
A Select Collection of Old English Plays Volume Xiv Part 123

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[112] [Query, a page who walks behind a lady in the street.

Compare Halliwell in _v._]

[113] [Sheldrake, or shieldrake.]

[114] [A play on the similarity of sound between _meddler_ and _medlar_.]

[115] [Tobacco. Old copy, _mundungo's_.]

[116] [Old copy, _her_.]

[117] [Old copy, _him_.]

[118] [Old copy, _Ciens_.]

[119] [Old copy, _with_.]

[120] [Old copy, _century_.]

[121] [An equivoque may be intended.]

[122] [Old copy, _Apozems_. Perhaps the boy means _pozzets_.]

[123] [Old copy, _masquerellas_.]

[124] [Capricious, fanciful.]

[125] [Old copy, _breath'd_.]

[126] [Old copy, _not my sad fate t' observe_.]

[127] [Old copy, _Gothsemay_.]

[128] [Moustachoes.]

[129] [Loose, scattered.]

[130] [Sporter, if indeed it is not to be taken in an obscene sense, as suggested by one of the interpretations in Nares.]

[131] [See Hazlitt's "Proverbs," 1869, p. 301.]

[132] [Trifling.]

[133] [Of course a play on the similarity between _folio_ and _foolio_.]

[134] [Old copy, _small to_.]

[135] [Old copy, _all that was all_.]

[136] [See Nares, arts, _lave-eared_, and _loave-ears_.]

[137] [Old copy, _hair_. See Hazlitt's "Proverbs," p. 392.]

[138] [Literally, to lie on the ground, like game; but it is here used in the sense _to lie_.]

[139] [This pa.s.sage seems to corroborate the explanation already given of this word.]

[140] [Old copy, _Nor_.]

[141] [Old copy, _that endeared_.]

[142] [Leopard.]

[143] [More usually spelt _carricks_.]

[144] [Successful.]

[145] [The two Citizens appear to retire only, while the events occupying the two next scenes take place, after which they come forward again.]

[146] [Attempt, enterprise.]

[147] [A not unusual form of Algiers.]

[148] [_i.e._, Is that thy cue.]

[149] [Old copy, _land prisado_. See Dyce's Middleton, iii. 532.]

[150] [Old copy, _Elose_.]

[151] [Old copy, _out a_.]

[152] [This song is not noticed in Mr Halliwell's "Early Naval Ballads," 1841.]

[153] [Staunch.]

[154] [In 1641 appeared a tract ent.i.tled "The Brothers of the Blade answerable to the Sisters of the Scabbard," &c., but the phrase was, no doubt, older.]

[155] [Old copy, _yet_.]

[156] [An allusion to the well-known practice of chalking up scores at taverns. See Hazlitt's "Proverbs," 1869, p. 386.]

[157] [Housewife. Perhaps it had already, however, become in vogue in a contemptuous sense.]

[158] [An obvious imitation of Shakespeare's Dogberry.]

[159] [The island of Bermuda was formerly supposed to be enchanted, and was sometimes called by the sailors the Isle of Devils. This is a curious pa.s.sage: the writer had perhaps in his recollection the speech of Ariel in the "Tempest," act i. sc. 2.

The old copy has _Barmondes_. See Hunter's "New Ill.u.s.trations of Shakespeare," i. 149.]

[160] [Without weapons.]

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A Select Collection of Old English Plays Volume Xiv Part 123 summary

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