
A Select Collection of Old English Plays Volume I Part 16

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Why, ye said, if I had need, Ye would me never forsake, quick ne dead, Though it were to h.e.l.l truly.


So I said certainly; But such pleasures be set aside, the sooth to say, And also if ye took such a journey, When should we come again?


Nay, never again till the day of doom.


In faith, then will not I come there: Who hath you these tidings brought?


Indeed, Death was with me here.


Now, by G.o.d that all hath bought, If Death were the messenger, For no man that is living to-day I will not go that loath journey, Not for the father that begat me.


Ye promised otherwise, pardy.


I wot well I said so truly, And yet if thou wilt eat and drink, and make good cheer, Or haunt to women the l.u.s.ty company, I would not forsake you, while the day is clear, Trust me verily.


Yea, thereto ye would be ready; To go to mirth, solace and play, Your mind will sooner apply Than to bear me company in my long journey.


Now, in good faith, I will not that way; But, and thou will murder, or any man kill, In that I will help thee with a good will.


Oh, that is a simple advice indeed: Gentle fellows[hip,] help me in my necessity; We have loved long, and now I need, And now, gentle Fellowship, remember me.


Whether ye have loved me or no, By Saint John, I will not with thee go.


Yet, I pray thee, take the labour, and do so much for me, To bring me forward, for Saint Charity, And comfort me, till I come without the town.


Nay, and thou would give me a new gown, I will not a foot with thee go; But, and thou had tarried, I would not have left thee so: And as now G.o.d speed thee in thy journey!

For from thee I will depart, as fast as I may.


Whither away, Fellowship? will you forsake me?


Yea, by my fay; to G.o.d I betake thee.


Farewell, good Fellowship; for this my heart is sore: Adieu for ever, I shall see thee no more.


In faith, Everyman, farewell now at the end; For you I will remember that parting is mourning.


Alack! shall we thus depart in deed, O Lady, help, without any more comfort, Lo,[82] Fellowship forsaketh me in my most need: For help in this world whither shall I resort?

Fellowship here before with me would merry make; And now little sorrow for me doth he take.

It is said, in prosperity men friends may find, Which in adversity be full unkind.

Now whither for succour shall I flee, Sith that Fellowship hath forsaken me?

To my kinsmen I will truly, Praying them to help me in my necessity; I believe that they will do so; For kind will creep, where it may not go.[83]

I will go say; for yonder I see them go: Where be ye now, my friends and kinsmen [lo?]

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