
A Select Collection of Old English Plays Volume Ii Part 4

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We shall see how they can please; Sit down, sir, and take your ease; Methink these same were full meet To go about your fair feet.


By my truth, I you tell They would become him very well; Therefore hie that they were on, Unto the tavern that we were gone.


That shall ye see anon, How soon they shall be on; And after we will not tarry long, But go hence with a merry song.


Let us begin all at once.


Now have at thee, by c.o.c.k's bones, And soon let us go!

[_Exeunt Pride, Youth, Riot, and Lechery_.]


Lo, masters, here you may see beforne, That the weed overgroweth the corn: Now may ye see all in this tide, How vice is taken, and virtue set aside.

Yonder ye may see youth is unstable, But evermore changeable; And the nature of men is frail, That he wotteth not what may avail Virtue for to make.

O good Lord, it is a pitiful case, Sith G.o.d hath lent man wit and grace To choose of good and evil, That man should voluntarily To such things himself apply, That his soul should spill.


Christ that was crucified, and crowned with thorn, And of a virgin for man was born, Some knowledge send to me Of my brother Charity.


Dear brother Humility, Ye be welcome unto me; Where have ye be so long?


I shall do you to understand, That I have said mine evensong; But, sir, I pray you tell me now, How this case happened to you?


I shall tell you anon; The fellows that I told you on, Have me thus arrayed.


Sir, I shall undo the bands From your feet and your hands.

Sir, I pray you tell me anon Whither they be gone, And when they come again.


Sir, to the tavern they be gone, And they will come again anon, And that shall you see.


Then will we them exhort Unto virtue to resort, And to forsake sin.


I will help you that I can To convert that wicked man.


Aback! gallants, and look unto me, And take me for your special, For I am promoted to high degree, By right I am king eternal; Neither duke ne lord, baron ne knight, That may be likened unto me, They be subdued to me by right, As servants to their masters should be.


Ye be welcome to this place here; We think ye labour all in vain; Wherefore your brains we will stir, And keel[16] you a little again.


Sayest thou my brains thou wilt stir, I shall lay thee on the ear, Were thou born in Trumpington,[17]

And brought up at Hogsnorton?[18]

By my faith it seemeth so; Well, go, knave, go!


Do by our counsel and our reed, And ask mercy for thy misdeed; And endeavour thee, for G.o.d's sake, For thy sins amends to make Ere ever that thou die.


Hark, Youth, for G.o.d avow, He would have thee a saint now; But, Youth, I shall you tell A young saint an old devil; Therefore I hold thee a fool, And thou follow his school.


I warrant thee I will not do so; I will be ruled by you two.


Then shall ye do well, If ye be ruled by our counsel; We will bring you to high degree, And promote you to dignity.


Sir, it is a pitiful case, That ye would forsake grace, And to vice apply.


Why, knave, doth it grieve thee!

Thou shalt not answer for me.

When my soul hangeth on the hedge once, Then take thou, and cast stones, As fast as thou wilt!


Sir, if it please you to do thus, Forsake them and do after us, The better shall you do.


Sir, he shall do well enou', Though he be ruled by neither of you; Therefore crake no longer here, Lest you have on the ear, And that a good knock.


Lightly see thou avoid the place, Or I shall give thee on the face.

Youth, I trow that he would Make you holy, ere ye be old; And, I swear by the rood, It is time enough to be good, When that ye be old.


Sir, by my truth, I thee say I will make merry, whiles I may, I cannot tell you how long.


Yea, sir, so mot I thrive, Thou art not certain of thy life; Therefore thou wert a stark fool To leave mirth and follow their school.


Sir, I shall him exhort Unto us to resort, And you to forsake.


Ask him if he will do so, To forsake us and follow you two; Nay, I warrant you, nay!

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