
A History of Giggleswick School Part 11

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[Ill.u.s.tration: CHEMISTRY LABORATORY.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: THE MUSEUM.]

The numbers continued to increase rapidly, and in 1884 the Charity Commissioners agreed to the proposal of the Governors to extend the Cla.s.s-rooms. Those already standing had been built in such a way that it was an easy undertaking to add to them. The road up High Rigg alone stood in their way, but permission was obtained to divert it and make a better road further South. On the ground-floor two new Cla.s.s-rooms were built and connected by a corridor on the West side, while above it Big School, eighty feet long by thirty feet broad, absorbed one of the former Cla.s.s-rooms, and supplied what had previously been a great defect in the arrangements of the School. It was capable of holding between three and four hundred people, and was thus of the utmost use on Speech Days and other great occasions, besides providing a fit place for a.s.sembling the whole School for Prayers and Concerts. At the southern end of the building a transverse addition was built, of which the lower half was to serve as a Library, and above were two Cla.s.s-rooms opening into the Big School. Thus in addition to the Science Block, the School Buildings now consisted of Big School and nine large Cla.s.s-rooms, each of which was capable of holding from twenty to twenty-five boys. Another long-felt need was also supplied. A large Covered Playground was erected on the West side of the Cla.s.s-rooms. It was one hundred and five feet long and fifty feet broad, with a height of forty feet; its floor was paved with wood, and its walls were cemented. There a large proportion of the School could amuse themselves on days when the inclemency of the weather made out-door pursuits difficult. The cost of these buildings was defrayed out of the Trust Funds, but at the same time a Gymnasium and Changing Room were added by money provided by the subscriptions of Old Boys and other friends of the School, and in particular of Mr. John Birkbeck, one of the Governors. The cost of this part alone amounted to over 1,300.

The twenty years from 1866 to 1886 saw the whole character of the School transformed. A complete set of new buildings had been erected with boarding accommodation for one hundred and fifty boys, and Cla.s.s-rooms for two hundred and forty, all within one central s.p.a.ce. Over twenty thousand pounds had been expended, and yet it had been found possible to meet these many claims without unduly depleting the total revenue arising from the Estates in the possession of the Governors in the East-Riding. The rental in 1894 was over 700, and shewed a decrease of a little less than 500 a year. That such a sudden and swift development should have been possible reflects the greater credit on the foresight of Sir James Kay Shuttleworth and his fellow Governors and on the energy and enthusiasm of the Headmaster.

[Ill.u.s.tration: BIG SCHOOL.]

No branch of the School life failed to grow during these eventful years; in work and in play success was pre-eminent. Dr. Marshall Watts was possessed of new buildings and up-to-date apparatus, and he did not fail to use them to the full. Mr. Style himself superintended the Mathematical work of the School, and both Mathematics and Science turned many a Giggleswick boy towards paths which brought honour and distinction to himself and his School. Between the years 1880 and 1891 five Scholarships were won for Mathematics, and nine first-cla.s.s Mathematical Honours. In Natural Science thirteen boys won Scholarships at Oxford or Cambridge, and eleven took first cla.s.ses. One Cla.s.sical Scholarship was gained, the Junior Mathematical Scholarship at Oxford and one Mathematical Fellowship at Cambridge. Two boys pa.s.sed into the Indian Civil Service direct from the School. Many others won Second-cla.s.s Honours or Exhibitions or Scholarships at other places and several were placed extremely high in the Honours List of the London University Matriculation. These successes speak for themselves, and cover only a period of eleven years. The last decade of the century was almost as fruitful.

At this point it will be as well to picture more definitely in the mind the characteristics of the School. A contributor to the _Giggleswick Chronicle_, in June, 1893, has described the conditions as he found them on his admission in 1871. The Dining-room stood where the Senior Reading-room now is, but it extended further back, including what is now a pa.s.sage and the Servants' Hall. The eight Studies at the end of the lower pa.s.sage formed a single large room for evening preparation and for prayers. Gas was not used, but oil-lamps were in every study and the school-room in the Hostel was lighted by candles fitted into tall metal candlesticks heavily weighted. The Old School was the chief place for work and the practice was continued of having the Junior School, which corresponded to the more ancient Lower School, upstairs and the Upper School consisting of three cla.s.ses worked on the ground floor. The Cla.s.s-room and Library were soon called into use and as the numbers rapidly increased two large rooms at the South end of the Hostel which had been recently built were also used. Science Cla.s.ses were held in Craven Bank.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIVES COURTS.]

In 1877 the death of Sir James Kay Shuttleworth robbed Giggleswick of a firm friend. His position as Chairman of the Governors had enabled him largely to mould the destinies of the School during its very difficult and important period of transition. He had been the most strenuous supporter of all who had the true interests of the School at heart, and he had fought amongst the foremost in the struggle for a new Scheme. Sir James Shuttleworth came to Giggleswick free from local prejudice and trained in educational work and the success that attended the School from 1872 onwards is largely due to the broad-minded sagacity that he displayed.

Lord Frederick Cavendish succeeded him as Chairman and for five years gave Giggleswick of his best. He was followed by his brother Lord Edward Cavendish, who held the office for nearly nine years till his death in 1891. In that year Mr. Hector Christie entered upon his long term as Chairman. Ever since the Scheme of 1864 the Governing Body had been an exceedingly strong one. In addition to those already mentioned there were at different times Mr. Morrison, Mr. C. S. Roundell, Rev. H. I.

Swale, and Mr. John Birkbeck, junior. All these men took a great individual interest in the School and as a body they were generous and progressive.

From time immemorial the School had attended Giggleswick Parish Church for services on Sunday, and during this period two pews, one for the Headmaster and one for the Second Master, were set apart immediately on the North and South sides of the Communion Table. Boarders sat in their respective Master's pew or overflowed into other seats in the Church.

But with increasing numbers it became difficult to provide seats for the School without interfering unduly with the convenience of the general congregation. Accordingly at the beginning of the year 1875 the School was allowed to have the use of the Church on Sundays for a special service at 9-0 a.m., but they still attended the ordinary afternoon service at 3-0. This system continued for five years until in 1880 the Governors laid on gas in the Church and put in suitable fittings. The School was then enabled to have a second special service at 7-0 p.m. A few years later the Rev. W. H. Coulthurst, the Vicar, consented to a plan for the restoration of the Church, and it was only fitting that the School should take a special interest in the work. The Headmaster issued an appeal for financial help to the Old Boys and to the School; 120 was collected for the General Fund, special contributions were made to the new organ, and the Headmaster and Boys, Past and Present, gave the Church a clock with S. Mary's chimes. This clock replaced an old one, which was put in the School Museum. Its works were made partly of wood and it required daily winding by hand, a process which occupied a considerable time. The School services during the progress of the restoration were held in Big School, while the Old School had been given over to the Vicar for the holding of the Parish services. The Church was re-opened on May 11, 1892, by the Bishop of Richmond, and on the following Sunday the sermon at the first School service was preached by the Rev. Delaval Ingram, a son of the former Vicar and a grandson of the Rev. Rowland Ingram, the former Master of the School.


During Mr. Style's Headmastership Athletics also became a permanent part of the School life. The Cricket-field had been purchased in 1869, and had been used for both Cricket and Football. Unfortunately it was a fair-weather ground. Its foundations rested on peat, and continuous play all the year round did not improve it. The first matches that were played took place in the early seventies, when the Hostel had as yet only fourteen boys, but in spite of their small numbers a match was arranged between them and the rest of the School. Later on other School fixtures were mapped out, and the great days of the year were when Sedbergh, and, for a time, Lancaster School were the opponents. Between the years 1871 and 1895 forty-six Cricket Matches were played against Sedbergh, of which nine were drawn and seventeen won. Similarly during the period 1880-1895 twenty-four Football Matches took place, and Giggleswick won ten. The two Schools were equally matched, and the football of both reached a high standard. The Swimming Bath had been built in 1877, and was roofed in for use in winter. The Fives Courts were well attended, and Golf was begun on the playing fields at a later time. In 1893 a new Football Field was bought and an adjoining one rented. This was a material help to the School Athletics, for it was one of the few level fields in the district that was not in the winter almost permanently a marsh.

[Ill.u.s.tration: THE SCHOOL BUILDINGS.]

One of the most distinguishing features of the School was Music. The first resident Master was Mr. Charles Frederick Hyde, who came to the School in 1886, and for nearly seven years organized the music. With the help of Mr. L. Watkins all branches of the subject were developed, and, unlike the custom of most other Schools, music teaching was not cramped or regarded merely as an unfortunate necessity, but was given considerable opportunity. When Mr. Hyde died in 1893, his friends combined together, and, collecting 560, presented to the School Trustees a fine Organ, which was placed in Big School. This was a striking testimony to the appreciation that he had inspired after just seven years' work. Three men have up till the present succeeded to Mr.

Hyde's place, and musical enthusiasm has been maintained at a very high pitch.

The School Library had been begun under Dr. b.u.t.terton in a room especially built for the purpose. But as the centre of the School life gradually changed and new Cla.s.s-Rooms were built near the Hostel, the Library was transferred to its present position. For a time each boy paid a small terminal subscription to maintain it with a supply of books. Reading in the Library was never compulsory, but a number of boys would go there on wet afternoons or at other free times, and it proved itself very valuable. Among the Books in the School's possession there is a copy of the "Breeches" Bible; A Paraphrase and Note on the Epistles of St. Paul, by John Locke, the Second Edition, published in 1709; An Edition of c.o.c.ker's Arithmetic, and several of the first collected Editions of Charles d.i.c.kens.

The establishment of the Preparatory School had led Mr. Style to consider the question of providing a house for the boarding of younger boys, who should in time come up to the Hostel. Bankwell seemed a suitable building and was taken on a lease in 1887. Mr. G. B. Mannock was placed in charge. There was an excellent garden attached and the house had rooms for twenty boarders, while an adjoining field was rented for games. Thus the boys living there were able to keep almost entirely apart from the older boys in the School, except in school-time.

Two years later Holly Bank was also taken for the same purpose.

The Junior School had for a period of nearly forty years been in the charge of Mr. Arthur Brewin, who had succeeded John Langhorne as Writing Master in 1859. He had seen the complete development of the School and had watched each of the many schemes of management mature. His own department had been completely revolutionized. Formerly it had been a Writing School, in which generally he had been accustomed to give an elementary education, that in some cases was to be the only book learning that the boys were ever to get; but he eventually found himself teaching boys whose average age was under twelve and scarcely one of whom left the School before going into the higher cla.s.ses. In July, 1897, he retired.

In November, 1896, what might have proved an irreparable disaster came upon the Laboratory. During the early hours of the morning a fire was discovered in the Chemistry Room and it spread to the rest of the building. Most fortunately the Cla.s.s-rooms and Hostel, which were both separate from the Laboratory, were not injured and the fire was quenched by 6-0 a.m. The misfortune seemed only to inspire the Headmaster and Dr. Watts to draw up plans for replacing what was already an excellent Laboratory with a still better one. In the following term both the Chemistry and Lecture Rooms were almost re-built and in 1899 a more extensive scheme was carried out by which two new Cla.s.s-rooms, a Physical Laboratory and a Science Library were designed together with some smaller rooms, and the building fitly completed the appearance of the School.

An Educational Exhibition was held at the Imperial Inst.i.tute, London, in 1900, and many of the Schools of England exhibited their ancient doc.u.ments and summarized their schemes of work. Giggleswick was allotted a certain s.p.a.ce and sent up a survey of its past history and a detailed statement of its curriculum. In the Sixth Form, the thirty-two teaching periods a week were divided thus: Latin was allotted six, Mathematics eight, English and Divinity one each, Modern Languages eight, and Natural Science eight. Boys who wished to take Greek omitted German. In addition preparation for the next day's work was done each evening and on Sat.u.r.day nights an essay or theme was set. Drawing formed part of the regular work of the School below the first three Forms. Singing was taught to all the younger boys and a School Choir had been formed consisting of boys and masters. Nearly half the School learned instrumental music, chiefly the Piano, and there were one or two School Concerts given every year and in addition concerts of cla.s.sical music were held every fortnight.

The School Museum occupied the place of the Library in the Old School, and in it were some particularly interesting specimens. The Victoria Cave which had been discovered in 1837, was carefully explored by Mr.

Tiddeman and other experts, and after five years' work the results were presented in 1878 to the School Museum. In 1893 Mr. J. Walling Handby sent a Collection of Forty-one Skins of New Zealand Birds, and Mr.

Clapham, of Austwick, gave a valuable Collection of British Birds. In addition there were Collections of Minerals (notably the Keate Collection), Fossils, Eggs, and South Sea Sh.e.l.ls. The Museum was open at certain times to the public. School Societies flourished. The Photographic Society was inst.i.tuted in 1876, the Debating Society in 1877, and a Literary Society in 1879.

Cricket, Football, Golf, Fives, Swimming, and Athletic Sports, all found their place in the School year. The School Colours--Red and Black--were worn by most of the School, but, as is common, distinctive colours were a.s.signed to members of the first two elevens in Cricket, and the two fifteens in Football. Inter-School and Dormitory Matches were also played.

[Ill.u.s.tration: BANKWELL.]

In September, 1897, an Old Boys' Club was formed under the presidency of the Headmaster in order to maintain a closer union between past and present members of the School, and to organize Meetings and Athletics.

The Scheme met with considerable support, and from time to time meetings and dinners have been held.

For the most part of the last twenty years of the century the numbers of the School had been too great for the Hostel to include them all. In 1894 there were two hundred and eight boys in the School, of whom only twenty to twenty-five were Day Boys. Craven Bank had consequently been used as another Dormitory. Bankwell, and for a time Hollybank, were filled with some of the younger boys. The great difficulty under which the School laboured was the frequent change of Masters, especially of those who took the higher forms. It was therefore suggested that the House System as opposed to the Dormitory System should be given a trial.

Hollybank was no longer needed in 1900 to take the overplus from Bankwell, and a Master was put in charge of it, in the hope that older boys would come. The attractions were twofold. In the first place it was intended to give the Master in charge of it an opportunity of marrying and the expectation of a sufficient income to make him content to continue at Giggleswick. In the second place it was hoped that the fact of a man being married would tend to induce parents to send their boys more readily. Unfortunately the scheme was not wholly successful, and was soon abandoned.

Every boy in the School attended the Gymnasium, which since its opening in 1887 had been under the superintendence of Sergeant-Major Cansdale.

Many boys also learned carpentry in the Joiners' Shop, which had been fitted with benches and lathes, and other necessary materials in the upper room of the Old School.

This brief summary of the School life was depicted at the Educational Exhibition and it was a worthy record for a small School. It will be seen that the main characteristic of the School was that it was amongst the first to adapt itself to modern needs. It is probably no exaggeration to say that at that period no school in England could approach Giggleswick in the practical teaching of Science; to this was due a great measure of its success. In every branch of school life excellence was attained, an unusual number of Scholarships were won and the Football Fifteen for two successive seasons in 1894 and 1895 never had a single point scored against them in any School Match.

Throughout the history of the School there have been very few signs of literary exuberance. Only one School song has been written, called "Now Reds" by Mr. J. R. Cornah for the _Giggleswick Chronicle_, April, 1898.

The _Giggleswick Chronicle_ was begun in 1880 but it was edited by Masters and was intended rather to place on record the terminal life of the School than aspire to literary eminence. As such it has achieved its purpose and is a valuable and interesting record. But apart from official matter boys have shewn themselves very loth to summon forth their energies and write. With one exception no paper, written by boys alone, has been published since the _Olio_ caused Sir Walter Scott to smile.

The Boer War claimed a certain number of Old Boys, some of whom did extremely well. Captain H. H. Schofield distinguished himself at the Battle of Colenso, and helped to rescue two guns, for which he gained the Victoria Cross, while Lieutenant S. A. Slater was largely responsible for a clever and daring capture of Bultfontein. Altogether at least nineteen boys went out.


The Chapel.

House of Commons Library, March 1, 1897.

Dear Style,

I have an idea in my head of offering to build the School a Chapel with a Dome as an architectural experiment, employing Jackson, the famous Oxford Architect. One would call it the Diamond Jubilee Memorial. Site the knoll in the Cricket Field.

We have very few domes in England and it might give a hint to others.

But I should like to hear any suggestions of yours. A Domed Building on the site should look well. It would need much thinking out as we do not understand Domes. The Round Church at Cambridge gives some hints.

Yours truly, W. MORRISON.

Rev. G. Style.

This letter was received by the Headmaster on March 2. The effect of such news coming without any previous warning can be imagined. The difficulty of commemorating the Diamond Jubilee year had seemed overwhelming and this unexpected offer from Mr. Walter Morrison dissipated the troubles in a moment. In the second place a School Chapel had alone been wanting to complete the seclusion and privacy of the School, and hitherto the prospect of such a building had seemed unattainable. It was now offered as a gift.

[Ill.u.s.tration: WALTER MORRISON J.P.]

Mr. Morrison had recently returned from travelling in the East and had been greatly impressed by one particular feature of Eastern Architecture. The dome is almost universal in Palestine, and Mr.

Morrison desired that an architectural experiment should be made in England. He wished to see the School Chapel built in the Gothic Style but with a dome. Mr. T. G. Jackson, R.A., was approached upon the subject and remembering that his former Master, Sir Gilbert Scott, had always hoped to undertake such a work, he gladly made his plans.

The aim of all the best Architecture is to construct a building of such a kind that it will withstand the ruin of the ages and will prove an opportunity for doing well whatever it is built for. The purpose of a house is that a man should be able to live in it. The essence of a church is that it should provide a place of worship. It is easy enough to construct a four-square building with accommodation for a required number of people but brick walls are not sufficient. Utility does not consist only in adequate s.p.a.ce; it has many other features, closely inwoven with it. Fitness is the keynote of beauty. Taken by themselves there is little beauty to be seen in two parallel straight iron lines running through the country-side, but conceive of them as railway lines, adequately and without any unnecessary waste of material performing the office for which they were made, and few sights can be more charged with the very essence of beauty. The purpose that underlies the construction and the complete fulfilment of that purpose is beauty.

But a Church cannot be content only with a building sufficiently well-built to hold its worshippers and sufficiently in tone with its surroundings to express the unity of art and nature. It has a further form of expression that it must satisfy. It is a religious building, and as such its characteristics and its form must exemplify religious tendencies and thought. A barn can be supremely beautiful, but it does not radiate the atmosphere of worship. A Church must be characterized by certain great and instinctive elements of grandeur, it must breathe the spirit of reverence, it must, as Ruskin says, "speak well and say the things it was intended to say in the best words." Giggleswick School Chapel may justly be said to fulfil all these conditions. It is in harmony with its surroundings, and it is a structure of great architectural beauty, that is to say, it expresses its purpose in the best way.

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A History of Giggleswick School Part 11 summary

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