was as much time as Aivas would spend on Honshu. With additional s.p.a.ce suits available, he initiated new projects, which, it was made clear, were much closer to the major task at hand: the destruction of Thread.

Now that the life-support systems on the Bahrain Bahrain and the and the Buenos Aires Buenos Aires were fully operational, Mirrim and S'len were sent on their green dragons to make the necessary links between the bridge consoles on the two smaller ships and the were fully operational, Mirrim and S'len were sent on their green dragons to make the necessary links between the bridge consoles on the two smaller ships and the Yokohama Yokohama link with Aivas. The link with Aivas. The Bahrain Bahrain and the and the Buenos Aires Buenos Aires had, however, sustained more damage over the centuries than the had, however, sustained more damage over the centuries than the Yokohama, Yokohama, losing antennae, exterior optics, and considerable areas of the outside skin from impacts that the shields had been unable to deflect. But that damage, Aivas was quick to state, would not interfere with the Plan. losing antennae, exterior optics, and considerable areas of the outside skin from impacts that the shields had been unable to deflect. But that damage, Aivas was quick to state, would not interfere with the Plan.

Terry, Wansor, three of the Gla.s.s-smith's brightest journeymen, and Perschar, the artist, were ferried up by green dragons for long sessions on the Yokohama's Yokohama's telescope, mapping the Red Star for any distinctive features. The vid-link down to Aivas was still imperfect; Aivas had been unable to discover the problem and so had to rely on human observations. They soon reported to Aivas that only one side of the planet was turned toward them. Perschar was to do large reproductions of whatever geographic features the surface of the eccentric planet presented. Wansor had to be peeled away from the console, so exhausted by his lengthy efforts that he actually fell asleep telescope, mapping the Red Star for any distinctive features. The vid-link down to Aivas was still imperfect; Aivas had been unable to discover the problem and so had to rely on human observations. They soon reported to Aivas that only one side of the planet was turned toward them. Perschar was to do large reproductions of whatever geographic features the surface of the eccentric planet presented. Wansor had to be peeled away from the console, so exhausted by his lengthy efforts that he actually fell asleep between between on the return trip. on the return trip.

Teams made up of green and bronze riders-all transported by the smaller green dragons-explored the deserted levels of the Yokohama Yokohama in case anything else had been left behind. But the ancients had stripped an amazing amount of material from the ship. The s.p.a.ce suits-and the banks of coldsleep capsules-were all that had been deemed useless on the surface. in case anything else had been left behind. But the ancients had stripped an amazing amount of material from the ship. The s.p.a.ce suits-and the banks of coldsleep capsules-were all that had been deemed useless on the surface.

Then a team of Mastersmiths was sent to all three ships, starting with the Yokohama, so Yokohama, so that all four could familiarize themselves with the cargo bays and engine rooms. The four-Fandarel, Belterac, Evan, and Jancis-were fascinated by the ship's construction, pausing to examine the way struts had been secured, how walls, ceilings and floors had been fitted into the skeleton of the ship. It was difficult for them to a.s.similate the fact that the that all four could familiarize themselves with the cargo bays and engine rooms. The four-Fandarel, Belterac, Evan, and Jancis-were fascinated by the ship's construction, pausing to examine the way struts had been secured, how walls, ceilings and floors had been fitted into the skeleton of the ship. It was difficult for them to a.s.similate the fact that the Yokohama Yokohama had been a.s.sembled in s.p.a.ce at one of the old Earth's gigantic satellite shipyards, and that the heaviest portions had been pushed into position by single workers with computer-controlled machines. had been a.s.sembled in s.p.a.ce at one of the old Earth's gigantic satellite shipyards, and that the heaviest portions had been pushed into position by single workers with computer-controlled machines.

Master Fandarel made full use of the Yokohama Yokohama as a schoolroom, getting Aivas to explain the designs and the safety aspects of the compartmentalization. He was truly amazed at the rationale behind the odd design of the s.p.a.cegoing ship and had many questions to put to Aivas about the apparent anomalies. as a schoolroom, getting Aivas to explain the designs and the safety aspects of the compartmentalization. He was truly amazed at the rationale behind the odd design of the s.p.a.cegoing ship and had many questions to put to Aivas about the apparent anomalies.

The main section of the Yokohama Yokohama was a huge sphere of many levels, each of which could be closed off, as could sections of each level-to sustain life, Aivas told them, should the main hull be breached. Thus heat and oxygen could be maintained only where necessary, as was being done now, to conserve supplies. The bridge area, the environmental section and the lift accessing it, a small infirmary, and Airlock A were the most heavily shielded. According to Aivas, escape pods had once been attached to Airlock A, until the was a huge sphere of many levels, each of which could be closed off, as could sections of each level-to sustain life, Aivas told them, should the main hull be breached. Thus heat and oxygen could be maintained only where necessary, as was being done now, to conserve supplies. The bridge area, the environmental section and the lift accessing it, a small infirmary, and Airlock A were the most heavily shielded. According to Aivas, escape pods had once been attached to Airlock A, until the Yokohama Yokohama had been recommissioned as a colony ship and those pod positions had been altered to access supply drones. had been recommissioned as a colony ship and those pod positions had been altered to access supply drones.

The huge matter-antimatter engines were housed on a long shaft, attached to the midsection of the main sphere but separated by the heaviest shielding on the Yokohama. Two Yokohama. Two great wheels on either end of the engine shaft had held the fuel and cargo pods that had been wrapped around the engines. Those had, of course, been emptied during the journey and launched to splash down in the seas off Monaco Bay. Retrieved, the basic metal had been smelted down and reworked. The ceramic fuel tanks had been put to different uses. Very little of the superstructure of the great wheels on either end of the engine shaft had held the fuel and cargo pods that had been wrapped around the engines. Those had, of course, been emptied during the journey and launched to splash down in the seas off Monaco Bay. Retrieved, the basic metal had been smelted down and reworked. The ceramic fuel tanks had been put to different uses. Very little of the superstructure of the Yokohama Yokohama and the other two colony ships remained. The narrower stern wheel on the end of the engine shaft still held its band of maneuvering jets which, powered by the solar panels and in conjunction with those around the main sphere, were what kept the and the other two colony ships remained. The narrower stern wheel on the end of the engine shaft still held its band of maneuvering jets which, powered by the solar panels and in conjunction with those around the main sphere, were what kept the Yokohama's Yokohama's...o...b..t stable. One of the first checks Aivas had commissioned was to ascertain how much fuel remained in the orbit stable. One of the first checks Aivas had commissioned was to ascertain how much fuel remained in the Yokohama's Yokohama's main tank. main tank.

Fandarel, thinking about that fuel, wondered why the settlers had dared to leave the colony ships in an orbit that was ultimately destined to decay. Aivas replied curtly that that was not an immediate concern: So far, the orbits had not decayed, and the surface of Pern was not at risk-not, at least, from ship debris.

It was while Jancis was busy patching the main engineering board into Aivas while the others were examining the "readiness" run of the great propulsion units that one of the green riders activated the red alert from the bridge. Jancis's bronze fire-lizard, Trig, became so agitated that she had a hard time calming him down enough to make sense of his response. She could raise neither S'len nor L'zan on the com. And the red alert signal continued to blink in the engineering facility.

"Thread attacking the Yokohama?" Yokohama?" Jancis got that much from Trigs chaotic thoughts. "It can't, Trig. It can't. We're safe here! No, don't you dare breathe fire in here!" Jancis got that much from Trigs chaotic thoughts. "It can't, Trig. It can't. We're safe here! No, don't you dare breathe fire in here!"

Jancis then bellowed directions through the speaker to the bridge until S'len hit the right sequence of b.u.t.tons to make voice contact.

"It's Thread, Jancis, I'm sure of it," S'len replied. "Not s.p.a.ce debris. There's this flood of egglike things of varying sizes streaming toward us. Looks just like the stuff Aivas described to us in his lecture. s.p.a.ce debris wouldn't come in a steady flow, would it? This stuff goes back as far as we can see from the window. Only none of them ever hits the window, and the pilot's board is all lit up and the engineer's station is beeping at us." His words came tumbling out in his haste to describe the situation. Then his voice became agitated. "Bigath and Beerth are demanding that we go outside. outside. They say it's Thread. I never should have even They say it's Thread. I never should have even thought thought what I thought it is!" Then in an explosive aside: "No, Bigath, we can't fly this sort of a Fall. It's not Thread yet, -if that's what it is! We haven't any firestone, and there's no air out there, and you wouldn't fly outside anyway you'd float, just like in here. Shards! Jancis, I can't make her understand!" what I thought it is!" Then in an explosive aside: "No, Bigath, we can't fly this sort of a Fall. It's not Thread yet, -if that's what it is! We haven't any firestone, and there's no air out there, and you wouldn't fly outside anyway you'd float, just like in here. Shards! Jancis, I can't make her understand!"

S'len didn't panic easily, and Bigath was not as erratic as some greens. In the background, Jancis could also hear Aivas's loud rea.s.surances. If Bigath was not obeying her rider, she certainly could not be disciplined by the Aivas. Her bugling challenge at Thread took on a frantic edge.

"Tell them Ruth says they're not to go! They obey him!" she said, latching on to an authority the greens respected. She didn't know a green dragon who wasn't partial to the white dragon.

"When is Ruth coming, Bigath wants to know!" S'len's tone had altered from dismay to desperation. Aivas's calm voice continued to exhort the green dragons to listen to reason, but he was using reason that the dragons were not in a state to hear.

Jancis was scribbling a note to Jaxom to come at once when S'len, with a cry of relief, said, "Ruth's here and everything's under control!"

Jancis looked at the note and then at her fire-lizard, who c.o.c.ked his head at her quizzically. She considered the matter for a moment longer and then made a decision. There was absolutely no way in which Jaxom and Ruth would have known to come to the bridge. He was in Ruatha today, and Aivas had no way of communicating with him there. She checked the exact time on her watch and wrote it down on the note. She added a final phrase in big letters: "TIME IT!" Then she sent Trig off to Ruatha and Jaxom.

"But if Ruth and Jaxom are here, why send the note now?" Fandarel asked.

Jancis smiled at her grandfather. "Trig needs the practice, Granddad."

Trig was back almost immediately, looking inordinately pleased with himself.

"He needs more than practice," Fandarel said, dismayed at the apparent disobedience.

"I don't know about you," Jancis said as a diversion, striding over to the lift, "but I want to see this 'attack.' I've never been allowed out of Hall or Hold during a Fall, so now may be my only chance. Aren't any of you interested?"

The reaction to her challenge was immediate, and when Jancis found herself crammed into the lift with three big smiths she was sorry that she had issued it.

Then the lift door opened to a curious bedlam: two green dragons, wings plastered to the window, were so fiercely hissing and spraying saliva that the view was largely obscured, while Ruth, his wing fingers on those of the two greens, putting him at full stretch, overlapped their bodies. He was loudly emitting some sort of croon that was only just audible through their angry sputters.

Jancis managed to grab Trig before he took off to join the dragons in their futile posturing. She pinned him firmly under one arm while she hung on to the railing lest his violent attempts to free himself send her into a spin. Ruth turned his redshot eyes in their direction and barked peremptorily. The bronze fire-lizard immediately subsided.

The view-or the part of it that was not blocked by green and white dragon bodies-was awesome: the objects blanketed the entire panorama. Jancis had to exert a firm control over an urge to recoil as the shapes, zooming straight at Yokohama, Yokohama, were deflected at seemingly the last moment before impact by the ship's shields. But gradually, she and the smiths became accustomed to the spectacle and could appreciate it with detachment. Not that any of them found it as amusing as Jaxom did. He was clutching the pilot's chair in one hand to prevent himself from floating off, but he was nearly doubled up with laughter. S'len and L'zan, hovering circ.u.mspectly out of reach of furiously swishing dragon tails, looked on in chagrin and embarra.s.sment. were deflected at seemingly the last moment before impact by the ship's shields. But gradually, she and the smiths became accustomed to the spectacle and could appreciate it with detachment. Not that any of them found it as amusing as Jaxom did. He was clutching the pilot's chair in one hand to prevent himself from floating off, but he was nearly doubled up with laughter. S'len and L'zan, hovering circ.u.mspectly out of reach of furiously swishing dragon tails, looked on in chagrin and embarra.s.sment.

Being the tallest man there, Fandarel had a reasonably un.o.bstructed view. "An amazing spectacle. Aivas, is this one of those meteor showers you've told us about?"

"What you are seeing is not a meteor shower," Aivas replied. "Comparing the present onslaught with reports made by Pilot Kenjo Fusaiyuki during his reconnaissance flights and pending examination of a sample, it is reasonable to a.s.sume that Thread, in its s.p.a.ce-traveling form, is flowing past the Yokohama Yokohama on its way to your planet." on its way to your planet."

"But where will it fall?" Jaxom asked, unable to remember which Weyr was scheduled to fly Fall next.

"On Nerat, in precisely forty-six hours," Aivas replied.

Jaxom let out a long whistle.

"This swarm has a long way to go yet to reach the atmospheric envelope of the planet," Aivas continued.

"Hmmm," Fandarel said, moving closer to peer out the window. "Fascinating! To be amid Thread and unharmed by it. Truly astounding. It's a great pity we can't do something to stem the tide here, before it reaches the surface."

S'len groaned. "Please don't even think that," he said, flicking his hand at the willing creatures whom Ruth was visibly restraining at the window.

"Thread doesn't look so dangerous right now," Jancis said thoughtfully as she watched the ovoids sweep in and abruptly disappear.

"In its frozen state, it is unlikely to be life-threatening," Aivas said.

"But you don't know for sure?"

"Attempts were made by Nabhi Nabol and Bart Lemos to secure specimens, but their ship disintegrated before they were able to return with them."

"We could get some now," Jaxom suggested. "There're plenty out there."

There was a significant pause, and Jaxom winked at Jancis. It wasn't often that Aivas was caught speechless.

"You fail to recognize the hazards of such a venture," the Aivas replied at last.

"Why? We could stash the thing in Airlock A, for instance, and it would stay frozen. As you keep telling us, it takes the friction of the atmosphere for Thread to metamorphose into its dangerous state."

Jancis was mouthing words at Jaxom, shaking her head violently. Under her arm, Trig struggled with renewed vigor to free himself from restraint.

"The Yokohama Yokohama is moving at approximately 38,765 nautical miles per hour or about twenty thousand miles per hour relative to the Thread ovoids. To attempt to capture one would be an impossible maneuver even for persons trained in extravehicular activities. It would also be essential to have nonheat-conducting tongs." is moving at approximately 38,765 nautical miles per hour or about twenty thousand miles per hour relative to the Thread ovoids. To attempt to capture one would be an impossible maneuver even for persons trained in extravehicular activities. It would also be essential to have nonheat-conducting tongs."

Trig squawked.

I would capture a Thread egg for you, Ruth said, turning his head at an impossible angle over his shoulder to his rider. Ruth said, turning his head at an impossible angle over his shoulder to his rider.

Jaxom looked in alarm at his white dragon and regretted his spontaneous suggestion. "Oh, no, you don't." At Ruth's crestfallen expression, he added, "No one else can keep those greens under control."

"Did Ruth just offer to go get a Thread?" Jancis asked, holding more tightly to the writhing Trig. "Let Trig go."

"You heard what Aivas said about the velocities and nonheatconducting tongs."

"It doesn't look as if we're traveling anywhere near that speed," she replied. Then she sighed. "Even if I know we must be. Anyway, fire-lizard talons aren't exactly heat-conductive, are they? Trig seems to think he can."

" "What!" Belterac demanded, his eyes bulging with horror. "Bring one of those-those things in here with us?" Belterac demanded, his eyes bulging with horror. "Bring one of those-those things in here with us?"

"Not in here," Jancis told him. "Into the airlock, where we can examine it closely. In its frozen state, it poses no danger."

"Do you really think Trig would be able to manage?" Fandarel asked, his insatiable curiosity getting the better of an ingrained revulsion to Thread.

"If he thinks he can," Jancis said. She looked down at the struggling fire-lizard. "Letting him do something about Thread may calm him down." She looked out at the barrage.

"It has been noted," Aivas said, "that fire-lizards are particularly courageous in the presence of Thread. It has also been noted that, in both fire-lizards and dragons, the thought thought becomes the deed by some method which does not bear investigation. If Trig should becomes the deed by some method which does not bear investigation. If Trig should think think he can retrieve a specimen, despite the obvious difficulties, it would greatly facilitate a useful examination of the organism. Placing it in Airlock A would, of course, keep the specimen frozen, dormant, he can retrieve a specimen, despite the obvious difficulties, it would greatly facilitate a useful examination of the organism. Placing it in Airlock A would, of course, keep the specimen frozen, dormant, and and impotent. Then it could be examined at leisure, a procedure your ancestors scheduled but did not implement. It would complete their biological investigations of this organism." impotent. Then it could be examined at leisure, a procedure your ancestors scheduled but did not implement. It would complete their biological investigations of this organism."

Jaxom looked warily at Jancis. All in all, he wasn't sure they should ask this of Trig. Didn't they know as much as they needed to know about Thread? And yet, to have a Thread impotent, at their disposal, locked in a primal form, would be subtly gratifying.

It wouldn't be at all hard to do, Ruth told Jaxom. Ruth told Jaxom.

"Ruth!" Jaxom vetoed that with a sharp chop of his hands. "You stay out of this fire-lizard a.s.signment. Show-off!"

To his surprise, Jancis laughed. "Does Ruth think he'd fit in Airlock A?" she asked, grinning at Ruth's reproachful expression. "First, let's see if Trig is certain he can manage. Now, dear..." She lifted Trig up level with her eyes, took his triangular head, and pointed it toward the window. "We want you to get one of those big eggs and put it in Airlock A. You remember where that is. It'd be like catching a wherry midair."

I'm telling him, too, in case he doesn't understand, Ruth said, turning a reproving eye on his rider. Ruth said, turning a reproving eye on his rider. I'd be perfectly safe. I'm much bigger than the Thread eggs. I wouldn't be thrown off balance as a little fire-lizard I'd be perfectly safe. I'm much bigger than the Thread eggs. I wouldn't be thrown off balance as a little fire-lizard would would be. be. And And it's no more than a jump it's no more than a jump between. between.

Trig gave a cheep, turned his head toward Ruth, and cheeped again, the whirling of his eyes speeding up with antic.i.p.ation and resolve.

He understands. He says he can easily do that.

"Ruth has now briefed Trig thoroughly," Jaxom told Jancis.

"You're sure you can do this, Trig? You don't have to, you know," she said, but Trigs eyes were orange-red with challenge and confidence. With a sigh, she bounced him off her arm. He disappeared. A moment later they all saw him through the bridge window, catching an ovoid nearly as large as himself. Briefly, the force of the capture sent him spinning backward, but before he hit the window, he abruptly flipped out of sight again. Three heartbeats later, he reappeared on the bridge, chittering with satisfaction.

"His hide is so cold," Jancis said as she stroked him. "He's got stuff on his talons! Freezing! Ugh!" But, for all of that, she didn't dislodge him from her shoulder.

Everyone made much of him, including Ruth, with the notable exception of the two greens, who were sullenly rumbling their discontent at being kept inside the Yokohama. Yokohama.

"Apparently the extravehicular activity was successful?" Aivas asked.

Jaxom activated the optics in Airlock A and saw the ovoid floating gently above the lock floor.

Eyes widening in surprise, Jancis jiggled her finger at the screen showing the airlock. "Look!" she exclaimed. It took a moment for the others to realize that the ovoid was gliding across the lock. It hovered briefly by the wall and returned to approximately the same position in the center of the facility.

"Excellent demonstration of an incident of magnetic levitation," Aivas remarked.

"And congratulations from Master Robinton and D'ram. Warder Lytol is already mobilizing a team to examine the specimen."

"Is he indeed?" Jaxom asked flippantly, wondering who Lytol would tag with the unenviable task.

"The extent and density of this stream would be useful knowledge," Aivas went on. "Jancis, such readings can be taken from the navigator's console by activating the exterior optics, using t.i.tle EXAM.EXE code."

"It occurs to me, Aivas," Jaxom began, winking at Jancis, "that this phenomenon was not on your agenda for today in s.p.a.ce?" He was amused to see Fandarel regard him with astonishment for such an impudent question.

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All The Weyrs Of Pern Part 27 summary

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