
A Dash from Diamond City Part 13

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"We must all run risks, sir," said West gravely.

"And I beg your pardon: our time is up for seeing the Commandant," said Ingleborough, referring to his watch.

"Yes, I heard you were to go to him," said the director. "But it sounds very rash. There, go on, and come to me afterwards."

They parted, and a few minutes later the young men were ushered into the Commandant's room.

"Then you have not repented, my lads?" he said, smiling.

"No, sir," replied West, speaking for both; "we are quite ready to go."

"Then I must take you both at your word. But once more I give you both the opportunity to draw back if you like."

"Thank you, sir," replied West; "but if you will trust us we will take the despatch."

"Very well," said the Commandant, turning very stern and business-like.

"Here is the despatch. It is a very small packet, and I leave it to your own ingenuity to dispose of it where it cannot be found if you have the bad luck to be captured. It must be sewn up in your pockets, or fitted into your hats, or hidden in some way or other. I leave it to you, only telling you to destroy it sooner than it should fall into the enemy's hands."

"We'll consult together, sir, and decide what to do," replied West, looking frankly in the officer's eyes; "but--I have heard of such a thing being done, sir--"

"What do you mean?" said the Commandant sternly.

"That to ensure a despatch not falling into the enemy's hands the bearer learned its contents carefully and then burned it."

"Hah! Yes. That would make it safe," cried the officer, with a satisfied look. "But, no, it could not be done in this case. I have no right to open the despatch, and I do not know its contents. You must take it as it is, and in the event of disaster burn or bury it. Destroy it somehow. It must not fall into the enemy's hands. Here."

"I understand, sir," said West, taking the thick letter in its envelope, as it was extended to him; and the Commandant heaved a sigh as if of relief on being freed of a terrible incubus.

"There," he said, "I shall tie you down to no restrictions other than these. That packet must somehow be placed in the hands of the Colonel Commandant at Mafeking. I do not like to name failure, for you are both young, strong, and evidently full of resource; but once more: if you are driven too hard, burn or destroy the packet. Now then, what do you want in the way of arms? You have your rifles, and you had better take revolvers, which you can have with ammunition from the military stores.

Do you want money?"

"No, sir; we shall require no money to signify," said Ingleborough quietly. "But we must have the best horses that can be obtained."

"Those you must provide for yourselves. Take the pick of the place, and the order shall be made for payment. My advice is that you select as good a pair of Basuto ponies as you can obtain. They will be the best for your purpose. There, I have no more to say but 'G.o.d speed you,' for it is a matter of life and death."

He shook hands warmly with both, and, on glancing back as soon as they were outside, they saw the Commandant watching them from the window, whence he waved his hand.

"He thinks we shall never get back again, Noll," said Ingleborough, smiling; "but we'll deceive him. Now then, what next?"

"We must see Mr Allan," replied West.

"Then forward," cried Ingleborough. "We must see old Norton too before we go, or he'll feel huffed. Let's go round by his place."

They found the superintendent in and ready to shake hands with them both warmly.

"Most plucky!" he kept on saying. "Wish I could go with you."

"I wish you could, and with a hundred of your men to back us up," said West laughingly.

"You ought to have a couple of thousand to do any good!" said the superintendent: "but even they would not ensure your delivering your despatch. By rights there ought to be only one of you. That would increase your chance. But it would be lonely work. What can I do for you before you go?"

"Only come and see us off this evening."

"I will," was the reply, "and wish you safe back."

"And, I say," said Ingleborough: "keep your eye on that scoundrel."

"Anson? Oh yes: trust me! I haven't done with that gentleman yet."

Directly after they were on their way to the director's room, and as they neared the door they could hear him pacing impatiently up and down as if suffering from extreme anxiety.

The step ceased as they reached and gave a tap at the door, and Mr Allan opened to them himself.

"Well," he said, "has the Commandant decided to send you?"

"Yes, sir," replied West.

"I'm very sorry, and I'm very glad; for it must be done, and I know no one more likely to get through the Boer lines than you two. Look here, you'll want money. Take these. No questions, no hesitation, my lads; buckle on the belts beneath your waistcoats. Money is the sinews of war, and you are going where you will want sinews and bones, bones and sinews too."

In his eagerness the director helped the young men to buckle on the two cash-belts he had given them.

"There," he said; "that is all I can do for you but wish you good luck.

By the time you come back we shall have sent the Boers to the right-about, unless they have captured Kimberley and seized the diamond-mines. Then, of course, my occupation will be gone. Goodbye.

Not hard-hearted, my boys; but rather disposed to be soft. There, goodbye."

"Now then," said West, "we've no time to spare. What are we going to do about horses?"

"We've the money at our back," replied Ingleborough, "and that will do anything. We are on Government service too, so that if we cannot pay we can pick out what we like and then report to headquarters, when they will be requisitioned."

But the task proved easy enough, for they had not gone far in the direction of the mines when they met another of the directors, who greeted them both warmly.

"I've heard all about it, my lads," he said, "and it's very brave of you both."

"Please don't say that any more, sir," cried West appealingly, "for all we have done yet is talk. If we do get the despatch through there will be some praise earned, but at present we've done nothing."

"And we're both dreadfully modest, sir," said Ingleborough.

"Bah! you're not great girls," cried the director. "But you are not off yet, and you can't walk."

"No, sir," said West; "we are in search of horses--good ones that we can trust to hold out."

"Very well; why don't you go to someone who has been buying up horses for our mounted men?"

"Because we don't know of any such person," said West. "Do you?"

"To be sure I do, my lad, and here he is."

"You, sir?" cried Ingleborough excitedly. "Why, of course; I heard that you were, and forgot in all the bustle and excitement of the coming siege. Then you can let us have two? The Commandant will give an order for the payment."

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A Dash from Diamond City Part 13 summary

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