
A History of Giggleswick School Part 14

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[_English Schools at the Reformation_, p. 295, from Rec. Off. Chantry Certificate, 70.]

Deanery of Craven.

17. The Chaunterie of the Roode in the same parish churche of Gygleswyke.

Thomas Husteler, Inc.u.mbent.

Of the foundacion of James Skarr', priest, To th'entente to pray for the sowle of the Founder and all Cristen sowles and to synge ma.s.se every Friday of the name of Jhesu, and of the Saterday of Our Lady; And further that the said inc.u.mbent shulde be sufficientlie sene in playnsonge and gramer, and to helpe dyvyne service in the same Churche.

The same is in the saide churche, and used according to the foundacion.

Ther is no landes aliened sithens the statute.

Goodes, ornamentes and plate pertenynge to the same, as apperith by the inventory, viz. goods valued at 19_s._ 2_d._ and plate 42_s._

Goods, 19_s._ 2_d._

Plate, 42_s._

First, one messuage with th'appurtenaunces in Oterbourne, in the tenure of Cuthberte Carre 24_s._

Christopher Tompson 2_s._

John Smyth, one cotage 2_s._

Henry Atkinson, one mesuage with th'appurtenaunces ther 18_s._

the wyff of Thomas Atkinson, one mesuage and one oxgange of lande 10_s._

Thomas Atkinson, one messuage with th' appurtenaunces 15_s._

Christopher Tompson, one cotage 5_s._

Richard Tompson, " 5_s._

Henry Swier, j mesuage with th'appurtenaunces 15_s._

Richard Patenson, one " " " 15_s._

William Harroo, " in [_blank in MS_] 10_s._

In all 6 12_d._

Sum of the rental 6 12_d._


Paiable to the Kinges Maiestie yerlie for the tenthes 6_s._ 8_d._

And to John Smyth yerlie for his annuytie durynge his lyffe 6_s._

Sum of the allowance 14_s._ 8_d._

And so remaynyth 106_s._ 4_d._



[_English Schools at the Reformation_, p. 302, from Rec. Off. Chantry Certificate, 64.]

West rydyng of the countye of Yorke.

50. Gyggleswike Parryshe.

The Chauntry of Our Lady in the Parysche churche ther.

In the parysh of Gyggleswike is one prist found to serve the cure besyde the vicar; the number of houslyng people is xijc, and the seyd parysh is wyde.

The Chauntry of the Rode in the seyde Paryshe Churche.

Rychard Carr, inc.u.mbent, x.x.xijti yeres of age, well learned and teacheth a grammer schole there, lycensed to preache, hath none other lyving then the proffitts of the seyd chauntrie.

Goods, ornaments and plate belonging to the seyd Chauntrie as apperith, 6_s._ 8_d._ Plate, _nil_.

The yerely value of the freehold land belonging to the seid Chauntrie as particularly apperith by the Rentall, 6 12_d._; Coppiehold, _nil_.


Resolutes and deduccions by yere, 6_s._

And so remayneth clere to the Kinges Majestie, 115_s._

A some of money geven for the meytenaunce of schole Mr there.

The sayd[A] John Malholme and one Thomas Husteler, disseased, dyd gyve and bequeth by theyre last will and testament, as apperith by the seyd certificat, the some of 24 13_s._ 4_d._ towards the meyntenance of a scholemaister there for certen yeres, whereupon one Thomas Iveson, preist, was procured to be Scholemaister there, which hath kept a Scole theis three yeres last past, and hath receyved every yere for his stypend after the rate of 4, which is in the holle, 12.

And so remayneth, 12 13_s._ 4_d._


[A] 'Sayd' because the last entry was that the same person, described as 'preist disseased,' i.e. deceased, had given 33 6_s._ 8_d._ for a priest, who received yearly 4 3_s._ 4_d._

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