
Advice to a Mother on the Management of Her Children Part 7

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No, not if it occur _immediately_ after birth; as soon as the bowels have been opened, it generally leaves him, or even before, if he give a good cry, which as soon as he is born he usually does. If there be any mucus either within or about the mouth, impeding breathing, it must with a soft handkerchief be removed.

90. _Is it advisable, as soon as an infant is born, to give him medicine_?

It is now proved that the giving of medicine to a babe _immediately_ after birth is unnecessary, nay, that it is hurtful--that is, provided he be early put to the breast, as the mother's _first_ milk is generally sufficient to open the bowels. Sir Charles Loc.o.c.k [Footnote: In a _Letter_ to the Author.] makes the following sensible remarks on this subject:--"I used to limit any aperient to a new-born infant to those which had not the first milk, and who had wet nurses, whose milk was, of course, some weeks old, but for many years I have never allowed any aperient at all to any new born infant, and I am satisfied it is the safest and the wisest plan."

The advice of Sir Charles Loc.o.c.k--_to give no aperient to a new-born infant_--is most valuable, and ought to be strictly followed. By adopting his recommendation, much after misery might be averted. If a new born babe's bowels be costive, rather than give him an aperient, try the effect of a little moist sugar, dissolved in a little water, that is to say, dissolve half a tea-spoonful of pure unadulterated _raw_ sugar in a tea-spoonful of warm water and administer it to him, if in four hours it should not operate, repeat the dose. b.u.t.ter and raw sugar is a popular remedy, and is sometimes used by a nurse to open the bowels of a new born babe, and where there is costiveness, answers the purpose exceedingly well, and is far superior to castor oil. Try by all means to do, if possible, without a particle of opening medicine. If you once begin to give aperients, you will have frequently to repeat them. Opening physic leads to opening physic, until at length his stomach and bowels will become a physic shop! Let me, then, emphatically say, avoid, if possible, giving a new born babe a drop or a gram of opening medicine. If from the first you refrain from giving an aperient, he seldom requires one afterwards. It is the _first_ step, in this as in all other things, that is so important to take.

If a new-born babe have _not_ for twelve hours made water, the medical man ought to be informed of it, in order that he may inquire into the matter, and apply the proper remedies. Be particular in attending to these directions, or evil consequences will inevitably ensue.

91. _Some persons say, that new-born female infants have milk in their bosoms, and that it is necessary to squeeze them, and apply plasters to disperse the milk_.

The idea of there being real milk in a baby's breast is doubtful, the squeezing of the bosom is barbarous, and the application of plasters is useless. "Without actually saying," says Sir Charles Loc.o.c.k, "there is milk secreted in the b.r.e.a.s.t.s of infants, there is undoubtedly not rarely considerable swelling of the b.r.e.a.s.t.s both in _female_ and _male_ infants, and on squeezing them a serous fluid oozes out. I agree with you that the nurses should never be allowed to squeeze them, but be ordered to leave them alone." [Footnote: _Letter_ to the Author.]

92. _Have the goodness to mention the SLIGHT ailments which are not of sufficient importance to demand the a.s.sistance of a medical man_?

I deem it well to make the distinction between _serious_ and _slight_ ailments, I am addressing a mother. With regard to serious ailments, I do not think myself justified, except in certain _urgent_ cases, in instructing a parent to deal with them. It might be well to make a mother acquainted with the _symptoms_, but not with the _treatment_, in order that she might lose no time in calling in medical aid. This I hope to have the pleasure of doing in future Conversations.

_Serious diseases, with a few exceptions_, and which I will indicate in subsequent Conversations, ought never to be treated by a parent, not even in the _early_ stages, for it is in the early stages that the most good can generally be done. It is utterly impossible for any one who is not trained to the medical profession to understand a _serious_ disease in all its bearings, and thereby to treat it satisfactorily.

There are some exceptions to these remarks. It will be seen in future Conversations that Sir CHARLES LOc.o.c.k considers that a mother ought to be made acquainted with the _treatment_ of _some_ of the more _serious_ diseases, where delay in obtaining _immediate_ medical a.s.sistance might be death. I bow to his superior judgment, and have supplied the deficiency in subsequent Conversations.

The ailments and the diseases of infants, such as may, in the absence of the doctor, be treated by a parent, are the following:--Chafings, Convulsions, Costivenesa, Flatulence, Gripings, Hiccup, Looseness of the Bowels (Diarrhoea), Dysentery, Nettle-rash, Red-gum, Stuffing of the Nose, Sickness, Thrush. In all these complaints I will tell you--_What to do_, and--_What NOT to do_.

93. _What are the causes and the treatment of Chafing_?

The want of water: inattention and want of cleanliness are the usual causes of chafing.

_What to do._--The chafed parts ought to be well and thoroughly sponged with tepid _rain_ water--allowing the water from a well-filled sponge to stream over them,--and, afterwards, they should be thoroughly, but tenderly, dried with a soft towel, and then be dusted, either with finely-powdered starch, made of wheaten flour, or with Violet Powder, or with finely-powdered Native Carbonate of Zinc, or they should be bathed with finely-powdered Fuller's-earth and tepid water.

If, in a few days, the parts be not healed discontinue the above treatment, and use the following application:--Beat up well together the whites of two eggs, then add, drop by drop, two table-spoonfuls of brandy. When well mixed, put it into a bottle and cork it up. Before using it let the excoriated parts be gently bathed with luke-warm rain water, and, with a soft napkin, be tenderly dried; then, by means of a camel's hair brush, apply the above liniment, having first shaken the bottle. But bear in mind, after all that can be said and done, _that there is nothing in these cases like water_--there is nothing like keeping the parts clean, and the only way of thoroughly effecting this object is _by putting him every morning INTO his tub_.

_What NOT to do_.--Do not apply white lead, as it is a poison. Do not be afraid of using _plenty_ of water, as cleanliness is one of the most important items of the treatment.

94. _What are the causes of Convulsions of an infant_?

Stuffing him, in the early months of his existence, _with food_, the mother having plenty of breast milk the while, the constant physicking of child by his own mother, teething, hooping-cough, when attacking a very young baby.

I never knew a case of convulsions occur--say for the first four months--(except in very young infants labouring under hooping-cough), where children lived on the breast-milk alone, and where they were _not_ frequently quacked by their mothers.

For the treatment of the convulsions from teething, see page 46.

_What to do_ in a case of convulsions which has been caused by feeding an infant either with too much or with _artificial_ food. Give him, every ten minutes, a tea-spoonful of ipecacuanha wine, until free vomiting be excited then put him into a warm bath (see Warm Baths), and when he comes out of it administer to him a tea-spoonful of castor oil, and repeat it every four hours, until the bowels be well opened.

_What NOT to do_--Do not for at least a month after the fit, give him artificial food, but keep him entirely to the breast. Do not apply leeches to the head.

_What to do in a case of convulsions from hooping cough_--There is nothing better than dashing cold water on the face, and immersing him in a warm bath of 98 degrees Fahr. If he be about his teeth, and they be plaguing him, let the gums be both freely and frequently lanced. Convulsions seldom occur in hooping-cough, unless the child be either very young or exceedingly delicate. Convulsions attending an attack of hooping-cough make it a _serious_ complication, and requires the a.s.siduous and skilful attention of a judicious medical man.

_What NOT to do in such a case_--Do not apply leeches, the babe requires additional strength, and not to be robbed of it, and do not attempt to treat the case yourself.

95. _What are the best remedies for the Costiveness of an infant_?

I strongly object to the frequent administration of opening medicine, as the repet.i.tion of it increases the mischief to a tenfold degree.

_What to do_.--If a babe, after the first few months, were held out, and if, at regular intervals, he were put upon his chair, costiveness would not so much prevail. It is wonderful how soon the bowels, in the generality of cases, by this simple plan, may be brought into a regular state. Besides, it inducts an infant into clean habits, I know many careful mothers who have accustomed their children, after the first three months, to do without diapers altogether. It causes at first a little trouble, but that trouble is amply repaid by the good consequences that ensue; among which must be named the dispensing with such enc.u.mbrances as diapers. Diapers frequently chafe, irritate, and gall the tender skin of a baby. But they cannot of course, at an early age be dispensed with, unless a mother have great judgment, sense, tact, and perseverance, to bring her little charge into the habit of having his bowels relieved and his bladder emptied every time he is either held out or put upon his chair.

Before giving an infant a particle of aperient medicine, try, if the bowels are costive, the effect of a little _raw_ sugar and water, either half a tea-spoonful of raw sugar dissolved in a tea-spoonful or two of water, or give him, out of your fingers, half a tea-spoonful of raw sugar to eat. I mean by _raw_ sugar, not the white, but the pure and unadulterated sugar, and which you can only procure from a respectable grocer. If you are wise, you will defer as long as you can giving an aperient. If you once begin, and continue it for a while, opening medicine becomes a dire necessity, and then woe betide the poor unfortunate child. Or, give a third of a tea-spoonful of honey, early in the morning, occasionally. Or administer a warm water enema--a tablespoonful, or more, by means of a 2 oz. India Rubber Enema Bottle.

_What NOT to do_.--There are two preparations of mercury I wish to warn you against administering of your own accord, viz.--(1) Calomel, and a milder preparation called (2) Grey-powder (mercury with chalk). It is a common practice in this country to give calomel, on account of the readiness with which it can be administered it being small in quant.i.ty, and nearly tasteless. Grey powder also, is, with many mothers, a favourite in the nursery. It is a medicine of immense power--either for good or for evil, in certain cases it is very valuable, but in others, and in the great majority, it is very detrimental. This practice, then, of a mother giving mercury, whether in the form either of calomel or of grey powder, cannot be too strongly reprobated, as the frequent administration either of the one or of the other weakens the body, predisposes it to cold, and frequently excites king's-evil--a disease too common in this country. Calomel and grey-powder, then, ought never to be administered unless ordered by a medical man.

Syrup of buckthorn and jalap are also frequently given, but they are griping medicines for a baby, and ought to be banished from the nursery.

The frequent repet.i.tion of opening medicines, then, in any shape or form, very much interferes with digestion, they must, therefore, be given as seldom as possible.

Let me, at the risk of wearying you, again urge the importance of your avoiding, as much as possible, giving a babe purgative medicines. They irritate beyond measure the tender bowels of an infant, and only make him more costive afterwards, they interfere with his digestion, and are liable to give him cold. A mother who is always, of her own accord, quacking her child with opening physic, is laying up for her unfortunate offspring a debilitated const.i.tution--a miserable existence.

For further information on this important subject see the 3d edition of _Counsel to a Mother (being the companion volume of Advice to a Mother)_, on the great importance of desisting from irritating, from injuring, and from making still more costive, the obstinate bowels of a costive child,--by the administration of opening medicine,--however gentle and well-selected the aperients might be. Oh, that the above advice could be heard, and be acted upon, through the length and the breadth of the land, how much misery and mischief would then be averted!

96. _Are there any means of preventing the Costiveness of an infant_?

If greater care were paid to the rules of health, such as attention to diet, exercise in the open air, thorough ablution of the _whole_ body--more especially when he is being washed--causing the water, from a large and well-filled sponge, to stream over the lower part of his bowels; the regular habit of causing him, at stated periods, to be held out, whether he want or not, that he may solicit a stool. If all these rules were observed, costiveness would not so frequently prevail, and one of the miseries of the nursery would be done away with.

Some mothers are frequently dosing their poor unfortunate babes either with magnesia to cool them, or with castor oil to heal their bowels!

Oh, the folly of such practices! The frequent repet.i.tion of magnesia, instead of cooling an infant, makes him feverish and irritable. The constant administration of castor oil, instead of healing the bowels, wounds them beyond measure. No! it would be a blessed thing if a babe could be brought up without giving ham a particle of opening medicine; his bowels would then act naturally and well: but then, as I have just now remarked, a mother, must be particular in attending to Nature's medicines--to fresh air, to exercise, to diet, to thorough ablution, &c. Until that time comes, poor unfortunate babies must be, occasionally, dosed with an aperient.

97. _What are the causes of, and remedies for, Flatulence_?

Flatulence most frequently occurs in those infants who live on _artificial_ food, especially if they be over-fed. I therefore beg to refer you to the precautions I have given, when speaking of the importance of keeping a child for the first five or six months _entirely_ to the breast; and, if that be not practicable, of the times of feeding, and of the _best_ kinds of artificial food, and of those which are least likely to cause "wind."

_What to do._--Notwithstanding these precautions, if the babe should still suffer, "One of the best and safest remedies for flatulence is Sal volatile,--a tea-spoonful of a solution of one drachm to an ounce and a half of water" [Footnote: Sir Charles Loc.o.c.k, in a _Letter_ to the Author Since Sir Charles did me the honour of sending me, for publication, the above prescription for flatulence, a new "British Pharmacopoeia" has been published in which the sal volatile is much increased in strength it is therefore necessary to lessen the sal volatile in the above prescription one half--that is to say, a tea spoonful of the solution of _half_ a drachm to an ounce and a half of water.] Or, a little dill or aniseed may be added to the food--half a tea-spoonful of dill water Or, take twelve drops of oil of dill, and two lumps of sugar, rub them well in a mortar together, then add, drop by drop, three table-spoonfuls of spring water, let it be preserved in a bottle for use. A tea-spoonful of this, first shaking the vial, may be added to each quant.i.ty of food. Or, three tea-spoonfuls of bruised caraway-seeds may be boiled for ten minutes in a tea-cupful of water, and then strained. One or two tea-spoonfuls of the caraway tea may be added to each quant.i.ty of his food, or a dose of rhubarb and magnesia may occasionally be given.

Opodeldoc, or warm olive oil, well rubbed, for a quarter of an hour at a time, by means of the warm hand, over the bowels, will frequently give relief. Turning the child over on his bowels, so that they may press on the nurses' lap, will often afford great comfort. A warm bath (where he is suffering severely) generally gives _immediate_ ease in flatulence, it acts as a fomentation to the bowels. But after all, a dose of mild aperient medicine, when the babe is suffering severely, is often the best remedy for "wind."

Remember, at all times, prevention, whenever it be--and how frequently it is--possible, is better than cure.

_What NOT to do_--"G.o.dfrey's Cordial," "Infants' Preservative," and "Dalby's Carminative," are sometimes given in flatulence, but as most of these quack medicines contain, in one form or another, either opium or poppy, and as opium and poppy are both dangerous remedies for children, ALL quack medicines must be banished the nursery.

Syrup of poppies is another remedy which is often given by a nurse to afford relief for flatulence; but let me urge upon you the importance for banishing it from the nursery. It has (when given by unprofessional persons) caused the untimely end of thousands of children. The medical journals and the newspapers teem with cases of deaths from mothers incautiously giving syrup of poppies to ease pain and to procure sleep.

98. _What are the symptoms, the causes, and the treatment of "Gripings" of an infant_?

_The symptoms._--The child draws up his legs; screams violently; if put to the nipple to comfort him, he turns away from it and cries bitterly; he strains, as though he were having a stool; if he have a motion, it will be slimy, curdled, and perhaps green. If, in addition to the above symptoms, he pa.s.s a large quant.i.ty of watery fluid from his bowels, the case becomes one of _watery gripes_, and requires the immediate attention of a doctor.

The _causes_ of "gripings" or "gripes" may proceed either from the infant or from the mother. If from the child, it is generally owing either to improper food or to over-feeding; if from the mother, it may be traced to her having taken either greens, or port, or tart beer, or sour porter, or pickles, or drastic purgatives.

_What to do._--The _treatment_, of course, must depend upon the cause. If it arise from over-feeding, I would advise a dose of castor oil to be given, and warm fomentations to be applied to the bowels, and the mother, or the nurse, to be more careful for the future. If it proceed from improper food, a dose or two of magnesia and rhubarb in a little dill water, made palatable with simple syrup. [Footnote:

Take of--Powdered Turkey Rhubarb, half a scruple; Carbonate of Magnesia, one scruple; Simple Syrup, three drachms; Dill Water, eight drachms;

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Advice to a Mother on the Management of Her Children Part 7 summary

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